* style(ui): add dark mode social icon
add dark mode social icon
* style(ui): social landing icon
social landing icon
* fix(ui): dark connector icon cr update
dark connector icon cr update
* fix(ui): cr fix
cr fix
* fix(ui): clear error message when passcode resend
clear error message when passcode resend;
* fix(ui): directly throw account not exist in social bind flow
directly throw account not exsit in social bind flow
* fix(ui): fix toast and loading light border
fix toast and loading light border
* fix(ui): add auto focus to input
add auto focus to input
* style(ui): adjust font & button size
adjust font & button size
* fix(ui): cr fix
cr fix
* fix(ui): fix loading layer z-index
fix loading layer z-index
* refactor(ui): social popup should show expanded conenctors only
social popup should show expanded conenctors only
* style(ui): short web page layout
short webpage layout
* refactor(ui): refactor some social paths
refactor some social paths
* style(ui): social link button redesign
social link button redesign
* refactor(ui): replace location.assign with location.replace
replace location.assign with location.replace
* refactor(ui): remove social sign-in callback
remove social sign-in callback
* refactor(ui): refactor some component structure
refactor some component structure
* refactor(ui): relocate terms of use modal
relocate terms of use modal
* feat(ui): add social dropdown list for desktop
add social dropdown list for desktop
* fix(ui): cr fix
cr fix
* fix(ui): remove useless code
remove useless code
* feat(core): update connector db schema
* feat(core): eliminate code redundancy for UTs
* feat(core): delete insertConnector on conflict logic and fix UTs
* feat(core): fix UI according to new connector type implementation
* feat(core): removed unused getConnectorByTargetAndPlatform methods
* feat(core): deprecate the function that updateConnector by giving target and platform
* feat(core): keep SSOT on combination of connector and corresponding metadata
* feat(core): rename index name in db
* feat(ui): init destop styling foundation
init desktop styling
* fix(ui): cr fix
* style(ui): enable mobile and desktop global class
enable mobile and desktop global class
* fix(ui): use description.or for all non-social methods divider
use description.or for all non-social methods divider
* fix(ui): should not validate format in sign-in form
should not validate format in sign-in form
* refactor(ui): add clear-icon and refine component import path
add clear-icon and refin component import path
* fix(ui): remove passcode input error border
remove passcode input error border
* refactor(ui): hide error border of confirm passcode
hide error border of confirm passcode
* fix(ui): fix i18n key
fix i18n key
* refactor(ui): show clear icon for password in create-account form
show clear icon for password in create-account form
* fix(ui): update passwordless confirm modal confirm button text
update passwordless confirm modal confirm button text
* refactor(ui): divider style update
divider style update
* fix(ui): always show social links expand button
toggle social link
* fix(ui): extract mobile width style
extract mobile width style
* fix(ui): fix create account link
fix create account link
* fix(ui): cr fix