mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 22:22:45 -05:00
refactor(core): rebase and update interaction hooks middleware
rebase and update interaction hooks middleware
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 155 additions and 167 deletions
@ -34,9 +34,7 @@ mockEsm('#src/queries/user.js', () => ({
mockEsm('#src/queries/application.js', () => ({
findApplicationById: () => ({ id: 'app_id', extraField: 'not_ok' }),
mockEsm('#src/connectors/index.js', () => ({
getLogtoConnectorById: () => ({ metadata: { id: 'connector_id', extraField: 'not_ok' } }),
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/consistent-function-scoping
mockEsmDefault('#src/env-set/create-query-client-by-env.js', () => () => queryClient);
jest.spyOn(queryClient, 'query').mockImplementation(queryFunction);
@ -49,7 +47,7 @@ describe('triggerInteractionHooksIfNeeded()', () => {
it('should return if no user ID found', async () => {
await triggerInteractionHooksIfNeeded({ event: Event.SignIn });
await triggerInteractionHooksIfNeeded();
@ -58,11 +56,14 @@ describe('triggerInteractionHooksIfNeeded()', () => {
await triggerInteractionHooksIfNeeded(
{ event: Event.SignIn, identifier: { connectorId: 'bar' } },
// @ts-expect-error for testing
jti: 'some_jti',
result: { login: { accountId: '123' } },
result: {
login: { accountId: '123' },
event: Event.SignIn,
identifier: { connectorId: 'bar' },
params: { client_id: 'some_client' },
} as Interaction
@ -78,7 +79,6 @@ describe('triggerInteractionHooksIfNeeded()', () => {
userId: '123',
user: { id: 'user_id', username: 'user' },
application: { id: 'app_id' },
connectors: [{ id: 'connector_id' }],
createdAt: new Date(100_000).toISOString(),
retry: { limit: 3 },
@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ import { conditional } from '@silverhand/essentials';
import { got } from 'got';
import type { Provider } from 'oidc-provider';
import { getLogtoConnectorById } from '#src/connectors/index.js';
import modelRouters from '#src/model-routers/index.js';
import { findApplicationById } from '#src/queries/application.js';
import { findUserById } from '#src/queries/user.js';
import type { InteractionPayload } from '#src/routes/interaction/types/index.js';
import { getInteractionStorage } from '#src/routes/interaction/utils/interaction.js';
const eventToHook: Record<Event, HookEvent> = {
[Event.Register]: HookEvent.PostRegister,
@ -31,7 +30,6 @@ const pick = <T, Keys extends Array<keyof T>>(
export type Interaction = Awaited<ReturnType<Provider['interactionDetails']>>;
export const triggerInteractionHooksIfNeeded = async (
interactionPayload: InteractionPayload,
details?: Interaction,
userAgent?: string
) => {
@ -43,22 +41,19 @@ export const triggerInteractionHooksIfNeeded = async (
const { event, identifier } = interactionPayload;
const interactionPayload = getInteractionStorage(details.result);
const { event } = interactionPayload;
const hookEvent = eventToHook[event];
const { rows } = await modelRouters.hook.client.readAll();
const [user, application, connector] = await Promise.all([
const [user, application] = await Promise.all([
trySafe(async () =>
conditional(typeof applicationId === 'string' && (await findApplicationById(applicationId)))
trySafe(async () =>
identifier &&
'connectorId' in identifier &&
(await getLogtoConnectorById(identifier.connectorId))
const payload = {
event: hookEvent,
interactionEvent: event,
@ -68,9 +63,6 @@ export const triggerInteractionHooksIfNeeded = async (
user: user && pick(user, ...userInfoSelectFields),
application: application && pick(application, 'id', 'type', 'name', 'description'),
connectors: connector && [
pick(connector.metadata, 'id', 'name', 'description', 'platform', 'target', 'isStandard'),
} satisfies Omit<HookEventPayload, 'hookId'>;
await Promise.all(
@ -45,21 +45,22 @@ await mockEsmWithActual('#src/connectors/index.js', () => ({
await mockEsmWithActual('#src/libraries/sign-in-experience/index.js', () => ({
getSignInExperienceForApplication: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(mockSignInExperience),
const { assignInteractionResults } = await mockEsmWithActual('#src/libraries/session.js', () => ({
assignInteractionResults: jest.fn(),
const {
} = mockEsm('./utils/sign-in-experience-validation.js', () => ({
getSignInExperience: jest.fn(async () => mockSignInExperience),
verifySignInModeSettings: jest.fn(),
verifyIdentifierSettings: jest.fn(),
verifyProfileSettings: jest.fn(),
const { verifySignInModeSettings, verifyIdentifierSettings, verifyProfileSettings } = mockEsm(
() => ({
verifySignInModeSettings: jest.fn(),
verifyIdentifierSettings: jest.fn(),
verifyProfileSettings: jest.fn(),
const submitInteraction = mockEsmDefault('./actions/submit-interaction.js', () => jest.fn());
@ -133,7 +134,6 @@ describe('session -> interactionRoutes', () => {
profile: { phone: '1234567890' },
const response = await sessionRequest.put(path).send(body);
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ describe('session -> interactionRoutes', () => {
const path = `${interactionPrefix}/event`;
it('should call verifySignInModeSettings properly', async () => {
event: Event.SignIn,
const body = {
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ describe('session -> interactionRoutes', () => {
it('should reject if switch sign-in event to forgot-password directly', async () => {
event: Event.SignIn,
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ describe('session -> interactionRoutes', () => {
it('should reject if switch forgot-password to sign-in directly', async () => {
event: Event.ForgotPassword,
@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ describe('session -> interactionRoutes', () => {
it('should not call validateMandatoryUserProfile for forgot password request', async () => {
event: Event.ForgotPassword,
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import type { LogtoErrorCode } from '@logto/phrases';
import { Event, eventGuard, identifierPayloadGuard, profileGuard } from '@logto/schemas';
import { conditional } from '@silverhand/essentials';
import type Router from 'koa-router';
import type { Provider } from 'oidc-provider';
import { z } from 'zod';
@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ import assertThat from '#src/utils/assert-that.js';
import type { AnonymousRouter } from '../types.js';
import submitInteraction from './actions/submit-interaction.js';
import koaInteractionDetails from './middleware/koa-interaction-details.js';
import type { WithInteractionDetailsContext } from './middleware/koa-interaction-details.js';
import koaInteractionHooks from './middleware/koa-interaction-hooks.js';
import koaInteractionSIE from './middleware/koa-interaction-sie.js';
import { sendPasscodePayloadGuard, socialAuthorizationUrlPayloadGuard } from './types/guard.js';
import {
@ -20,7 +24,6 @@ import {
} from './utils/interaction.js';
import { sendPasscodeToIdentifier } from './utils/passcode-validation.js';
import {
@ -36,27 +39,19 @@ import {
export const interactionPrefix = '/interaction';
export const verificationPath = 'verification';
type RouterContext<T> = T extends Router<unknown, infer Context> ? Context : never;
export default function interactionRoutes<T extends AnonymousRouter>(
router: T,
anonymousRouter: T,
provider: Provider
) {
router.use(koaAuditLog(), async (ctx, next) => {
await next();
// Prepend interaction context to log entries
try {
const {
params: { client_id },
} = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res);
sessionId: jti,
applicationId: conditional(typeof client_id === 'string' && client_id),
} catch (error: unknown) {
console.error(`Failed to get oidc provider interaction details`, error);
const router =
// @ts-expect-error for good koa types
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
(anonymousRouter as Router<unknown, WithInteractionDetailsContext<RouterContext<T>>>).use(
// Create a new interaction
@ -68,18 +63,19 @@ export default function interactionRoutes<T extends AnonymousRouter>(
profile: profileGuard.optional(),
async (ctx, next) => {
const { event, identifier, profile } = ctx.guard.body;
const experience = await getSignInExperience(ctx, provider);
const { signInExperience } = ctx;
verifySignInModeSettings(event, experience);
verifySignInModeSettings(event, signInExperience);
if (identifier) {
verifyIdentifierSettings(identifier, experience);
verifyIdentifierSettings(identifier, signInExperience);
if (profile) {
verifyProfileSettings(profile, experience);
verifyProfileSettings(profile, signInExperience);
const verifiedIdentifier = identifier && [
@ -102,7 +98,6 @@ export default function interactionRoutes<T extends AnonymousRouter>(
// Delete Interaction
router.delete(interactionPrefix, async (ctx, next) => {
await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res);
const error: LogtoErrorCode = 'oidc.aborted';
await assignInteractionResults(ctx, provider, { error });
@ -113,11 +108,14 @@ export default function interactionRoutes<T extends AnonymousRouter>(
koaGuard({ body: z.object({ event: eventGuard }) }),
async (ctx, next) => {
const { event } = ctx.guard.body;
verifySignInModeSettings(event, await getSignInExperience(ctx, provider));
const { signInExperience, interactionDetails } = ctx;
const interactionStorage = await getInteractionStorage(ctx, provider);
verifySignInModeSettings(event, signInExperience);
const interactionStorage = getInteractionStorage(interactionDetails.result);
// Forgot Password specific event interaction storage can't be shared with other types of interactions
@ -143,11 +141,13 @@ export default function interactionRoutes<T extends AnonymousRouter>(
body: identifierPayloadGuard,
async (ctx, next) => {
const identifierPayload = ctx.guard.body;
verifyIdentifierSettings(identifierPayload, await getSignInExperience(ctx, provider));
const { signInExperience, interactionDetails } = ctx;
verifyIdentifierSettings(identifierPayload, signInExperience);
const interactionStorage = await getInteractionStorage(ctx, provider);
const interactionStorage = getInteractionStorage(interactionDetails.result);
const verifiedIdentifier = await verifyIdentifierPayload(
@ -172,11 +172,13 @@ export default function interactionRoutes<T extends AnonymousRouter>(
body: profileGuard,
async (ctx, next) => {
const profilePayload = ctx.guard.body;
verifyProfileSettings(profilePayload, await getSignInExperience(ctx, provider));
const { signInExperience, interactionDetails } = ctx;
verifyProfileSettings(profilePayload, signInExperience);
const interactionStorage = await getInteractionStorage(ctx, provider);
const interactionStorage = getInteractionStorage(interactionDetails.result);
await storeInteractionResult(
@ -198,7 +200,8 @@ export default function interactionRoutes<T extends AnonymousRouter>(
// Delete Interaction Profile
router.delete(`${interactionPrefix}/profile`, async (ctx, next) => {
const interactionStorage = await getInteractionStorage(ctx, provider);
const { interactionDetails } = ctx;
const interactionStorage = getInteractionStorage(interactionDetails.result);
const { profile, ...rest } = interactionStorage;
await storeInteractionResult(rest, ctx, provider);
@ -208,23 +211,29 @@ export default function interactionRoutes<T extends AnonymousRouter>(
// Submit Interaction
router.post(`${interactionPrefix}/submit`, async (ctx, next) => {
const interactionStorage = await getInteractionStorage(ctx, provider);
async (ctx, next) => {
const { interactionDetails } = ctx;
const interactionStorage = getInteractionStorage(interactionDetails.result);
const { event } = interactionStorage;
const { event } = interactionStorage;
const accountVerifiedInteraction = await verifyIdentifier(ctx, provider, interactionStorage);
const accountVerifiedInteraction = await verifyIdentifier(ctx, provider, interactionStorage);
const verifiedInteraction = await verifyProfile(accountVerifiedInteraction);
const verifiedInteraction = await verifyProfile(accountVerifiedInteraction);
if (event !== Event.ForgotPassword) {
await validateMandatoryUserProfile(ctx, provider, verifiedInteraction);
if (event !== Event.ForgotPassword) {
await validateMandatoryUserProfile(ctx, verifiedInteraction);
await submitInteraction(verifiedInteraction, ctx, provider);
return next();
await submitInteraction(verifiedInteraction, ctx, provider);
return next();
// Create social authorization url interaction verification
@ -232,7 +241,7 @@ export default function interactionRoutes<T extends AnonymousRouter>(
koaGuard({ body: socialAuthorizationUrlPayloadGuard }),
async (ctx, next) => {
// Check interaction exists
await getInteractionStorage(ctx, provider);
const { body: payload } = ctx.guard;
@ -252,7 +261,7 @@ export default function interactionRoutes<T extends AnonymousRouter>(
async (ctx, next) => {
// Check interaction exists
await getInteractionStorage(ctx, provider);
const { jti } = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res);
await sendPasscodeToIdentifier(ctx.guard.body, jti, ctx.createLog);
@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
import type { MiddlewareType } from 'koa';
import type { Provider } from 'oidc-provider';
export type WithInteractionDetailsContext<ContextT> = ContextT & {
import type { WithLogContext } from '#src/middleware/koa-audit-log.js';
export type WithInteractionDetailsContext<ContextT = WithLogContext> = ContextT & {
interactionDetails: Awaited<ReturnType<Provider['interactionDetails']>>;
export default function koaInteractionDetails<StateT, ContextT, ResponseBodyT>(
export default function koaInteractionDetails<StateT, ContextT>(
provider: Provider
): MiddlewareType<StateT, WithInteractionDetailsContext<ContextT>, ResponseBodyT> {
): MiddlewareType<StateT, WithInteractionDetailsContext<ContextT>> {
return async (ctx, next) => {
ctx.interactionDetails = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res);
@ -3,23 +3,16 @@ import type { IRouterParamContext } from 'koa-router';
import { triggerInteractionHooksIfNeeded } from '#src/libraries/hook.js';
import type { WithInteractionPayloadContext } from './koa-interaction-body-guard.js';
import type { WithInteractionDetailsContext } from './koa-interaction-details.js';
export default function koaInteractionHooks<
ContextT extends WithInteractionPayloadContext<
ContextT extends WithInteractionDetailsContext<IRouterParamContext>,
>(): MiddlewareType<StateT, ContextT, ResponseT> {
return async (ctx, next) => {
await next();
void triggerInteractionHooksIfNeeded(
void triggerInteractionHooksIfNeeded(ctx.interactionDetails, ctx.header['user-agent']);
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import type { ConnectorSession } from '@logto/connector-kit';
import { connectorSessionGuard } from '@logto/connector-kit';
import type { Event, Profile } from '@logto/schemas';
import type { Context } from 'koa';
import type { Provider } from 'oidc-provider';
import type { Provider, InteractionResults } from 'oidc-provider';
import { z } from 'zod';
import RequestError from '#src/errors/RequestError/index.js';
@ -83,10 +83,6 @@ export const isAccountVerifiedInteractionResult = (
interaction: AnonymousInteractionResult
): interaction is AccountVerifiedInteractionResult => Boolean(interaction.accountId);
type Options = {
merge?: boolean;
export const storeInteractionResult = async (
interaction: Omit<AnonymousInteractionResult, 'event'> & { event?: Event },
ctx: Context,
@ -107,12 +103,10 @@ export const storeInteractionResult = async (
export const getInteractionStorage = async (
ctx: Context,
provider: Provider
): Promise<AnonymousInteractionResult> => {
const { result } = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res);
const parseResult = anonymousInteractionResultGuard.safeParse(result);
export const getInteractionStorage = (
interaction?: InteractionResults
): AnonymousInteractionResult => {
const parseResult = anonymousInteractionResultGuard.safeParse(interaction);
@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
import type { SignInExperience, Profile, IdentifierPayload } from '@logto/schemas';
import { SignInMode, SignInIdentifier, Event } from '@logto/schemas';
import type { Context } from 'koa';
import type { Provider } from 'oidc-provider';
import RequestError from '#src/errors/RequestError/index.js';
import { getSignInExperienceForApplication } from '#src/libraries/sign-in-experience/index.js';
import assertThat from '#src/utils/assert-that.js';
const forbiddenEventError = new RequestError({ code: 'auth.forbidden', status: 403 });
@ -122,11 +119,3 @@ export const verifyProfileSettings = (profile: Profile, { signUp }: SignInExperi
assertThat(signUp.password, forbiddenIdentifierError);
export const getSignInExperience = async (ctx: Context, provider: Provider) => {
const interaction = await provider.interactionDetails(ctx.req, ctx.res);
return getSignInExperienceForApplication(
typeof interaction.params.client_id === 'string' ? interaction.params.client_id : undefined
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import { Event, MissingProfile, SignInIdentifier } from '@logto/schemas';
import { mockEsm, mockEsmWithActual, pickDefault } from '@logto/shared/esm';
import type { Provider } from 'oidc-provider';
import { mockSignInExperience } from '#src/__mocks__/sign-in-experience.js';
import RequestError from '#src/errors/RequestError/index.js';
@ -18,24 +19,25 @@ const { isUserPasswordSet } = mockEsm('../utils/index.js', () => ({
isUserPasswordSet: jest.fn(),
const { getSignInExperience } = mockEsm('../utils/sign-in-experience-validation.js', () => ({
getSignInExperience: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(mockSignInExperience),
const validateMandatoryUserProfile = await pickDefault(
describe('validateMandatoryUserProfile', () => {
const provider = createMockProvider();
const baseCtx = createContextWithRouteParameters();
const baseCtx = {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions
interactionDetails: {} as Awaited<ReturnType<Provider['interactionDetails']>>,
signInExperience: mockSignInExperience,
const interaction: IdentifierVerifiedInteractionResult = {
event: Event.SignIn,
accountId: 'foo',
it('username and password missing but required', async () => {
await expect(validateMandatoryUserProfile(baseCtx, provider, interaction)).rejects.toMatchError(
await expect(validateMandatoryUserProfile(baseCtx, interaction)).rejects.toMatchError(
new RequestError(
{ code: 'user.missing_profile', status: 422 },
{ missingProfile: [MissingProfile.password, MissingProfile.username] }
@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ describe('validateMandatoryUserProfile', () => {
await expect(
validateMandatoryUserProfile(baseCtx, provider, {
validateMandatoryUserProfile(baseCtx, {
profile: {
username: 'username',
@ -59,18 +61,19 @@ describe('validateMandatoryUserProfile', () => {
await expect(
validateMandatoryUserProfile(baseCtx, provider, interaction)
await expect(validateMandatoryUserProfile(baseCtx, interaction)).resolves.not.toThrow();
it('email missing but required', async () => {
signUp: { identifiers: [SignInIdentifier.Email], password: false, verify: true },
const ctx = {
signInExperience: {
signUp: { identifiers: [SignInIdentifier.Email], password: false, verify: true },
await expect(validateMandatoryUserProfile(baseCtx, provider, interaction)).rejects.toMatchError(
await expect(validateMandatoryUserProfile(ctx, interaction)).rejects.toMatchError(
new RequestError(
{ code: 'user.missing_profile', status: 422 },
{ missingProfile: [MissingProfile.email] }
@ -83,23 +86,27 @@ describe('validateMandatoryUserProfile', () => {
primaryEmail: 'email',
signUp: { identifiers: [SignInIdentifier.Email], password: false, verify: true },
const ctx = {
signInExperience: {
signUp: { identifiers: [SignInIdentifier.Email], password: false, verify: true },
await expect(
validateMandatoryUserProfile(baseCtx, provider, interaction)
await expect(validateMandatoryUserProfile(ctx, interaction)).resolves.not.toThrow();
it('phone missing but required', async () => {
signUp: { identifiers: [SignInIdentifier.Sms], password: false, verify: true },
const ctx = {
signInExperience: {
signUp: { identifiers: [SignInIdentifier.Sms], password: false, verify: true },
await expect(validateMandatoryUserProfile(baseCtx, provider, interaction)).rejects.toMatchError(
await expect(validateMandatoryUserProfile(ctx, interaction)).rejects.toMatchError(
new RequestError(
{ code: 'user.missing_profile', status: 422 },
{ missingProfile: [MissingProfile.phone] }
@ -112,27 +119,31 @@ describe('validateMandatoryUserProfile', () => {
primaryPhone: 'phone',
signUp: { identifiers: [SignInIdentifier.Sms], password: false, verify: true },
const ctx = {
signInExperience: {
signUp: { identifiers: [SignInIdentifier.Sms], password: false, verify: true },
await expect(
validateMandatoryUserProfile(baseCtx, provider, interaction)
await expect(validateMandatoryUserProfile(ctx, interaction)).resolves.not.toThrow();
it('email or Phone required', async () => {
signUp: {
identifiers: [SignInIdentifier.Email, SignInIdentifier.Sms],
password: false,
verify: true,
const ctx = {
signInExperience: {
signUp: {
identifiers: [SignInIdentifier.Email, SignInIdentifier.Sms],
password: false,
verify: true,
await expect(validateMandatoryUserProfile(baseCtx, provider, interaction)).rejects.toMatchError(
await expect(validateMandatoryUserProfile(ctx, interaction)).rejects.toMatchError(
new RequestError(
{ code: 'user.missing_profile', status: 422 },
{ missingProfile: [MissingProfile.emailOrPhone] }
@ -140,14 +151,14 @@ describe('validateMandatoryUserProfile', () => {
await expect(
validateMandatoryUserProfile(baseCtx, provider, {
validateMandatoryUserProfile(ctx, {
profile: { email: 'email' },
await expect(
validateMandatoryUserProfile(baseCtx, provider, {
validateMandatoryUserProfile(ctx, {
profile: { phone: '123456' },
@ -2,15 +2,14 @@ import type { Profile, SignInExperience, User } from '@logto/schemas';
import { Event, MissingProfile, SignInIdentifier } from '@logto/schemas';
import type { Nullable } from '@silverhand/essentials';
import type { Context } from 'koa';
import type { Provider } from 'oidc-provider';
import RequestError from '#src/errors/RequestError/index.js';
import { findUserById } from '#src/queries/user.js';
import assertThat from '#src/utils/assert-that.js';
import type { WithInteractionSIEContext } from '../middleware/koa-interaction-sie.js';
import type { IdentifierVerifiedInteractionResult } from '../types/index.js';
import { isUserPasswordSet } from '../utils/index.js';
import { getSignInExperience } from '../utils/sign-in-experience-validation.js';
// eslint-disable-next-line complexity
const getMissingProfileBySignUpIdentifiers = ({
@ -71,11 +70,10 @@ const getMissingProfileBySignUpIdentifiers = ({
export default async function validateMandatoryUserProfile(
ctx: Context,
provider: Provider,
ctx: WithInteractionSIEContext<Context>,
interaction: IdentifierVerifiedInteractionResult
) {
const { signUp } = await getSignInExperience(ctx, provider);
const { signUp } = ctx.signInExperience;
const { event, accountId, profile } = interaction;
const user = event === Event.Register ? null : await findUserById(accountId);
Add table
Reference in a new issue