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synced 2025-03-24 22:41:28 -05:00
chore: update connector AC contents (#3210)
This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 77 additions and 57 deletions
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ const ConnectorContent = ({ isDeleted, connectorData, onConnectorUpdated }: Prop
description={conditional(!isSocialConnector && 'connector_details.settings_description')}
!isSocialConnector && getDocumentationUrl('/docs/references/connectors')
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ const BasicForm = ({
<FormField isRequired title="connectors.guide.name" tip={t('connectors.guide.name_tip')}>
{...register('name', { required: true })}
@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ const BasicForm = ({
{...register('target', { required: true })}
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ const Guide = ({ connector, onClose }: Props) => {
<div className={styles.block}>
<div className={styles.blockTitle}>
<div className={styles.number}>{isSocialConnector ? 2 : 1}</div>
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const connector_details = {
'Connectors play a critical role in Logto. With their help, Logto enables end-users to use passwordless registration or sign-in and the capabilities of signing in with social accounts.', // UNTRANSLATED
save_error_empty_config: 'Bitte fülle die Konfiguration aus',
parameter_configuaration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
test_connection: 'Test connection', // UNTRANSLATED
send: 'Senden',
send_error_invalid_format: 'Ungültige Eingabe',
@ -31,24 +31,26 @@ const connectors = {
guide: {
subtitle: 'Eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung zur Konfiguration deines Connectors',
general_setting: 'General settings', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuaration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
test_connection: 'Test connection', // UNTRANSLATED
name: 'Connector name', // UNTRANSLATED
name: 'Name for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
name_placeholder: 'Enter name for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
'The name of the connector button will be displayed as "Continue with {{name}}." Be mindful of the length of the naming in case it gets too long.', // UNTRANSLATED
logo: 'Logo image URL', // UNTRANSLATED
logo: 'Logo URL for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png', // UNTRANSLATED
'Logo image will show on the connector. Get a publicly accessible image link and insert the link here.', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark: 'Connector logo URL for dark mode', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark: 'Logo URL for social sign-in button (Dark mode)', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png', // UNTRANSLATED
'Set your connector’s logo for dark mode after enabling it in the Sign-in Experience of Admin Console.', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_collapse: 'Collapse', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_show: 'Show logo setting for dark mode', // UNTRANSLATED
target: 'Connector identity target', // UNTRANSLATED
target: 'Identity provider name', // UNTRANSLATED
target_placeholder: 'Enter connector identity provider name', // UNTRANSLATED
'If the connector is successfully built, the connector “Target” cannot be modified.', // UNTRANSLATED
'The value of “IdP name” can be a unique identifier string to distinguish your social identifies. This setting cannot be changed after the connector is built.', // UNTRANSLATED
'"Target" in Logto social connectors refers to the "source" of your social identities. In Logto design, we do not accept the same "target" of a specific platform to avoid conflicts. You should be very careful before you add a connector since you CAN NOT change its value once you create it. <a>Learn more.</a>', // UNTRANSLATED
config: 'Enter your config JSON', // UNTRANSLATED
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const connector_details = {
settings: 'General settings',
'Connectors play a critical role in Logto. With their help, Logto enables end-users to use passwordless registration or sign-in and the capabilities of signing in with social accounts.',
parameter_configuaration: 'Parameter configuration',
parameter_configuration: 'Parameter configuration',
test_connection: 'Test connection',
save_error_empty_config: 'Please enter config',
send: 'Send',
@ -31,24 +31,26 @@ const connectors = {
guide: {
subtitle: 'A step by step guide to configure your connector',
general_setting: 'General settings',
parameter_configuaration: 'Parameter configuration',
parameter_configuration: 'Parameter configuration',
test_connection: 'Test connection',
name: 'Connector name',
name: 'Name for social sign-in button',
name_placeholder: 'Enter name for social sign-in button',
'The name of the connector button will be displayed as "Continue with {{name}}." Be mindful of the length of the naming in case it gets too long.',
logo: 'Logo image URL',
logo: 'Logo URL for social sign-in button',
logo_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png',
'Logo image will show on the connector. Get a publicly accessible image link and insert the link here.',
logo_dark: 'Connector logo URL for dark mode',
logo_dark: 'Logo URL for social sign-in button (Dark mode)',
logo_dark_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png',
'Set your connector’s logo for dark mode after enabling it in the Sign-in Experience of Admin Console.',
logo_dark_collapse: 'Collapse',
logo_dark_show: 'Show logo setting for dark mode',
target: 'Connector identity target',
target: 'Identity provider name',
target_placeholder: 'Enter connector identity provider name',
'If the connector is successfully built, the connector “Target” cannot be modified.',
'The value of “IdP name” can be a unique identifier string to distinguish your social identifies. This setting cannot be changed after the connector is built.',
'"Target" in Logto social connectors refers to the "source" of your social identities. In Logto design, we do not accept the same "target" of a specific platform to avoid conflicts. You should be very careful before you add a connector since you CAN NOT change its value once you create it. <a>Learn more.</a>',
config: 'Enter your config JSON',
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const connector_details = {
settings: 'General settings', // UNTRANSLATED
'Connectors play a critical role in Logto. With their help, Logto enables end-users to use passwordless registration or sign-in and the capabilities of signing in with social accounts.', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuaration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
test_connection: 'Test connection', // UNTRANSLATED
save_error_empty_config: 'Veuillez entrer la configuration',
send: 'Envoyer',
@ -32,24 +32,26 @@ const connectors = {
guide: {
subtitle: 'Un guide étape par étape pour configurer votre connecteur',
general_setting: 'General settings', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuaration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
test_connection: 'Test connection', // UNTRANSLATED
name: 'Connector name', // UNTRANSLATED
name: 'Name for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
name_placeholder: 'Enter name for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
'The name of the connector button will be displayed as "Continue with {{name}}." Be mindful of the length of the naming in case it gets too long.', // UNTRANSLATED
logo: 'Logo image URL', // UNTRANSLATED
logo: 'Logo URL for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png', // UNTRANSLATED
'Logo image will show on the connector. Get a publicly accessible image link and insert the link here.', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark: 'Connector logo URL for dark mode', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark: 'Logo URL for social sign-in button (Dark mode)', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png', // UNTRANSLATED
'Set your connector’s logo for dark mode after enabling it in the Sign-in Experience of Admin Console.', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_collapse: 'Collapse', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_show: 'Show logo setting for dark mode', // UNTRANSLATED
target: 'Connector identity target', // UNTRANSLATED
target: 'Identity provider name', // UNTRANSLATED
target_placeholder: 'Enter connector identity provider name', // UNTRANSLATED
'If the connector is successfully built, the connector “Target” cannot be modified.', // UNTRANSLATED
'The value of “IdP name” can be a unique identifier string to distinguish your social identifies. This setting cannot be changed after the connector is built.', // UNTRANSLATED
'"Target" in Logto social connectors refers to the "source" of your social identities. In Logto design, we do not accept the same "target" of a specific platform to avoid conflicts. You should be very careful before you add a connector since you CAN NOT change its value once you create it. <a>Learn more.</a>', // UNTRANSLATED
config: 'Enter your config JSON', // UNTRANSLATED
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const connector_details = {
settings: 'General settings', // UNTRANSLATED
'Logto에서 연동은 중요한 역할을 해요. 연동 시스템을 통하여, 사용자들에게 비밀번호 없이 회원 가입을 하고 로그인을 할 수 있게 하거나, 소셜 계정을 통하여 로그인을 할 수 있게 도와줘요.',
parameter_configuaration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
test_connection: 'Test connection', // UNTRANSLATED
save_error_empty_config: '설정을 입력해 주세요.',
send: '보내기',
@ -32,21 +32,24 @@ const connectors = {
guide: {
subtitle: '단계별 가이드를 따라, 연동해 주세요.',
general_setting: 'General settings', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuaration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
test_connection: 'Test connection', // UNTRANSLATED
name: '연동 이름',
name: 'Name for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
name_placeholder: 'Enter name for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
name_tip: '다음과 같이 연동 이름이 출력돼요. "{{name}}으로 계속하기".',
logo: '연동 로고 URL',
logo_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png',
logo_tip: '이 이미지는 연동 버튼에 보여질 거에요.',
logo_dark: '연동 로고 URL (다크 모드)',
logo_dark: 'Logo URL for social sign-in button (Dark mode)', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png',
'Admin Console의 로그인 경험에서 다크 모드를 위한 로고를 활성화한 후 다크 모드용 연동 로고를 설정해 주세요.',
logo_dark_collapse: '최소화',
logo_dark_show: '다크 모드를 위한 로고 설정 보이기',
target: '연동 ID 대상',
target_tip: '연동의 고유 식별자.',
target_placeholder: 'Enter connector identity provider name', // UNTRANSLATED
'The value of “IdP name” can be a unique identifier string to distinguish your social identifies. This setting cannot be changed after the connector is built.', // UNTRANSLATED
'Logto의 소셜 연동에서의 "목표"는 소셜 정보의 원천을 뜻해요. Logto의 디자인은 충돌을 피하기 위해서 같은 "목표"를 허용하지 않아요. 연동을 추가한 후에는 값을 변경할 수 없으므로 주의해주세요. <a>자세히 알아보기</a>',
config: '여기에 JSON을 입력',
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const connector_details = {
settings: 'General settings', // UNTRANSLATED
'Os conectores desempenham um papel crítico no Logto. Com a ajuda deles, a Logto permite que os usuários finais usem o registro ou login sem senha e os recursos de login com contas sociais.',
parameter_configuaration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
test_connection: 'Test connection', // UNTRANSLATED
save_error_empty_config: 'Por favor insira a configuração',
send: 'Enviar',
@ -32,21 +32,24 @@ const connectors = {
guide: {
subtitle: 'Um guia passo a passo para configurar seu conector',
general_setting: 'General settings', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuaration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
test_connection: 'Test connection', // UNTRANSLATED
name: 'Nome do conector',
name: 'Name for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
name_placeholder: 'Enter name for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
name_tip: 'O nome do botão do conector será exibido como "Continue com {{Connector Name}}".',
logo: 'URL do logotipo do conector',
logo: 'Logo URL for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png',
logo_tip: 'A imagem do logotipo também será exibida no botão do conector.',
logo_dark: 'URL do logotipo do conector (modo escuro)',
logo_dark: 'Logo URL for social sign-in button (Dark mode)', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png',
'Set your connector’s logo for dark mode after enabling it in the Sign-in Experience of Admin Console.', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_collapse: 'Collapse',
logo_dark_show: 'Show logo setting for dark mode', // UNTRANSLATED
target: 'Destino da identidade do conector',
target_tip: 'Um identificador exclusivo para o conector.',
target: 'Identity provider name', // UNTRANSLATED
target_placeholder: 'Enter connector identity provider name', // UNTRANSLATED
'The value of “IdP name” can be a unique identifier string to distinguish your social identifies. This setting cannot be changed after the connector is built.', // UNTRANSLATED
'"Target" in Logto social connectors refers to the "source" of your social identities. In Logto design, we do not accept the same "target" of a specific platform to avoid conflicts. You should be very careful before you add a connector since you CAN NOT change its value once you create it. <a>Learn more.</a>', // UNTRANSLATED
config: 'Digite seu JSON aqui',
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const connector_details = {
settings: 'General settings', // UNTRANSLATED
'Connectors play a critical role in Logto. With their help, Logto enables end-users to use passwordless registration or sign-in and the capabilities of signing in with social accounts.', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuaration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
test_connection: 'Test connection', // UNTRANSLATED
save_error_empty_config: 'Por favor, insira a configuração',
send: 'Enviar',
@ -31,24 +31,26 @@ const connectors = {
guide: {
subtitle: 'Um guia passo a passo para configurar o conector',
general_setting: 'General settings', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuaration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
test_connection: 'Test connection', // UNTRANSLATED
name: 'Connector name', // UNTRANSLATED
name: 'Name for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
name_placeholder: 'Enter name for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
'The name of the connector button will be displayed as "Continue with {{name}}." Be mindful of the length of the naming in case it gets too long.', // UNTRANSLATED
logo: 'Logo image URL', // UNTRANSLATED
logo: 'Logo URL for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png', // UNTRANSLATED
'Logo image will show on the connector. Get a publicly accessible image link and insert the link here.', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark: 'Connector logo URL for dark mode', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark: 'Logo URL for social sign-in button (Dark mode)', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png', // UNTRANSLATED
'Set your connector’s logo for dark mode after enabling it in the Sign-in Experience of Admin Console.', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_collapse: 'Collapse', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_show: 'Show logo setting for dark mode', // UNTRANSLATED
target: 'Connector identity target', // UNTRANSLATED
target: 'Identity provider name', // UNTRANSLATED
target_placeholder: 'Enter connector identity provider name', // UNTRANSLATED
'If the connector is successfully built, the connector “Target” cannot be modified.', // UNTRANSLATED
'The value of “IdP name” can be a unique identifier string to distinguish your social identifies. This setting cannot be changed after the connector is built.', // UNTRANSLATED
'"Target" in Logto social connectors refers to the "source" of your social identities. In Logto design, we do not accept the same "target" of a specific platform to avoid conflicts. You should be very careful before you add a connector since you CAN NOT change its value once you create it. <a>Learn more.</a>', // UNTRANSLATED
config: 'Enter your config JSON', // UNTRANSLATED
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const connector_details = {
settings: 'General settings', // UNTRANSLATED
'Connectors play a critical role in Logto. With their help, Logto enables end-users to use passwordless registration or sign-in and the capabilities of signing in with social accounts.', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuaration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
test_connection: 'Test connection', // UNTRANSLATED
save_error_empty_config: 'Lütfen yapılandırmayı girin',
send: 'Gönder',
@ -32,24 +32,26 @@ const connectors = {
guide: {
subtitle: 'Connectorı yapılandırmak için adım adım kılavuz',
general_setting: 'General settings', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuaration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuration: 'Parameter configuration', // UNTRANSLATED
test_connection: 'Test connection', // UNTRANSLATED
name: 'Connector name', // UNTRANSLATED
name: 'Name for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
name_placeholder: 'Enter name for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
'The name of the connector button will be displayed as "Continue with {{name}}." Be mindful of the length of the naming in case it gets too long.', // UNTRANSLATED
logo: 'Logo image URL', // UNTRANSLATED
logo: 'Logo URL for social sign-in button', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png', // UNTRANSLATED
'Logo image will show on the connector. Get a publicly accessible image link and insert the link here.', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark: 'Connector logo URL for dark mode', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark: 'Logo URL for social sign-in button (Dark mode)', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png', // UNTRANSLATED
'Set your connector’s logo for dark mode after enabling it in the Sign-in Experience of Admin Console.', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_collapse: 'Collapse', // UNTRANSLATED
logo_dark_show: 'Show logo setting for dark mode', // UNTRANSLATED
target: 'Connector identity target', // UNTRANSLATED
target: 'Identity provider name', // UNTRANSLATED
target_placeholder: 'Enter connector identity provider name', // UNTRANSLATED
'If the connector is successfully built, the connector “Target” cannot be modified.', // UNTRANSLATED
'The value of “IdP name” can be a unique identifier string to distinguish your social identifies. This setting cannot be changed after the connector is built.', // UNTRANSLATED
'"Target" in Logto social connectors refers to the "source" of your social identities. In Logto design, we do not accept the same "target" of a specific platform to avoid conflicts. You should be very careful before you add a connector since you CAN NOT change its value once you create it. <a>Learn more.</a>', // UNTRANSLATED
config: 'Enter your config JSON', // UNTRANSLATED
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const connector_details = {
settings: '通用设置',
'Connectors play a critical role in Logto. With their help, Logto enables end-users to use passwordless registration or sign-in and the capabilities of signing in with social accounts.', // UNTRANSLATED
parameter_configuaration: '参数配置',
parameter_configuration: '参数配置',
test_connection: '连接测试',
save_error_empty_config: '请输入配置内容',
send: '发送',
@ -30,20 +30,23 @@ const connectors = {
guide: {
subtitle: '参考以下步骤完成你的连接器设置',
general_setting: '通用设置',
parameter_configuaration: '参数配置',
parameter_configuration: '参数配置',
test_connection: '连接测试',
name: '连接器名称',
name: '社交登录按钮的名称',
name_placeholder: '输入社交登录按钮的名称',
name_tip: '按钮上将展示「通过 {{name}} 继续」。名字不宜过长而导致信息无法展示完整。',
logo: 'Logo 图片链接',
logo: '社交登录按钮的 Logo 图片链接',
logo_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png',
logo_tip: '该图片将用于连接器的展示。获取图片链接后粘贴在此处。',
logo_dark: 'Logo 图片链接(深色模式)',
logo_dark: '社交登录按钮的 Logo 图片链接(深色模式)',
logo_dark_placeholder: 'https://your.cdn.domain/logo.png',
logo_dark_tip: '在管理控制台的登录体验中启用“深色模式”后,可设置此连接器 Logo 用于深色模式。',
logo_dark_collapse: '收起',
logo_dark_show: '展开深色模式 Logo 设置',
target: '连接器身份 Target',
target_tip: 'Target 一旦设置完毕将无法更改',
target: '身份提供商名称',
target_placeholder: '输入身份提供商的名称',
'Logto 社交连接器的「target」指的是社交身份的「来源」。在 Logto 的设计里,我们不允许某一平台的连接器中有相同的「target」以避免身份的冲突。在添加连接器时,你需要格外小心,我们「不允许」用户在创建之后更改「target」的值。 <a>了解更多</a>',
config: '粘贴你的 JSON 代码',
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