mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 22:15:32 -05:00
refactor(console): split route objects
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 350 additions and 266 deletions
@ -1,290 +1,58 @@
import { condArray } from '@silverhand/essentials';
import { useContext, useMemo } from 'react';
import { Navigate, type RouteObject, useRoutes } from 'react-router-dom';
import { useMemo } from 'react';
import { type RouteObject, useRoutes } from 'react-router-dom';
import {
} from '@/consts';
import { isCloud, isDevFeaturesEnabled } from '@/consts/env';
import { TenantsContext } from '@/contexts/TenantsProvider';
import useCurrentTenantScopes from '@/hooks/use-current-tenant-scopes';
import ApiResourceDetails from '@/pages/ApiResourceDetails';
import ApiResources from '@/pages/ApiResources';
import ApplicationDetails from '@/pages/ApplicationDetails';
import Applications from '@/pages/Applications';
import AuditLogDetails from '@/pages/AuditLogDetails';
import AuditLogs from '@/pages/AuditLogs';
import ConnectorDetails from '@/pages/ConnectorDetails';
import Connectors from '@/pages/Connectors';
import CustomizeJwt from '@/pages/CustomizeJwt';
import CustomizeJwtDetails from '@/pages/CustomizeJwtDetails';
import Dashboard from '@/pages/Dashboard';
import EnterpriseSsoConnectors from '@/pages/EnterpriseSso';
import EnterpriseSsoConnectorDetails from '@/pages/EnterpriseSsoDetails';
import GetStarted from '@/pages/GetStarted';
import Mfa from '@/pages/Mfa';
import NotFound from '@/pages/NotFound';
import OrganizationDetails from '@/pages/OrganizationDetails';
import OrganizationRoleDetails from '@/pages/OrganizationRoleDetails';
import OrganizationTemplate from '@/pages/OrganizationTemplate';
import OrganizationPermissions from '@/pages/OrganizationTemplate/OrganizationPermissions';
import OrganizationRoles from '@/pages/OrganizationTemplate/OrganizationRoles';
import Organizations from '@/pages/Organizations';
import OrganizationGuide from '@/pages/Organizations/Guide';
import Profile from '@/pages/Profile';
import ChangePasswordModal from '@/pages/Profile/containers/ChangePasswordModal';
import LinkEmailModal from '@/pages/Profile/containers/LinkEmailModal';
import VerificationCodeModal from '@/pages/Profile/containers/VerificationCodeModal';
import VerifyPasswordModal from '@/pages/Profile/containers/VerifyPasswordModal';
import RoleDetails from '@/pages/RoleDetails';
import RoleApplications from '@/pages/RoleDetails/RoleApplications';
import RolePermissions from '@/pages/RoleDetails/RolePermissions';
import RoleSettings from '@/pages/RoleDetails/RoleSettings';
import RoleUsers from '@/pages/RoleDetails/RoleUsers';
import Roles from '@/pages/Roles';
import SignInExperience from '@/pages/SignInExperience';
import { SignInExperienceTab } from '@/pages/SignInExperience/types';
import SigningKeys from '@/pages/SigningKeys';
import TenantSettings from '@/pages/TenantSettings';
import BillingHistory from '@/pages/TenantSettings/BillingHistory';
import Subscription from '@/pages/TenantSettings/Subscription';
import TenantBasicSettings from '@/pages/TenantSettings/TenantBasicSettings';
import TenantDomainSettings from '@/pages/TenantSettings/TenantDomainSettings';
import TenantMembers from '@/pages/TenantSettings/TenantMembers';
import UserDetails from '@/pages/UserDetails';
import UserLogs from '@/pages/UserDetails/UserLogs';
import UserOrganizations from '@/pages/UserDetails/UserOrganizations';
import UserRoles from '@/pages/UserDetails/UserRoles';
import UserSettings from '@/pages/UserDetails/UserSettings';
import Users from '@/pages/Users';
import WebhookDetails from '@/pages/WebhookDetails';
import WebhookLogs from '@/pages/WebhookDetails/WebhookLogs';
import WebhookSettings from '@/pages/WebhookDetails/WebhookSettings';
import Webhooks from '@/pages/Webhooks';
import { apiResources } from './routes/api-resources';
import { applications } from './routes/applications';
import { auditLogs } from './routes/audit-logs';
import { connectors } from './routes/connectors';
import { customizeJwt } from './routes/customize-jwt';
import { enterpriseSso } from './routes/enterprise-sso';
import { organizationTemplate } from './routes/organization-template';
import { organizations } from './routes/organizations';
import { profile } from './routes/profile';
import { roles } from './routes/roles';
import { signInExperience } from './routes/sign-in-experience';
import { useTenantSettings } from './routes/tenant-settings';
import { users } from './routes/users';
import { webhooks } from './routes/webhooks';
export const useConsoleRoutes = () => {
const { isDevTenant } = useContext(TenantsContext);
const { canManageTenant } = useCurrentTenantScopes();
const tenantSettings = useTenantSettings();
const routeObjects: RouteObject[] = useMemo(
() =>
condArray<RouteObject | RouteObject[]>(
{ path: '*', element: <NotFound /> },
{ path: 'get-started', element: <GetStarted /> },
{ path: 'dashboard', element: <Dashboard /> },
path: 'applications',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Applications /> },
path: 'third-party-applications',
element: <Applications tab="thirdPartyApplications" />,
{ path: 'create', element: <Applications /> },
{ path: ':id/guide/:guideId', element: <ApplicationDetails /> },
path: ':id',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Navigate replace to={ApplicationDetailsTabs.Settings} /> },
{ path: ':tab', element: <ApplicationDetails /> },
{ path: `:appId/${ApplicationDetailsTabs.Logs}/:logId`, element: <AuditLogDetails /> },
path: 'api-resources',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <ApiResources /> },
{ path: 'create', element: <ApiResources /> },
{ path: ':id/guide/:guideId', element: <ApiResourceDetails /> },
{ path: ':id/*', element: <ApiResourceDetails /> },
path: 'sign-in-experience',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Navigate replace to={SignInExperienceTab.Branding} /> },
{ path: ':tab', element: <SignInExperience /> },
{ path: 'mfa', element: <Mfa /> },
path: 'connectors',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Navigate replace to={ConnectorsTabs.Passwordless} /> },
{ path: ':tab', element: <Connectors /> },
{ path: ':tab/create/:createType', element: <Connectors /> },
{ path: ':tab/guide/:factoryId', element: <Connectors /> },
{ path: ':tab/:connectorId', element: <ConnectorDetails /> },
path: 'enterprise-sso',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <EnterpriseSsoConnectors /> },
{ path: 'create', element: <EnterpriseSsoConnectors /> },
path: ':ssoConnectorId',
children: [
index: true,
element: <Navigate replace to={EnterpriseSsoDetailsTabs.Connection} />,
{ path: ':tab', element: <EnterpriseSsoConnectorDetails /> },
path: 'webhooks',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Webhooks /> },
{ path: 'create', element: <Webhooks /> },
path: ':id',
element: <WebhookDetails />,
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Navigate replace to={WebhookDetailsTabs.Settings} /> },
{ path: WebhookDetailsTabs.Settings, element: <WebhookSettings /> },
{ path: WebhookDetailsTabs.RecentRequests, element: <WebhookLogs /> },
path: `:hookId/${WebhookDetailsTabs.RecentRequests}/:logId`,
element: <AuditLogDetails />,
path: 'users',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Users /> },
{ path: 'create', element: <Users /> },
path: ':id',
element: <UserDetails />,
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Navigate replace to={UserDetailsTabs.Settings} /> },
{ path: UserDetailsTabs.Settings, element: <UserSettings /> },
{ path: UserDetailsTabs.Roles, element: <UserRoles /> },
{ path: UserDetailsTabs.Logs, element: <UserLogs /> },
{ path: UserDetailsTabs.Organizations, element: <UserOrganizations /> },
{ path: `:userId/${UserDetailsTabs.Logs}/:logId`, element: <AuditLogDetails /> },
path: 'audit-logs',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <AuditLogs /> },
{ path: ':logId', element: <AuditLogDetails /> },
path: 'roles',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Roles /> },
{ path: 'create', element: <Roles /> },
path: ':id',
element: <RoleDetails />,
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Navigate replace to={RoleDetailsTabs.Settings} /> },
{ path: RoleDetailsTabs.Settings, element: <RoleSettings /> },
{ path: RoleDetailsTabs.Permissions, element: <RolePermissions /> },
{ path: RoleDetailsTabs.Users, element: <RoleUsers /> },
{ path: RoleDetailsTabs.M2mApps, element: <RoleApplications /> },
isDevFeaturesEnabled && [
path: 'organization-template',
element: <OrganizationTemplate />,
children: [
index: true,
element: <Navigate replace to={OrganizationTemplateTabs.OrganizationRoles} />,
{ path: OrganizationTemplateTabs.OrganizationRoles, element: <OrganizationRoles /> },
path: OrganizationTemplateTabs.OrganizationPermissions,
element: <OrganizationPermissions />,
path: `organization-template/${OrganizationTemplateTabs.OrganizationRoles}/:id/*`,
element: <OrganizationRoleDetails />,
path: 'organizations',
children: condArray(
{ index: true, element: <Organizations /> },
{ path: 'create', element: <Organizations /> },
!isDevFeaturesEnabled && {
path: 'template',
element: <Organizations tab="template" />,
{ path: ':id/*', element: <OrganizationDetails /> }
isDevFeaturesEnabled && organizationTemplate,
!isDevFeaturesEnabled && { path: 'organization-guide/*', element: <OrganizationGuide /> },
path: 'profile',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Profile /> },
{ path: 'verify-password', element: <VerifyPasswordModal /> },
{ path: 'change-password', element: <ChangePasswordModal /> },
{ path: 'link-email', element: <LinkEmailModal /> },
{ path: 'verification-code', element: <VerificationCodeModal /> },
{ path: 'signing-keys', element: <SigningKeys /> },
isCloud && {
path: 'tenant-settings',
element: <TenantSettings />,
children: condArray(
index: true,
element: (
to={canManageTenant ? TenantSettingsTabs.Settings : TenantSettingsTabs.Members}
{ path: TenantSettingsTabs.Settings, element: <TenantBasicSettings /> },
{ path: `${TenantSettingsTabs.Members}/*`, element: <TenantMembers /> },
{ path: TenantSettingsTabs.Domains, element: <TenantDomainSettings /> },
!isDevTenant &&
canManageTenant && [
{ path: TenantSettingsTabs.Subscription, element: <Subscription /> },
{ path: TenantSettingsTabs.BillingHistory, element: <BillingHistory /> },
isCloud &&
isDevFeaturesEnabled && {
path: 'customize-jwt',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <CustomizeJwt /> },
{ path: ':tokenType/:action', element: <CustomizeJwtDetails /> },
isCloud && tenantSettings,
isCloud && isDevFeaturesEnabled && customizeJwt
[canManageTenant, isDevTenant]
const routes = useRoutes(routeObjects);
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
import { type RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import ApiResourceDetails from '@/pages/ApiResourceDetails';
import ApiResources from '@/pages/ApiResources';
export const apiResources: RouteObject = {
path: 'api-resources',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <ApiResources /> },
{ path: 'create', element: <ApiResources /> },
{ path: ':id/guide/:guideId', element: <ApiResourceDetails /> },
{ path: ':id/*', element: <ApiResourceDetails /> },
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import { Navigate, type RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import { ApplicationDetailsTabs } from '@/consts';
import ApplicationDetails from '@/pages/ApplicationDetails';
import Applications from '@/pages/Applications';
import AuditLogDetails from '@/pages/AuditLogDetails';
export const applications: RouteObject = {
path: 'applications',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Applications /> },
path: 'third-party-applications',
element: <Applications tab="thirdPartyApplications" />,
{ path: 'create', element: <Applications /> },
{ path: ':id/guide/:guideId', element: <ApplicationDetails /> },
path: ':id',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Navigate replace to={ApplicationDetailsTabs.Settings} /> },
{ path: ':tab', element: <ApplicationDetails /> },
{ path: `:appId/${ApplicationDetailsTabs.Logs}/:logId`, element: <AuditLogDetails /> },
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import { type RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import AuditLogDetails from '@/pages/AuditLogDetails';
import AuditLogs from '@/pages/AuditLogs';
export const auditLogs: RouteObject = {
path: 'audit-logs',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <AuditLogs /> },
{ path: ':logId', element: <AuditLogDetails /> },
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import { Navigate } from 'react-router-dom';
import { ConnectorsTabs } from '@/consts';
import ConnectorDetails from '@/pages/ConnectorDetails';
import Connectors from '@/pages/Connectors';
export const connectors = {
path: 'connectors',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Navigate replace to={ConnectorsTabs.Passwordless} /> },
{ path: ':tab', element: <Connectors /> },
{ path: ':tab/create/:createType', element: <Connectors /> },
{ path: ':tab/guide/:factoryId', element: <Connectors /> },
{ path: ':tab/:connectorId', element: <ConnectorDetails /> },
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import { type RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import CustomizeJwt from '@/pages/CustomizeJwt';
import CustomizeJwtDetails from '@/pages/CustomizeJwtDetails';
export const customizeJwt: RouteObject = {
path: 'customize-jwt',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <CustomizeJwt /> },
{ path: ':tokenType/:action', element: <CustomizeJwtDetails /> },
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
import { Navigate, type RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import { EnterpriseSsoDetailsTabs } from '@/consts/page-tabs';
import EnterpriseSso from '@/pages/EnterpriseSso';
import EnterpriseSsoDetails from '@/pages/EnterpriseSsoDetails';
export const enterpriseSso: RouteObject = {
path: 'enterprise-sso',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <EnterpriseSso /> },
{ path: 'create', element: <EnterpriseSso /> },
path: ':ssoConnectorId',
children: [
index: true,
element: <Navigate replace to={EnterpriseSsoDetailsTabs.Connection} />,
{ path: ':tab', element: <EnterpriseSsoDetails /> },
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import { Navigate, type RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import { OrganizationTemplateTabs } from '@/consts';
import OrganizationRoleDetails from '@/pages/OrganizationRoleDetails';
import OrganizationTemplate from '@/pages/OrganizationTemplate';
import OrganizationPermissions from '@/pages/OrganizationTemplate/OrganizationPermissions';
import OrganizationRoles from '@/pages/OrganizationTemplate/OrganizationRoles';
export const organizationTemplate: RouteObject[] = [
path: 'organization-template',
element: <OrganizationTemplate />,
children: [
index: true,
element: <Navigate replace to={OrganizationTemplateTabs.OrganizationRoles} />,
{ path: OrganizationTemplateTabs.OrganizationRoles, element: <OrganizationRoles /> },
path: OrganizationTemplateTabs.OrganizationPermissions,
element: <OrganizationPermissions />,
path: `organization-template/${OrganizationTemplateTabs.OrganizationRoles}/:id/*`,
element: <OrganizationRoleDetails />,
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import { condArray } from '@silverhand/essentials';
import { type RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import { isDevFeaturesEnabled } from '@/consts/env';
import OrganizationDetails from '@/pages/OrganizationDetails';
import Organizations from '@/pages/Organizations';
export const organizations: RouteObject = {
path: 'organizations',
children: condArray(
{ index: true, element: <Organizations /> },
{ path: 'create', element: <Organizations /> },
!isDevFeaturesEnabled && {
path: 'template',
element: <Organizations tab="template" />,
{ path: ':id/*', element: <OrganizationDetails /> }
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import { type RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import Profile from '@/pages/Profile';
import ChangePasswordModal from '@/pages/Profile/containers/ChangePasswordModal';
import LinkEmailModal from '@/pages/Profile/containers/LinkEmailModal';
import VerificationCodeModal from '@/pages/Profile/containers/VerificationCodeModal';
import VerifyPasswordModal from '@/pages/Profile/containers/VerifyPasswordModal';
export const profile: RouteObject = {
path: 'profile',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Profile /> },
{ path: 'verify-password', element: <VerifyPasswordModal /> },
{ path: 'change-password', element: <ChangePasswordModal /> },
{ path: 'link-email', element: <LinkEmailModal /> },
{ path: 'verification-code', element: <VerificationCodeModal /> },
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import { Navigate, type RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import { RoleDetailsTabs } from '@/consts/page-tabs';
import RoleDetails from '@/pages/RoleDetails';
import RoleApplications from '@/pages/RoleDetails/RoleApplications';
import RolePermissions from '@/pages/RoleDetails/RolePermissions';
import RoleSettings from '@/pages/RoleDetails/RoleSettings';
import RoleUsers from '@/pages/RoleDetails/RoleUsers';
import Roles from '@/pages/Roles';
export const roles: RouteObject = {
path: 'roles',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Roles /> },
{ path: 'create', element: <Roles /> },
path: ':id',
element: <RoleDetails />,
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Navigate replace to={RoleDetailsTabs.Settings} /> },
{ path: RoleDetailsTabs.Settings, element: <RoleSettings /> },
{ path: RoleDetailsTabs.Permissions, element: <RolePermissions /> },
{ path: RoleDetailsTabs.Users, element: <RoleUsers /> },
{ path: RoleDetailsTabs.M2mApps, element: <RoleApplications /> },
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import { Navigate, type RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import SignInExperience from '@/pages/SignInExperience';
import { SignInExperienceTab } from '@/pages/SignInExperience/types';
export const signInExperience: RouteObject = {
path: 'sign-in-experience',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Navigate replace to={SignInExperienceTab.Branding} /> },
{ path: ':tab', element: <SignInExperience /> },
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
import { condArray } from '@silverhand/essentials';
import { useContext, useMemo } from 'react';
import { Navigate, type RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import { TenantSettingsTabs } from '@/consts';
import { TenantsContext } from '@/contexts/TenantsProvider';
import useCurrentTenantScopes from '@/hooks/use-current-tenant-scopes';
import TenantSettings from '@/pages/TenantSettings';
import BillingHistory from '@/pages/TenantSettings/BillingHistory';
import Subscription from '@/pages/TenantSettings/Subscription';
import TenantBasicSettings from '@/pages/TenantSettings/TenantBasicSettings';
import TenantDomainSettings from '@/pages/TenantSettings/TenantDomainSettings';
import TenantMembers from '@/pages/TenantSettings/TenantMembers';
export const useTenantSettings = () => {
const { isDevTenant } = useContext(TenantsContext);
const { canManageTenant } = useCurrentTenantScopes();
const tenantSettings: RouteObject = useMemo(
() => ({
path: 'tenant-settings',
element: <TenantSettings />,
children: condArray(
index: true,
element: (
to={canManageTenant ? TenantSettingsTabs.Settings : TenantSettingsTabs.Members}
{ path: TenantSettingsTabs.Settings, element: <TenantBasicSettings /> },
{ path: `${TenantSettingsTabs.Members}/*`, element: <TenantMembers /> },
{ path: TenantSettingsTabs.Domains, element: <TenantDomainSettings /> },
!isDevTenant &&
canManageTenant && [
{ path: TenantSettingsTabs.Subscription, element: <Subscription /> },
{ path: TenantSettingsTabs.BillingHistory, element: <BillingHistory /> },
[canManageTenant, isDevTenant]
return tenantSettings;
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import { Navigate, type RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import { UserDetailsTabs } from '@/consts/page-tabs';
import AuditLogDetails from '@/pages/AuditLogDetails';
import UserDetails from '@/pages/UserDetails';
import UserLogs from '@/pages/UserDetails/UserLogs';
import UserOrganizations from '@/pages/UserDetails/UserOrganizations';
import UserRoles from '@/pages/UserDetails/UserRoles';
import UserSettings from '@/pages/UserDetails/UserSettings';
import Users from '@/pages/Users';
export const users: RouteObject = {
path: 'users',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Users /> },
{ path: 'create', element: <Users /> },
path: ':id',
element: <UserDetails />,
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Navigate replace to={UserDetailsTabs.Settings} /> },
{ path: UserDetailsTabs.Settings, element: <UserSettings /> },
{ path: UserDetailsTabs.Roles, element: <UserRoles /> },
{ path: UserDetailsTabs.Logs, element: <UserLogs /> },
{ path: UserDetailsTabs.Organizations, element: <UserOrganizations /> },
{ path: `:userId/${UserDetailsTabs.Logs}/:logId`, element: <AuditLogDetails /> },
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
import { Navigate, type RouteObject } from 'react-router-dom';
import { WebhookDetailsTabs } from '@/consts';
import AuditLogDetails from '@/pages/AuditLogDetails';
import WebhookDetails from '@/pages/WebhookDetails';
import WebhookLogs from '@/pages/WebhookDetails/WebhookLogs';
import WebhookSettings from '@/pages/WebhookDetails/WebhookSettings';
import Webhooks from '@/pages/Webhooks';
export const webhooks: RouteObject = {
path: 'webhooks',
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Webhooks /> },
{ path: 'create', element: <Webhooks /> },
path: ':id',
element: <WebhookDetails />,
children: [
{ index: true, element: <Navigate replace to={WebhookDetailsTabs.Settings} /> },
{ path: WebhookDetailsTabs.Settings, element: <WebhookSettings /> },
{ path: WebhookDetailsTabs.RecentRequests, element: <WebhookLogs /> },
path: `:hookId/${WebhookDetailsTabs.RecentRequests}/:logId`,
element: <AuditLogDetails />,
Add table
Reference in a new issue