2023-04-01 15:53:09 +08:00
import type { ConnectorConfigFormItem , ConnectorMetadata } from '@logto/connector-kit' ;
import { ConnectorPlatform , ConnectorConfigFormItemType } from '@logto/connector-kit' ;
export const formItems : ConnectorConfigFormItem [ ] = [
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . Text ,
label : 'SP Entity ID (Audience)' ,
key : 'entityID' ,
required : true ,
description :
'The application-defined unique identifier that is the intended audience of the SAML assertion. This is most often the SP Entity ID of your application.' ,
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . Text ,
label : 'IdP Single Sign-On URL' ,
key : 'signInEndpoint' ,
required : true ,
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . MultilineText ,
label : 'X.509 Certificate' ,
key : 'x509Certificate' ,
required : true ,
placeholder :
'-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDHTCCAgWg[...]jel7/YMPLKwg+Iau7\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----' ,
description :
'The certificate is provided by the IdP, and will be used to validate the signature of the SAML assertion.' ,
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . MultilineText ,
label : "IdP's Metadata in XML format" ,
key : 'idpMetadataXml' ,
required : true ,
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . Text ,
label : 'Assertion Consumer Service URL' ,
key : 'assertionConsumerServiceUrl' ,
required : true ,
description :
'Copy and paste the unique Assertion Consumer Service URL (ACS URL) into the {{Connector Name}} provider configuration. It will take effect after the connector is created.' ,
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . Select ,
label : 'Signature Algorithm' ,
key : 'requestSignatureAlgorithm' ,
selectItems : [
{ value : 'http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#rsa-sha1' , title : 'RSA SHA1' } ,
value : 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256' ,
title : 'RSA SHA256' ,
} ,
value : 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha512' ,
title : 'RSA SHA512' ,
} ,
] ,
defaultValue : 'http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256' ,
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . Select ,
label : 'Message Signing Order' ,
key : 'messageSigningOrder' ,
selectItems : [
{ value : 'sign-then-encrypt' , title : 'Sign then encrypt' } ,
value : 'encrypt-then-sign' ,
title : 'Encrypt then sign' ,
} ,
] ,
defaultValue : 'sign-then-encrypt' ,
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . Switch ,
label : 'Sign Authentication Request' ,
key : 'signAuthnRequest' ,
defaultValue : false ,
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . MultilineText ,
label : 'Signature Private Key' ,
key : 'privateKey' ,
required : true ,
showConditions : [ { targetKey : 'signAuthnRequest' , expectValue : true } ] ,
placeholder :
'-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n[private-key-content]\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----' ,
description : 'The private key is used to sign the authentication request.' ,
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . Text ,
label : 'Signature Private Key Password' ,
key : 'privateKeyPass' ,
showConditions : [ { targetKey : 'signAuthnRequest' , expectValue : true } ] ,
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . Switch ,
label : 'SAML Assertion Encrypted' ,
key : 'encryptAssertion' ,
defaultValue : false ,
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . MultilineText ,
label : 'Decryption Private Key' ,
key : 'encPrivateKey' ,
required : true ,
showConditions : [ { targetKey : 'encryptAssertion' , expectValue : true } ] ,
placeholder :
'-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n[private-key-content]\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----' ,
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . Text ,
label : 'Decryption Private Key Password' ,
key : 'encPrivateKeyPass' ,
showConditions : [ { targetKey : 'encryptAssertion' , expectValue : true } ] ,
description : 'The private key is used to decrypt the encrypted SAML assertion.' ,
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . Select ,
label : 'Name ID Format' ,
key : 'nameIDFormat' ,
selectItems : [
{ value : 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified' , title : 'Unspecified' } ,
value : 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress' ,
title : 'EmailAddress' ,
} ,
value : 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:X509SubjectName' ,
title : 'x590SubjectName' ,
} ,
value : 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent' ,
title : 'Persistent' ,
} ,
value : 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:transient' ,
title : 'Transient' ,
} ,
] ,
defaultValue : 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified' ,
description :
"Identifies the SAML processing rules and constraints for the assertion's subject statement. Use the default value of 'Unspecified' unless the application explicitly requires a specific format." ,
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . Number ,
label : 'Timeout' ,
key : 'timeout' ,
2023-05-15 15:43:54 +08:00
placeholder : '5000' ,
2023-04-01 15:53:09 +08:00
} ,
type : ConnectorConfigFormItemType . Json ,
label : 'Profile Mapping' ,
key : 'profileMap' ,
defaultValue : {
id : 'id' ,
email : 'email' ,
phone : 'phone' ,
name : 'name' ,
avatar : 'avatar' ,
} ,
required : false ,
} ,
] ;
export const defaultMetadata : ConnectorMetadata = {
id : 'saml' ,
target : 'saml' ,
platform : ConnectorPlatform.Universal ,
name : {
en : 'SAML' ,
'zh-CN' : 'SAML' ,
} ,
logo : './logo.svg' ,
logoDark : null ,
description : {
en : 'SAML is an XML based framework that stands for Security Assertion Markup Language. It can be used for authentication.' ,
'zh-CN' :
'安全断言标记语言 SAML 是一个基于 XML 的开源标准数据格式,它可用于在当事方之间交换身份验证和授权数据。' ,
} ,
readme : './README.md' ,
isStandard : true ,
formItems ,
} ;
export const defaultTimeout = 10 _000 ;
export const authnRequestBinding = [ 'HTTP-Redirect' ] as const ;
export const assertionBinding = [ 'HTTP-POST' ] as const ;
export const messageSigningOrders = [ 'sign-then-encrypt' , 'encrypt-then-sign' ] as const ;