Aliyun is a primary cloud service provider in Asia, offering many cloud services, including SMS (short message service). Aliyun SMS Connector is a plugin provided by the Logto team to call the Aliyun SMS service, with the help of which Logto end-users can register and sign in to their Logto account via SMS verification code (or in other words, passcode).
1. Sign-in with your Aliyun account at the [Aliyun website]( and go to the [SMS service console page](
4. You are now on the [SMS service console page](, go to either "Mainland China" (国内消息) or "Outside Mainland China" (国际/港澳台消息) button on the sidebar per your use case.
- Remember to select "Verification Code Message" (验证码) as "Scenario" (适用场景) when filling out the signature application and also "Verification Code Message" (验证码) for "Type" (模板类型) when applying for a template review because we are using these signatures and templates to send passcode. Currently, we do not support sending SMS messages other than verification-code-related text messages.
- Also, use `{{code}}` as a placeholder where you want to place your digital passcode in template contents.
6. After submitting your SMS signature and template application, you need to wait for it to take effect. At this point, we can go back to the [SMS service console page]( and send a test SMS. If your signatures and templates are ready for use, you can try them directly; if they are not taking effect yet, Aliyun also provides test templates.
- You may need to recharge a small amount of money before sending test messages.
- You may also be asked to bind a test phone number before sending test messages. For more details, go to "Quick Start" (快速学习) tab from the sidebar of the [SMS service console page](
1. From the [SMS service console page](, hover on your avatar in the top right corner and go to "AccessKey Management" (AccessKey 管理), and click "Create AccessKey" (创建 AccessKey). You will get an "AccessKey ID" and "AccessKey Secret" pair after finishing security verification. Please keep them properly.
2. Go to the "Mainland China" (国内消息) or "Outside Mainland China" (国际/港澳台消息) tab you just visited, you can find "Signature" (签名名称) and "Template Code" (模板 CODE) easily.
- If you want to use the test-only signature and template, go to the "Quick Start" (快速学习) tab instead, and you will find them below "Signature & Templates (For Test Only)".
- Fill the `templateCode` field, which is how you can control SMS context, with "Template Code" (模板 CODE) from step 2.
- Fill out `usageType` field with either `Register`, `SignIn` or `Test` for different use cases. (`usageType` is a Logto property to identify the proper use case.)
You can type in a phone number and click on "Send" to see whether the settings can work before "Save and Done".
That's it. Don't forget to [Enable connector in sign-in experience](