The official Logto connector for Apple social sign-in.
**Table of contents**
- [Apple connector](#apple-connector)
- [Get started](#get-started)
- [Enable Sign in with Apple for your app](#enable-sign-in-with-apple-for-your-app)
- [Create an identifier](#create-an-identifier)
- [Enable Sign in with Apple for your identifier](#enable-sign-in-with-apple-for-your-identifier)
- [Test Apple connector](#test-apple-connector)
## Get started
If you don't know the concept of the connector or don't know how to add this connector to your Sign-in experience, please see [Logto tutorial](
> ℹ️ **Note**
> Apple sign-in is required for AppStore if you have other social sign-in methods in your app.
> Having Apple sign-in on Android devices is great if you also provide an Android app.
You need to enroll [Apple Developer Program]( before continuing.
### Enable Sign in with Apple for your app
> ⚠️ **Caution**
> Even if you want to implement Sign in with Apple on a web app only, you still need to have an existing app that embraces the AppStore ecosystem (i.e., have a valid App ID).
You can do it via Xcode -> Project settings -> Signing & Capabilities, or visit [Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles](

See the "Enable an App ID" section in [Apple official docs]( for more info.
### Create an identifier
1. Visit [Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles](, then click the "+" button next to "Identifier".
2. In the "Register a new identifier" page, choose "Services IDs" and click "Continue".
3. Fill out "Description" and "Identifier" (E.g., `Logto Test` and `io.logto.test`), then click "Continue".
4. Double-check the info and click "Register".
### Enable Sign in with Apple for your identifier
Click the identifier you just created. Check "Sign in with Apple" on the details page and click "Configure".

In the opening modal, select the App ID you just enabled Sign in with Apple.
Enter the domain of your Logto instance without protocol and port, e.g., `your.logto.domain`; then enter the "Return URL" (i.e., Redirect URI), which is the Logto URL with `/callback/${connector_id}`, e.g., `https://your.logto.domain/callback/apple-universal`. You can get the randomly generated `connector_id` after creating Apple connector in Admin Console.
Click "Next" then "Done" to close the modal. Click "Continue" on the top-right corner, then click "Save" to save your configuration.
> ⚠️ **Caution**
> Apple does NOT allow Return URLs with HTTP protocol and `localhost` domain.
> If you want to test locally, you need to edit `/etc/hosts` file to map localhost to a custom domain and set up a local HTTPS environment. [mkcert]( can help you for setting up local HTTPS.
> ℹ️ **Note**
> This connector doesn't support customizing `scope` (e.g., name, email) yet since Apple requires `form_post` response mode when `scope` is not empty, which is incompatible with the current connector design.
That's it. The Apple connector should be available in both web and native apps. Don't forget to [Enable connector in sign-in experience](