If you don't know the concept of the connector or don't know how to add this connector to your Sign-in experience, please see [Logto tutorial](https://docs.logto.io/docs/tutorials/get-started/enable-social-sign-in).
> **⚠️ Caution**
> This connector is for web apps only. If you are looking for the method for signing in with WeChat in native apps, please see [WeChat native connector](https://github.com/logto-io/logto/tree/master/packages/connector-wechat-native).
## Create a web app in the WeChat Open Platform
> 💡 **Tip**
> You can skip some sections if you have already finished.
### Create an account
Open https://open.weixin.qq.com/, click the "Sign Up" button in the upper-right corner, then finish the sign-up process.
### Create a web app
Sign in with the account you just created. In the "Web Application" (网页应用) tab, click the big green button "Create a web app" (创建网页应用).
Let's fill out the required info in the application form.

#### Basic info
Most of them are pretty straightforward. After finishing the form, click "Next step" to move on.
#### Website info
Fill "Authorization callback domain" (授权回调域) with your Logto domain. E.g., `logto.io`.
#### Waiting for the review result
After completing the website info, click "Submit Review" to continue. Usually, the review goes fast, which will end within 1-2 days.
We suspect the reviewer is allocated randomly on each submission since the standard is floating. You may get rejected the first time, but don't give up! State your status quo and ask the reviewer how to modify it.
Fill out the `clientId` and `clientSecret` field with _Client ID_ and _Client Secret_ you've got from OAuth app detail pages.
Fill out the `scope` field with either 'snsapi_userinfo' or 'snsapi_base'. You can leave this field blank as it is OPTIONAL. The default value is set to be 'snsapi_userinfo'. You can check out the [difference](https://developers.weixin.qq.com/doc/offiaccount/OA_Web_Apps/Wechat_webpage_authorization.html) between different values.
That's it. Don't forget to [Enable connector in sign-in experience](https://docs.logto.io/docs/tutorials/get-started/passwordless-sign-in-by-adding-connectors#enable-social-sign-in).