- 5b03030de: Not allow to modify management API resource through API.
Previously, management API resource and its scopes are readonly in Console. But it was possible to modify through the API. This is not allowed anymore.
- 468558721: Get organization roles with search keyword.
- cc01acbd0: Create a new user through API with password digest and corresponding algorithm
### Patch Changes
- abffb9f95: full oidc standard claims support
We have added support for the remaining [OpenID Connect standard claims](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#StandardClaims). Now, these claims are accessible in both ID tokens and the response from the `/me` endpoint.
Additionally, we adhere to the standard scopes - claims mapping. This means that you can retrieve most of the profile claims using the `profile` scope, and the `address` claim can be obtained by using the `address` scope.
For all newly introduced claims, we store them in the `user.profile` field.
> ![Note]
> Unlike other database fields (e.g. `name`), the claims stored in the `profile` field will fall back to `undefined` rather than `null`. We refrain from using `?? null` here to reduce the size of ID tokens, since `undefined` fields will be stripped in tokens.
- schemas: add `name`, `events`, `signingKey`, and `enabled` fields to the `hook` schema
- core: change the `user-agent` value from `Logto (https://logto.io)` to `Logto (https://logto.io/)` in the webhook request headers
- core: deprecate `event` field in all hook-related APIs, use `events` instead
- core: deprecate `retries` field in the `HookConfig` for all hook-related APIs, now it will fallback to `3` if not specified and will be removed in the future
- core: add new APIs for webhook management
-`GET /api/hooks/:id/recent-logs` to retrieve recent execution logs(24h) of a webhook
-`POST /api/hooks/:id/test` to test a webhook
-`PATCH /api/hooks/:id/signing-key` to regenerate the signing key of a webhook
- core: support query webhook execution stats(24h) via `GET /api/hooks/:id` and `GET /api/hooks/:id` by specifying `includeExecutionStats` query parameter
- console: support webhook management
- 268dc50e7: Support setting default API Resource from Console and API
- New API Resources will not be treated as default.
- Added `PATCH /resources/:id/is-default` to setting `isDefault` for an API Resource.
- Only one default API Resource is allowed per tenant. Setting one API default will reset all others.
- f41fd3f05: Replace `passcode` naming convention in the interaction APIs and main flow ui with `verificationCode`.
- 343b1090f: Allow admin tenant admin to create tenants without limitation
- f41fd3f05: Officially cleanup all deprecated `/session` APIs in core and all the related integration tests.
- f41fd3f05: Replace the `sms` naming convention using `phone` cross logto codebase. Including Sign-in Experience types, API paths, API payload and internal variable names.
- 402866994: **💥 Breaking change 💥**
Use case-insensitive strategy for searching emails
### Patch Changes
- 38970fb88: Fix a Sign-in experience bug that may block some users to sign in.
- f41fd3f0: Replace `passcode` naming convention in the interaction APIs and main flow ui with `verificationCode`.
- f41fd3f0: Officially cleanup all deprecated `/session` APIs in core and all the related integration tests.
- f41fd3f0: Replace the `sms` naming convention using `phone` cross logto codebase. Including Sign-in Experience types, API paths, API payload and internal variable names.
- bump react sdk and essentials toolkit to support CJK characters in idToken ([2f92b43](https://github.com/logto-io/logto/commit/2f92b438644bd330fa4b8cd3698d9129ecbae282))
- **test:** run integration test serially ([#1676](https://github.com/logto-io/logto/issues/1676)) ([8394f7b](https://github.com/logto-io/logto/commit/8394f7bb2ed5736bb2cd7857edd558602d236c6f))
- **test:** use demo app to test username-password flow in integration test ([#1635](https://github.com/logto-io/logto/issues/1635)) ([a258587](https://github.com/logto-io/logto/commit/a258587b4e804615b6a51e336a1af04478d91437))
- **shared,phrases-ui:** not allow hyphens in username ([#1319](https://github.com/logto-io/logto/issues/1319)) ([5e81966](https://github.com/logto-io/logto/commit/5e819665c7c1d584ff5cff25e4e0723122be78b2))