1. In the DingTalk Open Platform "[Application Development](https://open-dev.dingtalk.com/fe/app)" > "Internal Enterprise Application" > "DingTalk Application", click "Create Application"
2. Fill in the **application name** and **description**, and click "Save"
3. In the left navigation bar, select "Development Configuration" > "Security Settings", find and configure the "Redirect URL" `${your_logto_origin}/callback/${connector_id}`. You can find the `connector_id` on the connector details page after adding the respective connector in the management console
4. In the left navigation bar, select "Basic Information" > "Credentials and Basic Information" to get the `Client ID` and `Client Secret`
In "Development Configuration" > "Permission Management", select `Contact.User.Read` and `Contact.User.mobile` permissions and authorize them
### Release Application
In the left navigation bar, select "Application Release" > "Version Management and Release", create and release the first version to activate the `Client ID` and `Client Secret`
> ℹ️ **Note**
> If the application does not release a version, the obtained "Client ID" and "Client Secret" cannot be used, or requests will fail.
Fill out the `clientId` and `clientSecret` field with _Client ID(formerly AppKey and SuiteKey)_ and _Client Secret(formerly AppKey and SuiteKey)_ you've got from OAuth app detail pages mentioned in the previous section.
`scope` currently supports two values: `openid` and `openid corpid`. `openid` allows obtaining the user's `userid` after authorization, while `openid corpid` allows obtaining both the user's `id` and the organization `id` selected during the login process. The values should be space-delimited. Note: URL encoding is required.
That's it. The DingTalk connector should be available now. Don't forget to [Enable connector in sign-in experience](https://docs.logto.io/docs/recipes/configure-connectors/social-connector/enable-social-sign-in/).
Once DingTalk web connector is enabled, you can sign in to your app again to see if it works.
> ℹ️ **Note**
> Please ensure strict compliance with the usage specifications and development guidelines of the DingTalk Open Platform during the development process.
## Support
If you have any questions or need further assistance, please visit the [DingTalk Developer Documentation](https://open.dingtalk.com/document/orgapp/obtain-identity-credentials) or contact DingTalk technical support.