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import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/home/models/get_all_asset_respose.model.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/modules/home/services/asset.service.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/shared/models/immich_asset.model.dart';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
class AssetNotifier extends StateNotifier<List<ImmichAssetGroupByDate>> {
final AssetService _assetService = AssetService();
AssetNotifier() : super([]);
late String? nextPageKey = "";
bool isFetching = false;
// Get All assets
getAllAssets() async {
GetAllAssetResponse? res = await _assetService.getAllAsset();
nextPageKey = res?.nextPageKey;
if (res != null) {
for (var assets in res.data) {
state = [...state, assets];
// Get Asset From The Past
getOlderAsset() async {
if (nextPageKey != null && !isFetching) {
isFetching = true;
GetAllAssetResponse? res = await _assetService.getOlderAsset(nextPageKey);
if (res != null) {
nextPageKey = res.nextPageKey;
List<ImmichAssetGroupByDate> previousState = state;
List<ImmichAssetGroupByDate> currentState = [];
for (var assets in res.data) {
currentState = [...currentState, assets];
if (previousState.last.date == currentState.first.date) {
previousState.last.assets = [...previousState.last.assets, ...currentState.first.assets];
state = [...previousState, ...currentState.sublist(1)];
} else {
state = [...previousState, ...currentState];
isFetching = false;
// Get newer asset from the current time
getNewAsset() async {
if (state.isNotEmpty) {
var latestGroup = state.first;
// Sort the last asset group and put the lastest asset in front.
latestGroup.assets.sortByCompare<DateTime>((e) => DateTime.parse(e.createdAt), (a, b) => b.compareTo(a));
var latestAsset = latestGroup.assets.first;
var formatDateTemplate = 'y-MM-dd';
var latestAssetDateText = DateFormat(formatDateTemplate).format(DateTime.parse(latestAsset.createdAt));
List<ImmichAsset> newAssets = await _assetService.getNewAsset(latestAsset.createdAt);
if (newAssets.isEmpty) {
// Grouping by data
var groupByDateList = groupBy<ImmichAsset, String>(
newAssets, (asset) => DateFormat(formatDateTemplate).format(DateTime.parse(asset.createdAt)));
groupByDateList.forEach((groupDateInFormattedText, assets) {
if (groupDateInFormattedText != latestAssetDateText) {
ImmichAssetGroupByDate newGroup = ImmichAssetGroupByDate(assets: assets, date: groupDateInFormattedText);
state = [newGroup, ...state];
} else {
latestGroup.assets.insertAll(0, assets);
state = [latestGroup, ...state.sublist(1)];
clearAllAsset() {
state = [];
final currentLocalPageProvider = StateProvider<int>((ref) => 0);
final assetProvider = StateNotifierProvider<AssetNotifier, List<ImmichAssetGroupByDate>>((ref) {
return AssetNotifier();