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synced 2025-03-11 02:23:09 -05:00
* refactor(server): shared links * chore: tests * fix: bugs and tests * fix: missed one expired at * fix: standardize file upload checks * test: lower flutter version Co-authored-by: Alex Tran <alex.tran1502@gmail.com>
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425 lines
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import { AssetType, SharedLinkEntity, SharedLinkType, SystemConfig, UserEntity } from '@app/infra/db/entities';
import { AlbumResponseDto, AssetResponseDto, AuthUserDto, ExifResponseDto, SharedLinkResponseDto } from '../src';
const today = new Date();
const tomorrow = new Date();
const yesterday = new Date();
tomorrow.setDate(today.getDate() + 1);
yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1);
const assetInfo: ExifResponseDto = {
id: 1,
make: 'camera-make',
model: 'camera-model',
imageName: 'fancy-image',
exifImageWidth: 500,
exifImageHeight: 500,
fileSizeInByte: 100,
orientation: 'orientation',
dateTimeOriginal: today,
modifyDate: today,
lensModel: 'fancy',
fNumber: 100,
focalLength: 100,
iso: 100,
exposureTime: 100,
latitude: 100,
longitude: 100,
city: 'city',
state: 'state',
country: 'country',
const assetResponse: AssetResponseDto = {
id: 'id_1',
deviceAssetId: 'device_asset_id_1',
ownerId: 'user_id_1',
deviceId: 'device_id_1',
type: AssetType.VIDEO,
originalPath: 'fake_path/jpeg',
resizePath: '',
createdAt: today.toISOString(),
modifiedAt: today.toISOString(),
isFavorite: false,
mimeType: 'image/jpeg',
smartInfo: {
id: 'should-be-a-number',
tags: [],
objects: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
webpPath: '',
encodedVideoPath: '',
duration: '0:00:00.00000',
exifInfo: assetInfo,
livePhotoVideoId: null,
tags: [],
const albumResponse: AlbumResponseDto = {
albumName: 'Test Album',
albumThumbnailAssetId: null,
createdAt: today.toISOString(),
id: 'album-123',
ownerId: 'admin_id',
sharedUsers: [],
shared: false,
assets: [],
assetCount: 1,
export const authStub = {
admin: Object.freeze<AuthUserDto>({
id: 'admin_id',
email: 'admin@test.com',
isAdmin: true,
isPublicUser: false,
isAllowUpload: true,
user1: Object.freeze<AuthUserDto>({
id: 'immich_id',
email: 'immich@test.com',
isAdmin: false,
isPublicUser: false,
isAllowUpload: true,
adminSharedLink: Object.freeze<AuthUserDto>({
id: 'admin_id',
email: 'admin@test.com',
isAdmin: true,
isAllowUpload: true,
isAllowDownload: true,
isPublicUser: true,
isShowExif: true,
sharedLinkId: '123',
readonlySharedLink: Object.freeze<AuthUserDto>({
id: 'admin_id',
email: 'admin@test.com',
isAdmin: true,
isAllowUpload: false,
isAllowDownload: false,
isPublicUser: true,
isShowExif: true,
sharedLinkId: '123',
export const entityStub = {
admin: Object.freeze<UserEntity>({
password: 'admin_password',
firstName: 'admin_first_name',
lastName: 'admin_last_name',
oauthId: '',
shouldChangePassword: false,
profileImagePath: '',
createdAt: '2021-01-01',
tags: [],
user1: Object.freeze<UserEntity>({
password: 'immich_password',
firstName: 'immich_first_name',
lastName: 'immich_last_name',
oauthId: '',
shouldChangePassword: false,
profileImagePath: '',
createdAt: '2021-01-01',
tags: [],
export const systemConfigStub = {
defaults: Object.freeze({
ffmpeg: {
crf: '23',
preset: 'ultrafast',
targetAudioCodec: 'aac',
targetScaling: '1280:-2',
targetVideoCodec: 'h264',
transcodeAll: false,
oauth: {
autoLaunch: false,
autoRegister: true,
buttonText: 'Login with OAuth',
clientId: '',
clientSecret: '',
enabled: false,
issuerUrl: '',
mobileOverrideEnabled: false,
mobileRedirectUri: '',
scope: 'openid email profile',
passwordLogin: {
enabled: true,
storageTemplate: {
template: '{{y}}/{{y}}-{{MM}}-{{dd}}/{{filename}}',
} as SystemConfig),
enabled: Object.freeze({
passwordLogin: {
enabled: true,
oauth: {
enabled: true,
autoRegister: true,
buttonText: 'OAuth',
autoLaunch: false,
} as SystemConfig),
disabled: Object.freeze({
passwordLogin: {
enabled: false,
oauth: {
enabled: false,
buttonText: 'OAuth',
issuerUrl: 'http://issuer,',
autoLaunch: false,
} as SystemConfig),
noAutoRegister: {
oauth: {
enabled: true,
autoRegister: false,
autoLaunch: false,
passwordLogin: { enabled: true },
} as SystemConfig,
override: {
oauth: {
enabled: true,
autoRegister: true,
autoLaunch: false,
buttonText: 'OAuth',
mobileOverrideEnabled: true,
mobileRedirectUri: 'http://mobile-redirect',
passwordLogin: { enabled: true },
} as SystemConfig,
export const loginResponseStub = {
user1oauth: {
response: {
accessToken: 'signed-jwt',
userId: 'immich_id',
userEmail: 'immich@test.com',
firstName: 'immich_first_name',
lastName: 'immich_last_name',
profileImagePath: '',
isAdmin: false,
shouldChangePassword: false,
cookie: [
'immich_access_token=signed-jwt; Secure; Path=/; Max-Age=604800; SameSite=Strict;',
'immich_auth_type=oauth; Secure; Path=/; Max-Age=604800; SameSite=Strict;',
user1password: {
response: {
accessToken: 'signed-jwt',
userId: 'immich_id',
userEmail: 'immich@test.com',
firstName: 'immich_first_name',
lastName: 'immich_last_name',
profileImagePath: '',
isAdmin: false,
shouldChangePassword: false,
cookie: [
'immich_access_token=signed-jwt; Secure; Path=/; Max-Age=604800; SameSite=Strict;',
'immich_auth_type=password; Secure; Path=/; Max-Age=604800; SameSite=Strict;',
user1insecure: {
response: {
accessToken: 'signed-jwt',
userId: 'immich_id',
userEmail: 'immich@test.com',
firstName: 'immich_first_name',
lastName: 'immich_last_name',
profileImagePath: '',
isAdmin: false,
shouldChangePassword: false,
cookie: [
'immich_access_token=signed-jwt; HttpOnly; Path=/; Max-Age=604800; SameSite=Strict;',
'immich_auth_type=password; HttpOnly; Path=/; Max-Age=604800; SameSite=Strict;',
export const sharedLinkStub = {
valid: Object.freeze({
id: '123',
userId: authStub.admin.id,
key: Buffer.from('secret-key', 'utf8'),
type: SharedLinkType.ALBUM,
createdAt: today.toISOString(),
expiresAt: tomorrow.toISOString(),
allowUpload: true,
allowDownload: true,
showExif: true,
album: undefined,
assets: [],
} as SharedLinkEntity),
expired: Object.freeze({
id: '123',
userId: authStub.admin.id,
key: Buffer.from('secret-key', 'utf8'),
type: SharedLinkType.ALBUM,
createdAt: today.toISOString(),
expiresAt: yesterday.toISOString(),
allowUpload: true,
allowDownload: true,
showExif: true,
assets: [],
} as SharedLinkEntity),
readonly: Object.freeze<SharedLinkEntity>({
id: '123',
userId: authStub.admin.id,
key: Buffer.from('secret-key', 'utf8'),
type: SharedLinkType.ALBUM,
createdAt: today.toISOString(),
expiresAt: tomorrow.toISOString(),
allowUpload: false,
allowDownload: false,
showExif: true,
assets: [],
album: {
id: 'album-123',
ownerId: authStub.admin.id,
albumName: 'Test Album',
createdAt: today.toISOString(),
albumThumbnailAssetId: null,
sharedUsers: [],
sharedLinks: [],
assets: [
id: 'album-asset-123',
albumId: 'album-123',
assetId: 'asset-123',
albumInfo: {} as any,
assetInfo: {
id: 'id_1',
userId: 'user_id_1',
deviceAssetId: 'device_asset_id_1',
deviceId: 'device_id_1',
type: AssetType.VIDEO,
originalPath: 'fake_path/jpeg',
resizePath: '',
createdAt: today.toISOString(),
modifiedAt: today.toISOString(),
isFavorite: false,
mimeType: 'image/jpeg',
smartInfo: {
id: 'should-be-a-number',
assetId: 'id_1',
tags: [],
objects: ['a', 'b', 'c'],
asset: null as any,
webpPath: '',
encodedVideoPath: '',
duration: null,
isVisible: true,
livePhotoVideoId: null,
exifInfo: {
id: 1,
assetId: 'id_1',
description: 'description',
exifImageWidth: 500,
exifImageHeight: 500,
fileSizeInByte: 100,
orientation: 'orientation',
dateTimeOriginal: today,
modifyDate: today,
latitude: 100,
longitude: 100,
city: 'city',
state: 'state',
country: 'country',
make: 'camera-make',
model: 'camera-model',
imageName: 'fancy-image',
lensModel: 'fancy',
fNumber: 100,
focalLength: 100,
iso: 100,
exposureTime: 100,
fps: 100,
asset: null as any,
exifTextSearchableColumn: '',
tags: [],
sharedLinks: [],
export const sharedLinkResponseStub = {
valid: Object.freeze<SharedLinkResponseDto>({
allowDownload: true,
allowUpload: true,
assets: [],
createdAt: today.toISOString(),
description: undefined,
expiresAt: tomorrow.toISOString(),
id: '123',
key: '7365637265742d6b6579',
showExif: true,
type: SharedLinkType.ALBUM,
userId: 'admin_id',
expired: Object.freeze<SharedLinkResponseDto>({
album: undefined,
allowDownload: true,
allowUpload: true,
assets: [],
createdAt: today.toISOString(),
description: undefined,
expiresAt: yesterday.toISOString(),
id: '123',
key: '7365637265742d6b6579',
showExif: true,
type: SharedLinkType.ALBUM,
userId: 'admin_id',
readonly: Object.freeze<SharedLinkResponseDto>({
id: '123',
userId: 'admin_id',
key: '7365637265742d6b6579',
type: SharedLinkType.ALBUM,
createdAt: today.toISOString(),
expiresAt: tomorrow.toISOString(),
description: undefined,
allowUpload: false,
allowDownload: false,
showExif: true,
album: albumResponse,
assets: [assetResponse],
readonlyNoExif: Object.freeze<SharedLinkResponseDto>({
id: '123',
userId: 'admin_id',
key: '7365637265742d6b6579',
type: SharedLinkType.ALBUM,
createdAt: today.toISOString(),
expiresAt: tomorrow.toISOString(),
description: undefined,
allowUpload: false,
allowDownload: false,
showExif: true,
album: albumResponse,
assets: [{ ...assetResponse, exifInfo: undefined }],
// TODO - the constructor isn't used anywhere, so not test coverage
new ExifResponseDto();