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synced 2025-03-11 02:23:09 -05:00
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<script lang="ts">
import {
} from '$lib/components/shared-components/notification/notification';
import { featureFlags } from '$lib/stores/server-config.store';
import { handleError } from '$lib/utils/handle-error';
import { AllJobStatusResponseDto, api, JobCommand, JobCommandDto, JobName } from '@api';
import type { ComponentType } from 'svelte';
import type Icon from 'svelte-material-icons/DotsVertical.svelte';
import FaceRecognition from 'svelte-material-icons/FaceRecognition.svelte';
import FileJpgBox from 'svelte-material-icons/FileJpgBox.svelte';
import FileXmlBox from 'svelte-material-icons/FileXmlBox.svelte';
import LibraryShelves from 'svelte-material-icons/LibraryShelves.svelte';
import FolderMove from 'svelte-material-icons/FolderMove.svelte';
import Table from 'svelte-material-icons/Table.svelte';
import TagMultiple from 'svelte-material-icons/TagMultiple.svelte';
import VectorCircle from 'svelte-material-icons/VectorCircle.svelte';
import Video from 'svelte-material-icons/Video.svelte';
import ConfirmDialogue from '../../shared-components/confirm-dialogue.svelte';
import JobTile from './job-tile.svelte';
import StorageMigrationDescription from './storage-migration-description.svelte';
export let jobs: AllJobStatusResponseDto;
interface JobDetails {
title: string;
subtitle?: string;
allText?: string;
missingText?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
icon: typeof Icon;
allowForceCommand?: boolean;
component?: ComponentType;
handleCommand?: (jobId: JobName, jobCommand: JobCommandDto) => Promise<void>;
let faceConfirm = false;
const handleFaceCommand = async (jobId: JobName, dto: JobCommandDto) => {
if (dto.force) {
faceConfirm = true;
await handleCommand(jobId, dto);
const onFaceConfirm = () => {
faceConfirm = false;
handleCommand(JobName.RecognizeFaces, { command: JobCommand.Start, force: true });
$: jobDetails = <Partial<Record<JobName, JobDetails>>>{
[JobName.ThumbnailGeneration]: {
icon: FileJpgBox,
title: api.getJobName(JobName.ThumbnailGeneration),
subtitle: 'Regenerate JPEG and WebP thumbnails',
[JobName.MetadataExtraction]: {
icon: Table,
title: api.getJobName(JobName.MetadataExtraction),
subtitle: 'Extract metadata information i.e. GPS, resolution...etc',
[JobName.Library]: {
icon: LibraryShelves,
title: api.getJobName(JobName.Library),
subtitle: 'Perform library tasks',
allText: 'ALL',
missingText: 'REFRESH',
[JobName.Sidecar]: {
title: api.getJobName(JobName.Sidecar),
icon: FileXmlBox,
subtitle: 'Discover or synchronize sidecar metadata from the filesystem',
allText: 'SYNC',
missingText: 'DISCOVER',
disabled: !$featureFlags.sidecar,
[JobName.ObjectTagging]: {
icon: TagMultiple,
title: api.getJobName(JobName.ObjectTagging),
subtitle: 'Run machine learning to tag objects\nNote that some assets may not have any objects detected',
disabled: !$featureFlags.tagImage,
[JobName.ClipEncoding]: {
icon: VectorCircle,
title: api.getJobName(JobName.ClipEncoding),
subtitle: 'Run machine learning to generate clip embeddings',
disabled: !$featureFlags.clipEncode,
[JobName.RecognizeFaces]: {
icon: FaceRecognition,
title: api.getJobName(JobName.RecognizeFaces),
subtitle: 'Run machine learning to recognize faces',
handleCommand: handleFaceCommand,
disabled: !$featureFlags.facialRecognition,
[JobName.VideoConversion]: {
icon: Video,
title: api.getJobName(JobName.VideoConversion),
subtitle: 'Transcode videos not in the desired format',
[JobName.StorageTemplateMigration]: {
icon: FolderMove,
title: api.getJobName(JobName.StorageTemplateMigration),
allowForceCommand: false,
component: StorageMigrationDescription,
[JobName.Migration]: {
icon: FolderMove,
title: api.getJobName(JobName.Migration),
subtitle: 'Migrate thumbnails for assets and faces to the latest folder structure',
allowForceCommand: false,
$: jobList = Object.entries(jobDetails) as [JobName, JobDetails][];
async function handleCommand(jobId: JobName, jobCommand: JobCommandDto) {
const title = jobDetails[jobId]?.title;
try {
const { data } = await api.jobApi.sendJobCommand({ id: jobId, jobCommandDto: jobCommand });
jobs[jobId] = data;
switch (jobCommand.command) {
case JobCommand.Empty:
message: `Cleared jobs for: ${title}`,
type: NotificationType.Info,
} catch (error) {
handleError(error, `Command '${jobCommand.command}' failed for job: ${title}`);
{#if faceConfirm}
prompt="Are you sure you want to reprocess all faces? This will also clear named people."
on:cancel={() => (faceConfirm = false)}
<div class="flex flex-col gap-7">
{#each jobList as [jobName, { title, subtitle, disabled, allText, missingText, allowForceCommand, icon, component, handleCommand: handleCommandOverride }]}
{@const { jobCounts, queueStatus } = jobs[jobName]}
allText={allText || 'ALL'}
missingText={missingText || 'MISSING'}
on:command={({ detail }) => (handleCommandOverride || handleCommand)(jobName, detail)}
{#if component}
<svelte:component this={component} slot="description" />