mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 01:24:26 -05:00
* feat(mobile): album view sort order * feat: add error message * refactor(mobile): album page (#14659) * refactor album page * update lint rule * const record * fix: updating sort order when pull to refresh --------- Co-authored-by: Alex <alex.tran1502@gmail.com> * Move sort toggle button to bottom sheet menu * chore: revert multiselectgrid loading status * chore: revert multiselectgrid loading status --------- Co-authored-by: Mert <101130780+mertalev@users.noreply.github.com>
466 lines
15 KiB
466 lines
15 KiB
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:auto_route/auto_route.dart';
import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_hooks/flutter_hooks.dart';
import 'package:fluttertoast/fluttertoast.dart';
import 'package:hooks_riverpod/hooks_riverpod.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/extensions/collection_extensions.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/providers/album/album.provider.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/services/album.service.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/services/stack.service.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/providers/backup/manual_upload.provider.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/models/asset_selection_state.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/providers/multiselect.provider.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/widgets/asset_grid/asset_grid_data_structure.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/widgets/asset_grid/immich_asset_grid.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/widgets/asset_grid/control_bottom_app_bar.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/routing/router.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/album.entity.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/asset.entity.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/providers/asset.provider.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/providers/user.provider.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/widgets/common/immich_loading_indicator.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/widgets/common/immich_toast.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/immich_loading_overlay.dart';
import 'package:immich_mobile/utils/selection_handlers.dart';
class MultiselectGrid extends HookConsumerWidget {
const MultiselectGrid({
required this.renderListProvider,
this.stackEnabled = false,
this.archiveEnabled = false,
this.deleteEnabled = true,
this.favoriteEnabled = true,
this.editEnabled = false,
this.unarchive = false,
this.unfavorite = false,
final ProviderListenable<AsyncValue<RenderList>> renderListProvider;
final Future<void> Function()? onRefresh;
final Widget Function()? buildLoadingIndicator;
final Future<bool> Function(Iterable<Asset>)? onRemoveFromAlbum;
final Widget? topWidget;
final bool stackEnabled;
final bool archiveEnabled;
final bool unarchive;
final bool deleteEnabled;
final bool favoriteEnabled;
final bool unfavorite;
final bool editEnabled;
final Widget? emptyIndicator;
Widget buildDefaultLoadingIndicator() =>
const Center(child: ImmichLoadingIndicator());
Widget buildEmptyIndicator() =>
emptyIndicator ?? Center(child: const Text("no_assets_to_show").tr());
Widget build(BuildContext context, WidgetRef ref) {
final multiselectEnabled = ref.watch(multiselectProvider.notifier);
final selectionEnabledHook = useState(false);
final selectionAssetState = useState(const AssetSelectionState());
final selection = useState(<Asset>{});
final currentUser = ref.watch(currentUserProvider);
final processing = useProcessingOverlay();
() {
selectionEnabledHook.addListener(() {
multiselectEnabled.state = selectionEnabledHook.value;
return () {
// This does not work in tests
if (kReleaseMode) {
void selectionListener(
bool multiselect,
Set<Asset> selectedAssets,
) {
selectionEnabledHook.value = multiselect;
selection.value = selectedAssets;
selectionAssetState.value =
errorBuilder(String? msg) => msg != null && msg.isNotEmpty
? () => ImmichToast.show(
context: context,
msg: msg,
gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM,
: null;
Iterable<Asset> ownedRemoteSelection({
String? localErrorMessage,
String? ownerErrorMessage,
}) {
final assets = selection.value;
return assets
.remoteOnly(errorCallback: errorBuilder(localErrorMessage))
errorCallback: errorBuilder(ownerErrorMessage),
Iterable<Asset> remoteSelection({String? errorMessage}) =>
errorCallback: errorBuilder(errorMessage),
void onShareAssets(bool shareLocal) {
processing.value = true;
if (shareLocal) {
// Share = Download + Send to OS specific share sheet
handleShareAssets(ref, context, selection.value);
} else {
final ids =
remoteSelection(errorMessage: "home_page_share_err_local".tr())
.map((e) => e.remoteId!);
context.pushRoute(SharedLinkEditRoute(assetsList: ids.toList()));
processing.value = false;
selectionEnabledHook.value = false;
void onFavoriteAssets() async {
processing.value = true;
try {
final remoteAssets = ownedRemoteSelection(
localErrorMessage: 'home_page_favorite_err_local'.tr(),
ownerErrorMessage: 'home_page_favorite_err_partner'.tr(),
if (remoteAssets.isNotEmpty) {
await handleFavoriteAssets(ref, context, remoteAssets.toList());
} finally {
processing.value = false;
selectionEnabledHook.value = false;
void onArchiveAsset() async {
processing.value = true;
try {
final remoteAssets = ownedRemoteSelection(
localErrorMessage: 'home_page_archive_err_local'.tr(),
ownerErrorMessage: 'home_page_archive_err_partner'.tr(),
await handleArchiveAssets(ref, context, remoteAssets.toList());
} finally {
processing.value = false;
selectionEnabledHook.value = false;
void onDelete([bool force = false]) async {
processing.value = true;
try {
final toDelete = selection.value
errorCallback: errorBuilder('home_page_delete_err_partner'.tr()),
final isDeleted = await ref
.deleteAssets(toDelete, force: force);
if (isDeleted) {
context: context,
msg: force
? 'assets_deleted_permanently'
.tr(args: ["${selection.value.length}"])
: 'assets_trashed'.tr(args: ["${selection.value.length}"]),
gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM,
selectionEnabledHook.value = false;
} finally {
processing.value = false;
void onDeleteLocal(bool onlyBackedUp) async {
processing.value = true;
try {
// Select only the local assets from the selection
final localIds = selection.value.where((a) => a.isLocal).toList();
// Delete only the backed-up assets if 'onlyBackedUp' is true
final isDeleted = await ref
.deleteLocalOnlyAssets(localIds, onlyBackedUp: onlyBackedUp);
if (isDeleted) {
// Show a toast with the correct number of deleted assets
final deletedCount = localIds
(e) => !onlyBackedUp || e.isRemote,
) // Only count backed-up assets
context: context,
msg: 'assets_removed_permanently_from_device'
.tr(args: ["$deletedCount"]),
gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM,
// Reset the selection
selectionEnabledHook.value = false;
} finally {
processing.value = false;
void onDeleteRemote([bool force = false]) async {
processing.value = true;
try {
final toDelete = ownedRemoteSelection(
localErrorMessage: 'home_page_delete_remote_err_local'.tr(),
ownerErrorMessage: 'home_page_delete_err_partner'.tr(),
final isDeleted = await ref
.deleteRemoteOnlyAssets(toDelete, force: force);
if (isDeleted) {
context: context,
msg: force
? 'assets_deleted_permanently_from_server'
.tr(args: ["${toDelete.length}"])
: 'assets_trashed_from_server'.tr(args: ["${toDelete.length}"]),
gravity: ToastGravity.BOTTOM,
} finally {
selectionEnabledHook.value = false;
processing.value = false;
void onUpload() {
processing.value = true;
selectionEnabledHook.value = false;
try {
selection.value.where((a) => a.storage == AssetState.local),
} finally {
processing.value = false;
void onAddToAlbum(Album album) async {
processing.value = true;
try {
final Iterable<Asset> assets = remoteSelection(
errorMessage: "home_page_add_to_album_err_local".tr(),
if (assets.isEmpty) {
final result = await ref.read(albumServiceProvider).addAssets(
if (result != null) {
if (result.alreadyInAlbum.isNotEmpty) {
context: context,
msg: "home_page_add_to_album_conflicts".tr(
namedArgs: {
"album": album.name,
"added": result.successfullyAdded.toString(),
"failed": result.alreadyInAlbum.length.toString(),
} else {
context: context,
msg: "home_page_add_to_album_success".tr(
namedArgs: {
"album": album.name,
"added": result.successfullyAdded.toString(),
toastType: ToastType.success,
} finally {
processing.value = false;
selectionEnabledHook.value = false;
void onCreateNewAlbum() async {
processing.value = true;
try {
final Iterable<Asset> assets = remoteSelection(
errorMessage: "home_page_add_to_album_err_local".tr(),
if (assets.isEmpty) {
final result = await ref
if (result != null) {
selectionEnabledHook.value = false;
context.pushRoute(AlbumViewerRoute(albumId: result.id));
} finally {
processing.value = false;
void onStack() async {
try {
processing.value = true;
if (!selectionEnabledHook.value || selection.value.length < 2) {
await ref.read(stackServiceProvider).createStack(
selection.value.map((e) => e.remoteId!).toList(),
} finally {
processing.value = false;
selectionEnabledHook.value = false;
void onEditTime() async {
try {
final remoteAssets = ownedRemoteSelection(
localErrorMessage: 'home_page_favorite_err_local'.tr(),
ownerErrorMessage: 'home_page_favorite_err_partner'.tr(),
if (remoteAssets.isNotEmpty) {
handleEditDateTime(ref, context, remoteAssets.toList());
} finally {
selectionEnabledHook.value = false;
void onEditLocation() async {
try {
final remoteAssets = ownedRemoteSelection(
localErrorMessage: 'home_page_favorite_err_local'.tr(),
ownerErrorMessage: 'home_page_favorite_err_partner'.tr(),
if (remoteAssets.isNotEmpty) {
handleEditLocation(ref, context, remoteAssets.toList());
} finally {
selectionEnabledHook.value = false;
Future<T> Function() wrapLongRunningFun<T>(
Future<T> Function() fun, {
bool showOverlay = true,
}) =>
() async {
if (showOverlay) processing.value = true;
try {
final result = await fun();
if (result.runtimeType != bool || result == true) {
selectionEnabledHook.value = false;
return result;
} finally {
if (showOverlay) processing.value = false;
return SafeArea(
top: true,
bottom: false,
child: Stack(
children: [
data: (data) => data.isEmpty &&
(buildLoadingIndicator != null || topWidget == null)
? (buildLoadingIndicator ?? buildEmptyIndicator)()
: ImmichAssetGrid(
renderList: data,
listener: selectionListener,
selectionActive: selectionEnabledHook.value,
onRefresh: onRefresh == null
? null
: wrapLongRunningFun(
showOverlay: false,
topWidget: topWidget,
showStack: stackEnabled,
error: (error, _) => Center(child: Text(error.toString())),
loading: buildLoadingIndicator ?? buildDefaultLoadingIndicator,
if (selectionEnabledHook.value)
key: const ValueKey("controlBottomAppBar"),
onShare: onShareAssets,
onFavorite: favoriteEnabled ? onFavoriteAssets : null,
onArchive: archiveEnabled ? onArchiveAsset : null,
onDelete: deleteEnabled ? onDelete : null,
onDeleteServer: deleteEnabled ? onDeleteRemote : null,
/// local file deletion is allowed irrespective of [deleteEnabled] since it has
/// nothing to do with the state of the asset in the Immich server
onDeleteLocal: onDeleteLocal,
onAddToAlbum: onAddToAlbum,
onCreateNewAlbum: onCreateNewAlbum,
onUpload: onUpload,
enabled: !processing.value,
selectionAssetState: selectionAssetState.value,
onStack: stackEnabled ? onStack : null,
onEditTime: editEnabled ? onEditTime : null,
onEditLocation: editEnabled ? onEditLocation : null,
unfavorite: unfavorite,
unarchive: unarchive,
onRemoveFromAlbum: onRemoveFromAlbum != null
? wrapLongRunningFun(
() => onRemoveFromAlbum!(selection.value),
: null,