Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/immich-app/immich.git synced 2025-03-25 02:41:37 -05:00

618 lines
20 KiB

import { BadRequestException, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { R_OK } from 'node:constants';
import path, { basename, parse } from 'node:path';
import picomatch from 'picomatch';
import { StorageCore } from 'src/cores/storage.core';
import { OnEvent } from 'src/decorators';
import {
} from 'src/dtos/library.dto';
import { AssetEntity } from 'src/entities/asset.entity';
import { LibraryEntity } from 'src/entities/library.entity';
import { AssetType } from 'src/enum';
import { DatabaseLock } from 'src/interfaces/database.interface';
import { ArgOf } from 'src/interfaces/event.interface';
import {
} from 'src/interfaces/job.interface';
import { BaseService } from 'src/services/base.service';
import { mimeTypes } from 'src/utils/mime-types';
import { handlePromiseError } from 'src/utils/misc';
import { usePagination } from 'src/utils/pagination';
import { validateCronExpression } from 'src/validation';
export class LibraryService extends BaseService {
private watchLibraries = false;
private watchLock = false;
private watchers: Record<string, () => Promise<void>> = {};
@OnEvent({ name: 'app.bootstrap' })
async onBootstrap() {
const config = await this.getConfig({ withCache: false });
const { watch, scan } = config.library;
// This ensures that library watching only occurs in one microservice
// TODO: we could make the lock be per-library instead of global
this.watchLock = await this.databaseRepository.tryLock(DatabaseLock.LibraryWatch);
this.watchLibraries = this.watchLock && watch.enabled;
() => handlePromiseError(this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.LIBRARY_QUEUE_SYNC_ALL }), this.logger),
if (this.watchLibraries) {
await this.watchAll();
@OnEvent({ name: 'config.update', server: true })
async onConfigUpdate({ newConfig: { library }, oldConfig }: ArgOf<'config.update'>) {
if (!oldConfig || !this.watchLock) {
this.jobRepository.updateCronJob('libraryScan', library.scan.cronExpression, library.scan.enabled);
if (library.watch.enabled !== this.watchLibraries) {
// Watch configuration changed, update accordingly
this.watchLibraries = library.watch.enabled;
await (this.watchLibraries ? this.watchAll() : this.unwatchAll());
@OnEvent({ name: 'config.validate' })
onConfigValidate({ newConfig }: ArgOf<'config.validate'>) {
const { scan } = newConfig.library;
if (!validateCronExpression(scan.cronExpression)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid cron expression ${scan.cronExpression}`);
private async watch(id: string): Promise<boolean> {
if (!this.watchLibraries) {
return false;
const library = await this.findOrFail(id);
if (library.importPaths.length === 0) {
return false;
await this.unwatch(id);
this.logger.log(`Starting to watch library ${library.id} with import path(s) ${library.importPaths}`);
const matcher = picomatch(`**/*{${mimeTypes.getSupportedFileExtensions().join(',')}}`, {
nocase: true,
ignore: library.exclusionPatterns,
let _resolve: () => void;
const ready$ = new Promise<void>((resolve) => (_resolve = resolve));
this.watchers[id] = this.storageRepository.watch(
usePolling: false,
ignoreInitial: true,
onReady: () => _resolve(),
onAdd: (path) => {
const handler = async () => {
this.logger.debug(`File add event received for ${path} in library ${library.id}}`);
if (matcher(path)) {
const asset = await this.assetRepository.getByLibraryIdAndOriginalPath(library.id, path);
if (asset) {
await this.syncAssets(library, [asset.id]);
if (matcher(path)) {
await this.syncFiles(library, [path]);
return handlePromiseError(handler(), this.logger);
onChange: (path) => {
const handler = async () => {
this.logger.debug(`Detected file change for ${path} in library ${library.id}`);
const asset = await this.assetRepository.getByLibraryIdAndOriginalPath(library.id, path);
if (asset) {
await this.syncAssets(library, [asset.id]);
if (matcher(path)) {
// Note: if the changed file was not previously imported, it will be imported now.
await this.syncFiles(library, [path]);
return handlePromiseError(handler(), this.logger);
onUnlink: (path) => {
const handler = async () => {
this.logger.debug(`Detected deleted file at ${path} in library ${library.id}`);
const asset = await this.assetRepository.getByLibraryIdAndOriginalPath(library.id, path);
if (asset) {
await this.syncAssets(library, [asset.id]);
return handlePromiseError(handler(), this.logger);
onError: (error) => {
this.logger.error(`Library watcher for library ${library.id} encountered error: ${error}`);
// Wait for the watcher to initialize before returning
await ready$;
return true;
async unwatch(id: string) {
if (this.watchers[id]) {
await this.watchers[id]();
delete this.watchers[id];
@OnEvent({ name: 'app.shutdown' })
async onShutdown() {
await this.unwatchAll();
private async unwatchAll() {
if (!this.watchLock) {
return false;
for (const id in this.watchers) {
await this.unwatch(id);
async watchAll() {
if (!this.watchLock) {
return false;
const libraries = await this.libraryRepository.getAll(false);
for (const library of libraries) {
await this.watch(library.id);
async getStatistics(id: string): Promise<LibraryStatsResponseDto> {
const statistics = await this.libraryRepository.getStatistics(id);
if (!statistics) {
throw new BadRequestException(`Library ${id} not found`);
return statistics;
async get(id: string): Promise<LibraryResponseDto> {
const library = await this.findOrFail(id);
return mapLibrary(library);
async getAll(): Promise<LibraryResponseDto[]> {
const libraries = await this.libraryRepository.getAll(false);
return libraries.map((library) => mapLibrary(library));
async handleQueueCleanup(): Promise<JobStatus> {
this.logger.debug('Cleaning up any pending library deletions');
const pendingDeletion = await this.libraryRepository.getAllDeleted();
await this.jobRepository.queueAll(
pendingDeletion.map((libraryToDelete) => ({ name: JobName.LIBRARY_DELETE, data: { id: libraryToDelete.id } })),
return JobStatus.SUCCESS;
async create(dto: CreateLibraryDto): Promise<LibraryResponseDto> {
const library = await this.libraryRepository.create({
ownerId: dto.ownerId,
name: dto.name ?? 'New External Library',
importPaths: dto.importPaths ?? [],
exclusionPatterns: dto.exclusionPatterns ?? ['**/@eaDir/**', '**/._*'],
return mapLibrary(library);
private async syncFiles({ id, ownerId }: LibraryEntity, assetPaths: string[]) {
await this.jobRepository.queueAll(
assetPaths.map((assetPath) => ({
data: {
private async syncAssets({ importPaths, exclusionPatterns }: LibraryEntity, assetIds: string[]) {
await this.jobRepository.queueAll(
assetIds.map((assetId) => ({
data: { id: assetId, importPaths, exclusionPatterns },
private async validateImportPath(importPath: string): Promise<ValidateLibraryImportPathResponseDto> {
const validation = new ValidateLibraryImportPathResponseDto();
validation.importPath = importPath;
if (StorageCore.isImmichPath(importPath)) {
validation.message = 'Cannot use media upload folder for external libraries';
return validation;
try {
const stat = await this.storageRepository.stat(importPath);
if (!stat.isDirectory()) {
validation.message = 'Not a directory';
return validation;
} catch (error: any) {
if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
validation.message = 'Path does not exist (ENOENT)';
return validation;
validation.message = String(error);
return validation;
const access = await this.storageRepository.checkFileExists(importPath, R_OK);
if (!access) {
validation.message = 'Lacking read permission for folder';
return validation;
validation.isValid = true;
return validation;
async validate(id: string, dto: ValidateLibraryDto): Promise<ValidateLibraryResponseDto> {
const importPaths = await Promise.all(
(dto.importPaths || []).map((importPath) => this.validateImportPath(importPath)),
return { importPaths };
async update(id: string, dto: UpdateLibraryDto): Promise<LibraryResponseDto> {
await this.findOrFail(id);
const library = await this.libraryRepository.update({ id, ...dto });
if (dto.importPaths) {
const validation = await this.validate(id, { importPaths: dto.importPaths });
if (validation.importPaths) {
for (const path of validation.importPaths) {
if (!path.isValid) {
throw new BadRequestException(`Invalid import path: ${path.message}`);
return mapLibrary(library);
async delete(id: string) {
await this.findOrFail(id);
if (this.watchLibraries) {
await this.unwatch(id);
await this.libraryRepository.softDelete(id);
await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.LIBRARY_DELETE, data: { id } });
async handleDeleteLibrary(job: IEntityJob): Promise<JobStatus> {
const libraryId = job.id;
const assetPagination = usePagination(JOBS_LIBRARY_PAGINATION_SIZE, (pagination) =>
this.assetRepository.getAll(pagination, { libraryId, withDeleted: true }),
let assetsFound = false;
this.logger.debug(`Will delete all assets in library ${libraryId}`);
for await (const assets of assetPagination) {
assetsFound = true;
this.logger.debug(`Queueing deletion of ${assets.length} asset(s) in library ${libraryId}`);
await this.jobRepository.queueAll(
assets.map((asset) => ({
data: {
id: asset.id,
deleteOnDisk: false,
if (!assetsFound) {
this.logger.log(`Deleting library ${libraryId}`);
await this.libraryRepository.delete(libraryId);
return JobStatus.SUCCESS;
async handleSyncFile(job: ILibraryFileJob): Promise<JobStatus> {
// Only needs to handle new assets
const assetPath = path.normalize(job.assetPath);
let asset = await this.assetRepository.getByLibraryIdAndOriginalPath(job.id, assetPath);
if (asset) {
return JobStatus.SKIPPED;
let stat;
try {
stat = await this.storageRepository.stat(assetPath);
} catch (error: any) {
if (error.code === 'ENOENT') {
this.logger.error(`File not found: ${assetPath}`);
return JobStatus.SKIPPED;
this.logger.error(`Error reading file: ${assetPath}. Error: ${error}`);
return JobStatus.FAILED;
this.logger.log(`Importing new library asset: ${assetPath}`);
const library = await this.libraryRepository.get(job.id, true);
if (!library || library.deletedAt) {
this.logger.error('Cannot import asset into deleted library');
return JobStatus.FAILED;
// TODO: device asset id is deprecated, remove it
const deviceAssetId = `${basename(assetPath)}`.replaceAll(/\s+/g, '');
const pathHash = this.cryptoRepository.hashSha1(`path:${assetPath}`);
// TODO: doesn't xmp replace the file extension? Will need investigation
let sidecarPath: string | null = null;
if (await this.storageRepository.checkFileExists(`${assetPath}.xmp`, R_OK)) {
sidecarPath = `${assetPath}.xmp`;
const assetType = mimeTypes.isVideo(assetPath) ? AssetType.VIDEO : AssetType.IMAGE;
const mtime = stat.mtime;
asset = await this.assetRepository.create({
ownerId: job.ownerId,
libraryId: job.id,
checksum: pathHash,
originalPath: assetPath,
deviceId: 'Library Import',
fileCreatedAt: mtime,
fileModifiedAt: mtime,
localDateTime: mtime,
type: assetType,
originalFileName: parse(assetPath).base,
isExternal: true,
await this.queuePostSyncJobs(asset);
return JobStatus.SUCCESS;
async queuePostSyncJobs(asset: AssetEntity) {
this.logger.debug(`Queueing metadata extraction for: ${asset.originalPath}`);
await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.METADATA_EXTRACTION, data: { id: asset.id, source: 'upload' } });
async queueScan(id: string) {
await this.findOrFail(id);
await this.jobRepository.queue({
data: {
await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.LIBRARY_QUEUE_SYNC_ASSETS, data: { id } });
async handleQueueSyncAll(): Promise<JobStatus> {
this.logger.debug(`Refreshing all external libraries`);
await this.jobRepository.queue({ name: JobName.LIBRARY_QUEUE_CLEANUP, data: {} });
const libraries = await this.libraryRepository.getAll(true);
await this.jobRepository.queueAll(
libraries.map((library) => ({
data: {
id: library.id,
await this.jobRepository.queueAll(
libraries.map((library) => ({
data: {
id: library.id,
return JobStatus.SUCCESS;
async handleSyncAsset(job: ILibraryAssetJob): Promise<JobStatus> {
const asset = await this.assetRepository.getById(job.id);
if (!asset) {
return JobStatus.SKIPPED;
const markOffline = async (explanation: string) => {
if (!asset.isOffline) {
this.logger.debug(`${explanation}, removing: ${asset.originalPath}`);
await this.assetRepository.updateAll([asset.id], { isOffline: true, deletedAt: new Date() });
const isInPath = job.importPaths.find((path) => asset.originalPath.startsWith(path));
if (!isInPath) {
await markOffline('Asset is no longer in an import path');
return JobStatus.SUCCESS;
const isExcluded = job.exclusionPatterns.some((pattern) => picomatch.isMatch(asset.originalPath, pattern));
if (isExcluded) {
await markOffline('Asset is covered by an exclusion pattern');
return JobStatus.SUCCESS;
let stat;
try {
stat = await this.storageRepository.stat(asset.originalPath);
} catch {
await markOffline('Asset is no longer on disk or is inaccessible because of permissions');
return JobStatus.SUCCESS;
const mtime = stat.mtime;
const isAssetModified = mtime.toISOString() !== asset.fileModifiedAt.toISOString();
if (asset.isOffline || isAssetModified) {
this.logger.debug(`Asset was offline or modified, updating asset record ${asset.originalPath}`);
//TODO: When we have asset status, we need to leave deletedAt as is when status is trashed
await this.assetRepository.updateAll([asset.id], {
isOffline: false,
deletedAt: null,
fileCreatedAt: mtime,
fileModifiedAt: mtime,
originalFileName: parse(asset.originalPath).base,
if (isAssetModified) {
this.logger.debug(`Asset was modified, queuing metadata extraction for: ${asset.originalPath}`);
await this.queuePostSyncJobs(asset);
return JobStatus.SUCCESS;
async handleQueueSyncFiles(job: IEntityJob): Promise<JobStatus> {
const library = await this.libraryRepository.get(job.id);
if (!library) {
this.logger.debug(`Library ${job.id} not found, skipping refresh`);
return JobStatus.SKIPPED;
this.logger.log(`Refreshing library ${library.id} for new assets`);
const validImportPaths: string[] = [];
for (const importPath of library.importPaths) {
const validation = await this.validateImportPath(importPath);
if (validation.isValid) {
} else {
this.logger.warn(`Skipping invalid import path: ${importPath}. Reason: ${validation.message}`);
if (validImportPaths) {
const assetsOnDisk = this.storageRepository.walk({
pathsToCrawl: validImportPaths,
includeHidden: false,
exclusionPatterns: library.exclusionPatterns,
let count = 0;
for await (const assetBatch of assetsOnDisk) {
count += assetBatch.length;
this.logger.debug(`Discovered ${count} asset(s) on disk for library ${library.id}...`);
await this.syncFiles(library, assetBatch);
this.logger.verbose(`Queued scan of ${assetBatch.length} crawled asset(s) in library ${library.id}...`);
if (count > 0) {
this.logger.debug(`Finished queueing scan of ${count} assets on disk for library ${library.id}`);
} else {
this.logger.debug(`No non-excluded assets found in any import path for library ${library.id}`);
} else {
this.logger.warn(`No valid import paths found for library ${library.id}`);
await this.libraryRepository.update({ id: job.id, refreshedAt: new Date() });
return JobStatus.SUCCESS;
async handleQueueSyncAssets(job: IEntityJob): Promise<JobStatus> {
const library = await this.libraryRepository.get(job.id);
if (!library) {
return JobStatus.SKIPPED;
this.logger.log(`Scanning library ${library.id} for removed assets`);
const onlineAssets = usePagination(JOBS_LIBRARY_PAGINATION_SIZE, (pagination) =>
this.assetRepository.getAll(pagination, { libraryId: job.id, withDeleted: true }),
let assetCount = 0;
for await (const assets of onlineAssets) {
assetCount += assets.length;
this.logger.debug(`Discovered ${assetCount} asset(s) in library ${library.id}...`);
await this.jobRepository.queueAll(
assets.map((asset) => ({
data: { id: asset.id, importPaths: library.importPaths, exclusionPatterns: library.exclusionPatterns },
this.logger.debug(`Queued check of ${assets.length} asset(s) in library ${library.id}...`);
if (assetCount) {
this.logger.log(`Finished queueing check of ${assetCount} assets for library ${library.id}`);
return JobStatus.SUCCESS;
private async findOrFail(id: string) {
const library = await this.libraryRepository.get(id);
if (!library) {
throw new BadRequestException('Library not found');
return library;