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Immich API
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.102.3
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartDioClientCodegen
- Dart 2.15.0+ or Flutter 2.8.0+
- Dio 5.0.0+ (https://pub.dev/packages/dio)
Installation & Usage
To use the package from pub.dev, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
openapi: 1.0.0
If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
url: https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
#ref: main
Local development
To use the package from your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/openapi
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:openapi/openapi.dart';
final api = Openapi().getAPIKeyApi();
final APIKeyCreateDto aPIKeyCreateDto = ; // APIKeyCreateDto |
try {
final response = await api.createApiKey(aPIKeyCreateDto);
} catch on DioException (e) {
print("Exception when calling APIKeyApi->createApiKey: $e\n");
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to /api
Documentation For Models
- APIKeyCreateDto
- APIKeyCreateResponseDto
- APIKeyResponseDto
- APIKeyUpdateDto
- ActivityCreateDto
- ActivityResponseDto
- ActivityStatisticsResponseDto
- AddUsersDto
- AdminOnboardingUpdateDto
- AlbumCountResponseDto
- AlbumResponseDto
- AllJobStatusResponseDto
- AssetBulkDeleteDto
- AssetBulkUpdateDto
- AssetBulkUploadCheckDto
- AssetBulkUploadCheckItem
- AssetBulkUploadCheckResponseDto
- AssetBulkUploadCheckResult
- AssetDeltaSyncResponseDto
- AssetFaceResponseDto
- AssetFaceUpdateDto
- AssetFaceUpdateItem
- AssetFaceWithoutPersonResponseDto
- AssetFileUploadResponseDto
- AssetIdsDto
- AssetIdsResponseDto
- AssetJobName
- AssetJobsDto
- AssetOrder
- AssetResponseDto
- AssetStatsResponseDto
- AssetTypeEnum
- AudioCodec
- AuditDeletesResponseDto
- BulkIdResponseDto
- BulkIdsDto
- CLIPConfig
- CLIPMode
- CQMode
- ChangePasswordDto
- CheckExistingAssetsDto
- CheckExistingAssetsResponseDto
- Colorspace
- CreateAlbumDto
- CreateAssetDto
- CreateLibraryDto
- CreateProfileImageDto
- CreateProfileImageResponseDto
- CreateTagDto
- CreateUserDto
- CuratedLocationsResponseDto
- CuratedObjectsResponseDto
- DeleteUserDto
- DownloadArchiveInfo
- DownloadInfoDto
- DownloadResponseDto
- EntityType
- ExifResponseDto
- FaceDto
- FileChecksumDto
- FileChecksumResponseDto
- FileReportDto
- FileReportFixDto
- FileReportItemDto
- ImageFormat
- JobCommand
- JobCommandDto
- JobCountsDto
- JobName
- JobSettingsDto
- JobStatusDto
- LibraryResponseDto
- LibraryStatsResponseDto
- LibraryType
- LogLevel
- LoginCredentialDto
- LoginResponseDto
- LogoutResponseDto
- MapMarkerResponseDto
- MapTheme
- MemoryCreateDto
- MemoryLaneResponseDto
- MemoryResponseDto
- MemoryType
- MemoryUpdateDto
- MergePersonDto
- MetadataSearchDto
- ModelType
- OAuthAuthorizeResponseDto
- OAuthCallbackDto
- OAuthConfigDto
- OnThisDayDto
- PartnerResponseDto
- PathEntityType
- PathType
- PeopleResponseDto
- PeopleUpdateDto
- PeopleUpdateItem
- PersonCreateDto
- PersonResponseDto
- PersonStatisticsResponseDto
- PersonUpdateDto
- PersonWithFacesResponseDto
- PlacesResponseDto
- QueueStatusDto
- ReactionLevel
- ReactionType
- RecognitionConfig
- ReverseGeocodingStateResponseDto
- ScanLibraryDto
- SearchAlbumResponseDto
- SearchAssetResponseDto
- SearchExploreItem
- SearchExploreResponseDto
- SearchFacetCountResponseDto
- SearchFacetResponseDto
- SearchResponseDto
- SearchSuggestionType
- ServerConfigDto
- ServerFeaturesDto
- ServerInfoResponseDto
- ServerMediaTypesResponseDto
- ServerPingResponse
- ServerStatsResponseDto
- ServerThemeDto
- ServerVersionResponseDto
- SessionResponseDto
- SharedLinkCreateDto
- SharedLinkEditDto
- SharedLinkResponseDto
- SharedLinkType
- SignUpDto
- SmartInfoResponseDto
- SmartSearchDto
- SystemConfigDto
- SystemConfigFFmpegDto
- SystemConfigImageDto
- SystemConfigJobDto
- SystemConfigLibraryDto
- SystemConfigLibraryScanDto
- SystemConfigLibraryWatchDto
- SystemConfigLoggingDto
- SystemConfigMachineLearningDto
- SystemConfigMapDto
- SystemConfigNewVersionCheckDto
- SystemConfigOAuthDto
- SystemConfigPasswordLoginDto
- SystemConfigReverseGeocodingDto
- SystemConfigServerDto
- SystemConfigStorageTemplateDto
- SystemConfigTemplateStorageOptionDto
- SystemConfigThemeDto
- SystemConfigTrashDto
- SystemConfigUserDto
- TagResponseDto
- TagTypeEnum
- ThumbnailFormat
- TimeBucketResponseDto
- TimeBucketSize
- ToneMapping
- TranscodeHWAccel
- TranscodePolicy
- UpdateAlbumDto
- UpdateAssetDto
- UpdateLibraryDto
- UpdatePartnerDto
- UpdateStackParentDto
- UpdateTagDto
- UpdateUserDto
- UsageByUserDto
- UserAvatarColor
- UserDto
- UserResponseDto
- UserStatus
- ValidateAccessTokenResponseDto
- ValidateLibraryDto
- ValidateLibraryImportPathResponseDto
- ValidateLibraryResponseDto
- VideoCodec
Documentation For Authorization
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP Bearer Token authentication (JWT)
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: immich_access_token
- Location:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-api-key
- Location: HTTP header