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synced 2025-03-25 02:41:37 -05:00
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import { Insertable, Kysely } from 'kysely';
import { randomBytes } from 'node:crypto';
import { Writable } from 'node:stream';
import { Assets, DB, Partners, Sessions, Users } from 'src/db';
import { AuthDto } from 'src/dtos/auth.dto';
import { AssetType } from 'src/enum';
import { AccessRepository } from 'src/repositories/access.repository';
import { ActivityRepository } from 'src/repositories/activity.repository';
import { AlbumRepository } from 'src/repositories/album.repository';
import { ApiKeyRepository } from 'src/repositories/api-key.repository';
import { AssetRepository } from 'src/repositories/asset.repository';
import { AuditRepository } from 'src/repositories/audit.repository';
import { ConfigRepository } from 'src/repositories/config.repository';
import { LibraryRepository } from 'src/repositories/library.repository';
import { LoggingRepository } from 'src/repositories/logging.repository';
import { MachineLearningRepository } from 'src/repositories/machine-learning.repository';
import { MediaRepository } from 'src/repositories/media.repository';
import { MetadataRepository } from 'src/repositories/metadata.repository';
import { MoveRepository } from 'src/repositories/move.repository';
import { NotificationRepository } from 'src/repositories/notification.repository';
import { OAuthRepository } from 'src/repositories/oauth.repository';
import { PartnerRepository } from 'src/repositories/partner.repository';
import { PersonRepository } from 'src/repositories/person.repository';
import { ProcessRepository } from 'src/repositories/process.repository';
import { SearchRepository } from 'src/repositories/search.repository';
import { ServerInfoRepository } from 'src/repositories/server-info.repository';
import { SessionRepository } from 'src/repositories/session.repository';
import { SharedLinkRepository } from 'src/repositories/shared-link.repository';
import { StackRepository } from 'src/repositories/stack.repository';
import { StorageRepository } from 'src/repositories/storage.repository';
import { SyncRepository } from 'src/repositories/sync.repository';
import { SystemMetadataRepository } from 'src/repositories/system-metadata.repository';
import { TelemetryRepository } from 'src/repositories/telemetry.repository';
import { TrashRepository } from 'src/repositories/trash.repository';
import { UserRepository } from 'src/repositories/user.repository';
import { VersionHistoryRepository } from 'src/repositories/version-history.repository';
import { ViewRepository } from 'src/repositories/view-repository';
import { newTelemetryRepositoryMock } from 'test/repositories/telemetry.repository.mock';
import { newUuid } from 'test/small.factory';
import { automock } from 'test/utils';
class CustomWritable extends Writable {
private data = '';
_write(chunk: any, encoding: string, callback: () => void) {
this.data += chunk.toString();
getResponse() {
const result = this.data;
return result
.filter((x) => x.length > 0)
.map((x) => JSON.parse(x));
type Asset = Partial<Insertable<Assets>>;
type User = Partial<Insertable<Users>>;
type Session = Omit<Insertable<Sessions>, 'token'> & { token?: string };
type Partner = Insertable<Partners>;
export class TestFactory {
private assets: Asset[] = [];
private sessions: Session[] = [];
private users: User[] = [];
private partners: Partner[] = [];
private constructor(private context: TestContext) {}
static create(context: TestContext) {
return new TestFactory(context);
static stream() {
return new CustomWritable();
static asset(asset: Asset) {
const assetId = asset.id || newUuid();
const defaults: Insertable<Assets> = {
deviceAssetId: '',
deviceId: '',
originalFileName: '',
checksum: randomBytes(32),
type: AssetType.IMAGE,
originalPath: '/path/to/something.jpg',
ownerId: '@immich.cloud',
isVisible: true,
return {
id: assetId,
static auth(auth: { user: User; session?: Session }) {
return auth as AuthDto;
static user(user: User = {}) {
const userId = user.id || newUuid();
const defaults: Insertable<Users> = {
email: `${userId}@immich.cloud`,
name: `User ${userId}`,
deletedAt: null,
return {
id: userId,
static session(session: Session) {
const id = session.id || newUuid();
const defaults = {
token: randomBytes(36).toString('base64url'),
return {
static partner(partner: Partner) {
const defaults = {
inTimeline: true,
return {
withAsset(asset: Asset) {
return this;
withSession(session: Session) {
return this;
withUser(user: User = {}) {
return this;
withPartner(partner: Partner) {
return this;
async create() {
for (const user of this.users) {
await this.context.createUser(user);
for (const partner of this.partners) {
await this.context.createPartner(partner);
for (const session of this.sessions) {
await this.context.createSession(session);
for (const asset of this.assets) {
await this.context.createAsset(asset);
return this.context;
export class TestContext {
access: AccessRepository;
logger: LoggingRepository;
activity: ActivityRepository;
album: AlbumRepository;
apiKey: ApiKeyRepository;
asset: AssetRepository;
audit: AuditRepository;
config: ConfigRepository;
library: LibraryRepository;
machineLearning: MachineLearningRepository;
media: MediaRepository;
metadata: MetadataRepository;
move: MoveRepository;
notification: NotificationRepository;
oauth: OAuthRepository;
partner: PartnerRepository;
person: PersonRepository;
process: ProcessRepository;
search: SearchRepository;
serverInfo: ServerInfoRepository;
session: SessionRepository;
sharedLink: SharedLinkRepository;
stack: StackRepository;
storage: StorageRepository;
systemMetadata: SystemMetadataRepository;
sync: SyncRepository;
telemetry: TelemetryRepository;
trash: TrashRepository;
user: UserRepository;
versionHistory: VersionHistoryRepository;
view: ViewRepository;
private constructor(public db: Kysely<DB>) {
const logger = automock(LoggingRepository, { args: [, { getEnv: () => ({}) }], strict: false });
const config = new ConfigRepository();
this.access = new AccessRepository(this.db);
this.logger = logger;
this.activity = new ActivityRepository(this.db);
this.album = new AlbumRepository(this.db);
this.apiKey = new ApiKeyRepository(this.db);
this.asset = new AssetRepository(this.db);
this.audit = new AuditRepository(this.db);
this.config = config;
this.library = new LibraryRepository(this.db);
this.machineLearning = new MachineLearningRepository(logger);
this.media = new MediaRepository(logger);
this.metadata = new MetadataRepository(logger);
this.move = new MoveRepository(this.db);
this.notification = new NotificationRepository(logger);
this.oauth = new OAuthRepository(logger);
this.partner = new PartnerRepository(this.db);
this.person = new PersonRepository(this.db);
this.process = new ProcessRepository(logger);
this.search = new SearchRepository(logger, this.db);
this.serverInfo = new ServerInfoRepository(config, logger);
this.session = new SessionRepository(this.db);
this.sharedLink = new SharedLinkRepository(this.db);
this.stack = new StackRepository(this.db);
this.storage = new StorageRepository(logger);
this.sync = new SyncRepository(this.db);
this.systemMetadata = new SystemMetadataRepository(this.db);
this.telemetry = newTelemetryRepositoryMock() as unknown as TelemetryRepository;
this.trash = new TrashRepository(this.db);
this.user = new UserRepository(this.db);
this.versionHistory = new VersionHistoryRepository(this.db);
this.view = new ViewRepository(this.db);
static from(db: Kysely<DB>) {
return new TestContext(db).getFactory();
getFactory() {
return TestFactory.create(this);
createUser(user: User = {}) {
return this.user.create(TestFactory.user(user));
createPartner(partner: Partner) {
return this.partner.create(TestFactory.partner(partner));
createAsset(asset: Asset) {
return this.asset.create(TestFactory.asset(asset));
createSession(session: Session) {
return this.session.create(TestFactory.session(session));