import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:collection/collection.dart'; import 'package:immich_mobile/entities/user.entity.dart'; import 'package:isar/isar.dart'; import 'package:logging/logging.dart'; part 'store.entity.g.dart'; /// Key-value store for individual items enumerated in StoreKey. /// Supports String, int and JSON-serializable Objects /// Can be used concurrently from multiple isolates class Store { static final Logger _log = Logger("Store"); static late final Isar _db; static final List _cache = List.filled( => + 1, null); /// Initializes the store (call exactly once per app start) static void init(Isar db) { _db = db; _populateCache(); _db.storeValues.where().build().watch().listen(_onChangeListener); } /// clears all values from this store (cache and DB), only for testing! static Future clear() { _cache.fillRange(0, _cache.length, null); return _db.writeTxn(() => _db.storeValues.clear()); } /// Returns the stored value for the given key or if null the [defaultValue] /// Throws a [StoreKeyNotFoundException] if both are null static T get(StoreKey key, [T? defaultValue]) { final value = _cache[] ?? defaultValue; if (value == null) { throw StoreKeyNotFoundException(key); } return value; } /// Watches a specific key for changes static Stream watch(StoreKey key) => _db.storeValues.watchObject( => e?._extract(key)); /// Returns the stored value for the given key (possibly null) static T? tryGet(StoreKey key) => _cache[]; /// Stores the value synchronously in the cache and asynchronously in the DB static Future put(StoreKey key, T value) { if (_cache[] == value) return Future.value(); _cache[] = value; return _db.writeTxn( () async => _db.storeValues.put(await StoreValue._of(value, key)), ); } /// Removes the value synchronously from the cache and asynchronously from the DB static Future delete(StoreKey key) { if (_cache[] == null) return Future.value(); _cache[] = null; return _db.writeTxn(() => _db.storeValues.delete(; } /// Fills the cache with the values from the DB static _populateCache() { for (StoreKey key in StoreKey.values) { final StoreValue? value = _db.storeValues.getSync(; if (value != null) { _cache[] = value._extract(key); } } } /// updates the state if a value is updated in any isolate static void _onChangeListener(List? data) { if (data != null) { for (StoreValue value in data) { final key = StoreKey.values.firstWhereOrNull((e) => ==; if (key != null) { _cache[] = value._extract(key); } else { _log.warning("No key available for value id - ${}"); } } } } } /// Internal class for `Store`, do not use elsewhere. @Collection(inheritance: false) class StoreValue { StoreValue(, {this.intValue, this.strValue}); Id id; int? intValue; String? strValue; T? _extract(StoreKey key) { switch (key.type) { case const (int): return intValue as T?; case const (bool): return intValue == null ? null : (intValue! == 1) as T; case const (DateTime): return intValue == null ? null : DateTime.fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch(intValue!) as T; case const (String): return strValue as T?; default: if (key.fromDb != null) { return key.fromDb!.call(Store._db, intValue!); } } throw TypeError(); } static Future _of(T? value, StoreKey key) async { int? i; String? s; switch (key.type) { case const (int): i = value as int?; break; case const (bool): i = value == null ? null : (value == true ? 1 : 0); break; case const (DateTime): i = value == null ? null : (value as DateTime).microsecondsSinceEpoch; break; case const (String): s = value as String?; break; default: if (key.toDb != null) { i = await key.toDb!.call(Store._db, value); break; } throw TypeError(); } return StoreValue(, intValue: i, strValue: s); } } class SSLClientCertStoreVal { final Uint8List data; final String? password; SSLClientCertStoreVal(, this.password); void save() { final b64Str = base64Encode(data); Store.put(StoreKey.sslClientCertData, b64Str); if (password != null) { Store.put(StoreKey.sslClientPasswd, password!); } } static SSLClientCertStoreVal? load() { final b64Str = Store.tryGet(StoreKey.sslClientCertData); if (b64Str == null) { return null; } final Uint8List certData = base64Decode(b64Str); final passwd = Store.tryGet(StoreKey.sslClientPasswd); return SSLClientCertStoreVal(certData, passwd); } static void delete() { Store.delete(StoreKey.sslClientCertData); Store.delete(StoreKey.sslClientPasswd); } } class StoreKeyNotFoundException implements Exception { final StoreKey key; StoreKeyNotFoundException(this.key); @override String toString() => "Key '${}' not found in Store"; } /// Key for each possible value in the `Store`. /// Defines the data type for each value enum StoreKey { version(0, type: int), assetETag(1, type: String), currentUser(2, type: User, fromDb: _getUser, toDb: _toUser), deviceIdHash(3, type: int), deviceId(4, type: String), backupFailedSince(5, type: DateTime), backupRequireWifi(6, type: bool), backupRequireCharging(7, type: bool), backupTriggerDelay(8, type: int), serverUrl(10, type: String), accessToken(11, type: String), serverEndpoint(12, type: String), autoBackup(13, type: bool), backgroundBackup(14, type: bool), sslClientCertData(15, type: String), sslClientPasswd(16, type: String), // user settings from [AppSettingsEnum] below: loadPreview(100, type: bool), loadOriginal(101, type: bool), themeMode(102, type: String), tilesPerRow(103, type: int), dynamicLayout(104, type: bool), groupAssetsBy(105, type: int), uploadErrorNotificationGracePeriod(106, type: int), backgroundBackupTotalProgress(107, type: bool), backgroundBackupSingleProgress(108, type: bool), storageIndicator(109, type: bool), thumbnailCacheSize(110, type: int), imageCacheSize(111, type: int), albumThumbnailCacheSize(112, type: int), selectedAlbumSortOrder(113, type: int), advancedTroubleshooting(114, type: bool), logLevel(115, type: int), preferRemoteImage(116, type: bool), loopVideo(117, type: bool), // map related settings mapShowFavoriteOnly(118, type: bool), mapRelativeDate(119, type: int), selfSignedCert(120, type: bool), mapIncludeArchived(121, type: bool), ignoreIcloudAssets(122, type: bool), selectedAlbumSortReverse(123, type: bool), mapThemeMode(124, type: int), mapwithPartners(125, type: bool), enableHapticFeedback(126, type: bool), customHeaders(127, type: String), // theme settings primaryColor(128, type: String), dynamicTheme(129, type: bool), colorfulInterface(130, type: bool), syncAlbums(131, type: bool), // Auto endpoint switching autoEndpointSwitching(132, type: bool), preferredWifiName(133, type: String), localEndpoint(134, type: String), externalEndpointList(135, type: String), // Video settings loadOriginalVideo(136, type: bool), ; const StoreKey(, { required this.type, this.fromDb, this.toDb, }); final int id; final Type type; final T? Function(Isar, int)? fromDb; final Future Function(Isar, T)? toDb; } T? _getUser(Isar db, int i) { final User? u = db.users.getSync(i); return u as T?; } Future _toUser(Isar db, T u) { if (u is User) { return db.users.put(u); } throw TypeError(); }