import { getMyUser, init, isHttpError } from '@immich/sdk'; import { convertPathToPattern, glob } from 'fast-glob'; import { createHash } from 'node:crypto'; import { createReadStream } from 'node:fs'; import { readFile, stat, writeFile } from 'node:fs/promises'; import { platform } from 'node:os'; import { join, resolve } from 'node:path'; import yaml from 'yaml'; export interface BaseOptions { configDirectory: string; key?: string; url?: string; } export type AuthDto = { url: string; key: string }; type OldAuthDto = { instanceUrl: string; apiKey: string }; export const authenticate = async (options: BaseOptions): Promise => { const { configDirectory: configDir, url, key } = options; // provided in command if (url && key) { return connect(url, key); } // fallback to auth file const config = await readAuthFile(configDir); const auth = await connect(config.url, config.key); if (auth.url !== config.url) { await writeAuthFile(configDir, auth); } return auth; }; export const connect = async (url: string, key: string) => { const wellKnownUrl = new URL('.well-known/immich', url); try { const wellKnown = await fetch(wellKnownUrl).then((response) => response.json()); const endpoint = new URL(wellKnown.api.endpoint, url).toString(); if (endpoint !== url) { console.debug(`Discovered API at ${endpoint}`); } url = endpoint; } catch { // noop } init({ baseUrl: url, apiKey: key }); const [error] = await withError(getMyUser()); if (isHttpError(error)) { logError(error, 'Failed to connect to server'); process.exit(1); } return { url, key }; }; export const logError = (error: unknown, message: string) => { if (isHttpError(error)) { console.error(`${message}: ${error.status}`); console.error(JSON.stringify(, undefined, 2)); } else { console.error(`${message} - ${error}`); } }; export const getAuthFilePath = (dir: string) => join(dir, 'auth.yml'); export const readAuthFile = async (dir: string) => { try { const data = await readFile(getAuthFilePath(dir)); // TODO add class-transform/validation const auth = yaml.parse(data.toString()) as AuthDto | OldAuthDto; const { instanceUrl, apiKey } = auth as OldAuthDto; if (instanceUrl && apiKey) { return { url: instanceUrl, key: apiKey }; } return auth as AuthDto; } catch (error: Error | any) { if (error.code === 'ENOENT' || error.code === 'ENOTDIR') { console.log('No auth file exists. Please login first.'); process.exit(1); } throw error; } }; export const writeAuthFile = async (dir: string, auth: AuthDto) => writeFile(getAuthFilePath(dir), yaml.stringify(auth), { mode: 0o600 }); export const withError = async (promise: Promise): Promise<[Error, undefined] | [undefined, T]> => { try { const result = await promise; return [undefined, result]; } catch (error: Error | any) { return [error, undefined]; } }; export interface CrawlOptions { pathsToCrawl: string[]; recursive?: boolean; includeHidden?: boolean; exclusionPattern?: string; extensions: string[]; } const convertPathToPatternOnWin = (path: string) => { return platform() === 'win32' ? convertPathToPattern(path) : path; }; export const crawl = async (options: CrawlOptions): Promise => { const { extensions: extensionsWithPeriod, recursive, pathsToCrawl, exclusionPattern, includeHidden } = options; const extensions = => extension.replace('.', '')); if (pathsToCrawl.length === 0) { return []; } const patterns: string[] = []; const crawledFiles: string[] = []; for await (const currentPath of pathsToCrawl) { try { const absolutePath = resolve(currentPath); const stats = await stat(absolutePath); if (stats.isFile() || stats.isSymbolicLink()) { crawledFiles.push(absolutePath); } else { patterns.push(convertPathToPatternOnWin(absolutePath)); } } catch (error: any) { if (error.code === 'ENOENT') { patterns.push(convertPathToPatternOnWin(currentPath)); } else { throw error; } } } let searchPattern: string; if (patterns.length === 1) { searchPattern = patterns[0]; } else if (patterns.length === 0) { return crawledFiles; } else { searchPattern = '{' + patterns.join(',') + '}'; } if (recursive) { searchPattern = searchPattern + '/**/'; } searchPattern = `${searchPattern}/*.{${extensions.join(',')}}`; const globbedFiles = await glob(searchPattern, { absolute: true, caseSensitiveMatch: false, onlyFiles: true, dot: includeHidden, ignore: [`**/${exclusionPattern}`], }); globbedFiles.push(...crawledFiles); return globbedFiles.sort(); }; export const sha1 = (filepath: string) => { const hash = createHash('sha1'); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const rs = createReadStream(filepath); rs.on('error', reject); rs.on('data', (chunk) => hash.update(chunk)); rs.on('end', () => resolve(hash.digest('hex'))); }); };