2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"action_common_back" : "Back" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"action_common_cancel" : "Cancel" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"action_common_clear" : "Clear" ,
"action_common_confirm" : "Confirm" ,
2024-07-30 14:03:04 -05:00
"action_common_save" : "Save" ,
"action_common_select" : "Select" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"action_common_update" : "Update" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"add_a_name" : "Add a name" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"add_endpoint" : "Add endpoint" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"add_to_album_bottom_sheet_added" : "Dodato u {album}" ,
"add_to_album_bottom_sheet_already_exists" : "Već u {album}" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"advanced_settings_log_level_title" : "Log level: {}" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"advanced_settings_prefer_remote_subtitle" : "Some devices are painfully slow to load thumbnails from assets on the device. Activate this setting to load remote images instead." ,
"advanced_settings_prefer_remote_title" : "Prefer remote images" ,
2024-07-01 09:44:15 -05:00
"advanced_settings_proxy_headers_subtitle" : "Define proxy headers Immich should send with each network request" ,
"advanced_settings_proxy_headers_title" : "Proxy Headers" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"advanced_settings_self_signed_ssl_subtitle" : "Skips SSL certificate verification for the server endpoint. Required for self-signed certificates." ,
"advanced_settings_self_signed_ssl_title" : "Allow self-signed SSL certificates" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"advanced_settings_tile_subtitle" : "Advanced user's settings" ,
"advanced_settings_tile_title" : "Advanced" ,
"advanced_settings_troubleshooting_subtitle" : "Enable additional features for troubleshooting" ,
"advanced_settings_troubleshooting_title" : "Troubleshooting" ,
"album_info_card_backup_album_excluded" : "ISKLJUČENO" ,
"album_info_card_backup_album_included" : "UKLJUČENO" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"albums" : "Albums" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"album_thumbnail_card_item" : "1 stavka" ,
"album_thumbnail_card_items" : "{} stavki" ,
"album_thumbnail_card_shared" : "Deljeno" ,
"album_thumbnail_owned" : "Owned" ,
"album_thumbnail_shared_by" : "Shared by {}" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"album_viewer_appbar_delete_confirm" : "Are you sure you want to delete this album from your account?" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"album_viewer_appbar_share_delete" : "Obriši album" ,
"album_viewer_appbar_share_err_delete" : "Neuspešno brisanje albuma" ,
"album_viewer_appbar_share_err_leave" : "Neuspešno izlaženje iz albuma" ,
"album_viewer_appbar_share_err_remove" : "Problemi sa brisanjem zapisa iz albuma" ,
"album_viewer_appbar_share_err_title" : "Neuspešno menjanje naziva albuma" ,
"album_viewer_appbar_share_leave" : "Izađi iz albuma" ,
"album_viewer_appbar_share_remove" : "Obriši iz albuma" ,
2023-11-13 09:24:00 -06:00
"album_viewer_appbar_share_to" : "Share To" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"album_viewer_page_share_add_users" : "Dodaj korisnike" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"all" : "All" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"all_people_page_title" : "People" ,
"all_videos_page_title" : "Videos" ,
2023-12-19 13:17:20 -06:00
"app_bar_signout_dialog_content" : "Are you sure you want to sign out?" ,
2023-11-13 09:24:00 -06:00
"app_bar_signout_dialog_ok" : "Yes" ,
"app_bar_signout_dialog_title" : "Sign out" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"archived" : "Archived" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"archive_page_no_archived_assets" : "No archived assets found" ,
"archive_page_title" : "Archive ({})" ,
2024-01-07 23:17:35 -06:00
"asset_action_delete_err_read_only" : "Cannot delete read only asset(s), skipping" ,
"asset_action_share_err_offline" : "Cannot fetch offline asset(s), skipping" ,
2024-04-04 18:48:17 -05:00
"asset_list_group_by_sub_title" : "Group by" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"asset_list_layout_settings_dynamic_layout_title" : "Dinamični raspored" ,
"asset_list_layout_settings_group_automatically" : "Automatic" ,
"asset_list_layout_settings_group_by" : "Grupiši zapise po" ,
"asset_list_layout_settings_group_by_month" : "Mesec" ,
"asset_list_layout_settings_group_by_month_day" : "Mesec + Dan" ,
2024-04-04 18:48:17 -05:00
"asset_list_layout_sub_title" : "Layout" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"asset_list_settings_subtitle" : "Opcije za mrežni prikaz fotografija" ,
"asset_list_settings_title" : "Mrežni prikaz fotografija" ,
2024-08-14 10:29:49 -05:00
"asset_restored_successfully" : "Asset restored successfully" ,
"assets_deleted_permanently" : "{} asset(s) deleted permanently" ,
"assets_deleted_permanently_from_server" : "{} asset(s) deleted permanently from the Immich server" ,
"assets_removed_permanently_from_device" : "{} asset(s) removed permanently from your device" ,
"assets_restored_successfully" : "{} asset(s) restored successfully" ,
"assets_trashed" : "{} asset(s) trashed" ,
"assets_trashed_from_server" : "{} asset(s) trashed from the Immich server" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"asset_viewer_settings_subtitle" : "Manage your gallery viewer settings" ,
2024-04-04 18:48:17 -05:00
"asset_viewer_settings_title" : "Asset Viewer" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"automatic_endpoint_switching_subtitle" : "Connect locally over designated Wi-Fi when available and use alternative connections elsewhere" ,
"automatic_endpoint_switching_title" : "Automatic URL switching" ,
"background_location_permission" : "Background location permission" ,
"background_location_permission_content" : "In order to switch networks when running in the background, Immich must *always* have precise location access so the app can read the Wi-Fi network's name" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"backup_album_selection_page_albums_device" : "Albuma na uređaju ({})" ,
"backup_album_selection_page_albums_tap" : "Dodirni da uključiš, dodirni dvaput da isključiš" ,
"backup_album_selection_page_assets_scatter" : "Zapisi se mogu naći u više različitih albuma. Odatle albumi se mogu uključiti ili isključiti tokom procesa pravljenja pozadinskih kopija." ,
"backup_album_selection_page_select_albums" : "Odaberi albume" ,
"backup_album_selection_page_selection_info" : "Informacije o selekciji" ,
"backup_album_selection_page_total_assets" : "Ukupno jedinstvenih ***" ,
"backup_all" : "Sve" ,
"backup_background_service_backup_failed_message" : "Neuspešno pravljenje rezervne kopije. Pokušavam ponovo..." ,
"backup_background_service_connection_failed_message" : "Neuspešno povezivanje sa serverom. Pokušavam ponovo..." ,
"backup_background_service_current_upload_notification" : "Otpremanje {}" ,
"backup_background_service_default_notification" : "Proveravanje novih zapisa" ,
"backup_background_service_error_title" : "Greška u pravljenju rezervnih kopija" ,
"backup_background_service_in_progress_notification" : "Pravljenje rezervnih kopija zapisa" ,
"backup_background_service_upload_failure_notification" : "Neuspešno otpremljeno: {}" ,
"backup_controller_page_albums" : "Napravi rezervnu kopiju albuma" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_app_refresh_disabled_content" : "Aktiviraj pozadinsko osvežavanje u Opcije Generalne Pozadinsko Osvežavanje kako bi napravili rezervne kopije u pozadini" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_app_refresh_disabled_title" : "Pozadinsko osvežavanje isključeno" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_app_refresh_enable_button_text" : "Idi u podešavanja" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_battery_info_link" : "Pokaži mi kako" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_battery_info_message" : "Za najpouzdanije pravljenje rezervnih kopija, ugasite bilo koju opciju u optimizacijama koje bi sprečavale Immich sa pravilnim radom.\n\nOvaj postupak varira od uređaja do uređaja, proverite potrebne korake za Vaš uređaj." ,
"backup_controller_page_background_battery_info_ok" : "OK" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_battery_info_title" : "Optimizacija Baterije" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_charging" : "Samo tokom punjenja" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_configure_error" : "Neuspešno konfigurisanje pozadinskog servisa" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_delay" : "Vreme između pravljejna rezervnih kopija zapisa: {}" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_description" : "Uključi pozadinski servis da automatski praviš rezervne kopije, bez da otvaraš aplikaciju" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_is_off" : "Automatsko pravljenje rezervnih kopija u pozadini je isključeno" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_is_on" : "Automatsko pravljenje rezervnih kopija u pozadini je uključeno" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_turn_off" : "Isključi pozadinski servis" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_turn_on" : "Uključi pozadinski servis" ,
"backup_controller_page_background_wifi" : "Samo na WiFi" ,
"backup_controller_page_backup" : "Napravi rezervnu kopiju" ,
"backup_controller_page_backup_selected" : "Odabrano:" ,
"backup_controller_page_backup_sub" : "Završeno pravljenje rezervne kopije fotografija i videa" ,
"backup_controller_page_cancel" : "Odustani" ,
"backup_controller_page_created" : "Napravljeno:{}" ,
"backup_controller_page_desc_backup" : "Uključi pravljenje rezervnih kopija u prvom planu da automatski napravite rezervne kopije kada otvorite aplikaciju." ,
"backup_controller_page_excluded" : "Isključeno:" ,
"backup_controller_page_failed" : "Neuspešno ({})" ,
"backup_controller_page_filename" : "Ime fajla:{} [{}]" ,
"backup_controller_page_id" : "ID:{}" ,
"backup_controller_page_info" : "Informacije" ,
"backup_controller_page_none_selected" : "Ništa odabrano" ,
"backup_controller_page_remainder" : "Podsetnik" ,
"backup_controller_page_remainder_sub" : "Ostalo fotografija i videa da se otpremi od selekcije" ,
"backup_controller_page_select" : "Odaberi" ,
"backup_controller_page_server_storage" : "Prostor na serveru" ,
"backup_controller_page_start_backup" : "Pokreni pravljenje rezervne kopije" ,
"backup_controller_page_status_off" : "Automatsko pravljenje rezervnih kopija u prvom planu je isključeno" ,
"backup_controller_page_status_on" : "Automatsko pravljenje rezervnih kopija u prvom planu je uključeno" ,
"backup_controller_page_storage_format" : "{} od {} iskorišćeno" ,
"backup_controller_page_to_backup" : "Albumi koji će se otpremiti" ,
"backup_controller_page_total" : "Ukupno" ,
"backup_controller_page_total_sub" : "Sve jedinstvene fotografije i videi iz odabranih albuma" ,
"backup_controller_page_turn_off" : "Isključi pravljenje rezervnih kopija u prvom planu" ,
"backup_controller_page_turn_on" : "Uključi pravljenje rezervnih kopija u prvom planu" ,
"backup_controller_page_uploading_file_info" : "Otpremanje svojstava datoteke" ,
"backup_err_only_album" : "Nemoguće brisanje jedinog albuma" ,
"backup_info_card_assets" : "zapisi" ,
2023-08-14 13:16:16 -05:00
"backup_manual_cancelled" : "Cancelled" ,
"backup_manual_failed" : "Failed" ,
"backup_manual_in_progress" : "Upload already in progress. Try after sometime" ,
"backup_manual_success" : "Success" ,
"backup_manual_title" : "Upload status" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"backup_options_page_title" : "Backup options" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"backup_setting_subtitle" : "Manage background and foreground upload settings" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"cache_settings_album_thumbnails" : "Sličice na stranici biblioteke" ,
"cache_settings_clear_cache_button" : "Obriši keš memoriju" ,
"cache_settings_clear_cache_button_title" : "Ova opcija briše keš memoriju aplikacije. Ovo će bitno uticati na performanse aplikacije dok se keš memorija ne učita ponovo." ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"cache_settings_duplicated_assets_clear_button" : "CLEAR" ,
"cache_settings_duplicated_assets_subtitle" : "Photos and videos that are black listed by the app" ,
"cache_settings_duplicated_assets_title" : "Duplicated Assets ({})" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"cache_settings_image_cache_size" : "Veličina keš memorije slika ({} stavki)" ,
"cache_settings_statistics_album" : "Minijature biblioteka" ,
"cache_settings_statistics_assets" : "{} stavki ({})" ,
"cache_settings_statistics_full" : "Pune slike" ,
"cache_settings_statistics_shared" : "Minijature deljenih albuma" ,
"cache_settings_statistics_thumbnail" : "Minijature" ,
"cache_settings_statistics_title" : "Iskorišćena keš memorija" ,
"cache_settings_subtitle" : "Kontrole za keš memoriju mobilne aplikacije Immich" ,
"cache_settings_thumbnail_size" : "Keš memorija koju zauzimaju minijature ({} stavki)" ,
2023-11-13 09:24:00 -06:00
"cache_settings_tile_subtitle" : "Control the local storage behaviour" ,
"cache_settings_tile_title" : "Local Storage" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"cache_settings_title" : "Opcije za keširanje" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"cancel" : "Cancel" ,
2024-12-17 09:16:22 -06:00
"change_display_order" : "Change display order" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"change_password_form_confirm_password" : "Ponovo unesite šifru" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"change_password_form_description" : "Ćao, {name}\n\nOvo je verovatno Vaše prvo pristupanje sistemu, ili je podnešen zahtev za promenu šifre. Molimo Vas, unesite novu šifru ispod" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"change_password_form_new_password" : "Nova šifra" ,
"change_password_form_password_mismatch" : "Šifre se ne podudaraju" ,
"change_password_form_reenter_new_password" : "Ponovo unesite novu šifru" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"check_corrupt_asset_backup" : "Check for corrupt asset backups" ,
"check_corrupt_asset_backup_button" : "Perform check" ,
"check_corrupt_asset_backup_description" : "Run this check only over Wi-Fi and once all assets have been backed-up. The procedure might take a few minutes." ,
2024-07-30 14:03:04 -05:00
"client_cert_dialog_msg_confirm" : "OK" ,
"client_cert_enter_password" : "Enter Password" ,
"client_cert_import" : "Import" ,
"client_cert_import_success_msg" : "Client certificate is imported" ,
"client_cert_invalid_msg" : "Invalid certificate file or wrong password" ,
"client_cert_remove" : "Remove" ,
"client_cert_remove_msg" : "Client certificate is removed" ,
"client_cert_subtitle" : "Supports PKCS12 (.p12, .pfx) format only. Certificate Import/Remove is available only before login" ,
"client_cert_title" : "SSL Client Certificate" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"common_add_to_album" : "Dodaj u album" ,
"common_change_password" : "Promeni Šifru" ,
"common_create_new_album" : "Kreiraj novi album" ,
"common_server_error" : "Please check your network connection, make sure the server is reachable and app/server versions are compatible." ,
"common_shared" : "Deljeno" ,
2024-07-30 14:03:04 -05:00
"contextual_search" : "Sunrise on the beach" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"control_bottom_app_bar_add_to_album" : "Dodaj u album" ,
"control_bottom_app_bar_album_info" : "{} stvari" ,
"control_bottom_app_bar_album_info_shared" : "{} stvari podeljeno" ,
"control_bottom_app_bar_archive" : "Archive" ,
"control_bottom_app_bar_create_new_album" : "Kreiraj novi album" ,
"control_bottom_app_bar_delete" : "Obriši" ,
2024-01-30 13:29:12 -06:00
"control_bottom_app_bar_delete_from_immich" : "Delete from Immich" ,
"control_bottom_app_bar_delete_from_local" : "Delete from device" ,
2024-08-30 11:06:25 -05:00
"control_bottom_app_bar_download" : "Download" ,
2024-07-30 14:03:04 -05:00
"control_bottom_app_bar_edit" : "Edit" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"control_bottom_app_bar_edit_location" : "Edit Location" ,
"control_bottom_app_bar_edit_time" : "Edit Date & Time" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"control_bottom_app_bar_favorite" : "Omliljeno" ,
"control_bottom_app_bar_share" : "Podeli" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"control_bottom_app_bar_share_to" : "Share To" ,
"control_bottom_app_bar_stack" : "Stack" ,
2024-01-30 13:29:12 -06:00
"control_bottom_app_bar_trash_from_immich" : "Move to Trash" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"control_bottom_app_bar_unarchive" : "Unarchive" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"control_bottom_app_bar_unfavorite" : "Unfavorite" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"control_bottom_app_bar_upload" : "Upload" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"create_album" : "Create album" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"create_album_page_untitled" : "Bez naslova" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"create_new" : "CREATE NEW" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"create_shared_album_page_create" : "Napravi" ,
"create_shared_album_page_share" : "Podeli" ,
"create_shared_album_page_share_add_assets" : "DODAJ " ,
"create_shared_album_page_share_select_photos" : "Odaberi fotografije" ,
2024-08-30 11:06:25 -05:00
"crop" : "Crop" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"curated_location_page_title" : "Places" ,
"curated_object_page_title" : "Things" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"current_server_address" : "Current server address" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"daily_title_text_date" : "E, MMM dd" ,
"daily_title_text_date_year" : "E, MMM dd, yyyy" ,
"date_format" : "E, LLL d, y • h:mm a" ,
"delete_dialog_alert" : "Ove stvari će permanentno biti obrisane sa Immich-a i Vašeg uređaja" ,
2024-01-30 13:29:12 -06:00
"delete_dialog_alert_local" : "These items will be permanently removed from your device but still be available on the Immich server" ,
"delete_dialog_alert_local_non_backed_up" : "Some of the items aren't backed up to Immich and will be permanently removed from your device" ,
"delete_dialog_alert_remote" : "These items will be permanently deleted from the Immich server" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"delete_dialog_cancel" : "Odustani" ,
"delete_dialog_ok" : "Obriši" ,
2024-01-30 13:29:12 -06:00
"delete_dialog_ok_force" : "Delete Anyway" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"delete_dialog_title" : "Obriši permanentno" ,
2024-01-30 13:29:12 -06:00
"delete_local_dialog_ok_backed_up_only" : "Delete Backed Up Only" ,
"delete_local_dialog_ok_force" : "Delete Anyway" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"delete_shared_link_dialog_content" : "Are you sure you want to delete this shared link?" ,
"delete_shared_link_dialog_title" : "Delete Shared Link" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"description_input_hint_text" : "Add description..." ,
"description_input_submit_error" : "Error updating description, check the log for more details" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"download_canceled" : "Download canceled" ,
"download_complete" : "Download complete" ,
"download_enqueue" : "Download enqueued" ,
2024-09-06 08:30:26 -05:00
"download_error" : "Download Error" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"download_failed" : "Download failed" ,
"download_filename" : "file: {}" ,
"download_finished" : "Download finished" ,
"downloading" : "Downloading..." ,
"downloading_media" : "Downloading media" ,
"download_notfound" : "Download not found" ,
"download_paused" : "Download paused" ,
2024-09-06 08:30:26 -05:00
"download_started" : "Download started" ,
"download_sucess" : "Download success" ,
"download_sucess_android" : "The media has been downloaded to DCIM/Immich" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"download_waiting_to_retry" : "Waiting to retry" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"edit_date_time_dialog_date_time" : "Date and Time" ,
"edit_date_time_dialog_timezone" : "Timezone" ,
2024-08-30 11:06:25 -05:00
"edit_image_title" : "Edit" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"edit_location_dialog_title" : "Location" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"enter_wifi_name" : "Enter WiFi name" ,
2024-12-17 09:16:22 -06:00
"error_change_sort_album" : "Failed to change album sort order" ,
2024-08-30 11:06:25 -05:00
"error_saving_image" : "Error: {}" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"exif_bottom_sheet_description" : "Dodaj opis..." ,
"exif_bottom_sheet_details" : "DETALJI" ,
"exif_bottom_sheet_location" : "LOKACIJA" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"exif_bottom_sheet_location_add" : "Add a location" ,
2024-03-07 20:56:05 -06:00
"exif_bottom_sheet_people" : "PEOPLE" ,
2024-04-04 18:48:17 -05:00
"exif_bottom_sheet_person_add_person" : "Add name" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"experimental_settings_new_asset_list_subtitle" : "U izradi" ,
"experimental_settings_new_asset_list_title" : "Aktiviraj eksperimentalni mrežni prikaz fotografija" ,
"experimental_settings_subtitle" : "Koristiti na sopstvenu odgovornost!" ,
"experimental_settings_title" : "Eksperimentalno" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"external_network" : "External network" ,
"external_network_sheet_info" : "When not on the preferred WiFi network, the app will connect to the server through the first of the below URLs it can reach, starting from top to bottom" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"favorites" : "Favorites" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"favorites_page_no_favorites" : "No favorite assets found" ,
"favorites_page_title" : "Omiljeno" ,
2024-07-30 14:03:04 -05:00
"filename_search" : "File name or extension" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"filter" : "Filter" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"get_wifiname_error" : "Could not get Wi-Fi name. Make sure you have granted the necessary permissions and are connected to a Wi-Fi network" ,
"grant_permission" : "Grant permission" ,
2024-05-06 15:39:53 -05:00
"haptic_feedback_switch" : "Enable haptic feedback" ,
"haptic_feedback_title" : "Haptic Feedback" ,
2024-07-01 09:44:15 -05:00
"header_settings_add_header_tip" : "Add Header" ,
"header_settings_field_validator_msg" : "Value cannot be empty" ,
"header_settings_header_name_input" : "Header name" ,
"header_settings_header_value_input" : "Header value" ,
"header_settings_page_title" : "Proxy Headers" ,
"headers_settings_tile_subtitle" : "Define proxy headers the app should send with each network request" ,
"headers_settings_tile_title" : "Custom proxy headers" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"home_page_add_to_album_conflicts" : "Dodat {added} zapis u album {album}. {failed} zapisi su već u albumu " ,
"home_page_add_to_album_err_local" : "Trenutno nemoguće dodati lokalne zapise u albume, preskacu se" ,
"home_page_add_to_album_success" : "Dodate {added} stavke u album {album}." ,
2023-11-14 20:27:01 -06:00
"home_page_album_err_partner" : "Can not add partner assets to an album yet, skipping" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"home_page_archive_err_local" : "Can not archive local assets yet, skipping" ,
2023-11-14 20:27:01 -06:00
"home_page_archive_err_partner" : "Can not archive partner assets, skipping" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"home_page_building_timeline" : "Kreiranje hronološke linije" ,
2023-11-14 20:27:01 -06:00
"home_page_delete_err_partner" : "Can not delete partner assets, skipping" ,
2024-01-30 13:29:12 -06:00
"home_page_delete_remote_err_local" : "Local assets in delete remote selection, skipping" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"home_page_favorite_err_local" : "Trenutno nije moguce dodati lokalne zapise u favorite, preskacu se" ,
2023-11-14 20:27:01 -06:00
"home_page_favorite_err_partner" : "Can not favorite partner assets yet, skipping" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"home_page_first_time_notice" : "Ako je ovo prvi put da koristite aplikaciju, molimo Vas da odaberete albume koje želite da sačuvate" ,
2023-11-14 20:27:01 -06:00
"home_page_share_err_local" : "Can not share local assets via link, skipping" ,
2023-08-14 13:16:16 -05:00
"home_page_upload_err_limit" : "Can only upload a maximum of 30 assets at a time, skipping" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"ignore_icloud_photos" : "Ignore iCloud photos" ,
"ignore_icloud_photos_description" : "Photos that are stored on iCloud will not be uploaded to the Immich server" ,
2024-08-30 11:06:25 -05:00
"image_saved_successfully" : "Image saved" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"image_viewer_page_state_provider_download_error" : "Preuzimanje Neuspešno" ,
2024-05-06 15:39:53 -05:00
"image_viewer_page_state_provider_download_started" : "Download Started" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"image_viewer_page_state_provider_download_success" : "Preuzimanje Uspešno" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"image_viewer_page_state_provider_share_error" : "Share Error" ,
2024-07-30 14:03:04 -05:00
"invalid_date" : "Invalid date" ,
"invalid_date_format" : "Invalid date format" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"library" : "Library" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"library_page_albums" : "Albumi" ,
"library_page_archive" : "Archive" ,
"library_page_device_albums" : "Albums on Device" ,
"library_page_favorites" : "Omiljeno" ,
"library_page_new_album" : "Novi album" ,
"library_page_sharing" : "Deljenje" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"library_page_sort_asset_count" : "Number of assets" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"library_page_sort_created" : "Najnovije kreirano" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"library_page_sort_last_modified" : "Last modified" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"library_page_sort_most_oldest_photo" : "Oldest photo" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"library_page_sort_most_recent_photo" : "Most recent photo" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"library_page_sort_title" : "Naziv albuma" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"local_network" : "Local network" ,
"local_network_sheet_info" : "The app will connect to the server through this URL when using the specified Wi-Fi network" ,
"location_permission" : "Location permission" ,
"location_permission_content" : "In order to use the auto-switching feature, Immich needs precise location permission so it can read the current WiFi network's name" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"location_picker_choose_on_map" : "Choose on map" ,
"location_picker_latitude" : "Latitude" ,
"location_picker_latitude_error" : "Enter a valid latitude" ,
"location_picker_latitude_hint" : "Enter your latitude here" ,
"location_picker_longitude" : "Longitude" ,
"location_picker_longitude_error" : "Enter a valid longitude" ,
"location_picker_longitude_hint" : "Enter your longitude here" ,
2023-08-14 13:16:16 -05:00
"login_disabled" : "Login has been disabled" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"login_form_api_exception" : "API exception. Please check the server URL and try again." ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"login_form_back_button_text" : "Back" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"login_form_button_text" : "Prijavi se" ,
"login_form_email_hint" : "vašemail@email.com" ,
"login_form_endpoint_hint" : "http://ip-vašeg-servera:port/api" ,
"login_form_endpoint_url" : "URL Servera" ,
"login_form_err_http" : "Dopiši http:// ili https://" ,
"login_form_err_invalid_email" : "Nevažeći Email" ,
"login_form_err_invalid_url" : "Ne važeći link (URL)" ,
"login_form_err_leading_whitespace" : "Razmak ispred" ,
"login_form_err_trailing_whitespace" : "Razmak iza" ,
"login_form_failed_get_oauth_server_config" : "Evidencija grešaka koristeći OAuth, proveriti serverski link (URL)" ,
"login_form_failed_get_oauth_server_disable" : "OAuth opcija nije dostupna na ovom serveru" ,
"login_form_failed_login" : "Neuspešna prijava, proveri URL servera, email i šifru" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"login_form_handshake_exception" : "There was an Handshake Exception with the server. Enable self-signed certificate support in the settings if you are using a self-signed certificate." ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"login_form_label_email" : "Email" ,
"login_form_label_password" : "Šifra" ,
"login_form_next_button" : "Next" ,
"login_form_password_hint" : "šifra" ,
"login_form_save_login" : "Ostani prijavljen" ,
"login_form_server_empty" : "Enter a server URL." ,
"login_form_server_error" : "Could not connect to server." ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"login_password_changed_error" : "There was an error updating your password" ,
"login_password_changed_success" : "Password updated successfully" ,
2023-12-24 10:29:53 -06:00
"map_assets_in_bound" : "{} photo" ,
"map_assets_in_bounds" : "{} photos" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"map_cannot_get_user_location" : "Cannot get user's location" ,
"map_location_dialog_cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"map_location_dialog_yes" : "Yes" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"map_location_picker_page_use_location" : "Use this location" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"map_location_service_disabled_content" : "Location service needs to be enabled to display assets from your current location. Do you want to enable it now?" ,
"map_location_service_disabled_title" : "Location Service disabled" ,
"map_no_assets_in_bounds" : "No photos in this area" ,
"map_no_location_permission_content" : "Location permission is needed to display assets from your current location. Do you want to allow it now?" ,
"map_no_location_permission_title" : "Location Permission denied" ,
"map_settings_dark_mode" : "Dark mode" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"map_settings_date_range_option_all" : "All" ,
2023-12-24 10:29:53 -06:00
"map_settings_date_range_option_day" : "Past 24 hours" ,
"map_settings_date_range_option_days" : "Past {} days" ,
"map_settings_date_range_option_year" : "Past year" ,
"map_settings_date_range_option_years" : "Past {} years" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"map_settings_dialog_cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"map_settings_dialog_save" : "Save" ,
"map_settings_dialog_title" : "Map Settings" ,
"map_settings_include_show_archived" : "Include Archived" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"map_settings_include_show_partners" : "Include Partners" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"map_settings_only_relative_range" : "Date range" ,
"map_settings_only_show_favorites" : "Show Favorite Only" ,
2024-01-30 13:29:12 -06:00
"map_settings_theme_settings" : "Map Theme" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"map_zoom_to_see_photos" : "Zoom out to see photos" ,
2024-04-04 18:48:17 -05:00
"memories_all_caught_up" : "All caught up" ,
"memories_check_back_tomorrow" : "Check back tomorrow for more memories" ,
"memories_start_over" : "Start Over" ,
"memories_swipe_to_close" : "Swipe up to close" ,
2024-07-01 09:44:15 -05:00
"memories_year_ago" : "A year ago" ,
"memories_years_ago" : "{} years ago" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"monthly_title_text_date_format" : "MMMM y" ,
"motion_photos_page_title" : "Motion Photos" ,
2024-01-07 23:17:35 -06:00
"multiselect_grid_edit_date_time_err_read_only" : "Cannot edit date of read only asset(s), skipping" ,
"multiselect_grid_edit_gps_err_read_only" : "Cannot edit location of read only asset(s), skipping" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"my_albums" : "My albums" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"networking_settings" : "Networking" ,
"networking_subtitle" : "Manage the server endpoint settings" ,
2024-05-06 15:39:53 -05:00
"no_assets_to_show" : "No assets to show" ,
2024-07-30 14:03:04 -05:00
"no_name" : "No name" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"notification_permission_dialog_cancel" : "Odustani" ,
"notification_permission_dialog_content" : "Da bi ukljucili notifikacije, idite u Opcije i odaberite Dozvoli" ,
"notification_permission_dialog_settings" : "Podešavanja" ,
"notification_permission_list_tile_content" : "Dozvoli Notifikacije\n" ,
"notification_permission_list_tile_enable_button" : "Uključi Notifikacije" ,
"notification_permission_list_tile_title" : "Dozvole za notifikacije" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"on_this_device" : "On this device" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"partner_list_user_photos" : "{user}'s photos" ,
"partner_list_view_all" : "View all" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"partner_page_add_partner" : "Add partner" ,
"partner_page_empty_message" : "Your photos are not yet shared with any partner." ,
"partner_page_no_more_users" : "No more users to add" ,
"partner_page_partner_add_failed" : "Failed to add partner" ,
"partner_page_select_partner" : "Select partner" ,
"partner_page_shared_to_title" : "Shared to" ,
"partner_page_stop_sharing_content" : "{} will no longer be able to access your photos." ,
"partner_page_stop_sharing_title" : "Stop sharing your photos?" ,
"partner_page_title" : "Partner" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"partners" : "Partners" ,
"people" : "People" ,
2023-11-14 20:27:01 -06:00
"permission_onboarding_back" : "Back" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"permission_onboarding_continue_anyway" : "Continue anyway" ,
"permission_onboarding_get_started" : "Get started" ,
"permission_onboarding_go_to_settings" : "Go to settings" ,
"permission_onboarding_grant_permission" : "Grant permission" ,
"permission_onboarding_log_out" : "Log out" ,
"permission_onboarding_permission_denied" : "Permission denied. To use Immich, grant photo and video permissions in Settings." ,
"permission_onboarding_permission_granted" : "Permission granted! You are all set." ,
"permission_onboarding_permission_limited" : "Permission limited. To let Immich backup and manage your entire gallery collection, grant photo and video permissions in Settings." ,
"permission_onboarding_request" : "Immich requires permission to view your photos and videos." ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"places" : "Places" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"preferences_settings_subtitle" : "Manage the app's preferences" ,
2024-04-04 18:48:17 -05:00
"preferences_settings_title" : "Preferences" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"profile_drawer_app_logs" : "Evidencija" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"profile_drawer_client_out_of_date_major" : "Mobile App is out of date. Please update to the latest major version." ,
"profile_drawer_client_out_of_date_minor" : "Mobile App is out of date. Please update to the latest minor version." ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"profile_drawer_client_server_up_to_date" : "Klijent i server su najnovije verzije" ,
2023-11-13 09:24:00 -06:00
"profile_drawer_documentation" : "Documentation" ,
"profile_drawer_github" : "GitHub" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"profile_drawer_server_out_of_date_major" : "Server is out of date. Please update to the latest major version." ,
"profile_drawer_server_out_of_date_minor" : "Server is out of date. Please update to the latest minor version." ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"profile_drawer_settings" : "Opcije" ,
"profile_drawer_sign_out" : "Odjavi se" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"profile_drawer_trash" : "Trash" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"recently_added" : "Recently added" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"recently_added_page_title" : "Recently Added" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"save" : "Save" ,
2024-08-30 11:06:25 -05:00
"save_to_gallery" : "Save to gallery" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"scaffold_body_error_occurred" : "Error occurred" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"search_albums" : "Search albums" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"search_bar_hint" : "Pretražite Vaše fotografije" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"search_filter_apply" : "Apply filter" ,
2024-07-30 14:03:04 -05:00
"search_filter_camera" : "Camera" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"search_filter_camera_make" : "Make" ,
"search_filter_camera_model" : "Model" ,
2024-07-30 14:03:04 -05:00
"search_filter_camera_title" : "Select camera type" ,
"search_filter_date" : "Date" ,
"search_filter_date_interval" : "{start} to {end}" ,
"search_filter_date_title" : "Select a date range" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"search_filter_display_option_archive" : "Archive" ,
"search_filter_display_option_favorite" : "Favorite" ,
"search_filter_display_option_not_in_album" : "Not in album" ,
2024-07-30 14:03:04 -05:00
"search_filter_display_options" : "Display Options" ,
"search_filter_display_options_title" : "Display options" ,
"search_filter_location" : "Location" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"search_filter_location_city" : "City" ,
"search_filter_location_country" : "Country" ,
"search_filter_location_state" : "State" ,
2024-07-30 14:03:04 -05:00
"search_filter_location_title" : "Select location" ,
"search_filter_media_type" : "Media Type" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"search_filter_media_type_all" : "All" ,
"search_filter_media_type_image" : "Image" ,
2024-07-30 14:03:04 -05:00
"search_filter_media_type_title" : "Select media type" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"search_filter_media_type_video" : "Video" ,
2024-07-30 14:03:04 -05:00
"search_filter_people" : "People" ,
"search_filter_people_title" : "Select people" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"search_page_categories" : "Categories" ,
"search_page_favorites" : "Favorites" ,
"search_page_motion_photos" : "Motion Photos" ,
"search_page_no_objects" : "Bez informacija" ,
"search_page_no_places" : "Nema informacija o mestu" ,
"search_page_people" : "People" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"search_page_person_add_name_dialog_cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"search_page_person_add_name_dialog_hint" : "Name" ,
"search_page_person_add_name_dialog_save" : "Save" ,
"search_page_person_add_name_dialog_title" : "Add a name" ,
"search_page_person_add_name_subtitle" : "Find them fast by name with search" ,
"search_page_person_add_name_title" : "Add a name" ,
"search_page_person_edit_name" : "Edit name" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"search_page_places" : "Mesta" ,
"search_page_recently_added" : "Recently added" ,
"search_page_screenshots" : "Screenshots" ,
2024-12-17 09:16:22 -06:00
"search_page_search_photos_videos" : "Search for your photos and videos" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"search_page_selfies" : "Selfies" ,
"search_page_things" : "Stvari" ,
"search_page_videos" : "Videos" ,
"search_page_view_all_button" : "View all" ,
"search_page_your_activity" : "Your activity" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"search_page_your_map" : "Your Map" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"search_result_page_new_search_hint" : "Nova pretraga" ,
"search_suggestion_list_smart_search_hint_1" : "Smart search is enabled by default, to search for metadata use the syntax " ,
"search_suggestion_list_smart_search_hint_2" : "m:your-search-term" ,
"select_additional_user_for_sharing_page_suggestions" : "Sugsetije" ,
"select_user_for_sharing_page_err_album" : "Neuspešno kreiranje albuma" ,
"select_user_for_sharing_page_share_suggestions" : "Sugestije" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"server_endpoint" : "Server Endpoint" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"server_info_box_app_version" : "Verzija Aplikacije" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"server_info_box_latest_release" : "Latest Version" ,
2023-11-13 09:24:00 -06:00
"server_info_box_server_url" : "Server URL" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"server_info_box_server_version" : "Verzija Servera" ,
"setting_image_viewer_help" : "Detaljno pregledanje prvo učitava minijaturu, pa srednju, pa original. (Ako te opcije uključene)" ,
"setting_image_viewer_original_subtitle" : "Aktiviraj učitavanje slika u punoj rezoluciji (Velika!). Deaktivacijom ove stavke možeš da smanjiš potrošnju interneta i zauzetog prostora na uređaju." ,
"setting_image_viewer_original_title" : "Učitaj originalnu sliku" ,
"setting_image_viewer_preview_subtitle" : "Aktiviraj učitavanje slika u srednjoj rezoluciji. Deaktiviraj da se direktno učitava original, ili da se samo koristi minijatura." ,
"setting_image_viewer_preview_title" : "Pregledaj sliku" ,
2024-06-08 14:51:36 -05:00
"setting_image_viewer_title" : "Images" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"setting_languages_apply" : "Apply" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"setting_languages_subtitle" : "Change the app's language" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"setting_languages_title" : "Languages" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"setting_notifications_notify_failures_grace_period" : "Neuspešne rezervne kopije: {}" ,
"setting_notifications_notify_hours" : "{} sati" ,
"setting_notifications_notify_immediately" : "odmah" ,
"setting_notifications_notify_minutes" : "{} minuta" ,
"setting_notifications_notify_never" : "nikada" ,
"setting_notifications_notify_seconds" : "{} sekundi" ,
"setting_notifications_single_progress_subtitle" : "Detaljne informacije o otpremanju, po zapisu" ,
"setting_notifications_single_progress_title" : "Prikaži detalje pozadinskog pravljenja rezervnih kopija" ,
"setting_notifications_subtitle" : "Izmeni notifikacije" ,
"setting_notifications_title" : "Notifikacije" ,
"setting_notifications_total_progress_subtitle" : "Ukupno otpremljenih stavki (završeno/ukupno stavki)" ,
"setting_notifications_total_progress_title" : "Prikaži ukupan napredak pozadinskog bekapovanja.\n\n" ,
"setting_pages_app_bar_settings" : "Opcije" ,
"settings_require_restart" : "Restartujte Immich da primenite ovu promenu" ,
2024-06-08 14:51:36 -05:00
"setting_video_viewer_looping_subtitle" : "Enable to automatically loop a video in the detail viewer." ,
"setting_video_viewer_looping_title" : "Looping" ,
"setting_video_viewer_title" : "Videos" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"share_add" : "Dodaj" ,
"share_add_photos" : "Dodaj fotografije" ,
"share_add_title" : "Dodaj naslov" ,
2024-05-13 13:27:21 -05:00
"share_assets_selected" : "{} selected" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"share_create_album" : "Napravi album" ,
2023-11-13 09:24:00 -06:00
"shared_album_activities_input_disable" : "Comment is disabled" ,
"shared_album_activities_input_hint" : "Say something" ,
"shared_album_activity_remove_content" : "Do you want to delete this activity?" ,
"shared_album_activity_remove_title" : "Delete Activity" ,
"shared_album_activity_setting_subtitle" : "Let others respond" ,
"shared_album_activity_setting_title" : "Comments & likes" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"shared_album_section_people_action_error" : "Error leaving/removing from album" ,
"shared_album_section_people_action_leave" : "Remove user from album" ,
"shared_album_section_people_action_remove_user" : "Remove user from album" ,
"shared_album_section_people_owner_label" : "Owner" ,
"shared_album_section_people_title" : "PEOPLE" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"share_dialog_preparing" : "Pripremanje..." ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"shared_link_app_bar_title" : "Shared Links" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"shared_link_clipboard_copied_massage" : "Copied to clipboard" ,
"shared_link_clipboard_text" : "Link: {}\nPassword: {}" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"shared_link_create_app_bar_title" : "Create link to share" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"shared_link_create_error" : "Error while creating shared link" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"shared_link_create_info" : "Let anyone with the link see the selected photo(s)" ,
"shared_link_create_submit_button" : "Create link" ,
"shared_link_edit_allow_download" : "Allow public user to download" ,
"shared_link_edit_allow_upload" : "Allow public user to upload" ,
"shared_link_edit_app_bar_title" : "Edit link" ,
"shared_link_edit_change_expiry" : "Change expiration time" ,
"shared_link_edit_description" : "Description" ,
"shared_link_edit_description_hint" : "Enter the share description" ,
2023-11-13 09:24:00 -06:00
"shared_link_edit_expire_after" : "Expire after" ,
2023-12-24 10:29:53 -06:00
"shared_link_edit_expire_after_option_day" : "1 day" ,
"shared_link_edit_expire_after_option_days" : "{} days" ,
"shared_link_edit_expire_after_option_hour" : "1 hour" ,
"shared_link_edit_expire_after_option_hours" : "{} hours" ,
"shared_link_edit_expire_after_option_minute" : "1 minute" ,
"shared_link_edit_expire_after_option_minutes" : "{} minutes" ,
2024-05-06 15:39:53 -05:00
"shared_link_edit_expire_after_option_months" : "{} months" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"shared_link_edit_expire_after_option_never" : "Never" ,
2024-05-06 15:39:53 -05:00
"shared_link_edit_expire_after_option_year" : "{} year" ,
2023-11-13 09:24:00 -06:00
"shared_link_edit_password" : "Password" ,
"shared_link_edit_password_hint" : "Enter the share password" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"shared_link_edit_show_meta" : "Show metadata" ,
"shared_link_edit_submit_button" : "Update link" ,
"shared_link_empty" : "You don't have any shared links" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"shared_link_error_server_url_fetch" : "Cannot fetch the server url" ,
"shared_link_expired" : "Expired" ,
2023-12-24 10:29:53 -06:00
"shared_link_expires_day" : "Expires in {} day" ,
"shared_link_expires_days" : "Expires in {} days" ,
"shared_link_expires_hour" : "Expires in {} hour" ,
"shared_link_expires_hours" : "Expires in {} hours" ,
"shared_link_expires_minute" : "Expires in {} minute" ,
"shared_link_expires_minutes" : "Expires in {} minutes" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"shared_link_expires_never" : "Expires ∞" ,
2023-12-24 10:29:53 -06:00
"shared_link_expires_second" : "Expires in {} second" ,
"shared_link_expires_seconds" : "Expires in {} seconds" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"shared_link_individual_shared" : "Individual shared" ,
2023-12-24 10:20:34 -06:00
"shared_link_info_chip_download" : "Download" ,
"shared_link_info_chip_metadata" : "EXIF" ,
"shared_link_info_chip_upload" : "Upload" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"shared_link_manage_links" : "Manage Shared links" ,
2024-04-06 22:01:11 -05:00
"shared_link_public_album" : "Public album" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"shared_links" : "Shared links" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"share_done" : "Done" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"shared_with_me" : "Shared with me" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"share_invite" : "Pozivnica za album" ,
"sharing_page_album" : "Deljeni albumi" ,
"sharing_page_description" : "Napravi deljene albume da deliš fotografije i video zapise sa ljudima na tvojoj mreži" ,
"sharing_page_empty_list" : "PRAZNA LISTA" ,
"sharing_silver_appbar_create_shared_album" : "Napravi deljeni album" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"sharing_silver_appbar_shared_links" : "Shared links" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"sharing_silver_appbar_share_partner" : "Podeli sa partnerom" ,
2024-08-30 11:06:25 -05:00
"sync" : "Sync" ,
"sync_albums" : "Sync albums" ,
"sync_albums_manual_subtitle" : "Sync all uploaded videos and photos to the selected backup albums" ,
"sync_upload_album_setting_subtitle" : "Create and upload your photos and videos to the selected albums on Immich" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"tab_controller_nav_library" : "Biblioteka" ,
"tab_controller_nav_photos" : "Slike" ,
"tab_controller_nav_search" : "Pretraga" ,
"tab_controller_nav_sharing" : "Deljenje" ,
"theme_setting_asset_list_storage_indicator_title" : "Prikaži indikator prostora na zapisima" ,
"theme_setting_asset_list_tiles_per_row_title" : "Broj zapisa po redu ({})" ,
2024-08-14 10:29:49 -05:00
"theme_setting_colorful_interface_subtitle" : "Apply primary color to background surfaces." ,
"theme_setting_colorful_interface_title" : "Colorful interface" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"theme_setting_dark_mode_switch" : "Tamni Mod" ,
"theme_setting_image_viewer_quality_subtitle" : "Prilagodite kvalitet prikaza za detaljno pregledavanje slike" ,
"theme_setting_image_viewer_quality_title" : "Kvalitet pregledača slika" ,
2024-08-14 10:29:49 -05:00
"theme_setting_primary_color_subtitle" : "Pick a color for primary actions and accents." ,
"theme_setting_primary_color_title" : "Primary color" ,
"theme_setting_system_primary_color_title" : "Use system color" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"theme_setting_system_theme_switch" : "Automatski (Prati opcije sistema)" ,
"theme_setting_theme_subtitle" : "Odaberi temu sistema" ,
"theme_setting_theme_title" : "Teme" ,
"theme_setting_three_stage_loading_subtitle" : "Trostepeno učitavanje možda ubrza učitavanje, po cenu potrošnje podataka" ,
"theme_setting_three_stage_loading_title" : "Aktiviraj trostepeno učitavanje" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"translated_text_options" : "Options" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"trash" : "Trash" ,
2024-08-14 10:29:49 -05:00
"trash_emptied" : "Emptied trash" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"trash_page_delete" : "Delete" ,
"trash_page_delete_all" : "Delete All" ,
"trash_page_empty_trash_btn" : "Empty trash" ,
"trash_page_empty_trash_dialog_content" : "Do you want to empty your trashed assets? These items will be permanently removed from Immich" ,
"trash_page_empty_trash_dialog_ok" : "Ok" ,
"trash_page_info" : "Trashed items will be permanently deleted after {} days" ,
"trash_page_no_assets" : "No trashed assets" ,
"trash_page_restore" : "Restore" ,
"trash_page_restore_all" : "Restore All" ,
"trash_page_select_assets_btn" : "Select assets" ,
"trash_page_select_btn" : "Select" ,
"trash_page_title" : "Trash ({})" ,
2023-08-14 13:16:16 -05:00
"upload_dialog_cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"upload_dialog_info" : "Do you want to backup the selected Asset(s) to the server?" ,
"upload_dialog_ok" : "Upload" ,
"upload_dialog_title" : "Upload Asset" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"use_current_connection" : "use current connection" ,
"validate_endpoint_error" : "Please enter a valid URL" ,
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00
"version_announcement_overlay_ack" : "Priznati" ,
"version_announcement_overlay_release_notes" : "novine nove verzije" ,
"version_announcement_overlay_text_1" : "Ćao, nova verzija" ,
"version_announcement_overlay_text_2" : "molimo Vas izdvojite vremena da pogledate" ,
"version_announcement_overlay_text_3" : "i proverite da su Vaš docker-compose i .env najnovije verzije da bi izbegli greške u radu. Pogotovu ako koristite WatchTower ili bilo koji drugi mehanizam koji automatski instalira nove verzije vaše serverske aplikacije." ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"version_announcement_overlay_title" : "Nova verzija servera je dostupna \uD83C\uDF89" ,
2024-10-14 22:06:24 +07:00
"videos" : "Videos" ,
2023-10-25 09:34:34 -05:00
"viewer_remove_from_stack" : "Remove from Stack" ,
"viewer_stack_use_as_main_asset" : "Use as Main Asset" ,
2024-12-05 10:26:48 -06:00
"viewer_unstack" : "Un-Stack" ,
"wifi_name" : "WiFi Name" ,
"your_wifi_name" : "Your WiFi name"
2023-07-08 15:27:24 -05:00