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mirror of https://github.com/willnorris/imageproxy.git synced 2025-02-24 23:57:46 -05:00
Will Norris b5984d2822 update all downstream dependencies
no specific features I'm looking to add, just keeping thing up to date.
Unit tests and my manual testing seems like everything is still working
as expected.
2017-06-01 08:37:07 -07:00

591 lines
13 KiB

package imaging
import (
type indexWeight struct {
index int
weight float64
func precomputeWeights(dstSize, srcSize int, filter ResampleFilter) [][]indexWeight {
du := float64(srcSize) / float64(dstSize)
scale := du
if scale < 1.0 {
scale = 1.0
ru := math.Ceil(scale * filter.Support)
out := make([][]indexWeight, dstSize)
for v := 0; v < dstSize; v++ {
fu := (float64(v)+0.5)*du - 0.5
startu := int(math.Ceil(fu - ru))
if startu < 0 {
startu = 0
endu := int(math.Floor(fu + ru))
if endu > srcSize-1 {
endu = srcSize - 1
var sum float64
for u := startu; u <= endu; u++ {
w := filter.Kernel((float64(u) - fu) / scale)
if w != 0 {
sum += w
out[v] = append(out[v], indexWeight{index: u, weight: w})
if sum != 0 {
for i := range out[v] {
out[v][i].weight /= sum
return out
// Resize resizes the image to the specified width and height using the specified resampling
// filter and returns the transformed image. If one of width or height is 0, the image aspect
// ratio is preserved.
// Supported resample filters: NearestNeighbor, Box, Linear, Hermite, MitchellNetravali,
// CatmullRom, BSpline, Gaussian, Lanczos, Hann, Hamming, Blackman, Bartlett, Welch, Cosine.
// Usage example:
// dstImage := imaging.Resize(srcImage, 800, 600, imaging.Lanczos)
func Resize(img image.Image, width, height int, filter ResampleFilter) *image.NRGBA {
dstW, dstH := width, height
if dstW < 0 || dstH < 0 {
return &image.NRGBA{}
if dstW == 0 && dstH == 0 {
return &image.NRGBA{}
src := toNRGBA(img)
srcW := src.Bounds().Max.X
srcH := src.Bounds().Max.Y
if srcW <= 0 || srcH <= 0 {
return &image.NRGBA{}
// if new width or height is 0 then preserve aspect ratio, minimum 1px
if dstW == 0 {
tmpW := float64(dstH) * float64(srcW) / float64(srcH)
dstW = int(math.Max(1.0, math.Floor(tmpW+0.5)))
if dstH == 0 {
tmpH := float64(dstW) * float64(srcH) / float64(srcW)
dstH = int(math.Max(1.0, math.Floor(tmpH+0.5)))
var dst *image.NRGBA
if filter.Support <= 0.0 {
// nearest-neighbor special case
dst = resizeNearest(src, dstW, dstH)
} else {
// two-pass resize
if srcW != dstW {
dst = resizeHorizontal(src, dstW, filter)
} else {
dst = src
if srcH != dstH {
dst = resizeVertical(dst, dstH, filter)
return dst
func resizeHorizontal(src *image.NRGBA, width int, filter ResampleFilter) *image.NRGBA {
srcBounds := src.Bounds()
srcW := srcBounds.Max.X
srcH := srcBounds.Max.Y
dstW := width
dstH := srcH
dst := image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, dstW, dstH))
weights := precomputeWeights(dstW, srcW, filter)
parallel(dstH, func(partStart, partEnd int) {
for dstY := partStart; dstY < partEnd; dstY++ {
i0 := dstY * src.Stride
j0 := dstY * dst.Stride
for dstX := 0; dstX < dstW; dstX++ {
var r, g, b, a float64
for _, w := range weights[dstX] {
i := i0 + w.index*4
aw := float64(src.Pix[i+3]) * w.weight
r += float64(src.Pix[i+0]) * aw
g += float64(src.Pix[i+1]) * aw
b += float64(src.Pix[i+2]) * aw
a += aw
if a != 0 {
aInv := 1 / a
j := j0 + dstX*4
dst.Pix[j+0] = clamp(r * aInv)
dst.Pix[j+1] = clamp(g * aInv)
dst.Pix[j+2] = clamp(b * aInv)
dst.Pix[j+3] = clamp(a)
return dst
func resizeVertical(src *image.NRGBA, height int, filter ResampleFilter) *image.NRGBA {
srcBounds := src.Bounds()
srcW := srcBounds.Max.X
srcH := srcBounds.Max.Y
dstW := srcW
dstH := height
dst := image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, dstW, dstH))
weights := precomputeWeights(dstH, srcH, filter)
parallel(dstW, func(partStart, partEnd int) {
for dstX := partStart; dstX < partEnd; dstX++ {
for dstY := 0; dstY < dstH; dstY++ {
var r, g, b, a float64
for _, w := range weights[dstY] {
i := w.index*src.Stride + dstX*4
aw := float64(src.Pix[i+3]) * w.weight
r += float64(src.Pix[i+0]) * aw
g += float64(src.Pix[i+1]) * aw
b += float64(src.Pix[i+2]) * aw
a += aw
if a != 0 {
aInv := 1 / a
j := dstY*dst.Stride + dstX*4
dst.Pix[j+0] = clamp(r * aInv)
dst.Pix[j+1] = clamp(g * aInv)
dst.Pix[j+2] = clamp(b * aInv)
dst.Pix[j+3] = clamp(a)
return dst
// resizeNearest is a fast nearest-neighbor resize, no filtering.
func resizeNearest(src *image.NRGBA, width, height int) *image.NRGBA {
dstW, dstH := width, height
srcBounds := src.Bounds()
srcW := srcBounds.Max.X
srcH := srcBounds.Max.Y
dst := image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, dstW, dstH))
dx := float64(srcW) / float64(dstW)
dy := float64(srcH) / float64(dstH)
parallel(dstH, func(partStart, partEnd int) {
for dstY := partStart; dstY < partEnd; dstY++ {
srcY := int((float64(dstY) + 0.5) * dy)
if srcY > srcH-1 {
srcY = srcH - 1
for dstX := 0; dstX < dstW; dstX++ {
srcX := int((float64(dstX) + 0.5) * dx)
if srcX > srcW-1 {
srcX = srcW - 1
srcOff := srcY*src.Stride + srcX*4
dstOff := dstY*dst.Stride + dstX*4
copy(dst.Pix[dstOff:dstOff+4], src.Pix[srcOff:srcOff+4])
return dst
// Fit scales down the image using the specified resample filter to fit the specified
// maximum width and height and returns the transformed image.
// Supported resample filters: NearestNeighbor, Box, Linear, Hermite, MitchellNetravali,
// CatmullRom, BSpline, Gaussian, Lanczos, Hann, Hamming, Blackman, Bartlett, Welch, Cosine.
// Usage example:
// dstImage := imaging.Fit(srcImage, 800, 600, imaging.Lanczos)
func Fit(img image.Image, width, height int, filter ResampleFilter) *image.NRGBA {
maxW, maxH := width, height
if maxW <= 0 || maxH <= 0 {
return &image.NRGBA{}
srcBounds := img.Bounds()
srcW := srcBounds.Dx()
srcH := srcBounds.Dy()
if srcW <= 0 || srcH <= 0 {
return &image.NRGBA{}
if srcW <= maxW && srcH <= maxH {
return Clone(img)
srcAspectRatio := float64(srcW) / float64(srcH)
maxAspectRatio := float64(maxW) / float64(maxH)
var newW, newH int
if srcAspectRatio > maxAspectRatio {
newW = maxW
newH = int(float64(newW) / srcAspectRatio)
} else {
newH = maxH
newW = int(float64(newH) * srcAspectRatio)
return Resize(img, newW, newH, filter)
// Fill scales the image to the smallest possible size that will cover the specified dimensions,
// crops the resized image to the specified dimensions using the given anchor point and returns
// the transformed image.
// Supported resample filters: NearestNeighbor, Box, Linear, Hermite, MitchellNetravali,
// CatmullRom, BSpline, Gaussian, Lanczos, Hann, Hamming, Blackman, Bartlett, Welch, Cosine.
// Usage example:
// dstImage := imaging.Fill(srcImage, 800, 600, imaging.Center, imaging.Lanczos)
func Fill(img image.Image, width, height int, anchor Anchor, filter ResampleFilter) *image.NRGBA {
minW, minH := width, height
if minW <= 0 || minH <= 0 {
return &image.NRGBA{}
srcBounds := img.Bounds()
srcW := srcBounds.Dx()
srcH := srcBounds.Dy()
if srcW <= 0 || srcH <= 0 {
return &image.NRGBA{}
if srcW == minW && srcH == minH {
return Clone(img)
srcAspectRatio := float64(srcW) / float64(srcH)
minAspectRatio := float64(minW) / float64(minH)
var tmp *image.NRGBA
if srcAspectRatio < minAspectRatio {
tmp = Resize(img, minW, 0, filter)
} else {
tmp = Resize(img, 0, minH, filter)
return CropAnchor(tmp, minW, minH, anchor)
// Thumbnail scales the image up or down using the specified resample filter, crops it
// to the specified width and hight and returns the transformed image.
// Supported resample filters: NearestNeighbor, Box, Linear, Hermite, MitchellNetravali,
// CatmullRom, BSpline, Gaussian, Lanczos, Hann, Hamming, Blackman, Bartlett, Welch, Cosine.
// Usage example:
// dstImage := imaging.Thumbnail(srcImage, 100, 100, imaging.Lanczos)
func Thumbnail(img image.Image, width, height int, filter ResampleFilter) *image.NRGBA {
return Fill(img, width, height, Center, filter)
// ResampleFilter is a resampling filter struct. It can be used to define custom filters.
// Supported resample filters: NearestNeighbor, Box, Linear, Hermite, MitchellNetravali,
// CatmullRom, BSpline, Gaussian, Lanczos, Hann, Hamming, Blackman, Bartlett, Welch, Cosine.
// General filter recommendations:
// - Lanczos
// Probably the best resampling filter for photographic images yielding sharp results,
// but it's slower than cubic filters (see below).
// - CatmullRom
// A sharp cubic filter. It's a good filter for both upscaling and downscaling if sharp results are needed.
// - MitchellNetravali
// A high quality cubic filter that produces smoother results with less ringing than CatmullRom.
// - BSpline
// A good filter if a very smooth output is needed.
// - Linear
// Bilinear interpolation filter, produces reasonably good, smooth output. It's faster than cubic filters.
// - Box
// Simple and fast resampling filter appropriate for downscaling.
// When upscaling it's similar to NearestNeighbor.
// - NearestNeighbor
// Fastest resample filter, no antialiasing at all. Rarely used.
type ResampleFilter struct {
Support float64
Kernel func(float64) float64
// NearestNeighbor is a nearest-neighbor filter (no anti-aliasing).
var NearestNeighbor ResampleFilter
// Box filter (averaging pixels).
var Box ResampleFilter
// Linear filter.
var Linear ResampleFilter
// Hermite cubic spline filter (BC-spline; B=0; C=0).
var Hermite ResampleFilter
// MitchellNetravali is Mitchell-Netravali cubic filter (BC-spline; B=1/3; C=1/3).
var MitchellNetravali ResampleFilter
// CatmullRom is a Catmull-Rom - sharp cubic filter (BC-spline; B=0; C=0.5).
var CatmullRom ResampleFilter
// BSpline is a smooth cubic filter (BC-spline; B=1; C=0).
var BSpline ResampleFilter
// Gaussian is a Gaussian blurring Filter.
var Gaussian ResampleFilter
// Bartlett is a Bartlett-windowed sinc filter (3 lobes).
var Bartlett ResampleFilter
// Lanczos filter (3 lobes).
var Lanczos ResampleFilter
// Hann is a Hann-windowed sinc filter (3 lobes).
var Hann ResampleFilter
// Hamming is a Hamming-windowed sinc filter (3 lobes).
var Hamming ResampleFilter
// Blackman is a Blackman-windowed sinc filter (3 lobes).
var Blackman ResampleFilter
// Welch is a Welch-windowed sinc filter (parabolic window, 3 lobes).
var Welch ResampleFilter
// Cosine is a Cosine-windowed sinc filter (3 lobes).
var Cosine ResampleFilter
func bcspline(x, b, c float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x < 1.0 {
return ((12-9*b-6*c)*x*x*x + (-18+12*b+6*c)*x*x + (6 - 2*b)) / 6
if x < 2.0 {
return ((-b-6*c)*x*x*x + (6*b+30*c)*x*x + (-12*b-48*c)*x + (8*b + 24*c)) / 6
return 0
func sinc(x float64) float64 {
if x == 0 {
return 1
return math.Sin(math.Pi*x) / (math.Pi * x)
func init() {
NearestNeighbor = ResampleFilter{
Support: 0.0, // special case - not applying the filter
Box = ResampleFilter{
Support: 0.5,
Kernel: func(x float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x <= 0.5 {
return 1.0
return 0
Linear = ResampleFilter{
Support: 1.0,
Kernel: func(x float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x < 1.0 {
return 1.0 - x
return 0
Hermite = ResampleFilter{
Support: 1.0,
Kernel: func(x float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x < 1.0 {
return bcspline(x, 0.0, 0.0)
return 0
MitchellNetravali = ResampleFilter{
Support: 2.0,
Kernel: func(x float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x < 2.0 {
return bcspline(x, 1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0)
return 0
CatmullRom = ResampleFilter{
Support: 2.0,
Kernel: func(x float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x < 2.0 {
return bcspline(x, 0.0, 0.5)
return 0
BSpline = ResampleFilter{
Support: 2.0,
Kernel: func(x float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x < 2.0 {
return bcspline(x, 1.0, 0.0)
return 0
Gaussian = ResampleFilter{
Support: 2.0,
Kernel: func(x float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x < 2.0 {
return math.Exp(-2 * x * x)
return 0
Bartlett = ResampleFilter{
Support: 3.0,
Kernel: func(x float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x < 3.0 {
return sinc(x) * (3.0 - x) / 3.0
return 0
Lanczos = ResampleFilter{
Support: 3.0,
Kernel: func(x float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x < 3.0 {
return sinc(x) * sinc(x/3.0)
return 0
Hann = ResampleFilter{
Support: 3.0,
Kernel: func(x float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x < 3.0 {
return sinc(x) * (0.5 + 0.5*math.Cos(math.Pi*x/3.0))
return 0
Hamming = ResampleFilter{
Support: 3.0,
Kernel: func(x float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x < 3.0 {
return sinc(x) * (0.54 + 0.46*math.Cos(math.Pi*x/3.0))
return 0
Blackman = ResampleFilter{
Support: 3.0,
Kernel: func(x float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x < 3.0 {
return sinc(x) * (0.42 - 0.5*math.Cos(math.Pi*x/3.0+math.Pi) + 0.08*math.Cos(2.0*math.Pi*x/3.0))
return 0
Welch = ResampleFilter{
Support: 3.0,
Kernel: func(x float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x < 3.0 {
return sinc(x) * (1.0 - (x * x / 9.0))
return 0
Cosine = ResampleFilter{
Support: 3.0,
Kernel: func(x float64) float64 {
x = math.Abs(x)
if x < 3.0 {
return sinc(x) * math.Cos((math.Pi/2.0)*(x/3.0))
return 0