Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git synced 2025-03-18 02:21:47 -05:00
Robert Jackson a1ed9adf92
Remove ObjectController proxying behavior.
Ember.ObjectController (and Ember.ArrayController) will be deprecated in
Ember 1.11 (and removed from core in Ember 2.0). The reasoning is
detailed in the Ember 2.0 RFC.

This PR does the following:

* Updates templates/controllers/views to explicitly reference model
  properties (instead of relying on proxying behavior).
* Clearly delineate where certain properties are being set or retrieved
  from (for example it was not clear exactly where `scratch` and
  `titleScratch` were stored).
* Remove usage of `Ember.ObjectController`.
* Add JSCS rule to prevent future PR's from adding regressions.
2015-01-01 21:51:20 -05:00

1140 lines
51 KiB

// # Task automation for Ghost
// Run various tasks when developing for and working with Ghost.
// **Usage instructions:** can be found in the [Custom Tasks](#custom%20tasks) section or by running `grunt --help`.
// **Debug tip:** If you have any problems with any Grunt tasks, try running them with the `--verbose` command
var _ = require('lodash'),
colors = require('colors'),
fs = require('fs-extra'),
getTopContribs = require('top-gh-contribs'),
path = require('path'),
Promise = require('bluebird'),
request = require('request'),
escapeChar = process.platform.match(/^win/) ? '^' : '\\',
cwd = process.cwd().replace(/( |\(|\))/g, escapeChar + '$1'),
buildDirectory = path.resolve(cwd, '.build'),
distDirectory = path.resolve(cwd, '.dist'),
// ## Build File Patterns
// A list of files and patterns to include when creating a release zip.
// This is read from the `.npmignore` file and all patterns are inverted as the `.npmignore`
// file defines what to ignore, whereas we want to define what to include.
buildGlob = (function () {
/*jslint stupid:true */
return fs.readFileSync('.npmignore', {encoding: 'utf8'}).split('\n').map(function (pattern) {
if (pattern[0] === '!') {
return pattern.substr(1);
return '!' + pattern;
// ## List of files we want to lint through jshint and jscs to make sure
// they conform to our desired code styles.
lintFiles = {
// Linting files for server side or shared javascript code.
server: {
files: {
src: [
'!config*.js', // note: i added this, do we want this linted?
// Linting files for client side javascript code.
client: {
files: {
src: [
clientTests: {
files: {
src: [
// Linting files for test code.
test: {
files: {
src: [
// ## Grunt configuration
configureGrunt = function (grunt) {
// *This is not useful but required for jshint*
colors.setTheme({silly: 'rainbow'});
// #### Load all grunt tasks
// Find all of the task which start with `grunt-` and load them, rather than explicitly declaring them all
require('matchdep').filterDev(['grunt-*', '!grunt-cli']).forEach(grunt.loadNpmTasks);
var cfg = {
// #### Common paths used by tasks
paths: {
build: buildDirectory,
releaseBuild: path.join(buildDirectory, 'release'),
dist: distDirectory,
releaseDist: path.join(distDirectory, 'release')
// Standard build type, for when we have nightlies again.
buildType: 'Build',
// Load package.json so that we can create correctly versioned releases.
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
// ### grunt-contrib-watch
// Watch files and livereload in the browser during development.
// See the [grunt dev](#live%20reload) task for how this is used.
watch: {
shared: {
files: ['core/shared/**/*.js'],
tasks: ['concat:dev']
emberTemplates: {
files: ['core/client/**/*.hbs'],
tasks: ['emberTemplates:dev']
ember: {
files: ['core/client/**/*.js', 'core/test/client/**/*.js'],
tasks: ['clean:tmp', 'transpile', 'concat_sourcemap:dev', 'concat_sourcemap:tests']
sass: {
files: [
tasks: ['css']
livereload: {
files: [
options: {
livereload: true
express: {
files: ['core/server.js', 'core/server/**/*.js'],
tasks: ['express:dev'],
options: {
// **Note:** Without this option specified express won't be reloaded
nospawn: true
// ### grunt-express-server
// Start a Ghost expess server for use in development and testing
express: {
options: {
script: 'index.js',
output: 'Ghost is running'
dev: {
options: {}
test: {
options: {
node_env: 'testing'
// ### grunt-contrib-jshint
// Linting rules, run as part of `grunt validate`. See [grunt validate](#validate) and its subtasks for
// more information.
jshint: (function () {
return _.merge({
server: {
options: {
jshintrc: '.jshintrc'
client: {
options: {
jshintrc: 'core/client/.jshintrc'
clientTests: {
options: {
jshintrc: 'core/test/client/.jshintrc'
test: {
options: {
jshintrc: 'core/test/.jshintrc'
}, lintFiles);
// ### grunt-jscs
// Code style rules, run as part of `grunt validate`. See [grunt validate](#validate) and its subtasks for
// more information.
jscs: (function () {
var jscsConfig = _.merge({
server: {
options: {
config: '.jscsrc'
client: {
options: {
config: '.jscsrc',
esnext: true,
disallowObjectController: true
clientTests: {
options: {
config: '.jscsrc',
esnext: true,
disallowObjectController: true
test: {
options: {
config: '.jscsrc'
}, lintFiles);
return jscsConfig;
// ### grunt-mocha-cli
// Configuration for the mocha test runner, used to run unit, integration and route tests as part of
// `grunt validate`. See [grunt validate](#validate) and its sub tasks for more information.
mochacli: {
options: {
ui: 'bdd',
reporter: grunt.option('reporter') || 'spec',
timeout: '15000',
save: grunt.option('reporter-output')
// #### All Unit tests
unit: {
src: [
// ##### Groups of unit tests
server: {
src: ['core/test/unit/**/server*_spec.js']
helpers: {
src: ['core/test/unit/server_helpers/*_spec.js']
showdown: {
src: ['core/test/unit/**/showdown*_spec.js']
perm: {
src: ['core/test/unit/**/permissions_spec.js']
migrate: {
src: [
storage: {
src: ['core/test/unit/**/storage*_spec.js']
// #### All Integration tests
integration: {
src: [
// ##### Model integration tests
model: {
src: ['core/test/integration/**/model*_spec.js']
// ##### API integration tests
api: {
src: ['core/test/integration/**/api*_spec.js']
// #### All Route tests
routes: {
src: [
// #### All Module tests
module: {
src: [
// ### grunt-shell
// Command line tools where it's easier to run a command directly than configure a grunt plugin
shell: {
// #### Run bower install
// Used as part of `grunt init`. See the section on [Building Assets](#building%20assets) for more
// information.
bower: {
command: path.resolve(cwd + '/node_modules/.bin/bower --allow-root install'),
options: {
stdout: true,
stdin: false
testem: {
command: path.resolve(cwd + '/node_modules/.bin/testem ci -f core/test/client/testem.json'),
options: {
stdout: true,
stdin: false
test: {
command: function (test) {
var mochaPath = path.resolve(cwd + '/node_modules/grunt-mocha-cli/node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha');
return mochaPath + ' --timeout=15000 --ui=bdd --reporter=spec core/test/' + test;
// #### Generate coverage report
// See the `grunt test-coverage` task in the section on [Testing](#testing) for more information.
coverage: {
command: path.resolve(cwd + '/node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha --timeout 15000 --reporter' +
' html-cov > coverage.html ./core/test/blanket_coverage.js'),
execOptions: {
env: 'NODE_ENV=' + process.env.NODE_ENV
// ### grunt-sass
// compile sass to css
sass: {
compress: {
options: {
outputStyle: 'nested', // TODO: Set back to 'compressed' working correctly with our dependencies
sourceMap: true
files: [
{dest: path.resolve('core/client/assets/css/<%= pkg.name %>.min.css'), src: path.resolve('core/client/assets/sass/screen.scss')},
{dest: path.resolve('core/client/docs/dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>.min.css'), src: path.resolve('core/client/assets/sass/screen.scss')}
// ### grunt-autoprefixer
// Autoprefix all the things, for the last 2 versions of major browsers
autoprefixer: {
options: {
silent: true, // suppress logging
map: true, // Use and update the sourcemap
browsers: ['last 2 versions', '> 1%', 'Explorer 10']
ghost: {
src: 'core/client/assets/css/<%= pkg.name %>.min.css',
dest: 'core/client/assets/css/<%= pkg.name %>.min.css'
docs: {
src: 'core/client/docs/dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>.min.css',
dest: 'core/client/docs/dist/css/<%= pkg.name %>.min.css'
// ### grunt-ember-templates
// Compiles handlebar templates for ember
emberTemplates: {
dev: {
options: {
templateBasePath: /core\/client\//,
templateFileExtensions: /\.hbs/,
templateRegistration: function (name, template) {
return grunt.config.process('define(\'ghost/') +
name + '\', [\'exports\'], function(__exports__){ __exports__[\'default\'] = ' +
template + '; });';
files: {
'core/built/scripts/templates-dev.js': 'core/client/templates/**/*.hbs'
prod: {
options: {
templateBasePath: /core\/client\//,
templateFileExtensions: /\.hbs/,
templateRegistration: function (name, template) {
return grunt.config.process('define(\'ghost/') +
name + '\', [\'exports\'], function(__exports__){ __exports__[\'default\'] = ' +
template + '; });';
files: {
'core/built/scripts/templates.js': 'core/client/templates/**/*.hbs'
// ### grunt-es6-module-transpiler
// Compiles Ember es6 modules
transpile: {
client: {
type: 'amd',
moduleName: function (path) {
return 'ghost/' + path;
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'core/client/',
src: ['**/*.js', '!loader.js', '!config-*.js'],
dest: '.tmp/ember-transpiled/'
tests: {
type: 'amd',
moduleName: function (path) {
return 'ghost/tests/' + path;
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'core/test/client/',
src: ['**/*.js'],
dest: '.tmp/ember-tests-transpiled/'
// ### grunt-concat-sourcemap
// Concatenates transpiled ember app
concat_sourcemap: {
dev: {
src: ['.tmp/ember-transpiled/**/*.js', 'core/client/loader.js'],
dest: 'core/built/scripts/ghost-dev.js',
options: {
sourcesContent: true
tests: {
src: ['.tmp/ember-tests-transpiled/**/*.js'],
dest: 'core/built/scripts/ghost-tests.js',
options: {
sourcesContent: true
prod: {
src: ['.tmp/ember-transpiled/**/*.js', 'core/built/scripts/templates.js',
dest: 'core/built/scripts/ghost.js',
options: {
sourcesContent: true
// ### grunt-docker
// Generate documentation from code
docker: {
docs: {
dest: 'docs',
src: ['.'],
options: {
onlyUpdated: true,
exclude: 'node_modules,.git,.tmp,bower_components,content,*built,*test,*doc*,*vendor,' +
extras: ['fileSearch']
// ### grunt-contrib-clean
// Clean up files as part of other tasks
clean: {
built: {
src: [
release: {
src: ['<%= paths.releaseBuild %>/**']
css: {
src: [
test: {
src: ['content/data/ghost-test.db']
tmp: {
src: ['.tmp/**']
// ### grunt-contrib-copy
// Copy files into their correct locations as part of building assets, or creating release zips
copy: {
dev: {
files: [{
cwd: 'bower_components/jquery/dist/',
src: 'jquery.js',
dest: 'core/built/public/',
expand: true
}, {
src: 'core/client/config-dev.js',
dest: 'core/client/config.js'
prod: {
files: [{
cwd: 'bower_components/jquery/dist/',
src: 'jquery.js',
dest: 'core/built/public/',
expand: true
}, {
src: 'core/client/config-prod.js',
dest: 'core/client/config.js'
release: {
files: [{
cwd: 'bower_components/jquery/dist/',
src: 'jquery.js',
dest: 'core/built/public/',
expand: true
}, {
src: 'core/client/config-prod.js',
dest: 'core/client/config.js'
}, {
expand: true,
src: buildGlob,
dest: '<%= paths.releaseBuild %>/'
// ### grunt-contrib-compress
// Zip up files for builds / releases
compress: {
release: {
options: {
archive: '<%= paths.releaseDist %>/Ghost-<%= pkg.version %>.zip'
expand: true,
cwd: '<%= paths.releaseBuild %>/',
src: ['**']
// ### grunt-contrib-concat
// concatenate multiple JS files into a single file ready for use
concat: {
dev: {
nonull: true,
dest: 'core/built/scripts/vendor-dev.js',
src: [
prod: {
nonull: true,
dest: 'core/built/scripts/vendor.js',
src: [
// ### grunt-contrib-uglify
// Minify concatenated javascript files ready for production
uglify: {
prod: {
options: {
sourceMap: true
files: {
'core/built/public/jquery.min.js': 'core/built/public/jquery.js',
'core/built/scripts/vendor.min.js': 'core/built/scripts/vendor.js',
'core/built/scripts/ghost.min.js': 'core/built/scripts/ghost.js'
release: {
options: {
sourceMap: false
files: {
'core/built/public/jquery.min.js': 'core/built/public/jquery.js',
'core/built/scripts/vendor.min.js': 'core/built/scripts/vendor.js',
'core/built/scripts/ghost.min.js': 'core/built/scripts/ghost.js'
// ### grunt-update-submodules
// Grunt task to update git submodules
update_submodules: {
default: {
options: {
params: '--init'
// Load the configuration
// ## Utilities
// ### Spawn Casper.js
// Custom test runner for our Casper.js functional tests
// This really ought to be refactored into a separate grunt task module
grunt.registerTask('spawnCasperJS', function (target) {
target = _.contains(['client', 'setup'], target) ? target + '/' : undefined;
var done = this.async(),
options = ['host', 'noPort', 'port', 'email', 'password'],
args = ['test']
.concat(grunt.option('target') || target || ['client/'])
.concat(['--includes=base.js', '--log-level=debug', '--port=2369']);
// Forward parameters from grunt to casperjs
_.each(options, function processOption(option) {
if (grunt.option(option)) {
args.push('--' + option + '=' + grunt.option(option));
if (grunt.option('fail-fast')) {
// Show concise logs in Travis as ours are getting too long
if (grunt.option('concise') || process.env.TRAVIS) {
} else {
cmd: 'casperjs',
args: args,
opts: {
cwd: path.resolve('core/test/functional'),
stdio: 'inherit'
}, function (error, result, code) {
/*jshint unused:false*/
if (error) {
// # Custom Tasks
// Ghost has a number of useful tasks that we use every day in development. Tasks marked as *Utility* are used
// by grunt to perform current actions, but isn't useful to developers.
// Skip ahead to the section on:
// * [Building assets](#building%20assets):
// `grunt init`, `grunt` & `grunt prod` or live reload with `grunt dev`
// * [Testing](#testing):
// `grunt validate`, the `grunt test-*` sub-tasks or generate a coverage report with `grunt test-coverage`.
// ### Help
// Run `grunt help` on the commandline to get a print out of the available tasks and details of
// what each one does along with any available options. This is an alias for `grunt --help`
'Outputs help information if you type `grunt help` instead of `grunt --help`',
function () {
console.log('Type `grunt --help` to get the details of available grunt tasks, ' +
'or alternatively visit https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/wiki/Grunt-Toolkit');
// ### Documentation
// Run `grunt docs` to generate annotated source code using the documentation described in the code comments.
grunt.registerTask('docs', 'Generate Docs', ['docker']);
// ## Testing
// Ghost has an extensive set of test suites. The following section documents the various types of tests
// and how to run them.
// TLDR; run `grunt validate`
// #### Set Test Env *(Utility Task)*
// Set the NODE_ENV to 'testing' unless the environment is already set to TRAVIS.
// This ensures that the tests get run under the correct environment, using the correct database, and
// that they work as expected. Trying to run tests with no ENV set will throw an error to do with `client`.
'Use "testing" Ghost config; unless we are running on travis (then show queries for debugging)',
function () {
process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.TRAVIS ? process.env.NODE_ENV : 'testing';
cfg.express.test.options.node_env = process.env.NODE_ENV;
// #### Ensure Config *(Utility Task)*
// Make sure that we have a `config.js` file when running tests
// Ghost requires a `config.js` file to specify the database settings etc. Ghost comes with an example file:
// `config.example.js` which is copied and renamed to `config.js` by the bootstrap process
grunt.registerTask('ensureConfig', function () {
var config = require('./core/server/config'),
done = this.async();
config.load().then(function () {
}).catch(function (err) {
// #### Reset Database to "New" state *(Utility Task)*
// Drops all database tables and then runs the migration process to put the database
// in a "new" state.
grunt.registerTask('cleanDatabase', function () {
var done = this.async(),
models = require('./core/server/models'),
migration = require('./core/server/data/migration');
migration.reset().then(function () {
return models.init();
}).then(function () {
return migration.init();
}).then(function () {
}).catch(function (err) {
grunt.registerTask('test', function (test) {
if (!test) {
grunt.log.write('no test provided');
grunt.task.run('setTestEnv', 'shell:test:' + test);
// ### Validate
// **Main testing task**
// `grunt validate` will build, lint and test your local Ghost codebase.
// `grunt validate` is one of the most important and useful grunt tasks that we have available to use. It
// manages the build of your environment and then calls `grunt test`
// `grunt validate` is called by `npm test` and is used by Travis.
grunt.registerTask('validate', 'Run tests and lint code',
['init', 'test-all']);
// ### Test
// **Main testing task**
// `grunt test` will lint and test your pre-built local Ghost codebase.
// `grunt test` runs jshint and jscs as well as the 4 test suites. See the individual sub tasks below for
// details of each of the test suites.
grunt.registerTask('test-all', 'Run tests and lint code',
['jshint', 'jscs', 'test-routes', 'test-module', 'test-unit', 'test-integration', 'test-functional', 'shell:testem']);
// ### Lint
// `grunt lint` will run the linter and the code style checker so you can make sure your code is pretty
grunt.registerTask('lint', 'Run the code style checks and linter', ['jshint', 'jscs']);
// ### Unit Tests *(sub task)*
// `grunt test-unit` will run just the unit tests
// Provided you already have a `config.js` file, you can run individual sections from
// [mochacli](#grunt-mocha-cli) by running:
// `NODE_ENV=testing grunt mochacli:section`
// If you need to run an individual unit test file, you can do so, providing you have mocha installed globally
// by using a command in the form:
// `NODE_ENV=testing mocha --timeout=15000 --ui=bdd --reporter=spec core/test/unit/config_spec.js`
// Unit tests are run with [mocha](http://mochajs.org/) using
// [should](https://github.com/visionmedia/should.js) to describe the tests in a highly readable style.
// Unit tests do **not** touch the database.
// A coverage report can be generated for these tests using the `grunt test-coverage` task.
grunt.registerTask('test-unit', 'Run unit tests (mocha)',
['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'ensureConfig', 'mochacli:unit']);
// ### Integration tests *(sub task)*
// `grunt test-integration` will run just the integration tests
// Provided you already have a `config.js` file, you can run just the model integration tests by running:
// `NODE_ENV=testing grunt mochacli:model`
// Or just the api integration tests by running:
// `NODE_ENV=testing grunt mochacli:api`
// Integration tests are run with [mocha](http://mochajs.org/) using
// [should](https://github.com/visionmedia/should.js) to describe the tests in a highly readable style.
// Integration tests are different to the unit tests because they make requests to the database.
// If you need to run an individual integration test file you can do so, providing you have mocha installed
// globally, by using a command in the form (replace path to api_tags_spec.js with the test file you want to
// run):
// `NODE_ENV=testing mocha --timeout=15000 --ui=bdd --reporter=spec core/test/integration/api/api_tags_spec.js`
// Their purpose is to test that both the api and models behave as expected when the database layer is involved.
// These tests are run against sqlite3, mysql and pg on travis and ensure that differences between the databases
// don't cause bugs. At present, pg often fails and is not officially supported.
// A coverage report can be generated for these tests using the `grunt test-coverage` task.
grunt.registerTask('test-integration', 'Run integration tests (mocha + db access)',
['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'ensureConfig', 'mochacli:integration']);
// ### Route tests *(sub task)*
// `grunt test-routes` will run just the route tests
// If you need to run an individual route test file, you can do so, providing you have a `config.js` file and
// mocha installed globally by using a command in the form:
// `NODE_ENV=testing mocha --timeout=15000 --ui=bdd --reporter=spec core/test/functional/routes/admin_test.js`
// Route tests are run with [mocha](http://mochajs.org/) using
// [should](https://github.com/visionmedia/should.js) and [supertest](https://github.com/visionmedia/supertest)
// to describe and create the tests.
// Supertest enables us to describe requests that we want to make, and also describe the response we expect to
// receive back. It works directly with express, so we don't have to run a server to run the tests.
// The purpose of the route tests is to ensure that all of the routes (pages, and API requests) in Ghost
// are working as expected, including checking the headers and status codes received. It is very easy and
// quick to test many permutations of routes / urls in the system.
grunt.registerTask('test-routes', 'Run functional route tests (mocha)',
['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'ensureConfig', 'mochacli:routes']);
// ### Module tests *(sub task)*
// `grunt test-module` will run just the module tests
// The purpose of the module tests is to ensure that Ghost can be used as an npm module and exposes all
// required methods to interact with it.
grunt.registerTask('test-module', 'Run functional module tests (mocha)',
['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'ensureConfig', 'mochacli:module']);
// ### Functional tests for the setup process
// `grunt test-functional-setup will run just the functional tests for the setup page.
// Setup only works with a brand new database, so it needs to run isolated from the rest of
// the functional tests.
grunt.registerTask('test-functional-setup', 'Run functional tests for setup',
['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'ensureConfig', 'cleanDatabase', 'express:test',
'spawnCasperJS:setup', 'express:test:stop']
// ### Functional tests *(sub task)*
// `grunt test-functional` will run just the functional tests
// You can use the `--target` argument to run any individual test file, or the admin or frontend tests:
// `grunt test-functional --target=client/editor_test.js` - run just the editor tests
// `grunt test-functional --target=client/` - run all of the tests in the client directory
// Functional tests are run with [phantom.js](http://phantomjs.org/) and defined using the testing api from
// [casper.js](http://docs.casperjs.org/en/latest/testing.html).
// An express server is started with the testing environment set, and then a headless phantom.js browser is
// used to make requests to that server. The Casper.js API then allows us to describe the elements and
// interactions we expect to appear on the page.
// The purpose of the functional tests is to ensure that Ghost is working as is expected from a user perspective
// including buttons and other important interactions in the admin UI.
grunt.registerTask('test-functional', 'Run functional interface tests (CasperJS)',
['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'ensureConfig', 'cleanDatabase', 'express:test', 'spawnCasperJS', 'express:test:stop',
// ### Coverage
// `grunt test-coverage` will generate a report for the Unit and Integration Tests.
// This is not currently done as part of CI or any build, but is a tool we have available to keep an eye on how
// well the unit and integration tests are covering the code base.
// Ghost does not have a minimum coverage level - we're more interested in ensuring important and useful areas
// of the codebase are covered, than that the whole codebase is covered to a particular level.
// Key areas for coverage are: helpers and theme elements, apps / GDK, the api and model layers.
grunt.registerTask('test-coverage', 'Generate unit and integration (mocha) tests coverage report',
['clean:test', 'setTestEnv', 'ensureConfig', 'shell:coverage']);
// ## Building assets
// Ghost's GitHub repository contains the un-built source code for Ghost. If you're looking for the already
// built release zips, you can get these from the [release page](https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/releases) on
// GitHub or from https://ghost.org/download. These zip files are created using the [grunt release](#release)
// task.
// If you want to work on Ghost core, or you want to use the source files from GitHub, then you have to build
// the Ghost assets in order to make them work.
// There are a number of grunt tasks available to help with this. Firstly after fetching an updated version of
// the Ghost codebase, after running `npm install`, you will need to run [grunt init](#init%20assets).
// For production blogs you will need to run [grunt prod](#production%20assets).
// For updating assets during development, the tasks [grunt](#default%20asset%20build) and
// [grunt dev](#live%20reload) are available.
// #### Master Warning *(Utility Task)*
// Warns git users not ot use the `master` branch in production.
// `master` is an unstable branch and shouldn't be used in production as you run the risk of ending up with a
// database in an unrecoverable state. Instead there is a branch called `stable` which is the equivalent of the
// release zip for git users.
'Outputs a warning to runners of grunt prod, that master shouldn\'t be used for live blogs',
function () {
console.log('>', 'Always two there are, no more, no less. A master and a'.red,
'stable'.red.bold + '.'.red);
console.log('Use the', 'stable'.bold, 'branch for live blogs.', 'Never'.bold, 'master!');
// ### Ember Build *(Utility Task)*
// All tasks related to building the Ember client code including transpiling ES6 modules and building templates
grunt.registerTask('emberBuildDev', 'Build Ember JS & templates for development',
['clean:tmp', 'buildAboutPage', 'emberTemplates:dev', 'transpile', 'concat_sourcemap:dev', 'concat_sourcemap:tests']);
// ### Ember Build *(Utility Task)*
// All tasks related to building the Ember client code including transpiling ES6 modules and building templates
grunt.registerTask('emberBuildProd', 'Build Ember JS & templates for production',
['clean:tmp', 'buildAboutPage', 'emberTemplates:prod', 'transpile', 'concat_sourcemap:prod']);
// ### CSS Build *(Utility Task)*
// Build the CSS files from the SCSS files
grunt.registerTask('css', 'Build Client CSS',
['sass', 'autoprefixer']);
// ### Build About Page *(Utility Task)*
// Builds the github contributors partial template used on the Settings/About page,
// and downloads the avatar for each of the users.
// Run by any task that compiles the ember assets (emberBuildDev, emberBuildProd)
// or manually via `grunt buildAboutPage`.
// Change which version you're working against by setting the "releaseTag" below.
// Only builds if the contributors template does not exist.
// To force a build regardless, supply the --force option.
// `grunt buildAboutPage --force`
grunt.registerTask('buildAboutPage', 'Compile assets for the About Ghost page', function () {
var done = this.async(),
templatePath = 'core/client/templates/-contributors.hbs',
imagePath = 'core/client/assets/img/contributors/',
ninetyDaysAgo = Date.now() - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 90);
if (fs.existsSync(templatePath) && !grunt.option('force')) {
grunt.log.writeln('Contributors template already exists.');
return done();
grunt.verbose.writeln('Downloading release and contributor information from GitHub');
return Promise.join(
user: 'tryghost',
repo: 'ghost',
releaseDate: ninetyDaysAgo,
count: 20
).then(function (results) {
var contributors = results[1],
contributorTemplate = '<li>\n <a href="<%githubUrl%>" title="<%name%>">\n' +
' <img src="{{gh-path "admin" "/img/contributors"}}/<%name%>" alt="<%name%>">\n' +
' </a>\n</li>',
downloadImagePromise = function (url, name) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(imagePath + name))
.on('close', resolve)
.on('error', reject);
grunt.verbose.writeln('Creating contributors template.');
// Map contributors to the template.
_.map(contributors, function (contributor) {
return contributorTemplate
.replace(/<%githubUrl%>/g, contributor.githubUrl)
.replace(/<%name%>/g, contributor.name);
grunt.verbose.writeln('Downloading images for top contributors');
return Promise.all(_.map(contributors, function (contributor) {
return downloadImagePromise(contributor.avatarUrl + '&s=60', contributor.name);
}).then(done).catch(function (error) {
grunt.log.error(error.stack || error);
// ### Init assets
// `grunt init` - will run an initial asset build for you
// Grunt init runs `bower install` as well as the standard asset build tasks which occur when you run just
// `grunt`. This fetches the latest client side dependencies, and moves them into their proper homes.
// This task is very important, and should always be run and when fetching down an updated code base just after
// running `npm install`.
// `bower` does have some quirks, such as not running as root. If you have problems please try running
// `grunt init --verbose` to see if there are any errors.
grunt.registerTask('init', 'Prepare the project for development',
['shell:bower', 'update_submodules', 'default']);
// ### Production assets
// `grunt prod` - will build the minified assets used in production.
// It is otherwise the same as running `grunt`, but is only used when running Ghost in the `production` env.
grunt.registerTask('prod', 'Build JS & templates for production',
['concat:prod', 'copy:prod', 'emberBuildProd', 'uglify:prod', 'master-warn']);
// ### Default asset build
// `grunt` - default grunt task
// Compiles concatenates javascript files for the admin UI into a handful of files instead
// of many files, and makes sure the bower dependencies are in the right place.
grunt.registerTask('default', 'Build JS & templates for development',
['concat:dev', 'copy:dev', 'css', 'emberBuildDev']);
// ### Live reload
// `grunt dev` - build assets on the fly whilst developing
// If you want Ghost to live reload for you whilst you're developing, you can do this by running `grunt dev`.
// This works hand-in-hand with the [livereload](http://livereload.com/) chrome extension.
// `grunt dev` manages starting an express server and restarting the server whenever core files change (which
// require a server restart for the changes to take effect) and also manage reloading the browser whenever
// frontend code changes.
// Note that the current implementation of watch only works with casper, not other themes.
grunt.registerTask('dev', 'Dev Mode; watch files and restart server on changes',
['default', 'express:dev', 'watch']);
// ### Release
// Run `grunt release` to create a Ghost release zip file.
// Uses the files specified by `.npmignore` to know what should and should not be included.
// Runs the asset generation tasks for both development and production so that the release can be used in
// either environment, and packages all the files up into a zip.
'Release task - creates a final built zip\n' +
' - Do our standard build steps \n' +
' - Copy files to release-folder/#/#{version} directory\n' +
' - Clean out unnecessary files (travis, .git*, etc)\n' +
' - Zip files in release-folder to dist-folder/#{version} directory',
['init', 'concat:prod', 'copy:prod', 'emberBuildProd', 'uglify:release', 'clean:release', 'copy:release', 'compress:release']);
// Export the configuration
module.exports = configureGrunt;