Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
Daniel Lockyer 94f5add1c0 Refactored default settings population to reduce unnecessary DB queries
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Toolbox/issues/202

- this code suffers from two problems:
  - when we don't have any new settings to insert, we still end up
    fetching the columnInfo and owner info, even though we only need
    them if we're inserting data. This results in 3 extra queries upon
  - secondly, we insert every setting with a separate query - MySQL and
    SQLite both support batch inserts and knex has a utility to help us
    that I've [used
    With 95 settings at the time of writing, this adds 94 extra queries
    during the DB init
- this commit refactors the code so that we only fetch the columnInfo and
  owner data if we've got new settings to insert, and batches the
  inserts using knex's batchInsert util
- this query results in ~95 less queries during DB init and saves a
  couple of queries during boot
2022-02-08 10:11:00 +01:00

459 lines
16 KiB

const Promise = require('bluebird');
const _ = require('lodash');
const uuid = require('uuid');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const keypair = require('keypair');
const ObjectID = require('bson-objectid');
const ghostBookshelf = require('./base');
const tpl = require('@tryghost/tpl');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const validator = require('@tryghost/validator');
const urlUtils = require('../../shared/url-utils');
const {WRITABLE_KEYS_ALLOWLIST} = require('../../shared/labs');
const messages = {
valueCannotBeBlank: 'Value in [settings.key] cannot be blank.',
unableToFindSetting: 'Unable to find setting to update: {key}',
notEnoughPermission: 'You do not have permission to perform this action'
const internalContext = {context: {internal: true}};
let Settings;
let defaultSettings;
const doBlock = fn => fn();
const getMembersKey = doBlock(() => {
return function getKey(type) {
UNO_KEYPAIRINO = keypair({bits: 1024});
return UNO_KEYPAIRINO[type];
const getGhostKey = doBlock(() => {
return function getKey(type) {
UNO_KEYPAIRINO = keypair({bits: 1024});
return UNO_KEYPAIRINO[type];
// For neatness, the defaults file is split into categories.
// It's much easier for us to work with it as a single level
// instead of iterating those categories every time
function parseDefaultSettings() {
const defaultSettingsInCategories = require('../data/schema/').defaultSettings;
const defaultSettingsFlattened = {};
const dynamicDefault = {
db_hash: () => uuid.v4(),
public_hash: () => crypto.randomBytes(15).toString('hex'),
// @TODO: session_secret would ideally be named "admin_session_secret"
session_secret: () => crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('hex'),
theme_session_secret: () => crypto.randomBytes(32).toString('hex'),
members_public_key: () => getMembersKey('public'),
members_private_key: () => getMembersKey('private'),
members_email_auth_secret: () => crypto.randomBytes(64).toString('hex'),
ghost_public_key: () => getGhostKey('public'),
ghost_private_key: () => getGhostKey('private')
_.each(defaultSettingsInCategories, function each(settings, categoryName) {
_.each(settings, function eachSetting(setting, settingName) {
setting.group = categoryName;
setting.key = settingName;
setting.getDefaultValue = function getDefaultValue() {
const getDynamicDefault = dynamicDefault[setting.key];
if (getDynamicDefault) {
return getDynamicDefault();
} else {
return setting.defaultValue;
defaultSettingsFlattened[settingName] = setting;
return defaultSettingsFlattened;
function getDefaultSettings() {
if (!defaultSettings) {
defaultSettings = parseDefaultSettings();
return defaultSettings;
// Each setting is saved as a separate row in the database,
// but the overlying API treats them as a single key:value mapping
Settings = ghostBookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'settings',
emitChange: function emitChange(event, options) {
const eventToTrigger = 'settings' + '.' + event;
ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.emitChange.bind(this)(this, eventToTrigger, options);
onDestroyed: function onDestroyed(model, options) {
ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.onDestroyed.apply(this, arguments);
model.emitChange('deleted', options);
model.emitChange(model._previousAttributes.key + '.' + 'deleted', options);
onCreated: function onCreated(model, options) {
ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.onCreated.apply(this, arguments);
model.emitChange('added', options);
model.emitChange(model.attributes.key + '.' + 'added', options);
onUpdated: function onUpdated(model, options) {
ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.onUpdated.apply(this, arguments);
model.emitChange('edited', options);
model.emitChange(model.attributes.key + '.' + 'edited', options);
async onValidate(model, attr, options) {
await ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.onValidate.call(this, model, attr, options);
await Settings.validators.all(model, options);
if (typeof Settings.validators[model.get('key')] === 'function') {
await Settings.validators[model.get('key')](model, options);
format() {
const attrs = ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.format.apply(this, arguments);
const settingType = attrs.type;
if (settingType === 'boolean') {
// CASE: Ensure we won't forward strings, otherwise model events or model interactions can fail
if (attrs.value === '0' || attrs.value === '1') {
attrs.value = !!+attrs.value;
// CASE: Ensure we won't forward strings, otherwise model events or model interactions can fail
if (attrs.value === 'false' || attrs.value === 'true') {
attrs.value = JSON.parse(attrs.value);
if (_.isBoolean(attrs.value)) {
attrs.value = attrs.value.toString();
return attrs;
formatOnWrite(attrs) {
if (attrs.value && ['cover_image', 'logo', 'icon', 'portal_button_icon', 'og_image', 'twitter_image'].includes(attrs.key)) {
attrs.value = urlUtils.toTransformReady(attrs.value);
return attrs;
parse() {
const attrs = ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype.parse.apply(this, arguments);
// transform "0" to false for boolean type
const settingType = attrs.type;
if (settingType === 'boolean' && (attrs.value === '0' || attrs.value === '1')) {
attrs.value = !!+attrs.value;
// transform "false" to false for boolean type
if (settingType === 'boolean' && (attrs.value === 'false' || attrs.value === 'true')) {
attrs.value = JSON.parse(attrs.value);
// transform URLs from __GHOST_URL__ to absolute
if (['cover_image', 'logo', 'icon', 'portal_button_icon', 'og_image', 'twitter_image'].includes(attrs.key)) {
attrs.value = urlUtils.transformReadyToAbsolute(attrs.value);
return attrs;
}, {
findOne: function (data, options) {
if (_.isEmpty(data)) {
options = data;
// Allow for just passing the key instead of attributes
if (!_.isObject(data)) {
data = {key: data};
return Promise.resolve(ghostBookshelf.Model.findOne.call(this, data, options));
edit: function (data, unfilteredOptions) {
const options = this.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'edit');
const self = this;
if (!Array.isArray(data)) {
data = [data];
return Promise.map(data, function (item) {
// Accept an array of models as input
if (item.toJSON) {
item = item.toJSON();
if (!(_.isString(item.key) && item.key.length > 0)) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.ValidationError({message: tpl(messages.valueCannotBeBlank)}));
item = self.filterData(item);
return Settings.forge({key: item.key}).fetch(options).then(function then(setting) {
if (setting) {
// it's allowed to edit all attributes in case of importing/migrating
if (options.importing) {
return setting.save(item, options);
} else {
// If we have a value, set it.
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(item, 'value')) {
setting.set('value', item.value);
// Internal context can overwrite type (for fixture migrations)
if (options.context && options.context.internal && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(item, 'type')) {
setting.set('type', item.type);
// If anything has changed, save the updated model
if (setting.hasChanged()) {
return setting.save(null, options);
return setting;
return Promise.reject(new errors.NotFoundError({message: tpl(messages.unableToFindSetting, {key: item.key})}));
populateDefaults: async function populateDefaults(unfilteredOptions) {
const options = this.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'populateDefaults');
const self = this;
if (!options.context) {
options.context = internalContext.context;
// this is required for sqlite to pick up the columns after db init
await ghostBookshelf.knex.destroy();
await ghostBookshelf.knex.initialize();
const allSettings = await this.findAll(options);
const usedKeys = allSettings.models.map(function mapper(setting) {
return setting.get('key');
const settingsToInsert = [];
_.each(getDefaultSettings(), function forEachDefault(defaultSetting, defaultSettingKey) {
const isMissingFromDB = usedKeys.indexOf(defaultSettingKey) === -1;
if (isMissingFromDB) {
defaultSetting.value = defaultSetting.getDefaultValue();
if (settingsToInsert.length > 0) {
// fetch available columns to avoid populating columns not yet created by migrations
const columnInfo = await ghostBookshelf.knex.table('settings').columnInfo();
const columns = Object.keys(columnInfo);
// fetch other data that is used when inserting new settings
const date = ghostBookshelf.knex.raw('CURRENT_TIMESTAMP');
let owner;
try {
owner = await ghostBookshelf.model('User').getOwnerUser();
} catch (e) {
// in some tests the owner is deleted and not recreated before setup
if (e.errorType === 'NotFoundError') {
owner = {id: 1};
} else {
throw e;
const settingsDataToInsert = settingsToInsert.map((setting) => {
const settingValues = Object.assign({}, setting, {
id: ObjectID().toHexString(),
created_at: date,
created_by: owner.id,
updated_at: date,
updated_by: owner.id
return _.pick(settingValues, columns);
await ghostBookshelf.knex
.batchInsert('settings', settingsDataToInsert);
return self.findAll(options);
return allSettings;
permissible: function permissible(modelId, action, context, unsafeAttrs, loadedPermissions, hasUserPermission, hasApiKeyPermission) {
if (hasUserPermission && hasApiKeyPermission) {
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.reject(new errors.NoPermissionError({
message: tpl(messages.notEnoughPermission)
validators: {
async all(model) {
const settingName = model.get('key');
const settingDefault = getDefaultSettings()[settingName];
if (!settingDefault) {
// Basic validations from default-settings.json
const validationErrors = validator.validate(
if (validationErrors.length) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({message: validationErrors.join('\n')});
async labs(model) {
const flags = JSON.parse(model.get('value'));
for (const flag in flags) {
if (!WRITABLE_KEYS_ALLOWLIST.includes(flag)) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: `Settings lab value cannot have value other then ${WRITABLE_KEYS_ALLOWLIST.join(', ')}`
async stripe_plans(model, options) {
const plans = JSON.parse(model.get('value'));
for (const plan of plans) {
// Stripe plans used to be allowed (and defaulted to!) 0 amount plans
// this causes issues to people importing from older versions of Ghost
// even if they don't use Members/Stripe
// issue: https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/12049
if (!options.importing) {
// We check 100, not 1, because amounts are in fractional units
if (plan.amount < 100 && plan.name !== 'Complimentary') {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: 'Plans cannot have an amount less than 1'
if (typeof plan.name !== 'string') {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: 'Plan must have a name'
if (typeof plan.currency !== 'string') {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: 'Plan must have a currency'
if (!['year', 'month', 'week', 'day'].includes(plan.interval)) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: 'Plan interval must be one of: year, month, week or day'
// @TODO: Maybe move some of the logic into the members service, exporting an isValidStripeKey
// method which can be called here, cleaning up the duplication, but not removing control
async stripe_secret_key(model) {
const value = model.get('value');
if (value === null) {
const secretKeyRegex = /(?:sk|rk)_(?:test|live)_[\da-zA-Z]{1,247}$/;
if (!secretKeyRegex.test(value)) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: `stripe_secret_key did not match ${secretKeyRegex}`
async stripe_publishable_key(model) {
const value = model.get('value');
if (value === null) {
const publishableKeyRegex = /pk_(?:test|live)_[\da-zA-Z]{1,247}$/;
if (!publishableKeyRegex.test(value)) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: `stripe_publishable_key did not match ${publishableKeyRegex}`
async stripe_connect_secret_key(model) {
const value = model.get('value');
if (value === null) {
const secretKeyRegex = /(?:sk|rk)_(?:test|live)_[\da-zA-Z]{1,247}$/;
if (!secretKeyRegex.test(value)) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: `stripe_secret_key did not match ${secretKeyRegex}`
async stripe_connect_publishable_key(model) {
const value = model.get('value');
if (value === null) {
const publishableKeyRegex = /pk_(?:test|live)_[\da-zA-Z]{1,247}$/;
if (!publishableKeyRegex.test(value)) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: `stripe_publishable_key did not match ${publishableKeyRegex}`
module.exports = {
Settings: ghostBookshelf.model('Settings', Settings)