Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
Katharina Irrgang 213474835b Refactored how we require shared middlewares from web/ ()

- use package notation
- get rid of x requires for middlewares
- improved readability
- do not refactor web/api/v0.1
2018-09-21 16:17:11 +05:30

1180 lines
40 KiB

var Promise = require('bluebird'),
_ = require('lodash'),
fs = require('fs-extra'),
path = require('path'),
Module = require('module'),
os = require('os'),
express = require('express'),
debug = require('ghost-ignition').debug('test'),
ObjectId = require('bson-objectid'),
uuid = require('uuid'),
KnexMigrator = require('knex-migrator'),
ghost = require('../../server'),
GhostServer = require('../../server/ghost-server'),
api = require('../../server/api'),
common = require('../../server/lib/common'),
fixtureUtils = require('../../server/data/schema/fixtures/utils'),
db = require('../../server/data/db'),
schema = require('../../server/data/schema').tables,
schemaTables = Object.keys(schema),
models = require('../../server/models'),
urlService = require('../../server/services/url'),
routingService = require('../../server/services/routing'),
settingsService = require('../../server/services/settings'),
settingsCache = require('../../server/services/settings/cache'),
imageLib = require('../../server/lib/image'),
web = require('../../server/web'),
permissions = require('../../server/services/permissions'),
sequence = require('../../server/lib/promise/sequence'),
themes = require('../../server/services/themes'),
DataGenerator = require('./fixtures/data-generator'),
configUtils = require('./configUtils'),
filterData = require('./fixtures/filter-param'),
APIAssertions = require('./api'),
mocks = require('./mocks'),
config = require('../../server/config'),
knexMigrator = new KnexMigrator(),
postsInserted = 0,
// Require additional assertions which help us keep our tests small and clear
fixtures = {
insertPosts: function insertPosts(posts) {
return Promise.map(posts, function (post) {
return models.Post.add(post, module.exports.context.internal);
insertPostsAndTags: function insertPostsAndTags() {
return Promise.map(DataGenerator.forKnex.tags, function (tag) {
return models.Tag.add(tag, module.exports.context.internal);
}).then(function () {
return Promise.map(_.cloneDeep(DataGenerator.forKnex.posts), function (post) {
let postTagRelations = _.filter(DataGenerator.forKnex.posts_tags, {post_id: post.id});
let postAuthorsRelations = _.filter(DataGenerator.forKnex.posts_authors, {post_id: post.id});
postTagRelations = _.map(postTagRelations, function (postTagRelation) {
return _.find(DataGenerator.forKnex.tags, {id: postTagRelation.tag_id});
postAuthorsRelations = _.map(postAuthorsRelations, function (postAuthorsRelation) {
return _.find(DataGenerator.forKnex.users, {id: postAuthorsRelation.author_id});
post.tags = postTagRelations;
post.authors = postAuthorsRelations;
return models.Post.add(post, module.exports.context.internal);
insertMultiAuthorPosts: function insertMultiAuthorPosts(max) {
let i, j, k = 0,
posts = [];
max = max || 50;
// insert users of different roles
return Promise.resolve(fixtures.createUsersWithRoles()).then(function () {
return Promise.map(DataGenerator.forKnex.tags, function (tag) {
return models.Tag.add(tag, module.exports.context.internal);
}).then(function () {
return Promise.all([
models.User.fetchAll(_.merge({columns: ['id']}, module.exports.context.internal)),
models.Tag.fetchAll(_.merge({columns: ['id']}, module.exports.context.internal))
}).then(function (results) {
let users = results[0],
tags = results[1];
tags = tags.toJSON();
users = users.toJSON();
users = _.map(users, 'id');
// Let's insert posts with random authors
for (i = 0; i < max; i += 1) {
const author = users[i % users.length];
posts.push(DataGenerator.forKnex.createGenericPost(k, null, null, author));
k = k + 1;
return Promise.map(posts, function (post, index) {
posts[index].authors = [{id: posts[index].author_id}];
posts[index].tags = [tags[Math.floor(Math.random() * (tags.length - 1))]];
return models.Post.add(posts[index], module.exports.context.internal);
insertExtraPosts: function insertExtraPosts(max) {
var lang,
posts = [],
i, j, k = postsInserted;
max = max || 50;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i += 1) {
lang = i % 2 ? 'en' : 'fr';
posts.push(DataGenerator.forKnex.createGenericPost(k, null, lang));
k = k + 1;
for (j = 0; j < max; j += 1) {
status = j % 2 ? 'draft' : 'published';
posts.push(DataGenerator.forKnex.createGenericPost(k, status, lang));
k = k + 1;
// Keep track so we can run this function again safely
postsInserted = k;
return models.User.getOwnerUser(module.exports.context.internal)
.then(function (ownerUser) {
return Promise.map(posts, function (post, index) {
posts[index].authors = [ownerUser.toJSON()];
return models.Post.add(posts[index], module.exports.context.internal);
insertTags: function insertTags() {
return Promise.map(DataGenerator.forKnex.tags, function (tag) {
return models.Tag.add(tag, module.exports.context.internal);
insertExtraTags: function insertExtraTags(max) {
max = max || 50;
var tags = [],
for (i = 0; i < max; i += 1) {
tagName = uuid.v4().split('-')[0];
tags.push(DataGenerator.forKnex.createBasic({name: tagName, slug: tagName}));
return Promise.map(tags, function (tag, index) {
return models.Tag.add(tags[index], module.exports.context.internal);
insertExtraPostsTags: function insertExtraPostsTags(max) {
max = max || 50;
return Promise.all([
models.Post.fetchAll(_.merge({columns: ['id'], withRelated: 'tags'}, module.exports.context.internal)),
models.Tag.fetchAll(_.merge({columns: ['id', 'name']}, module.exports.context.internal))
]).then(function (results) {
let posts = results[0].toJSON();
let tags = results[1].toJSON();
const injectionTagId = _.chain(tags)
.filter({name: 'injection'})
if (max > posts.length) {
throw new Error('Trying to add more posts_tags than the number of posts.');
return Promise.map(posts.slice(0, max), function (post) {
post.tags = post.tags ? post.tags : [];
return models.Post.edit({
tags: post.tags.concat([_.find(DataGenerator.Content.tags, {id: injectionTagId})])
}, _.merge({id: post.id}, module.exports.context.internal));
insertRoles: function insertRoles() {
return Promise.map(DataGenerator.forKnex.roles, function (role) {
return models.Role.add(role, module.exports.context.internal);
initOwnerUser: function initOwnerUser() {
var user = DataGenerator.Content.users[0];
user = DataGenerator.forKnex.createBasic(user);
user = _.extend({}, user, {status: 'inactive'});
return Promise.map(DataGenerator.forKnex.roles, function (role) {
return models.Role.add(role, module.exports.context.internal);
}).then(function () {
const userRolesRelation = _.cloneDeep(DataGenerator.forKnex.roles_users[0]);
user.roles = _.filter(DataGenerator.forKnex.roles, {id: userRolesRelation.role_id});
return models.User.add(user, module.exports.context.internal);
insertOwnerUser: function insertOwnerUser() {
const user = _.cloneDeep(DataGenerator.forKnex.users[0]);
user.roles = [DataGenerator.forKnex.roles[3]];
return models.User.add(user, module.exports.context.internal);
overrideOwnerUser: function overrideOwnerUser(slug) {
return models.User.getOwnerUser(module.exports.context.internal)
.then(function (ownerUser) {
var user = DataGenerator.forKnex.createUser(DataGenerator.Content.users[0]);
if (slug) {
user.slug = slug;
return models.User.edit(user, _.merge({id: ownerUser.id}, module.exports.context.internal));
changeOwnerUserStatus: function changeOwnerUserStatus(options) {
return models.User.getOwnerUser(module.exports.context.internal)
.then(function (user) {
return models.User.edit({status: options.status}, _.merge({id: user.id}, module.exports.context.internal));
createUsersWithRoles: function createUsersWithRoles() {
return Promise.map(DataGenerator.forKnex.roles, function (role) {
return models.Role.add(role, module.exports.context.internal);
}).then(function () {
return Promise.map(_.cloneDeep(DataGenerator.forKnex.users), function (user) {
let userRolesRelations = _.filter(DataGenerator.forKnex.roles_users, {user_id: user.id});
userRolesRelations = _.map(userRolesRelations, function (userRolesRelation) {
return _.find(DataGenerator.forKnex.roles, {id: userRolesRelation.role_id});
user.roles = userRolesRelations;
return models.User.add(user, module.exports.context.internal);
resetRoles: function resetRoles() {
return Promise.map(_.cloneDeep(DataGenerator.forKnex.users), function (user) {
let userRolesRelations = _.filter(DataGenerator.forKnex.roles_users, {user_id: user.id});
userRolesRelations = _.map(userRolesRelations, function (userRolesRelation) {
return _.find(DataGenerator.forKnex.roles, {id: userRolesRelation.role_id});
user.roles = userRolesRelations;
return models.User.edit(user, _.merge({id: user.id}, module.exports.context.internal));
createUsersWithoutOwner: function createUsersWithoutOwner() {
var usersWithoutOwner = _.cloneDeep(DataGenerator.forKnex.users.slice(1));
return Promise.map(usersWithoutOwner, function (user) {
let userRolesRelations = _.filter(DataGenerator.forKnex.roles_users, {user_id: user.id});
userRolesRelations = _.map(userRolesRelations, function (userRolesRelation) {
return _.find(DataGenerator.forKnex.roles, {id: userRolesRelation.role_id});
user.roles = userRolesRelations;
return models.User.add(user, module.exports.context.internal);
createExtraUsers: function createExtraUsers() {
// grab 3 more users
var extraUsers = _.cloneDeep(DataGenerator.Content.users.slice(2, 6));
extraUsers = _.map(extraUsers, function (user) {
return DataGenerator.forKnex.createUser(_.extend({}, user, {
id: ObjectId.generate(),
email: 'a' + user.email,
slug: 'a' + user.slug
const roles = {};
roles[extraUsers[0].id] = DataGenerator.Content.roles[0];
roles[extraUsers[1].id] = DataGenerator.Content.roles[1];
roles[extraUsers[2].id] = DataGenerator.Content.roles[2];
roles[extraUsers[3].id] = DataGenerator.Content.roles[4];
// @TODO: remove when overhauling test env
// tests need access to the extra created users (especially to the created id)
// replacement for admin2, editor2 etc
DataGenerator.Content.extraUsers = extraUsers;
return Promise.map(extraUsers, function (user) {
user.roles = roles[user.id];
return models.User.add(user, module.exports.context.internal);
insertOneUser: function insertOneUser(options) {
options = options || {};
return models.User.add({
name: options.name,
email: options.email,
slug: options.slug,
status: options.status
}, module.exports.context.internal);
// Creates a client, and access and refresh tokens for user with index or 2 by default
createTokensForUser: function createTokensForUser(index) {
return Promise.map(DataGenerator.forKnex.clients, function (client) {
return models.Client.add(client, module.exports.context.internal);
}).then(function () {
return models.Accesstoken.add(DataGenerator.forKnex.createToken({
user_id: DataGenerator.Content.users[index || 2].id
}), module.exports.context.internal);
}).then(function () {
return models.Refreshtoken.add(DataGenerator.forKnex.createToken({
user_id: DataGenerator.Content.users[index || 2].id
}), module.exports.context.internal);
insertOne: function insertOne(modelName, tableName, fn, index) {
const obj = DataGenerator.forKnex[fn](DataGenerator.Content[tableName][index || 0]);
return models[modelName].add(obj, module.exports.context.internal);
getImportFixturePath: function (filename) {
return path.resolve(__dirname + '/fixtures/import/' + filename);
getExportFixturePath: function (filename) {
var relativePath = '/fixtures/export/';
return path.resolve(__dirname + relativePath + filename + '.json');
loadExportFixture: function loadExportFixture(filename) {
var filePath = this.getExportFixturePath(filename);
return fs.readFile(filePath).then(function (fileContents) {
var data;
// Parse the json data
try {
data = JSON.parse(fileContents);
} catch (e) {
return new Error('Failed to parse the file');
return data;
permissionsFor: function permissionsFor(obj) {
var permsToInsert = _.cloneDeep(fixtureUtils.findModelFixtures('Permission', {object_type: obj}).entries),
permsRolesToInsert = fixtureUtils.findPermissionRelationsForObject(obj).entries,
actions = [],
permissionsRoles = {},
roles = {
Administrator: DataGenerator.Content.roles[0].id,
Editor: DataGenerator.Content.roles[1].id,
Author: DataGenerator.Content.roles[2].id,
Owner: DataGenerator.Content.roles[3].id,
Contributor: DataGenerator.Content.roles[4].id
// CASE: if empty db will throw SQLITE_MISUSE, hard to debug
if (_.isEmpty(permsToInsert)) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('no permission found:' + obj));
permsToInsert = _.map(permsToInsert, function (perms) {
perms.id = ObjectId.generate();
actions.push({type: perms.action_type, permissionId: perms.id});
return DataGenerator.forKnex.createBasic(perms);
_.each(permsRolesToInsert, function (perms, role) {
if (perms[obj]) {
if (perms[obj] === 'all') {
_.each(actions, function (action) {
if (!permissionsRoles[action.permissionId]) {
permissionsRoles[action.permissionId] = [];
permissionsRoles[action.permissionId].push(_.find(DataGenerator.Content.roles, {id: roles[role]}));
} else {
_.each(perms[obj], function (action) {
if (!permissionsRoles[_.find(actions, {type: action}).permissionId]) {
permissionsRoles[_.find(actions, {type: action}).permissionId] = [];
permissionsRoles[_.find(actions, {type: action}).permissionId].push(_.find(DataGenerator.Content.roles, {id: roles[role]}));
return Promise.map(permsToInsert, function (perm) {
if (!_.isEmpty(permissionsRoles)) {
perm.roles = permissionsRoles[perm.id];
return models.Permission.add(perm, module.exports.context.internal);
insertClients: function insertClients() {
return Promise.map(DataGenerator.forKnex.clients, function (client) {
return models.Client.add(client, module.exports.context.internal);
insertClientWithTrustedDomain: function insertClientWithTrustedDomain() {
const client = DataGenerator.forKnex.createClient({slug: 'ghost-test'});
return models.Client.add(client, module.exports.context.internal)
.then(function () {
return models.ClientTrustedDomain.add(DataGenerator.forKnex.createTrustedDomain({
client_id: client.id
}), module.exports.context.internal);
insertAccessToken: function insertAccessToken(override) {
return models.Accesstoken.insert(DataGenerator.forKnex.createToken(override), module.exports.context.internal);
insertInvites: function insertInvites() {
return Promise.map(DataGenerator.forKnex.invites, function (invite) {
return models.Invite.add(invite, module.exports.context.internal);
insertWebhooks: function insertWebhooks() {
return Promise.map(DataGenerator.forKnex.webhooks, function (webhook) {
return models.Webhook.add(webhook, module.exports.context.internal);
/** Test Utility Functions **/
initData = function initData() {
return knexMigrator.init()
.then(function () {
let timeout;
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
(function retry() {
if (urlService.hasFinished()) {
return resolve();
timeout = setTimeout(retry, 50);
clearBruteData = function clearBruteData() {
return db.knex('brute').truncate();
truncate = function truncate(tableName) {
if (config.get('database:client') === 'sqlite3') {
return db.knex(tableName).truncate();
return db.knex.raw('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;')
.then(function () {
return db.knex(tableName).truncate();
.then(function () {
return db.knex.raw('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;');
// we must always try to delete all tables
clearData = function clearData() {
debug('Database reset');
return knexMigrator.reset({force: true})
.then(function () {
toDoList = {
app: function insertApp() {
return fixtures.insertOne('App', 'apps', 'createApp');
app_field: function insertAppField() {
// TODO: use the actual app ID to create the field
return fixtures.insertOne('App', 'apps', 'createApp').then(function () {
return fixtures.insertOne('AppField', 'app_fields', 'createAppField');
app_setting: function insertAppSetting() {
// TODO: use the actual app ID to create the field
return fixtures.insertOne('App', 'apps', 'createApp').then(function () {
return fixtures.insertOne('AppSetting', 'app_settings', 'createAppSetting');
permission: function insertPermission() {
return fixtures.insertOne('Permission', 'permissions', 'createPermission');
role: function insertRole() {
return fixtures.insertOne('Role', 'roles', 'createRole');
roles: function insertRoles() {
return fixtures.insertRoles();
tag: function insertTag() {
return fixtures.insertOne('Tag', 'tags', 'createTag');
subscriber: function insertSubscriber() {
return fixtures.insertOne('Subscriber', 'subscribers', 'createSubscriber');
posts: function insertPostsAndTags() {
return fixtures.insertPostsAndTags();
'posts:mu': function insertMultiAuthorPosts() {
return fixtures.insertMultiAuthorPosts();
tags: function insertTags() {
return fixtures.insertTags();
'tags:extra': function insertExtraTags() {
return fixtures.insertExtraTags();
apps: function insertApps() {
return fixtures.insertApps();
settings: function populateSettings() {
return settingsService.init();
'users:roles': function createUsersWithRoles() {
return fixtures.createUsersWithRoles();
'users:no-owner': function createUsersWithoutOwner() {
return fixtures.createUsersWithoutOwner();
'users:extra': function createExtraUsers() {
return fixtures.createExtraUsers();
'user-token': function createTokensForUser(index) {
return fixtures.createTokensForUser(index);
owner: function insertOwnerUser() {
return fixtures.insertOwnerUser();
'owner:pre': function initOwnerUser() {
return fixtures.initOwnerUser();
'owner:post': function overrideOwnerUser() {
return fixtures.overrideOwnerUser();
'perms:init': function initPermissions() {
return permissions.init();
perms: function permissionsFor(obj) {
return fixtures.permissionsFor(obj);
clients: function insertClients() {
return fixtures.insertClients();
'client:trusted-domain': function insertClients() {
return fixtures.insertClientWithTrustedDomain();
filter: function createFilterParamFixtures() {
return filterData(DataGenerator);
invites: function insertInvites() {
return fixtures.insertInvites();
themes: function loadThemes() {
return themes.loadAll();
webhooks: function insertWebhooks() {
return fixtures.insertWebhooks();
* ## getFixtureOps
* Takes the arguments from a setup function and turns them into an array of promises to fullfil
* This is effectively a list of instructions with regard to which fixtures should be setup for this test.
* * `default` - a special option which will cause the full suite of normal fixtures to be initialised
* * `perms:init` - initialise the permissions object after having added permissions
* * `perms:obj` - initialise permissions for a particular object type
* * `users:roles` - create a full suite of users, one per role
* @param {Object} toDos
getFixtureOps = function getFixtureOps(toDos) {
// default = default fixtures, if it isn't present, init with tables only
var tablesOnly = !toDos.default,
fixtureOps = [];
// Database initialisation
if (toDos.init || toDos.default) {
fixtureOps.push(function initDB() {
// skip adding all fixtures!
if (tablesOnly) {
return knexMigrator.init({skip: 2});
return knexMigrator.init();
delete toDos.default;
delete toDos.init;
// Go through our list of things to do, and add them to an array
_.each(toDos, function (value, toDo) {
var tmp;
if ((toDo !== 'perms:init' && toDo.indexOf('perms:') !== -1) || toDo.indexOf('user-token:') !== -1) {
tmp = toDo.split(':');
fixtureOps.push(function addCustomFixture() {
return toDoList[tmp[0]](tmp[1]);
} else {
if (!toDoList[toDo]) {
throw new Error('setup todo does not exist - spell mistake?');
return fixtureOps;
// ## Test Setup and Teardown
initFixtures = function initFixtures() {
var options = _.merge({init: true}, _.transform(arguments, function (result, val) {
result[val] = true;
fixtureOps = getFixtureOps(options);
return sequence(fixtureOps);
* ## Setup Integration Tests
* Setup takes a list of arguments like: 'default', 'tag', 'perms:tag', 'perms:init'
* Setup does 'init' (DB) by default
* @returns {Function}
setup = function setup() {
/*eslint no-invalid-this: "off"*/
const self = this,
args = arguments;
return function setup() {
return initFixtures.apply(self, args);
// ## Functions for Route Tests (!!)
* This function manages the work of ensuring we have an overridden owner user, and grabbing an access token
* @returns {deferred.promise<AccessToken>}
// TODO make this do the DB init as well
doAuth = function doAuth() {
var options = arguments,
request = arguments[0],
// Remove request from this list
delete options[0];
// No DB setup, but override the owner
options = _.merge({'owner:post': true}, _.transform(options, function (result, val) {
if (val) {
result[val] = true;
fixtureOps = getFixtureOps(options);
return sequence(fixtureOps).then(function () {
return login(request);
createUser = function createUser(options) {
var user = options.user,
role = options.role;
return models.Role.fetchAll(module.exports.context.internal)
.then(function (roles) {
roles = roles.toJSON();
user.roles = [_.find(roles, {name: role})];
return models.User.add(user, module.exports.context.internal)
.then(function () {
return user;
createPost = function createPost(options) {
var post = DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost(options.post);
if (options.author) {
post.author_id = options.author.id;
post.authors = [{id: post.author_id}];
return models.Post.add(post, module.exports.context.internal);
login = function login(request) {
// CASE: by default we use the owner to login
if (!request.user) {
request.user = DataGenerator.Content.users[0];
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
.set('Origin', config.get('url'))
grant_type: 'password',
username: request.user.email,
password: 'Sl1m3rson99',
client_id: 'ghost-admin',
client_secret: 'not_available'
}).then(function then(res) {
if (res.statusCode !== 200) {
return reject(new common.errors.GhostError({
message: res.body.errors[0].message
}, reject);
* Has to run in a transaction for MySQL, otherwise the foreign key check does not work.
* Sqlite3 has no truncate command.
teardown = function teardown() {
debug('Database teardown');
var tables = schemaTables.concat(['migrations']);
if (config.get('database:client') === 'sqlite3') {
return Promise
.mapSeries(tables, function createTable(table) {
return db.knex.raw('DELETE FROM ' + table + ';');
.catch(function (err) {
// CASE: table does not exist
if (err.errno === 1) {
return Promise.resolve();
throw err;
return db.knex.transaction(function (trx) {
return db.knex.raw('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;').transacting(trx)
.then(function () {
return Promise
.each(tables, function createTable(table) {
return db.knex.raw('TRUNCATE ' + table + ';').transacting(trx);
.then(function () {
return db.knex.raw('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1;').transacting(trx);
.catch(function (err) {
// CASE: table does not exist
if (err.errno === 1146) {
return Promise.resolve();
throw err;
* offer helper functions for mocking
* we start with a small function set to mock non existent modules
originalRequireFn = Module.prototype.require;
mockNotExistingModule = function mockNotExistingModule(modulePath, module, error = false) {
Module.prototype.require = function (path) {
if (path.match(modulePath)) {
if (error) {
throw module;
return module;
return originalRequireFn.apply(this, arguments);
unmockNotExistingModule = function unmockNotExistingModule() {
Module.prototype.require = originalRequireFn;
var ghostServer;
* 1. reset & init db
* 2. start the server once
* @TODO: tidy up the tmp folders
startGhost = function startGhost(options) {
options = _.merge({
redirectsFile: true,
forceStart: false,
copyThemes: true,
copySettings: true,
contentFolder: path.join(os.tmpdir(), uuid.v1(), 'ghost-test'),
subdir: false
}, options);
var contentFolderForTests = options.contentFolder,
* We never use the root content folder for testing!
* We use a tmp folder.
configUtils.set('paths:contentPath', contentFolderForTests);
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'data'));
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'themes'));
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'images'));
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'logs'));
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'adapters'));
fs.ensureDirSync(path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'settings'));
if (options.copyThemes) {
// Copy all themes into the new test content folder. Default active theme is always casper. If you want to use a different theme, you have to set the active theme (e.g. stub)
fs.copySync(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'themes'), path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'themes'));
if (options.redirectsFile) {
fs.copySync(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'data', 'redirects.json'), path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'data', 'redirects.json'));
if (options.copySettings) {
fs.copySync(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'settings', 'routes.yaml'), path.join(contentFolderForTests, 'settings', 'routes.yaml'));
// truncate database and re-run fixtures
// we have to ensure that some components in Ghost are reloaded
if (ghostServer && ghostServer.httpServer && !options.forceStart) {
return teardown()
.then(function () {
return knexMigrator.init({only: 2});
.then(function () {
return settingsService.init();
.then(function () {
return themes.init();
.then(function () {
let timeout;
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
(function retry() {
if (urlService.hasFinished()) {
return resolve();
timeout = setTimeout(retry, 50);
.then(function () {
return ghostServer;
return knexMigrator.reset({force: true})
.then(function () {
if (ghostServer && ghostServer.httpServer) {
return ghostServer.stop();
.then(function initialiseDatabase() {
return knexMigrator.init();
.then(function initializeGhost() {
return ghost();
.then(function startGhost(_ghostServer) {
ghostServer = _ghostServer;
if (options.subdir) {
parentApp = express();
parentApp.use(urlService.utils.getSubdir(), ghostServer.rootApp);
return ghostServer.start(parentApp);
return ghostServer.start();
.then(function () {
let timeout;
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
(function retry() {
if (urlService.hasFinished()) {
return resolve();
timeout = setTimeout(retry, 50);
.then(function returnGhost() {
return ghostServer;
module.exports = {
startGhost: startGhost,
integrationTesting: {
overrideGhostConfig: function overrideGhostConfig(configUtils) {
configUtils.set('paths:contentPath', path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures'));
configUtils.set('times:getImageSizeTimeoutInMS', 1);
defaultMocks: function defaultMocks(sandbox, options) {
options = options || {};
configUtils.set('paths:contentPath', path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures'));
const cacheStub = sandbox.stub(settingsCache, 'get');
cacheStub.withArgs('active_theme').returns(options.theme || 'casper');
cacheStub.withArgs('labs').returns({publicAPI: true});
sandbox.stub(api.clients, 'read').returns(Promise.resolve({
clients: [
{slug: 'ghost-frontend', secret: 'a1bcde23cfe5', status: 'enabled'}
sandbox.stub(imageLib.imageSize, 'getImageSizeFromUrl').resolves();
initGhost: function () {
return themes.init();
routing: {
reset: function () {
urlService: {
waitTillFinished: function (options = {dbIsReady: false}) {
let timeout;
if (!options.dbIsReady) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
(function retry() {
if (urlService.hasFinished()) {
return resolve();
timeout = setTimeout(retry, 50);
init: function () {
const routes = settingsService.get('routes');
const collectionRouter = new routingService.CollectionRouter('/', routes.collections['/']);
const tagRouter = new routingService.TaxonomyRouter('tag', routes.taxonomies.tag);
const authorRouter = new routingService.TaxonomyRouter('author', routes.taxonomies.author);
return this.waitTillFinished();
reset: function () {
resetGenerators: function () {
teardown: teardown,
truncate: truncate,
setup: setup,
doAuth: doAuth,
createUser: createUser,
createPost: createPost,
login: login,
mockNotExistingModule: mockNotExistingModule,
unmockNotExistingModule: unmockNotExistingModule,
* renderObject: res.render(view, dbResponse)
* templateOptions: hbs.updateTemplateOptions(...)
createHbsResponse: function createHbsResponse(options) {
var renderObject = options.renderObject || {},
templateOptions = options.templateOptions,
locals = options.locals || {},
hbsStructure = {
data: {
blog: {},
config: {},
labs: {},
root: {
_locals: {}
_.merge(hbsStructure.data, templateOptions);
_.merge(hbsStructure.data.root, renderObject);
_.merge(hbsStructure.data.root, locals);
hbsStructure.data.root._locals = locals;
return hbsStructure;
initFixtures: initFixtures,
initData: initData,
clearData: clearData,
clearBruteData: clearBruteData,
mocks: mocks,
fixtures: fixtures,
DataGenerator: DataGenerator,
filterData: filterData,
API: APIAssertions,
// Helpers to make it easier to write tests which are easy to read
context: {
internal: {context: {internal: true}},
external: {context: {external: true}},
owner: {context: {user: DataGenerator.Content.users[0].id}},
admin: {context: {user: DataGenerator.Content.users[1].id}},
editor: {context: {user: DataGenerator.Content.users[2].id}},
author: {context: {user: DataGenerator.Content.users[3].id}},
contributor: {context: {user: DataGenerator.Content.users[7].id}}
permissions: {
owner: {user: {roles: [DataGenerator.Content.roles[3]]}},
admin: {user: {roles: [DataGenerator.Content.roles[0]]}},
editor: {user: {roles: [DataGenerator.Content.roles[1]]}},
author: {user: {roles: [DataGenerator.Content.roles[2]]}},
contributor: {user: {roles: [DataGenerator.Content.roles[4]]}},
users: {
ids: {
owner: DataGenerator.Content.users[0].id,
admin: DataGenerator.Content.users[1].id,
editor: DataGenerator.Content.users[2].id,
author: DataGenerator.Content.users[3].id,
admin2: DataGenerator.Content.users[6].id,
editor2: DataGenerator.Content.users[4].id,
author2: DataGenerator.Content.users[5].id,
contributor: DataGenerator.Content.users[7].id,
contributor2: DataGenerator.Content.users[8].id
roles: {
ids: {
owner: DataGenerator.Content.roles[3].id,
admin: DataGenerator.Content.roles[0].id,
editor: DataGenerator.Content.roles[1].id,
author: DataGenerator.Content.roles[2].id,
contributor: DataGenerator.Content.roles[4].id
cacheRules: {
public: 'public, max-age=0',
hour: 'public, max-age=' + 3600,
day: 'public, max-age=' + 86400,
year: 'public, max-age=' + 31536000,
private: 'no-cache, private, no-store, must-revalidate, max-stale=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0'