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synced 2025-02-03 23:00:14 -05:00
no issue Some tests timeout for an unknown reason. This commit adds some missing awaits for async test methods (that don't perform any async operation, but are marked as async).
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const assert = require('assert');
const moment = require('moment');
const testUtils = require('../../utils');
const models = require('../../../core/server/models');
const {agentProvider, fixtureManager, matchers} = require('../../utils/e2e-framework');
const {anyEtag, anyUuid, anyISODateTimeWithTZ} = matchers;
const pageMatcher = {
published_at: anyISODateTimeWithTZ,
created_at: anyISODateTimeWithTZ,
updated_at: anyISODateTimeWithTZ,
uuid: anyUuid
describe('Pages Content API', function () {
let agent;
before(async function () {
agent = await agentProvider.getContentAPIAgent();
await fixtureManager.init('users:no-owner', 'user:inactive', 'posts', 'tags:extra', 'api_keys');
await agent.authenticate();
it('Can request pages', async function () {
const res = await agent.get(`pages/`)
etag: anyEtag
pages: new Array(5)
assert.equal(res.body.pages[0].slug, 'about');
const urlParts = new URL(res.body.pages[0].url);
assert.equal(urlParts.protocol, 'http:');
assert.equal(urlParts.host, '');
it('Can request page', async function () {
const res = await agent.get(`pages/${fixtureManager.get('posts', 5).id}/`)
etag: anyEtag
pages: new Array(1)
assert.equal(res.body.pages[0].slug, fixtureManager.get('posts', 5).slug);
const urlParts = new URL(res.body.pages[0].url);
assert.equal(urlParts.protocol, 'http:');
assert.equal(urlParts.host, '');
it('Can include free and paid tiers for public post', async function () {
const publicPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
type: 'page',
slug: 'free-to-see',
visibility: 'public',
published_at: moment().add(15, 'seconds').toDate() // here to ensure sorting is not modified
await models.Post.add(publicPost, {context: {internal: true}});
const publicPostRes = await agent
const publicPostData = publicPostRes.body.pages[0];
it('Can include free and paid tiers for members only post', async function () {
const membersPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
type: 'page',
slug: 'thou-shalt-not-be-seen',
visibility: 'members',
published_at: moment().add(45, 'seconds').toDate() // here to ensure sorting is not modified
await models.Post.add(membersPost, {context: {internal: true}});
const membersPostRes = await agent
const membersPostData = membersPostRes.body.pages[0];
it('Can include only paid tier for paid post', async function () {
const paidPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
type: 'page',
slug: 'thou-shalt-be-paid-for',
visibility: 'paid',
published_at: moment().add(30, 'seconds').toDate() // here to ensure sorting is not modified
await models.Post.add(paidPost, {context: {internal: true}});
const paidPostRes = await agent
const paidPostData = paidPostRes.body.pages[0];
it('Can include specific tier for page with tiers visibility', async function () {
const res = await agent
const jsonResponse = res.body;
const paidTier = jsonResponse.tiers.find(p => p.type === 'paid');
const tiersPage = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'thou-shalt-be-for-specific-tiers',
type: 'page',
visibility: 'tiers',
published_at: moment().add(30, 'seconds').toDate() // here to ensure sorting is not modified
tiersPage.tiers = [paidTier];
await models.Post.add(tiersPage, {context: {internal: true}});
const tiersPostRes = await agent
const tiersPostData = tiersPostRes.body.pages[0];