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synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
no issue - the update check service now supports a LTS option - sending lts=false will force the update check service to search for the latest non LTS release - as 1.0.0 is still in alpha, there is no latest release available - that's why the update check service returns an error saying, there is no latest release available - this error get's logged to shell right now - as soon as we release 1.0.0, the error auto disappears No behaviour change in any previous alpha version or any LTS release as they don't send the LTS option.
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// # Update Checking Service
// Makes a request to Ghost.org to check if there is a new version of Ghost available.
// The service is provided in return for users opting in to anonymous usage data collection.
// Blog owners can opt-out of update checks by setting `privacy: { useUpdateCheck: false }` in their config.js
// The data collected is as follows:
// - blog id - a hash of the blog hostname, pathname and dbHash. No identifiable info is stored.
// - ghost version
// - node version
// - npm version
// - env - production or development
// - database type - SQLite, MySQL
// - email transport - mail.options.service, or otherwise mail.transport
// - created date - database creation date
// - post count - total number of posts
// - user count - total number of users
// - theme - name of the currently active theme
// - apps - names of any active apps
var crypto = require('crypto'),
exec = require('child_process').exec,
https = require('https'),
moment = require('moment'),
semver = require('semver'),
Promise = require('bluebird'),
_ = require('lodash'),
url = require('url'),
api = require('./api'),
config = require('./config'),
utils = require('./utils'),
logging = require('./logging'),
errors = require('./errors'),
i18n = require('./i18n'),
currentVersion = require('./utils/ghost-version').full,
internal = {context: {internal: true}},
checkEndpoint = 'updates.ghost.org';
function updateCheckError(err) {
err = errors.utils.deserialize(err);
{settings: [{key: 'nextUpdateCheck', value: Math.round(Date.now() / 1000 + 24 * 3600)}]},
err.context = i18n.t('errors.update-check.checkingForUpdatesFailed.error');
err.help = i18n.t('errors.update-check.checkingForUpdatesFailed.help', {url: 'http://support.ghost.org'});
* If the custom message is intended for current version, create and store a custom notification.
* @param {Object} message {id: uuid, version: '0.9.x', content: '' }
* @return {*|Promise}
function createCustomNotification(message) {
if (!semver.satisfies(currentVersion, message.version)) {
return Promise.resolve();
var notification = {
status: 'alert',
type: 'info',
custom: true,
uuid: message.id,
dismissible: true,
message: message.content
getAllNotifications = api.notifications.browse({context: {internal: true}}),
getSeenNotifications = api.settings.read(_.extend({key: 'seenNotifications'}, internal));
return Promise.join(getAllNotifications, getSeenNotifications, function joined(all, seen) {
var isSeen = _.includes(JSON.parse(seen.settings[0].value || []), notification.id),
isDuplicate = _.some(all.notifications, {message: notification.message});
if (!isSeen && !isDuplicate) {
return api.notifications.add({notifications: [notification]}, {context: {internal: true}});
function updateCheckData() {
var data = {},
mailConfig = config.get('mail');
data.ghost_version = currentVersion;
data.node_version = process.versions.node;
data.env = config.get('env');
data.database_type = config.get('database').client;
data.email_transport = mailConfig &&
(mailConfig.options && mailConfig.options.service ?
mailConfig.options.service :
return Promise.props({
hash: api.settings.read(_.extend({key: 'dbHash'}, internal)).reflect(),
theme: api.settings.read(_.extend({key: 'activeTheme'}, internal)).reflect(),
apps: api.settings.read(_.extend({key: 'activeApps'}, internal))
.then(function (response) {
var apps = response.settings[0];
apps = JSON.parse(apps.value);
return _.reduce(apps, function (memo, item) { return memo === '' ? memo + item : memo + ', ' + item; }, '');
posts: api.posts.browse().reflect(),
users: api.users.browse(internal).reflect(),
npm: Promise.promisify(exec)('npm -v').reflect()
}).then(function (descriptors) {
var hash = descriptors.hash.value().settings[0],
theme = descriptors.theme.value().settings[0],
apps = descriptors.apps.value(),
posts = descriptors.posts.value(),
users = descriptors.users.value(),
npm = descriptors.npm.value(),
blogUrl = url.parse(utils.url.urlFor('home', true)),
blogId = blogUrl.hostname + blogUrl.pathname.replace(/\//, '') + hash.value;
data.blog_id = crypto.createHash('md5').update(blogId).digest('hex');
data.theme = theme ? theme.value : '';
data.apps = apps || '';
data.post_count = posts && posts.meta && posts.meta.pagination ? posts.meta.pagination.total : 0;
data.user_count = users && users.users && users.users.length ? users.users.length : 0;
data.blog_created_at = users && users.users && users.users[0] && users.users[0].created_at ? moment(users.users[0].created_at).unix() : '';
data.npm_version = npm.trim();
data.lts = false;
return data;
function updateCheckRequest() {
return updateCheckData().then(function then(reqData) {
var resData = '',
reqData = JSON.stringify(reqData);
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(reqData)
return new Promise(function p(resolve, reject) {
req = https.request({
hostname: checkEndpoint,
method: 'POST',
headers: headers
}, function handler(res) {
res.on('error', function onError(error) { reject(error); });
res.on('data', function onData(chunk) { resData += chunk; });
res.on('end', function onEnd() {
try {
resData = JSON.parse(resData);
if (this.statusCode >= 400) {
return reject(resData);
} catch (e) {
req.on('socket', function onSocket(socket) {
// Wait a maximum of 10seconds
socket.on('timeout', function onTimeout() {
req.on('error', function onError(error) {
* Handles the response from the update check
* Does three things with the information received:
* 1. Updates the time we can next make a check
* 2. Checks if the version in the response is new, and updates the notification setting
* 3. Create custom notifications is response from UpdateCheck as "messages" array which has the following structure:
* "messages": [{
* "id": ed9dc38c-73e5-4d72-a741-22b11f6e151a,
* "version": "0.5.x",
* "content": "<p>Hey there! 0.6 is available, visit <a href=\"https://ghost.org/download\">Ghost.org</a> to grab your copy now<!/p>"
* ]}
* @param {Object} response
* @return {Promise}
function updateCheckResponse(response) {
return Promise.all([
api.settings.edit({settings: [{key: 'nextUpdateCheck', value: response.next_check}]}, internal),
api.settings.edit({settings: [{key: 'displayUpdateNotification', value: response.version}]}, internal)
]).then(function () {
var messages = response.messages || [];
* by default the update check service returns messages: []
* but the latest release version get's stored anyway, because we adding the `displayUpdateNotification` ^
return Promise.map(messages, createCustomNotification);
function updateCheck() {
if (config.isPrivacyDisabled('useUpdateCheck')) {
return Promise.resolve();
} else {
return api.settings.read(_.extend({key: 'nextUpdateCheck'}, internal)).then(function then(result) {
var nextUpdateCheck = result.settings[0];
if (nextUpdateCheck && nextUpdateCheck.value && nextUpdateCheck.value > moment().unix()) {
// It's not time to check yet
} else {
// We need to do a check
return updateCheckRequest()
function showUpdateNotification() {
return api.settings.read(_.extend({key: 'displayUpdateNotification'}, internal)).then(function then(response) {
var display = response.settings[0];
if (display && display.value && currentVersion && semver.gt(display.value, currentVersion)) {
return display.value;
return false;
module.exports = updateCheck;
module.exports.showUpdateNotification = showUpdateNotification;