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mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
Kevin Ansfield 49191c9023 🎨 improve gulp dev reload behaviour (#7543)
refs #7427
- prevent unnecessary reloads of the server due to changes in client files, this makes working on the client as quick/painless as the old `grunt dev` command
- fix nodemon `watch` config - it only accepts directories not files
- update nodemon `ignore` config - directories should be specified without a `/*`, add directories that are changed on each client re-compile
2016-10-11 14:06:07 +02:00

543 lines
18 KiB

var gulp = require('gulp-help')(require('gulp'), {hideEmpty: true, hideDepsMessage:true}),
livereload = require('gulp-livereload'),
nodemon = require('gulp-nodemon'),
gutil = require('gulp-util'),
jscs = require('gulp-jscs'),
jshint = require('gulp-jshint'),
jsonlint = require('gulp-jsonlint'),
chalk = require('chalk'),
runSequence = require('run-sequence').use(gulp),
argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)),
_ = require('lodash'),
exec = require('child_process').exec,
spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
submodule = require('gulp-git-submodule'),
fs = require('fs'),
// paramConfig is used to store constant values to check against
// called parameter as well as the paths for each repository
paramConfig = {
ghost: {
type: 'string',
regex: /pr\/\d+/i,
path: 'core/server'
g: {
type: 'string',
regex: /pr\/\d+/i,
path: 'core/server'
admin: {
type: 'string',
regex: /pr\/\d+/i,
path: 'core/client'
a: {
type: 'string',
regex: /pr\/\d+/i,
path: 'core/client'
casper: {
type: 'string',
regex: /pr\/\d+/i,
path: 'content/themes/casper'
c: {
type: 'string',
regex: /pr\/\d+/i,
path: 'content/themes/casper'
force: {
type: 'boolean'
f: {
type: 'boolean'
// gitBranches is used to store the currently chosen branch to checkout as well
// as the necessary shell command for `gulp setup`
gitBranches = {
ghost: {},
admin: {},
casper: {}
ember = null;
swallowError = function swallowError(error, log) {
if (log) {gutil.log(chalk.red(error.toString()));}
nodemonServerInit = function () {
return nodemon({
script: 'index.js',
ext: 'js,json,hbs',
watch: [
ignore: [
}).on('restart', function () {
gulp.src(paramConfig.ghost.path + '/')
}).on('crash', function () {
console.info(chalk.red('Stopping server due to an error 💥 ...'));
if (ember) {ember.kill();}
}).on('exit', function () {
console.info(chalk.cyan('Shutting down 🏁 ...'));
// Filter against our paramConfig (checks the type and the allowed repos that can be
// used as parameters, e. b. `--admin`).
// Returns an Object which contains only the valid arguments as well as their value
// TODO: Make this awesome and reuse it to have options and parameters all over our gulp
// tooling!
filterParams = function (args) {
var filteredOptions = {};
_.forEach(args, function (key, value) {
key = typeof key === 'string' ? key.toLowerCase().trim() : key;
value = typeof value === 'string' ? value.toLowerCase().trim() : value;
if (paramConfig.hasOwnProperty(value)) {
if (paramConfig[value].type !== typeof key) {
// TODO: instead of forbidding the usage of a repo param, she should
// detect the current branch (that's no problem for the ghost repo,
// but detecting it for submodules?)
console.info(chalk.red('Invalid usage of "--' + value + '" option.'));
filteredOptions[value] = key;
} else {
if (value !== '_') { console.info(chalk.red('Invalid parameter "--' + value + '".')); }
return filteredOptions;
// Creates the shell command to checkout the branch/pr and is verified against
// the regex in the paramConfig.
getGitCommand = function (branchToCheckOut, repo) {
if (branchToCheckOut && branchToCheckOut.match(paramConfig[repo].regex)) {
// Case: branch param is a PR (e. g. `pr/1234`)
_.assign(gitBranches[repo], {
gitCommand: 'f() { git fetch && git checkout ' + branchToCheckOut + '; }; f',
branch: branchToCheckOut
} else if (branchToCheckOut) {
// Case: branch param is a normal branch
_.assign(gitBranches[repo], {
gitCommand: 'git fetch && git checkout ' + branchToCheckOut,
branch: branchToCheckOut
// Checks if a directory exists and returns true if so. This is needed to
// check, if the submodule directories exist.
checkDirectoryExistance = function (directory) {
try {
return fs.statSync(directory).isDirectory();
} catch (e) {
if (e.code === 'ENOENT') {
return false;
} else {
return swallowError(e);
// *****************************************************************************
// ------------ Utility tasks --------------------------------------------------
// *****************************************************************************
gulp.task('_admin:build', function () {
var env = Object.create(process.env);
env.CI = false;
console.info(chalk.cyan('Starting Ghost-Admin engines 🚗 ...'));
ember = spawn('ember', ['build', '--watch'], {
cwd: paramConfig.admin.path,
env: env
ember.stdout.on('data', function (data) {
ember.stderr.on('data', function (data) {
ember.on('close', function (code) {
console.info(chalk.red('Shutting down Ghost-Admin with ' + code));
// Deletes all dependencies and installs npm modules for ghost again, to
// make gulp work again 😛).
gulp.task('_FFS', function (cb) {
console.info(chalk.cyan('Please be patient my young Padawan. This will take a little while ⏲ ...'));
exec('rm -rf node_modules && rm -rf core/client/node_modules ' +
'&& rm -rf core/client/bower_components && npm cache clean ' +
'&& bower cache clean && npm install', function (err, stdout, stderr) {
if (stdout) {console.info(chalk.green(stdout));}
if (stderr) {console.info(chalk.red(stderr));}
if (err) {swallowError(err, false);}
gulp.task('_checkout:ghost', function (cb) {
if (gitBranches.ghost.gitCommand) {
console.info(chalk.cyan('Checking out ') + chalk.red('"' + gitBranches.ghost.branch + '" ') + chalk.cyan('on Ghost...'));
exec(gitBranches.ghost.gitCommand, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
if (!stdout) {
} else {
console.info(chalk.green(stdout) + '\n ' + chalk.red(stderr));
if (err) {swallowError(err, false);}
} else {
gulp.task('_checkout:admin', function (cb) {
if (gitBranches.admin.gitCommand) {
console.info(chalk.cyan('Checking out ') + chalk.red('"' + gitBranches.admin.branch + '" ') + chalk.cyan('on Ghost-Admin...'));
exec('cd ' + paramConfig.admin.path + ' && ' + gitBranches.admin.gitCommand, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
if (!stdout) {
} else {
console.info(chalk.green(stdout) + '\n ' + chalk.red(stderr));
if (err) {swallowError(err, false);}
} else {
gulp.task('_checkout:casper', function (cb) {
if (gitBranches.casper.gitCommand) {
console.info(chalk.cyan('Checking out ') + chalk.red('"' + gitBranches.casper.branch + '" ') + chalk.cyan('on Casper...'));
exec('cd ' + paramConfig.casper.path + ' && ' + gitBranches.casper.gitCommand, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
if (!stdout) {
} else {
console.info(chalk.green(stdout) + '\n ' + chalk.red(stderr));
if (err) {swallowError(err, false);}
} else {
gulp.task('_checkout:branches', function (cb) {
runSequence('_checkout:ghost', '_checkout:admin', '_checkout:casper', function (err) {
if (err) {
swallowError(err, true);
} else {
gulp.task('_deps:client', function (cb) {
console.info(chalk.cyan('Updating Ghost-Admin dependencies 🛠 ...'));
exec('cd ' + paramConfig.admin.path + ' && npm install && bower install', function (err, stdout, stderr) {
if (stdout) {console.info(chalk.green(stdout));}
if (stderr) {console.info(chalk.red(stderr));}
if (err) {swallowError(err, false);}
gulp.task('_deps:ghost', function (cb) {
console.info(chalk.cyan('Updating Ghost dependencies 🛠 ...'));
exec('npm install', function (err, stdout, stderr) {
if (stdout) {console.info(chalk.green(stdout));}
if (stderr) {console.info(chalk.red(stderr));}
if (err) {swallowError(err, false);}
gulp.task('_setup:basic', ['submodules'], function (cb) {
runSequence('_checkout:branches', 'deps', function (err) {
if (err) {
swallowError(err, true);
} else {
gulp.task('_setup:force', ['submodules'], function (cb) {
runSequence('_FFS', '_checkout:branches', 'deps', function (err) {
if (err) {
swallowError(err, true);
} else {
// *****************************************************************************
// ------------ Begin public tasks ---------------------------------------------
// *****************************************************************************
// Starting the 🚗 to run the server only
// No client watch here.
gulp.task('server', 'Run Ghost server in development with livereload but without client build', function () {
console.info(chalk.cyan('Starting Ghost engines 🚗 ...'));
// Run `gulp dev` to enter development mode
// Filechanges in client will force a livereload
// Call it with `--deps` or `-d` to install dependencies as well`
gulp.task('dev', 'Runs Ghost server in development with livereload and client rebuild on file changes', function (cb) {
console.info(chalk.cyan('Development mode for Ghost will start right meow 👻 ...'));
if (argv.deps || argv.d) {
} else {
}, {
options: {
deps: '[-d] Install core and client dependencies'
// Update the submodules with gulp-git-submodule
// Will update only for these cases:
// 1. submodule param is set to master (`--admin master`, or `-a master`)
// 2. submodule doesn't exist, even if submodule param is given
// Can be called directly, but will only update, if submodule doesn't exist.
// Can be called with `--force` or `-f` to force and update of the submodules
gulp.task('submodules', 'Updates Ghost submodules, if submodule directory is not found', function (cb) {
var adminBranch = gitBranches.admin.branch || undefined,
casperBranch = gitBranches.casper.branch || undefined,
force = (argv.force || argv.f) || undefined;
if ((!checkDirectoryExistance(paramConfig.admin.path) || adminBranch === 'master') ||
(!checkDirectoryExistance(paramConfig.casper.path) || casperBranch === 'master') || force) {
exec('gulp sm:install', function (err, stdout, stderr) {
console.info(chalk.cyan('Updating Ghost submodules 🛠 ...'));
if (stderr) {console.info(chalk.red(stderr));}
if (err) {swallowError(err, false);}
} else {
console.info(chalk.cyan('No need to update Ghost submodules 🏄🏼 ...'));
}, {
options: {
force: '[-f] Force submodules install'
// Task to update dependencies for ghost and admin
// Can be called with `--force` or `-f` to force a delete of the dependencies and
// fresh install afterwards
gulp.task('deps', 'Installs Ghost and Ghost-Admin dependencies', function (cb) {
if (argv.force || argv.f) {
runSequence('_FFS', '_deps:client', '_deps:ghost', cb);
} else {
runSequence('_deps:client', '_deps:ghost', cb);
}, {
options: {
force: '[-f] Force a fresh install of all dependencies. Deletes the dependencies, the cache, and installs it back again.'
// Task to make repositories ready for development. Can be used in mutliple ways:
// `gulp setup`
// Will update dependecies and submodules (if submodule branches are on master) for
// currently chosen branches.
// `gulp setup --force`
// Will delete all dependencies and install them again, incl. submodules for
// currently chosen branches.
// `gulp setup --ghost some-branch --admin some-branch --casper some-branch`
// Will checkout the branches for each repository.
// Can also be used to checkout only selected branches e. g.
// `gulp setup --admin some-branch`
// Will leave the current branch for `ghost` and `casper`, but checkout the named
// branch for admin. Will also install dependencies.
// `gulp setup --admin pr/123 --ghost pr/1234 --casper pr/123`
// Will fetch the named PR of the repository and checkout to this new branch.
// Will also install dependencies. NOTE: This works only with an additional fetch line
// in the .git/config file for each repository: `fetch = +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/upstream/pr/*`.
// See https://dev.ghost.org/easy-git-pr-test/ for further information.
// `gulp setup -a some-branch -c pr/123 -g pr/1234`
// ^ The parameters work fine with their abbreviations.
// All the combinations above can be executed with the `--force` or `-f` flag, which
// will delete the dependencies and install them again, but for the chosen branches.
gulp.task('setup', 'Prepares everything for development. Checks out different branches ' +
'per repository, installs submodules and dependencies.', function (cb) {
var options = filterParams(argv) || {},
force = (options.force || options.f) || undefined,
// We have to set argv back, otherwise they might be used for further called
// task, which we don't want
argv = {};
if (options.ghost || options.g) {
branchToCheckOut = options.ghost || options.g;
getGitCommand(branchToCheckOut, 'ghost');
if (options.admin || options.a) {
branchToCheckOut = options.admin || options.a;
getGitCommand(branchToCheckOut, 'admin');
if (options.casper || options.c) {
branchToCheckOut = options.casper || options.c;
getGitCommand(branchToCheckOut, 'casper');
if (force) {
runSequence('_setup:force', function (err) {
if (err) {
swallowError(err, true);
} else {
} else {
runSequence('_setup:basic', function (err) {
if (err) {
swallowError(err, true);
} else {
}, {
options: {
force: '[-f] Force a fresh install of all dependencies',
'ghost=foo-branch': '[-g] Checks out a local branch for Ghost core and installs dependencies. Branch `master` will update submodules',
'ghost=pr/1234': '[-g] Checks out `pr/1234` for Ghost core and installs dependencies',
'admin=foo-branch': '[-a] Checks out a local branch for Ghost-Admin and installs dependencies. Branch `master` will update submodules',
'admin=pr/1234': '[-a] Checks out `pr/1234` for Ghost-Admin and installs dependencies',
'casper=foo-branch': '[-c] Checks out a local branch for Casper and installs dependencies. Branch `master` will update submodules',
'casper=pr/1234': '[-c] Checks out `pr/1234` for Casper and installs dependencies'
gulp.task('jscs', 'Code Style check of Ghost core JavaScript', function () {
return gulp.src(
gulp.task('jshint', 'Linting of Ghost core JavaScript', function () {
return gulp.src(
gulp.task('json', 'Linting of Ghost core JSON', function () {
return gulp.src(
gulp.task('lint', 'Linting and code style check of all Ghost core JavaScript and JSON', function (cb) {
console.info(chalk.cyan('Starting linting and code style checker 🎨 ...'));
runSequence(['jscs', 'jshint', 'json'], function (err) {
if (err) {
swallowError(err, false);
} else {
console.info(chalk.green('No code or style errors ✅'));
// Default task at the moment is development.
// TODO: As soon as we have a production build task, we should
// check the current environment and use the production build as
// default pro prod environment.
gulp.task('default', ['dev']);