mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 02:01:58 -05:00
ref https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/pull/22127 The update to the Portal release process has now been tested on main, it would be good to get Search & Comments updated to the same process so that it's easier to reason about releasing all of them.
182 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable file
182 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable file
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs/promises');
const exec = require('util').promisify(require('child_process').exec);
const readline = require('readline/promises');
const semver = require('semver');
// Maps a package name to the config key in defaults.json
const CONFIG_KEYS = {
'@tryghost/portal': 'portal',
'@tryghost/sodo-search': 'sodoSearch',
'@tryghost/comments-ui': 'comments'
const CURRENT_DIR = process.cwd();
const packageJsonPath = path.join(CURRENT_DIR, 'package.json');
const packageJson = require(packageJsonPath);
const APP_NAME = packageJson.name;
const APP_VERSION = packageJson.version;
async function safeExec(command) {
try {
return await exec(command);
} catch (err) {
return {
stdout: err.stdout,
stderr: err.stderr
async function ensureEnabledApp() {
const ENABLED_APPS = Object.keys(CONFIG_KEYS);
if (!ENABLED_APPS.includes(APP_NAME)) {
console.error(`${APP_NAME} is not enabled, please modify ${__filename}`);
async function ensureNotOnMain() {
const currentGitBranch = await safeExec(`git branch --show-current`);
if (currentGitBranch.stderr) {
console.error(`There was an error checking the current git branch`)
if (currentGitBranch.stdout.trim() === 'main') {
console.error(`The release can not be done on the "main" branch`)
async function ensureCleanGit() {
const localGitChanges = await safeExec(`git status --porcelain`);
if (localGitChanges.stderr) {
console.error(`There was an error checking the local git status`)
if (localGitChanges.stdout) {
console.error(`You have local git changes - are you sure you're ready to release?`)
async function getNewVersion() {
const rl = readline.createInterface({input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout});
const bumpTypeInput = await rl.question('Is this a patch, minor or major (patch)? ');
const bumpType = bumpTypeInput.trim().toLowerCase() || 'patch';
if (!['patch', 'minor', 'major'].includes(bumpType)) {
console.error(`Unknown bump type ${bumpTypeInput} - expected one of "patch", "minor, "major"`)
return semver.inc(APP_VERSION, bumpType);
async function updateConfig(newVersion) {
const defaultConfigPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../ghost/core/core/shared/config/defaults.json');
const defaultConfig = require(defaultConfigPath);
const configKey = CONFIG_KEYS[APP_NAME];
defaultConfig[configKey].version = `${semver.major(newVersion)}.${semver.minor(newVersion)}`;
await fs.writeFile(defaultConfigPath, JSON.stringify(defaultConfig, null, 4) + '\n');
async function updatePackageJson(newVersion) {
const newPackageJson = Object.assign({}, packageJson, {
version: newVersion
await fs.writeFile(packageJsonPath, JSON.stringify(newPackageJson, null, 2) + '\n');
async function getChangelog(newVersion) {
const rl = readline.createInterface({input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout});
const i18nChangesInput = await rl.question('Does this release contain i18n updates (Y/n)? ');
const i18nChanges = i18nChangesInput.trim().toLowerCase() !== 'n';
let changelogItems = [];
if (i18nChanges) {
changelogItems.push('Updated i18n translations');
const lastFiftyCommits = await safeExec(`git log -n 50 --oneline .`);
if (lastFiftyCommits.stderr) {
console.error(`There was an error getting the last 50 commits`);
const lastFiftyCommitsList = lastFiftyCommits.stdout.split('\n');
const releaseRegex = new RegExp(`Released ${APP_NAME} v${APP_VERSION}`);
const indexOfLastRelease = lastFiftyCommitsList.findIndex((commitLine) => {
const commitMessage = commitLine.slice(11); // Take the hash off the front
return releaseRegex.test(commitMessage);
if (indexOfLastRelease === -1) {
console.warn(`Could not find commit for previous release.`);
} else {
const lastReleaseCommit = lastFiftyCommitsList[indexOfLastRelease];
const lastReleaseCommitHash = lastReleaseCommit.slice(0, 10);
const commitsSinceLastRelease = await safeExec(`git log ${lastReleaseCommitHash}..HEAD --pretty=format:"%h%n%B__SPLIT__"`);
if (commitsSinceLastRelease.stderr) {
console.error(`There was an error getting commits since the last release`);
const commitsSinceLastReleaseList = commitsSinceLastRelease.stdout.split('__SPLIT__');
const commitsSinceLastReleaseWhichMentionLinear = commitsSinceLastReleaseList.filter((commitBlock) => {
return commitBlock.includes('https://linear.app/ghost');
const commitChangelogItems = commitsSinceLastReleaseWhichMentionLinear.map((commitBlock) => {
const [hash] = commitBlock.split('\n');
return `https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/commit/${hash}`;
const changelogList = changelogItems.map(item => ` - ${item}`).join('\n');
return `Changelog for v${APP_VERSION} -> ${newVersion}: \n${changelogList}`;
async function main() {
await ensureEnabledApp();
await ensureNotOnMain();
await ensureCleanGit();
console.log(`Running release for ${APP_NAME}`);
console.log(`Current version is ${APP_VERSION}`);
const newVersion = await getNewVersion();
console.log(`Bumping to version ${newVersion}`);
const changelog = await getChangelog(newVersion);
await updatePackageJson(newVersion);
await exec(`git add package.json`);
await updateConfig(newVersion);
await exec(`git add ../../ghost/core/core/shared/config/defaults.json`);
await exec(`git commit -m 'Released ${APP_NAME} v${newVersion}\n\n${changelog}'`);
console.log(`Release commit created - please double check it and use "git commit --amend" to make any changes before opening a PR to merge into main`)