Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git synced 2025-02-24 23:48:13 -05:00
Gabor Javorszky 667888aeb3 Implements Initial lifecycle and App UI start
Closes #2083

* Added hbs template for apps listing
* Added settings to read the activeApps
* Added viewcontrol to activate / deactivate apps
* Added API handler to store activeApps (by `name` in the `package.json` file)
* On button click it turns the button into "Working" and changes class to `button` (grey one)
* On success, rerenders the pane, adds success notification about apps being saved
* On error, rerenders the pane, adds error notification with error message

* tests: couldn't figure out how to add mock apps with mock package.json data
* actually registering, etc, re #2140
* icon from the sidebar
2014-02-28 14:06:36 +00:00

185 lines
7.3 KiB

/*globals casper, __utils__, url */
CasperTest.begin("Settings screen is correct", 18, function suite(test) {
casper.thenOpen(url + "ghost/settings/", function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle("Ghost Admin", "Ghost admin has no title");
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/settings\/general\/$/, "Ghost doesn't require login this time");
casper.then(function testViews() {
test.assertExists(".wrapper", "Settings main view is present");
test.assertExists(".settings-sidebar", "Settings sidebar view is present");
test.assertExists(".settings-menu", "Settings menu is present");
test.assertExists(".settings-menu .general", "General tab is present");
test.assertExists(".settings-menu .users", "Users tab is present");
test.assertExists(".settings-menu .apps", "Apps is present");
test.assertExists(".wrapper", "Settings main view is present");
test.assertExists(".settings-content", "Settings content view is present");
test.assertEval(function testGeneralIsActive() {
return document.querySelector('.settings-menu .general').classList.contains('active');
}, "general tab is marked active");
test.assertEval(function testContentIsGeneral() {
return document.querySelector('.settings-content').id === 'general';
}, "loaded content is general screen");
// test the user tab
casper.thenClick('.settings-menu .users');
casper.waitForSelector('#user', function then() {
test.assertEval(function testGeneralIsNotActive() {
return !document.querySelector('.settings-menu .general').classList.contains('active');
}, "general tab is not marked active");
test.assertEval(function testUserIsActive() {
return document.querySelector('.settings-menu .users').classList.contains('active');
}, "user tab is marked active");
test.assertEval(function testContentIsUser() {
return document.querySelector('.settings-content').id === 'user';
}, "loaded content is user screen");
}, function onTimeOut() {
test.fail('User screen failed to load');
function handleUserRequest(requestData, request) {
// make sure we only get requests from the user pane
if (requestData.url.indexOf('settings/') !== -1) {
test.fail("Saving the user pane triggered another settings pane to save");
function handleSettingsRequest(requestData, request) {
// make sure we only get requests from the user pane
if (requestData.url.indexOf('users/') !== -1) {
test.fail("Saving a settings pane triggered the user pane to save");
casper.then(function listenForRequests() {
casper.on('resource.requested', handleUserRequest);
casper.thenClick('#user .button-save');
casper.waitFor(function successNotification() {
return this.evaluate(function () {
return document.querySelectorAll('.js-bb-notification section').length > 0;
}, function doneWaiting() {
}, function waitTimeout() {
test.fail("Saving the user pane did not result in a notification");
casper.then(function checkUserWasSaved() {
casper.removeListener('resource.requested', handleUserRequest);
casper.waitForSelector('.notification-success', function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'Got success notification');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'No success notification :(');
casper.thenClick('#main-menu .settings a').then(function testOpeningSettingsTwice() {
casper.on('resource.requested', handleSettingsRequest);
test.assertEval(function testUserIsActive() {
return document.querySelector('.settings-menu .general').classList.contains('active');
}, "general tab is marked active");
casper.thenClick('#general .button-save').waitFor(function successNotification() {
return this.evaluate(function () {
return document.querySelectorAll('.js-bb-notification section').length > 0;
}, function doneWaiting() {
}, function waitTimeout() {
test.fail("Saving the general pane did not result in a notification");
casper.then(function checkSettingsWereSaved() {
casper.removeListener('resource.requested', handleSettingsRequest);
casper.waitForSelector('.notification-success', function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'Got success notification');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'No success notification :(');
CasperTest.beforeDone(function () {
casper.removeListener('resource.requested', handleUserRequest);
casper.removeListener('resource.requested', handleSettingsRequest);
CasperTest.begin("User settings screen validates email", 6, function suite(test) {
var email, brokenEmail;
casper.thenOpen(url + "ghost/settings/user/", function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle("Ghost Admin", "Ghost admin has no title");
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/settings\/user\/$/, "Ghost doesn't require login this time");
casper.then(function setEmailToInvalid() {
email = casper.getElementInfo('#user-email').attributes.value;
brokenEmail = email.replace('.', '-');
casper.fillSelectors('.user-profile', {
'#user-email': brokenEmail
}, false);
casper.thenClick('#user .button-save');
casper.waitForSelector('.notification-error', function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'Got error notification');
test.assertSelectorDoesntHaveText('.notification-error', '[object Object]');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'No error notification :(');
casper.then(function resetEmailToValid() {
casper.fillSelectors('.user-profile', {
'#user-email': email
}, false);
casper.thenClick('#user .button-save');
casper.waitForSelector('.notification-success', function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'Got success notification');
test.assertSelectorDoesntHaveText('.notification-success', '[object Object]');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'No success notification :(');
CasperTest.begin("User settings screen shows remaining characters for Bio properly", 4, function suite(test) {
function getRemainingBioCharacterCount() {
return casper.getHTML('.word-count');
casper.thenOpen(url + "ghost/settings/user/", function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle("Ghost Admin", "Ghost admin has no title");
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/settings\/user\/$/, "Ghost doesn't require login this time");
casper.then(function checkCharacterCount() {
test.assert(getRemainingBioCharacterCount() === '200', 'Bio remaining characters is 200');
casper.then(function setBioToValid() {
casper.fillSelectors('.user-profile', {
'#user-bio': 'asdf\n' // 5 characters
}, false);
casper.then(function checkCharacterCount() {
test.assert(getRemainingBioCharacterCount() === '195', 'Bio remaining characters is 195');