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synced 2025-03-25 02:31:59 -05:00
refs TryGhost/Team#1495 With multiple newsletters, members are allowed to manage their newsletter pref via email unsubscribe link with member uuid. Since Portal needs to manage member's newsletter pref via their UUID, we need new endpoints on members that allow fetch/update of newsletter subscriptions via only uuid. The endpoints return only limited data for a member that are needed for the UI. - adds endpoint to fetch newsletter subscriptions for member via uuid - adds endpoint to update newsletter subscriptions for member via uuid
533 lines
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533 lines
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const assert = require('assert');
const should = require('should');
const sinon = require('sinon');
const supertest = require('supertest');
const moment = require('moment');
const testUtils = require('../utils');
const configUtils = require('../utils/configUtils');
const settingsCache = require('../../core/shared/settings-cache');
const DomainEvents = require('@tryghost/domain-events');
const {MemberPageViewEvent} = require('@tryghost/member-events');
const models = require('../../core/server/models');
const {mockManager} = require('../utils/e2e-framework');
const DataGenerator = require('../utils/fixtures/data-generator');
function assertContentIsPresent(res) {
res.text.should.containEql('<h2 id="markdown">markdown</h2>');
function assertContentIsAbsent(res) {
res.text.should.not.containEql('<h2 id="markdown">markdown</h2>');
describe('Front-end members behaviour', function () {
let request;
async function loginAsMember(email) {
// membersService needs to be required after Ghost start so that settings
// are pre-populated with defaults
const membersService = require('../../core/server/services/members');
const signinLink = await membersService.api.getMagicLink(email);
const signinURL = new URL(signinLink);
// request needs a relative path rather than full url with host
const signinPath = `${signinURL.pathname}${signinURL.search}`;
// perform a sign-in request to set members cookies on superagent
await request.get(signinPath)
.expect((res) => {
const redirectUrl = new URL(res.headers.location, testUtils.API.getURL());
before(async function () {
const originalSettingsCacheGetFn = settingsCache.get;
sinon.stub(settingsCache, 'get').callsFake(function (key, options) {
if (key === 'labs') {
return {members: true};
if (key === 'active_theme') {
return 'members-test-theme';
return originalSettingsCacheGetFn(key, options);
await testUtils.startGhost();
await testUtils.initFixtures('newsletters', 'members:newsletters');
request = supertest.agent(configUtils.config.get('url'));
after(function () {
describe('Member routes', function () {
it('should error serving webhook endpoint without any parameters', async function () {
await request.post('/members/webhooks/stripe')
it('should fail processing a webhook endpoint with stripe header', async function () {
await request.post('/members/webhooks/stripe')
.set('Stripe-Signature', 'test-invalid-signature')
it('should return no content for invalid token passed in session', async function () {
await request.get('/members/api/session')
it('should return no content when removing member sessions', async function () {
await request.del('/members/api/session')
it('should error for invalid member token on member data endpoint', async function () {
await request.get('/members/api/member')
it('should serve member site endpoint', async function () {
await request.get('/members/api/site')
it('should error for invalid data on member magic link endpoint', async function () {
await request.post('/members/api/send-magic-link')
it('should error for invalid data on members create checkout session endpoint', async function () {
await request.post('/members/api/create-stripe-checkout-session')
it('should error for invalid data on members create update session endpoint', async function () {
await request.post('/members/api/create-stripe-update-session')
it('should error for invalid data on members subscription endpoint', async function () {
await request.put('/members/api/subscriptions/123')
it('should error for fetching member newsletters with missing uuid', async function () {
await request.get('/members/api/member/newsletters')
it('should error for fetching member newsletters with invalid uuid', async function () {
await request.get('/members/api/member/newsletters?uuid=abc')
it('should error for updating member newsletters with missing uuid', async function () {
await request.put('/members/api/member/newsletters')
it('should error for updating member newsletters with invalid uuid', async function () {
await request.put('/members/api/member/newsletters?uuid=abc')
it('should fetch and update member newsletters with valid uuid', async function () {
const memberUUID = DataGenerator.Content.members[0].uuid;
// Can fetch newsletter subscriptions
const getRes = await request.get(`/members/api/member/newsletters?uuid=${memberUUID}`)
const getJsonResponse = getRes.body;
getJsonResponse.should.have.properties(['email', 'uuid', 'status', 'name', 'newsletters']);
// Can update newsletter subscription
const res = await request.put(`/members/api/member/newsletters?uuid=${memberUUID}`)
newsletters: []
const jsonResponse = res.body;
jsonResponse.should.have.properties(['email', 'uuid', 'status', 'name', 'newsletters']);
it('should serve theme 404 on members endpoint', async function () {
await request.get('/members/')
.expect('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=utf-8');
it('should redirect invalid token on members endpoint', async function () {
await request.get('/members/?token=abc&action=signup')
.expect('Location', '/?action=signup&success=false');
describe('Unsubscribe', function () {
beforeEach(function () {
afterEach(function () {
it('should redirect with uuid and action param', async function () {
await request.get('/unsubscribe/?uuid=XXX')
.expect('Location', '');
it('should pass through an optional newsletter param', async function () {
await request.get('/unsubscribe/?uuid=XXX&newsletter=YYY')
.expect('Location', '');
it('should reject when missing a uuid', async function () {
await request.get('/unsubscribe/')
describe('Price data', function () {
it('Can be used as a number, and with the price helper', async function () {
// Check out test/utils/fixtures/themes/price-data-test-theme/index.hbs
// To see where this is coming from.
const legacyUse = /You can use the price data as a number and currency: £12/;
const withPriceHelper = /You can pass price data to the price helper: £12/;
await request.get('/')
.expect((res) => {
describe('Content gating', function () {
let publicPost;
let membersPost;
let paidPost;
let membersPostWithPaywallCard;
let labelPost;
let productPost;
before(function () {
publicPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'free-to-see',
visibility: 'public',
published_at: moment().add(15, 'seconds').toDate() // here to ensure sorting is not modified
membersPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'thou-shalt-not-be-seen',
visibility: 'members',
published_at: moment().add(45, 'seconds').toDate() // here to ensure sorting is not modified
paidPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'thou-shalt-be-paid-for',
visibility: 'paid',
published_at: moment().add(30, 'seconds').toDate() // here to ensure sorting is not modified
membersPostWithPaywallCard = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'thou-shalt-have-a-taste',
visibility: 'members',
mobiledoc: '{"version":"0.3.1","markups":[],"atoms":[],"cards":[["paywall",{}]],"sections":[[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Free content"]]],[10,0],[1,"p",[[0,[],0,"Members content"]]]]}',
html: '<p>Free content</p><!--members-only--><p>Members content</p>',
published_at: moment().add(5, 'seconds').toDate()
labelPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'thou-must-be-labelled-vip',
visibility: 'label:vip',
published_at: moment().toDate()
productPost = testUtils.DataGenerator.forKnex.createPost({
slug: 'thou-must-have-default-product',
visibility: 'product:default-product',
published_at: moment().toDate()
return testUtils.fixtures.insertPosts([
describe('as non-member', function () {
it('can read public post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read members post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read paid post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read label-only post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read product-only post content', async function () {
await request
it('doesn\'t generate a MemberPageView event', async function () {
const spy = sinon.spy();
DomainEvents.subscribe(MemberPageViewEvent, spy);
await request
assert(spy.notCalled, 'A page view from a non-member shouldn\'t generate a MemberPageViewEvent event');
describe('as free member', function () {
before(async function () {
await loginAsMember('member1@test.com');
it('can read public post content', async function () {
await request
it('can read members post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read paid post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read label-only post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read product-only post content', async function () {
await request
describe('as free member with vip label', function () {
const email = 'vip@test.com';
before(async function () {
await loginAsMember(email);
it('generates a MemberPageView event', async function () {
const spy = sinon.spy();
DomainEvents.subscribe(MemberPageViewEvent, spy);
// Reset last_seen_at property
let member = await models.Member.findOne({email});
await models.Member.edit({last_seen_at: null}, {id: member.get('id')});
member = await models.Member.findOne({email});
assert.equal(member.get('last_seen_at'), null, 'The member shouldn\'t have a `last_seen_at` property set before this test.');
await request
assert(spy.calledOnce, 'A page view from a member should generate a MemberPageViewEvent event');
member = await models.Member.findOne({email});
assert.notEqual(member.get('last_seen_at'), null, 'The member should have a `last_seen_at` property after having visited a page while logged-in.');
describe('as paid member', function () {
const email = 'paid@test.com';
before(async function () {
// membersService needs to be required after Ghost start so that settings
// are pre-populated with defaults
const membersService = require('../../core/server/services/members');
const signinLink = await membersService.api.getMagicLink(email);
const signinURL = new URL(signinLink);
// request needs a relative path rather than full url with host
const signinPath = `${signinURL.pathname}${signinURL.search}`;
// perform a sign-in request to set members cookies on superagent
await request.get(signinPath)
.then((res) => {
const redirectUrl = new URL(res.headers.location, testUtils.API.getURL());
it('can read public post content', async function () {
await request
it('can read members post content', async function () {
await request
it('can read paid post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read label-only post content', async function () {
await request
it('can read product-only post content', async function () {
await request
it('generates a MemberPageView event', async function () {
const spy = sinon.spy();
DomainEvents.subscribe(MemberPageViewEvent, spy);
// Reset last_seen_at property
let member = await models.Member.findOne({email});
await models.Member.edit({last_seen_at: null}, {id: member.get('id')});
member = await models.Member.findOne({email});
assert.equal(member.get('last_seen_at'), null, 'The member shouldn\'t have a `last_seen_at` property set before this test.');
await request
assert(spy.calledOnce, 'A page view from a member should generate a MemberPageViewEvent event');
member = await models.Member.findOne({email});
assert.notEqual(member.get('last_seen_at'), null, 'The member should have a `last_seen_at` property after having visited a page while logged-in.');
describe('as comped member', function () {
before(async function () {
await loginAsMember('comped@test.com');
it('can read public post content', async function () {
await request
it('can read members post content', async function () {
await request
it('can read paid post content', async function () {
await request
it('cannot read label-only post content', async function () {
await request
it('can read product-only post content', async function () {
await request
describe('as member with product', function () {
before(async function () {
await loginAsMember('with-product@test.com');
it('can read product-only post content', async function () {
await request