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Kevin Ansfield 80af56b530
Store email batch and recipient records when sending newsletters (#12195)
requires https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/pull/12192

- added initial `EmailBatch` and `EmailRecipient` model definitions with defaults and relationships
- added missing `post` relationship function to email model
- fetch member list without bookshelf
    - bookshelf can add around 3x overhead when fetching the members list for an email
    - we don't need full members at this point, only having the data is fine
    - if we need full models later on we can push the model hydration into background jobs where recipient batches are fetched ready for an email to be sent
    - bookshelf model instantiation of many models blocks the event loop, using knex directly keeps concurrent requests fast
- store recipient list before sending email
    - chunk already-fetched members list into batches and insert records into the `email_recipients` table via knex
    - chunked into batches of 1000 to match the number of emails that Mailgun accepts in a single API request but this may not be the absolute fastest batch size for recipient insertion:
        | Batch size | Batch time | Total time |
        | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- |
        |        500 |       20ms |     4142ms |
        |       1000 |       50ms |     4651ms |
        |       5000 |      170ms |     3540ms |
        |      10000 |      370ms |     3684ms |
    - create an email_batch record before inserting recipient rows so we can effeciently fetch recipients by batch and store the overall batch status
2020-09-14 15:40:00 +01:00

336 lines
12 KiB

const _ = require('lodash');
const debug = require('ghost-ignition').debug('mega');
const url = require('url');
const moment = require('moment');
const ObjectId = require('bson-objectid');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const {events, i18n} = require('../../lib/common');
const logging = require('../../../shared/logging');
const membersService = require('../members');
const bulkEmailService = require('../bulk-email');
const jobService = require('../jobs');
const models = require('../../models');
const db = require('../../data/db');
const postEmailSerializer = require('./post-email-serializer');
const getEmailData = async (postModel, memberRows = []) => {
const startTime = Date.now();
debug(`getEmailData: starting for ${memberRows.length} members`);
const {emailTmpl, replacements} = await postEmailSerializer.serialize(postModel);
emailTmpl.from = membersService.config.getEmailFromAddress();
emailTmpl.supportAddress = membersService.config.getEmailSupportAddress();
// update templates to use Mailgun variable syntax for replacements
replacements.forEach((replacement) => {
emailTmpl[replacement.format] = emailTmpl[replacement.format].replace(
const emails = [];
const emailData = {};
memberRows.forEach((memberRow) => {
// first_name is a computed property only used here for now
// TODO: move into model computed property or output serializer?
memberRow.first_name = (memberRow.name || '').split(' ')[0];
// add static data to mailgun template variables
const data = {
unique_id: memberRow.uuid,
unsubscribe_url: postEmailSerializer.createUnsubscribeUrl(memberRow.uuid)
// add replacement data/requested fallback to mailgun template variables
replacements.forEach(({id, memberProp, fallback}) => {
data[id] = memberRow[memberProp] || fallback || '';
emailData[memberRow.email] = data;
debug(`getEmailData: done (${Date.now() - startTime}ms)`);
return {emailTmpl, emails, emailData};
const sendEmail = async (postModel, memberRows) => {
const {emailTmpl, emails, emailData} = await getEmailData(postModel, memberRows);
return bulkEmailService.send(emailTmpl, emails, emailData);
const sendTestEmail = async (postModel, toEmails) => {
const recipients = await Promise.all(toEmails.map(async (email) => {
const member = await membersService.api.members.get({email});
return member || new models.Member({email});
const {emailTmpl, emails, emailData} = await getEmailData(postModel, recipients);
emailTmpl.subject = `[Test] ${emailTmpl.subject}`;
return bulkEmailService.send(emailTmpl, emails, emailData);
* addEmail
* Accepts a post model and creates an email record based on it. Only creates one
* record per post
* @param {object} postModel Post Model Object
const addEmail = async (postModel, options) => {
const knexOptions = _.pick(options, ['transacting', 'forUpdate']);
const filterOptions = Object.assign({}, knexOptions, {filter: 'subscribed:true', limit: 1});
if (postModel.get('visibility') === 'paid') {
filterOptions.paid = true;
const startRetrieve = Date.now();
debug('addEmail: retrieving members count');
const {meta: {pagination: {total: membersCount}}} = await membersService.api.members.list(Object.assign({}, knexOptions, filterOptions));
debug(`addEmail: retrieved members count - ${membersCount} members (${Date.now() - startRetrieve}ms)`);
// NOTE: don't create email object when there's nobody to send the email to
if (membersCount === 0) {
return null;
const postId = postModel.get('id');
const existing = await models.Email.findOne({post_id: postId}, knexOptions);
if (!existing) {
// get email contents and perform replacements using no member data so
// we have a decent snapshot of email content for later display
const {emailTmpl, replacements} = await postEmailSerializer.serialize(postModel, {isBrowserPreview: true});
replacements.forEach((replacement) => {
emailTmpl[replacement.format] = emailTmpl[replacement.format].replace(
replacement.fallback || ''
return models.Email.add({
post_id: postId,
status: 'pending',
email_count: membersCount,
subject: emailTmpl.subject,
html: emailTmpl.html,
plaintext: emailTmpl.plaintext,
submitted_at: moment().toDate()
}, knexOptions);
} else {
return existing;
* retryFailedEmail
* Accepts an Email model and resets it's fields to trigger retry listeners
* @param {object} model Email model
const retryFailedEmail = async (model) => {
return await models.Email.edit({
status: 'pending'
}, {
id: model.get('id')
* handleUnsubscribeRequest
* Takes a request/response pair and reads the `unsubscribe` query parameter,
* using the content to update the members service to set the `subscribed` flag
* to false on the member
* If any operation fails, or the request is invalid the function will error - so using
* as middleware should consider wrapping with `try/catch`
* @param {Request} req
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async function handleUnsubscribeRequest(req) {
if (!req.url) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({
message: 'Unsubscribe failed! Could not find member'
const {query} = url.parse(req.url, true);
if (!query || !query.uuid) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({
message: (query.preview ? 'Unsubscribe preview' : 'Unsubscribe failed! Could not find member')
const member = await membersService.api.members.get({
uuid: query.uuid
if (!member) {
throw new errors.BadRequestError({
message: 'Unsubscribe failed! Could not find member'
try {
const memberModel = await membersService.api.members.update({subscribed: false}, {id: member.id});
return memberModel.toJSON();
} catch (err) {
throw new errors.InternalServerError({
message: 'Failed to unsubscribe member'
async function sendEmailJob({emailModel, options}) {
const postModel = await models.Post.findOne({id: emailModel.get('post_id')}, {withRelated: ['authors']});
let meta = [];
let error = null;
let startEmailSend = null;
try {
// Check host limit for allowed member count and throw error if over limit
await membersService.checkHostLimit();
const knexOptions = _.pick(options, ['transacting', 'forUpdate']);
// TODO: this will clobber a user-assigned filter if/when we allow emails to be sent to filtered member lists
const filterOptions = Object.assign({}, knexOptions, {filter: 'subscribed:true'});
if (postModel.get('visibility') === 'paid') {
filterOptions.paid = true;
const startRetrieve = Date.now();
debug('pendingEmailHandler: retrieving members list');
const memberQuery = await models.Member.getFilteredCollection(filterOptions).query();
// TODO: how to apply this more elegantly? Normally done by `onFetching` bookshelf hook
if (options.transacting) {
if (options.forUpdate) {
const memberRows = await memberQuery;
debug(`pendingEmailHandler: retrieved members list - ${memberRows.length} members (${Date.now() - startRetrieve}ms)`);
if (!memberRows.length) {
await models.Email.edit({
status: 'submitting'
}, {
id: emailModel.id
debug('pendingEmailHandler: storing recipient list');
const startOfRecipientStorage = Date.now();
const storeRecipientBatch = async function (recipients) {
let batchModel = await models.EmailBatch.add({email_id: emailModel.id}, knexOptions);
// use knex rather than bookshelf to avoid overhead and event loop blocking
// when instantiating large numbers of bookshelf model objects
const recipientData = recipients.map((memberRow) => {
return {
id: ObjectId.generate(),
email_id: emailModel.id,
member_id: memberRow.id,
batch_id: batchModel.id,
member_uuid: memberRow.uuid,
member_email: memberRow.email,
member_name: memberRow.name
return await db.knex('email_recipients').insert(recipientData);
await Promise.each(_.chunk(memberRows, 1000), storeRecipientBatch);
debug(`pendingEmailHandler: stored recipient list (${Date.now() - startOfRecipientStorage}ms)`);
// NOTE: meta contains an array which can be a mix of successful and error responses
// needs filtering and saving objects of {error, batchData} form to separate property
debug('pendingEmailHandler: sending email');
startEmailSend = Date.now();
meta = await sendEmail(postModel, memberRows);
debug(`pendingEmailHandler: sent email (${Date.now() - startEmailSend}ms)`);
} catch (err) {
if (startEmailSend) {
debug(`pendingEmailHandler: send email failed (${Date.now() - startEmailSend}ms)`);
logging.error(new errors.GhostError({
err: err,
context: i18n.t('errors.services.mega.requestFailed.error')
error = err.message;
const successes = meta.filter(response => (response instanceof bulkEmailService.SuccessfulBatch));
const failures = meta.filter(response => (response instanceof bulkEmailService.FailedBatch));
const batchStatus = successes.length ? 'submitted' : 'failed';
if (!error && failures.length) {
error = failures[0].error.message;
if (error && error.length > 2000) {
error = error.substring(0, 2000);
try {
// CASE: the batch partially succeeded
await models.Email.edit({
status: batchStatus,
meta: JSON.stringify(successes),
error: error,
error_data: JSON.stringify(failures) // NOTE: need to discuss how we store this
}, {
id: emailModel.id
} catch (err) {
async function pendingEmailHandler(emailModel, options) {
// CASE: do not send email if we import a database
// TODO: refactor post.published events to never fire on importing
if (options && options.importing) {
if (emailModel.get('status') !== 'pending') {
return jobService.addJob(sendEmailJob, {emailModel, options});
const statusChangedHandler = (emailModel, options) => {
const emailRetried = emailModel.wasChanged()
&& emailModel.get('status') === 'pending'
&& emailModel.previous('status') === 'failed';
if (emailRetried) {
pendingEmailHandler(emailModel, options);
function listen() {
events.on('email.added', pendingEmailHandler);
events.on('email.edited', statusChangedHandler);
// Public API
module.exports = {