Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git synced 2025-02-24 23:48:13 -05:00
Rish dd6ac57aca Fixed missing domain for default support address
no issue

- By default for new sites, support address is set same as from address to `noreply` , with full email address using the domain for `@`
- For newsletter emails, the support address was missing the default site domain to be added to address if its `noreply`
- Fix updates the support address to use the same format as from address and add relevant domain for default case
2020-09-03 16:34:47 +05:30

152 lines
6.1 KiB

const _ = require('lodash');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const {i18n} = require('../../lib/common');
const logging = require('../../../shared/logging');
const mailgunProvider = require('./mailgun');
const configService = require('../../../shared/config');
const settingsCache = require('../settings/cache');
const sentry = require('../../../shared/sentry');
const debug = require('ghost-ignition').debug('mega');
* An object representing batch request result
* @typedef { Object } BatchResultBase
* @property { string } data - data that is returned from Mailgun or one which Mailgun was called with
class BatchResultBase {
class SuccessfulBatch extends BatchResultBase {
constructor(data) {
this.data = data;
class FailedBatch extends BatchResultBase {
constructor(error, data) {
error.originalMessage = error.message;
if (error.statusCode >= 500) {
error.message = 'Email service is currently unavailable - please try again';
} else if (error.statusCode === 401) {
error.message = 'Email failed to send - please verify your credentials';
} else if (error.message && error.message.toLowerCase().includes('dmarc')) {
error.message = 'Unable to send email from domains implementing strict DMARC policies';
} else if (error.message.includes(`'to' parameter is not a valid address`)) {
error.message = 'Recipient is not a valid address';
} else {
error.message = 'Email failed to send - please verify your email settings';
this.error = error;
this.data = data;
* An email address
* @typedef { string } EmailAddress
* An object representing an email to send
* @typedef { Object } Email
* @property { string } html - The html content of the email
* @property { string } subject - The subject of the email
module.exports = {
* @param {Email} message - The message to send
* @param {[EmailAddress]} recipients - the recipients to send the email to
* @param {[object]} recipientData - list of data keyed by email to inject into the email
* @returns {Promise<Array<BatchResultBase>>} An array of promises representing the success of the batch email sending
async send(message, recipients, recipientData = {}) {
let BATCH_SIZE = 1000;
const mailgunInstance = mailgunProvider.getInstance();
if (!mailgunInstance) {
let fromAddress = message.from;
if (/@localhost$/.test(message.from) || /@ghost.local$/.test(message.from)) {
fromAddress = 'localhost@example.com';
logging.warn(`Rewriting bulk email from address ${message.from} to ${fromAddress}`);
const blogTitle = settingsCache.get('title') ? settingsCache.get('title').replace(/"/g, '\\"') : '';
let supportAddress = message.supportAddress;
delete message.supportAddress;
const replyAddressOption = settingsCache.get('members_reply_address');
const replyToAddress = (replyAddressOption === 'support') ? supportAddress : fromAddress;
fromAddress = blogTitle ? `"${blogTitle}"<${fromAddress}>` : fromAddress;
const chunkedRecipients = _.chunk(recipients, BATCH_SIZE);
return Promise.map(chunkedRecipients, (toAddresses, chunkIndex) => {
const recipientVariables = {};
toAddresses.forEach((email) => {
recipientVariables[email] = recipientData[email];
const batchData = {
to: toAddresses,
from: fromAddress,
'h:Reply-To': replyToAddress || fromAddress,
'recipient-variables': recipientVariables
const bulkEmailConfig = configService.get('bulkEmail');
if (bulkEmailConfig && bulkEmailConfig.mailgun && bulkEmailConfig.mailgun.tag) {
Object.assign(batchData, {
'o:tag': [bulkEmailConfig.mailgun.tag, 'bulk-email']
if (bulkEmailConfig && bulkEmailConfig.mailgun && bulkEmailConfig.mailgun.testmode) {
Object.assign(batchData, {
'o:testmode': true
const messageData = Object.assign({}, message, batchData);
// Rename plaintext field to text for Mailgun
messageData.text = messageData.plaintext;
delete messageData.plaintext;
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const batchStartTime = Date.now();
debug(`sending message batch ${chunkIndex + 1} to ${toAddresses.length}`);
mailgunInstance.messages().send(messageData, (error, body) => {
if (error) {
// NOTE: logging an error here only but actual handling should happen in more sophisticated batch retry handler
// REF: possible mailgun errors https://documentation.mailgun.com/en/latest/api-intro.html#errors
let ghostError = new errors.EmailError({
err: error,
context: i18n.t('errors.services.mega.requestFailed.error')
// NOTE: these are generated variables, so can be regenerated when retry is done
const data = _.omit(batchData, ['recipient-variables']);
debug(`failed message batch ${chunkIndex + 1} (${Date.now() - batchStartTime}ms)`);
resolve(new FailedBatch(error, data));
} else {
debug(`sent message batch ${chunkIndex + 1} (${Date.now() - batchStartTime}ms)`);
resolve(new SuccessfulBatch(body));
}, {concurrency: 10});