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synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
refs #5091 - This tiny refactor opens the door for using channel config inside of helpers - This means that ghost_head, and the next_post/prev_post helpers can be context aware
194 lines
6.3 KiB
194 lines
6.3 KiB
var crypto = require('crypto'),
downsize = require('downsize'),
RSS = require('rss'),
config = require('../../../config'),
utils = require('../../../utils'),
errors = require('../../../errors'),
i18n = require('../../../i18n'),
filters = require('../../../filters'),
processUrls = require('../../../utils/make-absolute-urls'),
settingsCache = require('../../../settings/cache'),
// Really ugly temporary hack for location of things
fetchData = require('../../../controllers/frontend/fetch-data'),
feedCache = {};
function isTag(req) {
return req.originalUrl.indexOf(utils.url.urlJoin('/', config.get('routeKeywords').tag, '/')) !== -1;
function isAuthor(req) {
return req.originalUrl.indexOf(utils.url.urlJoin('/', config.get('routeKeywords').author, '/')) !== -1;
function handleError(next) {
return function handleError(err) {
return next(err);
function getData(channelOpts, slugParam) {
channelOpts.data = channelOpts.data || {};
return fetchData(channelOpts, slugParam).then(function (result) {
var response = {},
titleStart = '';
if (result.data && result.data.tag) { titleStart = result.data.tag[0].name + ' - ' || ''; }
if (result.data && result.data.author) { titleStart = result.data.author[0].name + ' - ' || ''; }
response.title = titleStart + settingsCache.get('title');
response.description = settingsCache.get('description');
response.results = {
posts: result.posts,
meta: result.meta
return response;
function getBaseUrl(req, slugParam) {
var baseUrl = utils.url.getSubdir();
if (isTag(req)) {
baseUrl = utils.url.urlJoin(baseUrl, config.get('routeKeywords').tag, slugParam, 'rss/');
} else if (isAuthor(req)) {
baseUrl = utils.url.urlJoin(baseUrl, config.get('routeKeywords').author, slugParam, 'rss/');
} else {
baseUrl = utils.url.urlJoin(baseUrl, 'rss/');
return baseUrl;
getFeedXml = function getFeedXml(path, data) {
var dataHash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(JSON.stringify(data)).digest('hex');
if (!feedCache[path] || feedCache[path].hash !== dataHash) {
// We need to regenerate
feedCache[path] = {
hash: dataHash,
xml: generateFeed(data)
return feedCache[path].xml;
generateTags = function generateTags(data) {
if (data.tags) {
return data.tags.reduce(function (tags, tag) {
if (tag.visibility !== 'internal') {
return tags;
}, []);
return [];
generateFeed = function generateFeed(data) {
var feed = new RSS({
title: data.title,
description: data.description,
generator: 'Ghost ' + data.version,
feed_url: data.feedUrl,
site_url: data.siteUrl,
image_url: utils.url.urlFor({relativeUrl: 'favicon.png'}, true),
ttl: '60',
custom_namespaces: {
content: 'http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/',
media: 'http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'
data.results.posts.forEach(function forEach(post) {
var itemUrl = utils.url.urlFor('post', {post: post, secure: data.secure}, true),
htmlContent = processUrls(post.html, data.siteUrl, itemUrl),
item = {
title: post.title,
description: post.meta_description || downsize(htmlContent.html(), {words: 50}),
guid: post.id,
url: itemUrl,
date: post.published_at,
categories: generateTags(post),
author: post.author ? post.author.name : null,
custom_elements: []
if (post.feature_image) {
imageUrl = utils.url.urlFor('image', {image: post.feature_image, secure: data.secure}, true);
// Add a media content tag
'media:content': {
_attr: {
url: imageUrl,
medium: 'image'
// Also add the image to the content, because not all readers support media:content
htmlContent('p').first().before('<img src="' + imageUrl + '" />');
htmlContent('img').attr('alt', post.title);
'content:encoded': {
_cdata: htmlContent.html()
filters.doFilter('rss.item', item, post).then(function then(item) {
return filters.doFilter('rss.feed', feed).then(function then(feed) {
return feed.xml();
generate = function generate(req, res, next) {
// Initialize RSS
var pageParam = req.params.page !== undefined ? req.params.page : 1,
slugParam = req.params.slug,
baseUrl = getBaseUrl(req, slugParam),
channelConfig = res.locals.channel;
// Ensure we at least have an empty object for postOptions
channelConfig.postOptions = channelConfig.postOptions || {};
// Set page on postOptions for the query made later
channelConfig.postOptions.page = pageParam;
channelConfig.slugParam = slugParam;
return getData(channelConfig).then(function then(data) {
var maxPage = data.results.meta.pagination.pages;
// If page is greater than number of pages we have, redirect to last page
if (pageParam > maxPage) {
return next(new errors.NotFoundError({message: i18n.t('errors.errors.pageNotFound')}));
data.version = res.locals.safeVersion;
data.siteUrl = utils.url.urlFor('home', {secure: req.secure}, true);
data.feedUrl = utils.url.urlFor({relativeUrl: baseUrl, secure: req.secure}, true);
data.secure = req.secure;
return getFeedXml(req.originalUrl, data).then(function then(feedXml) {
res.set('Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
module.exports = generate;