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synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
- improving the implementation of thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad - adding a class into the settings templates to more easily test which pane we are on - adding more, and updating more of the settings tests - added the editor tests
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321 lines
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// # Content Test
// Test the content screen, uses the editor to create dummy content
/*globals casper, __utils__, url, testPost, newUser */
CasperTest.emberBegin("Content screen is correct", 17, function suite(test) {
// First, create a sample post for testing (this should probably be a routine)
// Begin test
casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('content', function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle("Ghost Admin", "Ghost admin has no title");
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/ember\/\d+\/$/, "Landed on the correct URL");
casper.then(function testViews() {
test.assertExists(".content-view-container", "Content main view is present");
test.assertExists(".content-list-content", "Content list view is present");
test.assertExists('.content-list .floatingheader a.button.button-add', 'add new post button exists');
test.assertEquals(this.getElementAttribute('.content-list .floatingheader a.button.button-add', 'href'), '/ghost/ember/editor/', 'add new post href is correct');
test.assertExists(".content-list-content li .entry-title", "Content list view has at least one item");
test.assertSelectorHasText(".content-list-content li:first-of-type h3", testPost.title, "title is present and has content");
test.assertSelectorHasText(".content-list-content li:first-of-type .entry-meta .status .draft", 'Draft', "status is present has content");
test.assertExists(".content-preview", "Content preview is present");
test.assertSelectorHasText('.content-preview header .status', 'Written', 'preview header contains "Written" when post is a draft');
test.assertSelectorHasText('.content-preview header .author', newUser.name, 'preview header contains author name');
casper.then(function testEditPostButton() {
test.assertExists('.content-preview a.post-edit', 'edit post button exists');
casper.then(function testPostSettingsMenu() {
test.assertExists('.content-preview a.post-settings', 'post settings button exists');
this.click('.content-preview a.post-settings');
casper.waitUntilVisible('.post-settings-menu', function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'post settings menu should be visible after clicking post-settings icon');
casper.then(function postSettingsMenuItems() {
test.assertExists('.post-settings-menu .post-setting-static-page', 'post settings static page exists');
test.assertExists('.post-settings-menu a.delete', 'post settings delete this post exists');
// A bug is causing this to not always be activated. TODO: Uncomment when fixed #3008
// casper.then(function testActiveItem() {
// test.assertExists('.content-list-content li:first-of-type .active', 'first item is active');
// test.assertDoesntExist('.content-list-content li:nth-of-type(2) .active', 'second item is not active');
// // Ember adds script tags into the list so we need to use nth-of-type
// }).thenClick(".content-list-content li:nth-of-type(2) a", function then() {
// test.assertDoesntExist('.content-list-content li:first-of-type .active', 'first item is not active');
// test.assertExists('.content-list-content li:nth-of-type(2) .active', 'second item is active');
// });
CasperTest.emberBegin('Content list shows correct post status', 7, function testStaticPageStatus(test) {
// Begin test
casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('content', function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle('Ghost Admin', 'Ghost admin has no title');
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/ember\/\d+\/$/, "Landed on the correct URL");
// Select first non-draft, non-static post. Should be second in the list at this stage of testing.
casper.thenClick('.content-list-content li:nth-of-type(2) a');
// Test for status of 'Published'
casper.then(function checkStatus() {
test.assertSelectorHasText('.content-list-content li.active .entry-meta .status time', 'Published',
'status is present and labeled as published');
// Test for 'Published' in header
casper.then(function testHeader() {
test.assertSelectorHasText('.content-preview header .status', 'Published', 'preview header contains "Published" when post is published');
test.assertSelectorHasText('.content-preview header .author', newUser.name, 'preview header contains author name');
// Change post to static page
casper.waitUntilVisible('.post-settings-menu', function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'post settings menu should be visible after clicking post-settings icon');
casper.thenClick('.post-settings-menu .post-setting-static-page');
casper.waitForSelector('.content-list-content li .entry-meta .status .page', function waitForSuccess() {
test.assertSelectorHasText('.content-list-content li .entry-meta .status .page', 'Page', 'status is Page');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'status did not change');
CasperTest.emberBegin('Delete post modal', 7, function testDeleteModal(test) {
// Create a post that can be deleted
// Begin test
casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('content', function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle('Ghost Admin', 'Ghost admin has no title');
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/ember\/\d+\/$/, "Landed on the correct URL");
// Open post settings menu
casper.thenClick('.content-preview a.post-settings');
casper.waitForOpaque('.content-preview .post-settings-menu.open');
casper.thenClick('.post-settings-menu a.delete');
casper.waitUntilVisible('#modal-container', function onSuccess() {
'.modal-content .modal-header',
'Are you sure you want to delete this post?',
'delete modal has correct text');
casper.waitWhileVisible("#modal-container", function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, "clicking cancel should close the delete post modal");
// Test delete
casper.thenClick('.content-preview a.post-settings');
casper.thenClick('.post-settings-menu a.delete');
casper.waitForSelector('#modal-container .modal-content', function onSuccess() {
test.assertExists('.modal-content .js-button-accept', 'delete button exists');
// Delete the post
this.click('.modal-content .js-button-accept');
casper.waitForSelector('.notification-success', function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'Got success notification from delete post');
test.assertSelectorHasText('.notification-success', 'Your post has been deleted.');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.fail('No success notification from delete post');
// TODO: Implement this test... much needed!
//CasperTest.emberBegin('Infinite scrolling', 2, function suite(test) {
// // Placeholder for infinite scrolling/pagination tests (will need to setup 16+ posts).
// casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('content', function testTitleAndUrl() {
// test.assertTitle('Ghost Admin', 'Ghost admin has no title');
// test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/ember\/\d+\/$/, "Landed on the correct URL");
// });
CasperTest.emberBegin("Posts can be marked as featured", 10, function suite(test) {
// Create a sample post
// Begin test
casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('content', function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle("Ghost Admin", "Ghost admin has no title");
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/ember\/\d+\/$/, "Landed on the correct URL");
// Mark as featured
casper.waitForSelector('.content-preview .unfeatured', function () {
this.click('.content-preview .unfeatured');
}, function onTimeOut() {
test.assert(false, 'The first post can\'t be marked as featured');
casper.waitForSelector('.notification-success', function waitForSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'got success notification');
test.assertSelectorHasText('.notification-success', 'Post successfully marked as featured.');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'No success notification :(');
casper.waitForSelector('.content-list-content li.featured:first-of-type', function () {
test.assertExists('.content-preview .featured', 'preview pane gets featured class');
test.assertExists('.content-list-content li.featured:first-of-type', 'content list got a featured star');
this.click('.notification-success .close');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'No featured star appeared in the left pane');
// Mark as not featured
casper.waitWhileSelector('.notification-success', function waitForNoSuccess() {
this.click('.content-preview .featured');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'Success notification wont go away:(');
casper.waitForSelector('.notification-success', function waitForSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'got success notification');
test.assertSelectorHasText('.notification-success', 'Post successfully marked as not featured.');
test.assertDoesntExist('.content-preview .featured');
test.assertDoesntExist('.content-list-content li.featured:first-of-type');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'Success notification wont go away:(');
CasperTest.emberBegin('Post url can be changed', 7, function suite(test) {
// Create a sample post
// Begin test
casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('content', function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle('Ghost Admin', 'Ghost admin has no title');
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/ember\/\d+\/$/, "Landed on the correct URL");
casper.waitUntilVisible('.post-settings-menu', function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'post settings menu should be visible after clicking post-settings icon');
// Test change permalink
casper.then(function () {
this.fillSelectors('.post-settings-menu form', {
'#url': 'new-url'
}, false);
casper.waitForSelector('.notification-success', function waitForSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'got success notification');
test.assertSelectorHasText('.notification-success', 'Permalink successfully changed to new-url.');
casper.click('.notification-success a.close');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'No success notification');
casper.waitWhileSelector('.notification-success', function () {
test.assert(true, 'notification cleared.');
test.assertNotVisible('.notification-success', 'success notification should not still exist');
CasperTest.emberBegin('Post published date can be changed', 7, function suite(test) {
// Create a sample post
// Begin test
casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('content', function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle('Ghost Admin', 'Ghost admin has no title');
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/ember\/\d+\/$/, "Landed on the correct URL");
casper.waitUntilVisible('.post-settings-menu', function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'post settings menu should be visible after clicking post-settings icon');
// Test change published date
casper.then(function () {
this.fillSelectors('.post-settings-menu form', {
'.post-setting-date': '22 May 14 @ 23:39'
}, false);
casper.waitForSelector('.notification-success', function waitForSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'got success notification');
test.assertSelectorHasText('.notification-success', 'Publish date successfully changed to 22 May 14 @ 23:39.');
casper.click('.notification-success a.close');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'No success notification');
casper.waitWhileSelector('.notification-success', function () {
test.assert(true, 'notification cleared.');
test.assertNotVisible('.notification-success', 'success notification should not still exist');
CasperTest.emberBegin('Post can be changed to static page', 7, function suite(test) {
// Create a sample post
// Begin test
casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('content', function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle('Ghost Admin', 'Ghost admin has no title');
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/ember\/\d+\/$/, "Landed on the correct URL");
casper.thenClick('.content-preview a.post-settings');
casper.waitForOpaque('.content-preview .post-settings-menu.open', function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'post settings should be visible after clicking post-settings icon');
casper.thenClick('.post-settings-menu .post-setting-static-page');
casper.waitForSelector('.notification-success', function waitForSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'got success notification');
casper.click('.notification-success a.close');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'No success notification');
casper.waitWhileSelector('.notification-success', function () {
test.assert(true, 'notification cleared.');
test.assertNotVisible('.notification-success', 'success notification should not still exist');
casper.thenClick('.post-settings-menu .post-setting-static-page');
casper.waitForSelector('.notification-success', function waitForSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'got success notification');
casper.click('.notification-success a.close');
}, function onTimeout() {
test.assert(false, 'No success notification');
}); |