mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 23:48:13 -05:00
no-issue With the new framework it is hard to handle 404 errors outside of the serialization layer, this is because we cannot force destroy, edit or findOne to error if the model is missing. This lets us do that.
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// # Base Model
// This is the model from which all other Ghost models extend. The model is based on Bookshelf.Model, and provides
// several basic behaviours such as UUIDs, as well as a set of Data methods for accessing information from the database.
// The models are internal to Ghost, only the API and some internal functions such as migration and import/export
// accesses the models directly. All other parts of Ghost, including the blog frontend, admin UI, and apps are only
// allowed to access data via the API.
const _ = require('lodash'),
bookshelf = require('bookshelf'),
moment = require('moment'),
Promise = require('bluebird'),
gql = require('ghost-gql'),
ObjectId = require('bson-objectid'),
debug = require('ghost-ignition').debug('models:base'),
config = require('../../config'),
db = require('../../data/db'),
common = require('../../lib/common'),
security = require('../../lib/security'),
filters = require('../../filters'),
schema = require('../../data/schema'),
urlService = require('../../services/url'),
validation = require('../../data/validation'),
plugins = require('../plugins');
let ghostBookshelf,
// ### ghostBookshelf
// Initializes a new Bookshelf instance called ghostBookshelf, for reference elsewhere in Ghost.
ghostBookshelf = bookshelf(db.knex);
// Load the Bookshelf registry plugin, which helps us avoid circular dependencies
// Add committed/rollback events.
// Load the Ghost filter plugin, which handles applying a 'filter' to findPage requests
// Load the Ghost include count plugin, which allows for the inclusion of cross-table counts
// Load the Ghost pagination plugin, which gives us the `fetchPage` method on Models
// Update collision plugin
// Manages nested updates (relationships)
ghostBookshelf.plugin('bookshelf-relations', {
allowedOptions: ['context', 'importing', 'migrating'],
unsetRelations: true,
hooks: {
belongsToMany: {
after: function (existing, targets, options) {
// reorder tags/authors
var queryOptions = {
query: {
where: {}
// CASE: disable after hook for specific relations
if (['permissions_roles'].indexOf(existing.relatedData.joinTableName) !== -1) {
return Promise.resolve();
return Promise.each(targets.models, function (target, index) {
queryOptions.query.where[existing.relatedData.otherKey] = target.id;
return existing.updatePivot({
sort_order: index
}, _.extend({}, options, queryOptions));
beforeRelationCreation: function onCreatingRelation(model, data) {
data.id = ObjectId.generate();
// Cache an instance of the base model prototype
proto = ghostBookshelf.Model.prototype;
// ## ghostBookshelf.Model
// The Base Model which other Ghost objects will inherit from,
// including some convenience functions as static properties on the model.
ghostBookshelf.Model = ghostBookshelf.Model.extend({
// Bookshelf `hasTimestamps` - handles created_at and updated_at properties
hasTimestamps: true,
// https://github.com/bookshelf/bookshelf/commit/a55db61feb8ad5911adb4f8c3b3d2a97a45bd6db
parsedIdAttribute: function () {
return false;
// Ghost option handling - get permitted attributes from server/data/schema.js, where the DB schema is defined
permittedAttributes: function permittedAttributes() {
return _.keys(schema.tables[this.tableName]);
// When loading an instance, subclasses can specify default to fetch
defaultColumnsToFetch: function defaultColumnsToFetch() {
return [];
* We have to remember the `_previousAttributes` attributes, because when destroying resources
* We listen on the `onDestroyed` event and Bookshelf resets these properties right after the event.
* If the query runs in a txn, `_previousAttributes` will be empty.
emitChange: function (model, event, options) {
debug(model.tableName, event);
const previousAttributes = model._previousAttributes;
if (!options.transacting) {
return common.events.emit(event, model, options);
if (!model.ghostEvents) {
model.ghostEvents = [];
// CASE: when importing, deleting or migrating content, lot's of model queries are happening in one transaction
// lot's of model events will be triggered. we ensure we set the max listeners to infinity.
// we are using `once` - we auto remove the listener afterwards
if (options.importing || options.destroyAll || options.migrating) {
options.transacting.once('committed', (committed) => {
if (!committed) {
_.each(this.ghostEvents, (ghostEvent) => {
model._previousAttributes = previousAttributes;
common.events.emit(ghostEvent, model, _.omit(options, 'transacting'));
delete model.ghostEvents;
// Bookshelf `initialize` - declare a constructor-like method for model creation
initialize: function initialize() {
var self = this;
// NOTE: triggered before `creating`/`updating`
this.on('saving', function onSaving(newObj, attrs, options) {
if (options.method === 'insert') {
// id = 0 is still a valid value for external usage
if (_.isUndefined(newObj.id) || _.isNull(newObj.id)) {
].forEach(function (eventName) {
var functionName = 'on' + eventName[0].toUpperCase() + eventName.slice(1);
if (functionName.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
functionName = functionName.slice(0, functionName.indexOf(':'))
+ functionName[functionName.indexOf(':') + 1].toUpperCase()
+ functionName.slice(functionName.indexOf(':') + 2);
functionName = functionName.replace(':', '');
if (!self[functionName]) {
self.on(eventName, self[functionName]);
// NOTE: Please keep here. If we don't initialize the parent, bookshelf-relations won't work.
* Do not call `toJSON`. This can remove properties e.g. password.
* @returns {*}
onValidate: function onValidate(model, columns, options) {
return validation.validateSchema(this.tableName, this, options);
* http://knexjs.org/#Builder-forUpdate
* https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-locking-reads.html
* Lock target collection/model for further update operations.
* This avoids collisions and possible content override cases.
onFetching: function onFetching(model, columns, options) {
if (options.forUpdate && options.transacting) {
onFetchingCollection: function onFetchingCollection(model, columns, options) {
if (options.forUpdate && options.transacting) {
onSaving: function onSaving(newObj) {
// Remove any properties which don't belong on the model
this.attributes = this.pick(this.permittedAttributes());
// Store the previous attributes so we can tell what was updated later
this._updatedAttributes = newObj.previousAttributes();
* Adding resources implies setting these properties on the server side
* - set `created_by` based on the context
* - set `updated_by` based on the context
* - the bookshelf `timestamps` plugin sets `created_at` and `updated_at`
* - if plugin is disabled (e.g. import) we have a fallback condition
* Exceptions: internal context or importing
onCreating: function onCreating(newObj, attr, options) {
if (schema.tables[this.tableName].hasOwnProperty('created_by')) {
if (!options.importing || (options.importing && !this.get('created_by'))) {
this.set('created_by', this.contextUser(options));
if (schema.tables[this.tableName].hasOwnProperty('updated_by')) {
if (!options.importing) {
this.set('updated_by', this.contextUser(options));
if (schema.tables[this.tableName].hasOwnProperty('created_at')) {
if (!newObj.get('created_at')) {
newObj.set('created_at', new Date());
if (schema.tables[this.tableName].hasOwnProperty('updated_at')) {
if (!newObj.get('updated_at')) {
newObj.set('updated_at', new Date());
return Promise.resolve(this.onValidate(newObj, attr, options));
* Changing resources implies setting these properties on the server side
* - set `updated_by` based on the context
* - ensure `created_at` never changes
* - ensure `created_by` never changes
* - the bookshelf `timestamps` plugin sets `updated_at` automatically
* Exceptions:
* - importing data
* - internal context
* - if no context
onUpdating: function onUpdating(newObj, attr, options) {
if (schema.tables[this.tableName].hasOwnProperty('updated_by')) {
if (!options.importing && !options.migrating) {
this.set('updated_by', this.contextUser(options));
if (options && options.context && !options.internal && !options.importing) {
if (schema.tables[this.tableName].hasOwnProperty('created_at')) {
if (newObj.hasDateChanged('created_at', {beforeWrite: true})) {
newObj.set('created_at', this.previous('created_at'));
if (schema.tables[this.tableName].hasOwnProperty('created_by')) {
if (newObj.hasChanged('created_by')) {
newObj.set('created_by', this.previous('created_by'));
// CASE: do not allow setting only the `updated_at` field, exception: importing
if (schema.tables[this.tableName].hasOwnProperty('updated_at') && !options.importing) {
if (options.migrating) {
newObj.set('updated_at', newObj.previous('updated_at'));
} else if (newObj.hasChanged() && Object.keys(newObj.changed).length === 1 && newObj.changed.updated_at) {
newObj.set('updated_at', newObj.previous('updated_at'));
return Promise.resolve(this.onValidate(newObj, attr, options));
* before we insert dates into the database, we have to normalize
* date format is now in each db the same
fixDatesWhenSave: function fixDates(attrs) {
var self = this;
_.each(attrs, function each(value, key) {
if (value !== null
&& schema.tables[self.tableName].hasOwnProperty(key)
&& schema.tables[self.tableName][key].type === 'dateTime') {
attrs[key] = moment(value).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');
return attrs;
* all supported databases (sqlite, mysql) return different values
* sqlite:
* - knex returns a UTC String (2018-04-12 20:50:35)
* mysql:
* - knex wraps the UTC value into a local JS Date
fixDatesWhenFetch: function fixDates(attrs) {
var self = this, dateMoment;
_.each(attrs, function each(value, key) {
if (value !== null
&& schema.tables[self.tableName].hasOwnProperty(key)
&& schema.tables[self.tableName][key].type === 'dateTime') {
dateMoment = moment(value);
// CASE: You are somehow able to store e.g. 0000-00-00 00:00:00
// Protect the code base and return the current date time.
if (dateMoment.isValid()) {
attrs[key] = dateMoment.startOf('seconds').toDate();
} else {
attrs[key] = moment().startOf('seconds').toDate();
return attrs;
// Convert integers to real booleans
fixBools: function fixBools(attrs) {
var self = this;
_.each(attrs, function each(value, key) {
if (schema.tables[self.tableName].hasOwnProperty(key)
&& schema.tables[self.tableName][key].type === 'bool') {
attrs[key] = value ? true : false;
return attrs;
// Sets given values to `null`
setEmptyValuesToNull: function setEmptyValuesToNull() {
var self = this,
if (!this.emptyStringProperties) {
attr = this.emptyStringProperties();
_.each(attr, function (value) {
if (self.get(value) === '') {
self.set(value, null);
// Get the user from the options object
contextUser: function contextUser(options) {
options = options || {};
options.context = options.context || {};
if (options.context.user || ghostBookshelf.Model.isExternalUser(options.context.user)) {
return options.context.user;
} else if (options.context.internal) {
return ghostBookshelf.Model.internalUser;
} else if (this.get('id')) {
return this.get('id');
} else if (options.context.external) {
return ghostBookshelf.Model.externalUser;
} else {
throw new common.errors.NotFoundError({
message: common.i18n.t('errors.models.base.index.missingContext'),
level: 'critical'
// format date before writing to DB, bools work
format: function format(attrs) {
return this.fixDatesWhenSave(attrs);
// format data and bool when fetching from DB
parse: function parse(attrs) {
return this.fixBools(this.fixDatesWhenFetch(attrs));
* `shallow` - won't return relations
* `omitPivot` - won't return pivot fields
* `toJSON` calls `serialize`.
* @param unfilteredOptions
* @returns {*}
toJSON: function toJSON(unfilteredOptions) {
const options = ghostBookshelf.Model.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'toJSON');
options.omitPivot = true;
return proto.toJSON.call(this, options);
// Get attributes that have been updated (values before a .save() call)
updatedAttributes: function updatedAttributes() {
return this._updatedAttributes || {};
// Get a specific updated attribute value
updated: function updated(attr) {
return this.updatedAttributes()[attr];
* There is difference between `updated` and `previous`:
* Depending on the hook (before or after writing into the db), both fields have a different meaning.
* e.g. onSaving -> before db write (has to use previous)
* onUpdated -> after db write (has to use updated)
* hasDateChanged('attr', {beforeWrite: true})
hasDateChanged: function (attr, options) {
options = options || {};
return moment(this.get(attr)).diff(moment(options.beforeWrite ? this.previous(attr) : this.updated(attr))) !== 0;
* we auto generate a GUID for each resource
* no auto increment
setId: function setId() {
this.set('id', ObjectId.generate());
}, {
// ## Data Utility Functions
* please use these static definitions when comparing id's
* we keep type Number, because we have too many check's where we rely on Number
* context.user ? true : false (if context.user is 0 as number, this condition is false)
internalUser: 1,
externalUser: 0,
isInternalUser: function isInternalUser(id) {
return id === ghostBookshelf.Model.internalUser || id === ghostBookshelf.Model.internalUser.toString();
isExternalUser: function isExternalUser(id) {
return id === ghostBookshelf.Model.externalUser || id === ghostBookshelf.Model.externalUser.toString();
* Returns an array of keys permitted in every method's `options` hash.
* Can be overridden and added to by a model's `permittedOptions` method.
* importing: is used when import a JSON file or when migrating the database
* @return {Object} Keys allowed in the `options` hash of every model's method.
permittedOptions: function permittedOptions(methodName) {
const baseOptions = ['context', 'withRelated'];
const extraOptions = ['transacting', 'importing', 'forUpdate', 'migrating'];
switch (methodName) {
case 'toJSON':
return baseOptions.concat('shallow', 'columns');
case 'destroy':
return baseOptions.concat(extraOptions, ['id', 'destroyBy', 'require']);
case 'edit':
return baseOptions.concat(extraOptions, ['id', 'require']);
case 'findOne':
return baseOptions.concat(extraOptions, ['require']);
return baseOptions.concat(extraOptions);
* Filters potentially unsafe model attributes, so you can pass them to Bookshelf / Knex.
* This filter should be called before each insert/update operation.
* @param {Object} data Has keys representing the model's attributes/fields in the database.
* @return {Object} The filtered results of the passed in data, containing only what's allowed in the schema.
filterData: function filterData(data) {
var permittedAttributes = this.prototype.permittedAttributes(),
filteredData = _.pick(data, permittedAttributes),
sanitizedData = this.sanitizeData(filteredData);
return sanitizedData;
* `sanitizeData` ensures that client data is in the correct format for further operations.
* Dates:
* - client dates are sent as ISO 8601 format (moment(..).format())
* - server dates are in JS Date format
* >> when bookshelf fetches data from the database, all dates are in JS Dates
* >> see `parse`
* - Bookshelf updates the model with the new client data via the `set` function
* - Bookshelf uses a simple `isEqual` function from lodash to detect real changes
* - .previous(attr) and .get(attr) returns false obviously
* - internally we use our `hasDateChanged` if we have to compare previous/updated dates
* - but Bookshelf is not in our control for this case
* Before the new client data get's inserted again, the dates get's re-transformed into
* proper strings, see `format`.
* Sanitize relations.
sanitizeData: function sanitizeData(data) {
var tableName = _.result(this.prototype, 'tableName'), date;
_.each(data, (value, property) => {
if (value !== null
&& schema.tables[tableName].hasOwnProperty(property)
&& schema.tables[tableName][property].type === 'dateTime'
&& typeof value === 'string'
) {
date = new Date(value);
// CASE: client sends `0000-00-00 00:00:00`
if (isNaN(date)) {
throw new common.errors.ValidationError({
message: common.i18n.t('errors.models.base.invalidDate', {key: property}),
data[property] = moment(value).toDate();
if (this.prototype.relationships && this.prototype.relationships.indexOf(property) !== -1) {
_.each(data[property], (relation, indexInArr) => {
_.each(relation, (value, relationProperty) => {
if (value !== null
&& schema.tables[this.prototype.relationshipBelongsTo[property]].hasOwnProperty(relationProperty)
&& schema.tables[this.prototype.relationshipBelongsTo[property]][relationProperty].type === 'dateTime'
&& typeof value === 'string'
) {
date = new Date(value);
// CASE: client sends `0000-00-00 00:00:00`
if (isNaN(date)) {
throw new common.errors.ValidationError({
message: common.i18n.t('errors.models.base.invalidDate', {key: relationProperty}),
data[property][indexInArr][relationProperty] = moment(value).toDate();
return data;
* Filters potentially unsafe `options` in a model method's arguments, so you can pass them to Bookshelf / Knex.
* @param {Object} unfilteredOptions Represents options to filter in order to be passed to the Bookshelf query.
* @param {String} methodName The name of the method to check valid options for.
* @return {Object} The filtered results of `options`.
filterOptions: function filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, methodName, filterConfig) {
unfilteredOptions = unfilteredOptions || {};
filterConfig = filterConfig || {};
if (unfilteredOptions.hasOwnProperty('include')) {
throw new common.errors.IncorrectUsageError({
message: 'The model layer expects using `withRelated`.'
var options = _.cloneDeep(unfilteredOptions),
extraAllowedProperties = filterConfig.extraAllowedProperties || [],
permittedOptions = this.permittedOptions(methodName, options);
permittedOptions = _.union(permittedOptions, extraAllowedProperties);
options = _.pick(options, permittedOptions);
if (this.defaultRelations) {
options = this.defaultRelations(methodName, options);
return options;
// ## Model Data Functions
* ### Find All
* Fetches all the data for a particular model
* @param {Object} unfilteredOptions (optional)
* @return {Promise(ghostBookshelf.Collection)} Collection of all Models
findAll: function findAll(unfilteredOptions) {
var options = this.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'findAll'),
itemCollection = this.forge();
// transforms fictive keywords like 'all' (status:all) into correct allowed values
if (this.processOptions) {
// @TODO: we can't use order raw when running migrations (see https://github.com/tgriesser/knex/issues/2763)
if (this.orderDefaultRaw && !options.migrating) {
itemCollection.query((qb) => {
return itemCollection.fetchAll(options).then(function then(result) {
if (options.withRelated) {
_.each(result.models, function each(item) {
item.withRelated = options.withRelated;
return result;
* ### Find Page
* Find results by page - returns an object containing the
* information about the request (page, limit), along with the
* info needed for pagination (pages, total).
* **response:**
* {
* data: [
* {...}, ...
* ],
* meta: {
* pagination: {
* page: __,
* limit: __,
* pages: __,
* total: __
* }
* }
* }
* @param {Object} unfilteredOptions
findPage: function findPage(unfilteredOptions) {
var options = this.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'findPage'),
itemCollection = this.forge(),
requestedColumns = options.columns;
// Set this to true or pass ?debug=true as an API option to get output
itemCollection.debug = options.debug && config.get('env') !== 'production';
// This applies default properties like 'staticPages' and 'status'
// And then converts them to 'where' options... this behaviour is effectively deprecated in favour
// of using filter - it's only be being kept here so that we can transition cleanly.
if (this.processOptions) {
// Add Filter behaviour
// Ensure only valid fields/columns are added to query
// and append default columns to fetch
if (options.columns) {
options.columns = _.intersection(options.columns, this.prototype.permittedAttributes());
options.columns = _.union(options.columns, this.prototype.defaultColumnsToFetch());
if (options.order) {
options.order = this.parseOrderOption(options.order, options.withRelated);
} else if (this.orderDefaultRaw) {
options.orderRaw = this.orderDefaultRaw();
} else if (this.orderDefaultOptions) {
options.order = this.orderDefaultOptions();
return itemCollection.fetchPage(options).then(function formatResponse(response) {
// Attributes are being filtered here, so they are not leaked into calling layer
// where models are serialized to json and do not do more filtering.
// Re-add and pick any computed properties that were stripped before fetchPage call.
const data = response.collection.models.map((model) => {
if (requestedColumns) {
model.attributes = _.pick(model.attributes, requestedColumns);
model._previousAttributes = _.pick(model._previousAttributes, requestedColumns);
return model;
return {
data: data,
meta: {pagination: response.pagination}
* ### Find One
* Naive find one where data determines what to match on
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Object} unfilteredOptions (optional)
* @return {Promise(ghostBookshelf.Model)} Single Model
findOne: function findOne(data, unfilteredOptions) {
var options = this.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'findOne');
data = this.filterData(data);
return this.forge(data).fetch(options);
* ### Edit
* Naive edit
* We always forward the `method` option to Bookshelf, see http://bookshelfjs.org/#Model-instance-save.
* Based on the `method` option Bookshelf and Ghost can determine if a query is an insert or an update.
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Object} unfilteredOptions (optional)
* @return {Promise(ghostBookshelf.Model)} Edited Model
edit: function edit(data, unfilteredOptions) {
const options = this.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'edit');
const id = options.id;
const model = this.forge({id: id});
data = this.filterData(data);
// We allow you to disable timestamps when run migration, so that the posts `updated_at` value is the same
if (options.importing) {
model.hasTimestamps = false;
return model.fetch(options).then(function then(object) {
if (object) {
options.method = 'update';
return object.save(data, options);
* ### Add
* Naive add
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Object} unfilteredOptions (optional)
* @return {Promise(ghostBookshelf.Model)} Newly Added Model
add: function add(data, unfilteredOptions) {
var options = this.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'add'),
data = this.filterData(data);
model = this.forge(data);
// We allow you to disable timestamps when importing posts so that the new posts `updated_at` value is the same
// as the import json blob. More details refer to https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/1696
if (options.importing) {
model.hasTimestamps = false;
// Bookshelf determines whether an operation is an update or an insert based on the id
// Ghost auto-generates Object id's, so we need to tell Bookshelf here that we are inserting data
options.method = 'insert';
return model.save(null, options);
* ### Destroy
* Naive destroy
* @param {Object} unfilteredOptions (optional)
* @return {Promise(ghostBookshelf.Model)} Empty Model
destroy: function destroy(unfilteredOptions) {
const options = this.filterOptions(unfilteredOptions, 'destroy');
if (!options.destroyBy) {
options.destroyBy = {
id: options.id
// Fetch the object before destroying it, so that the changed data is available to events
return this.forge(options.destroyBy)
.then(function then(obj) {
return obj.destroy(options);
* ### Generate Slug
* Create a string to act as the permalink for an object.
* @param {ghostBookshelf.Model} Model Model type to generate a slug for
* @param {String} base The string for which to generate a slug, usually a title or name
* @param {Object} options Options to pass to findOne
* @return {Promise(String)} Resolves to a unique slug string
generateSlug: function generateSlug(Model, base, options) {
var slug,
slugTryCount = 1,
baseName = Model.prototype.tableName.replace(/s$/, ''),
// Look for a matching slug, append an incrementing number if so
checkIfSlugExists, longSlug;
checkIfSlugExists = function checkIfSlugExists(slugToFind) {
var args = {slug: slugToFind};
// status is needed for posts
if (options && options.status) {
args.status = options.status;
return Model.findOne(args, options).then(function then(found) {
var trimSpace;
if (!found) {
return slugToFind;
slugTryCount += 1;
// If we shortened, go back to the full version and try again
if (slugTryCount === 2 && longSlug) {
slugToFind = longSlug;
longSlug = null;
slugTryCount = 1;
return checkIfSlugExists(slugToFind);
// If this is the first time through, add the hyphen
if (slugTryCount === 2) {
slugToFind += '-';
} else {
// Otherwise, trim the number off the end
trimSpace = -(String(slugTryCount - 1).length);
slugToFind = slugToFind.slice(0, trimSpace);
slugToFind += slugTryCount;
return checkIfSlugExists(slugToFind);
// the slug may never be longer than the allowed limit of 191 chars, but should also
// take the counter into count. We reduce a too long slug to 185 so we're always on the
// safe side, also in terms of checking for existing slugs already.
slug = security.string.safe(base, options);
if (slug.length > 185) {
// CASE: don't cut the slug on import
if (!_.has(options, 'importing') || !options.importing) {
slug = slug.slice(0, 185);
// If it's a user, let's try to cut it down (unless this is a human request)
if (baseName === 'user' && options && options.shortSlug && slugTryCount === 1 && slug !== 'ghost-owner') {
longSlug = slug;
slug = (slug.indexOf('-') > -1) ? slug.substr(0, slug.indexOf('-')) : slug;
if (!_.has(options, 'importing') || !options.importing) {
// This checks if the first character of a tag name is a #. If it is, this
// is an internal tag, and as such we should add 'hash' to the beginning of the slug
if (baseName === 'tag' && /^#/.test(base)) {
slug = 'hash-' + slug;
// Check the filtered slug doesn't match any of the reserved keywords
return filters.doFilter('slug.reservedSlugs', config.get('slugs').reserved).then(function then(slugList) {
// Some keywords cannot be changed
slugList = _.union(slugList, urlService.utils.getProtectedSlugs());
return _.includes(slugList, slug) ? slug + '-' + baseName : slug;
}).then(function then(slug) {
// if slug is empty after trimming use the model name
if (!slug) {
slug = baseName;
// Test for duplicate slugs.
return checkIfSlugExists(slug);
parseOrderOption: function (order, withRelated) {
var permittedAttributes, result, rules;
permittedAttributes = this.prototype.permittedAttributes();
if (withRelated && withRelated.indexOf('count.posts') > -1) {
result = {};
rules = order.split(',');
_.each(rules, function (rule) {
var match, field, direction;
match = /^([a-z0-9_.]+)\s+(asc|desc)$/i.exec(rule.trim());
// invalid order syntax
if (!match) {
field = match[1].toLowerCase();
direction = match[2].toUpperCase();
if (permittedAttributes.indexOf(field) === -1) {
result[field] = direction;
return result;
* All models which have a visibility property, can use this static helper function.
* Filter models by visibility.
* @param {Array|Object} items
* @param {Array} visibility
* @param {Boolean} [explicit]
* @param {Function} [fn]
* @returns {Array|Object} filtered items
filterByVisibility: function filterByVisibility(items, visibility, explicit, fn) {
var memo = _.isArray(items) ? [] : {};
if (_.includes(visibility, 'all')) {
return fn ? _.map(items, fn) : items;
// We don't want to change the structure of what is returned
return _.reduce(items, function (items, item, key) {
if (!item.visibility && !explicit || _.includes(visibility, item.visibility)) {
var newItem = fn ? fn(item) : item;
if (_.isArray(items)) {
} else {
memo[key] = newItem;
return memo;
}, memo);
* Returns an Array of visibility values.
* e.g. public,all => ['public, 'all']
* @param visibility
* @returns {*}
parseVisibilityString: function parseVisibilityString(visibility) {
if (!visibility) {
return ['public'];
return _.map(visibility.split(','), _.trim);
* If you want to fetch all data fast, i recommend using this function.
* Bookshelf is just too slow, too much ORM overhead.
* If we e.g. instantiate for each object a model, it takes twice long.
raw_knex: {
fetchAll: function (options) {
options = options || {};
const modelName = options.modelName;
const tableNames = {
Post: 'posts',
User: 'users',
Tag: 'tags'
const exclude = options.exclude;
const filter = options.filter;
const withRelated = options.withRelated;
const withRelatedFields = options.withRelatedFields;
const relations = {
tags: {
targetTable: 'tags',
name: 'tags',
innerJoin: {
relation: 'posts_tags',
condition: ['posts_tags.tag_id', '=', 'tags.id']
select: ['posts_tags.post_id as post_id', 'tags.visibility'],
whereIn: 'posts_tags.post_id',
whereInKey: 'post_id',
orderBy: 'sort_order'
authors: {
targetTable: 'users',
name: 'authors',
innerJoin: {
relation: 'posts_authors',
condition: ['posts_authors.author_id', '=', 'users.id']
select: ['posts_authors.post_id as post_id'],
whereIn: 'posts_authors.post_id',
whereInKey: 'post_id',
orderBy: 'sort_order'
let query = ghostBookshelf.knex(tableNames[modelName]);
if (options.offset) {
if (options.limit) {
// exclude fields if enabled
if (exclude) {
const toSelect = _.keys(schema.tables[tableNames[modelName]]);
_.each(exclude, (key) => {
if (toSelect.indexOf(key) !== -1) {
toSelect.splice(toSelect.indexOf(key), 1);
// filter data
gql.knexify(query, gql.parse(filter));
return query.then((objects) => {
debug('fetched', modelName, filter);
if (!objects.length) {
debug('No more entries found');
return Promise.resolve([]);
let props = {};
if (!withRelated) {
return _.map(objects, (object) => {
object = ghostBookshelf._models[modelName].prototype.toJSON.bind({
attributes: object,
related: function (key) {
return object[key];
serialize: ghostBookshelf._models[modelName].prototype.serialize,
formatsToJSON: ghostBookshelf._models[modelName].prototype.formatsToJSON
object = ghostBookshelf._models[modelName].prototype.fixBools(object);
object = ghostBookshelf._models[modelName].prototype.fixDatesWhenFetch(object);
return object;
_.each(withRelated, (withRelatedKey) => {
const relation = relations[withRelatedKey];
props[relation.name] = (() => {
debug('fetch withRelated', relation.name);
let query = db.knex(relation.targetTable);
// default fields to select
_.each(relation.select, (fieldToSelect) => {
// custom fields to select
_.each(withRelatedFields[withRelatedKey], (toSelect) => {
query.whereIn(relation.whereIn, _.map(objects, 'id'));
return query
.then((relations) => {
debug('fetched withRelated', relation.name);
// arr => obj[post_id] = [...] (faster access)
return relations.reduce((obj, item) => {
if (!obj[item[relation.whereInKey]]) {
obj[item[relation.whereInKey]] = [];
obj[item[relation.whereInKey]].push(_.omit(item, relation.select));
return obj;
}, {});
return Promise.props(props)
.then((relations) => {
debug('attach relations', modelName);
objects = _.map(objects, (object) => {
_.each(Object.keys(relations), (relation) => {
if (!relations[relation][object.id]) {
object[relation] = [];
object[relation] = relations[relation][object.id];
object = ghostBookshelf._models[modelName].prototype.toJSON.bind({
attributes: object,
_originalOptions: {
withRelated: Object.keys(relations)
related: function (key) {
return object[key];
serialize: ghostBookshelf._models[modelName].prototype.serialize,
formatsToJSON: ghostBookshelf._models[modelName].prototype.formatsToJSON
object = ghostBookshelf._models[modelName].prototype.fixBools(object);
object = ghostBookshelf._models[modelName].prototype.fixDatesWhenFetch(object);
return object;
debug('attached relations', modelName);
return objects;
// Export ghostBookshelf for use elsewhere
module.exports = ghostBookshelf;