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mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
Hannah Wolfe b8a3415726 Remove featured, tag, author & role API params
refs #5943

- removed featured, tag and author parameters from posts API
   - featured was only used in tests
- removed role filter from users API
   - role was only used in tests
- fixed up the tests, skipping those that don't quite work yet
2015-10-27 10:53:51 +00:00

131 lines
5 KiB

* # Utils
* Parts of the model code which can be split out and unit tested
var _ = require('lodash'),
addPostCount = function addPostCount(options, itemCollection) {
if (options.include && options.include.indexOf('post_count') > -1) {
itemCollection.query('columns', 'tags.*', function (qb) {
qb.count('posts_tags.post_id').from('posts_tags').whereRaw('tag_id = tags.id').as('post_count');
options.withRelated = _.pull([].concat(options.withRelated), 'post_count');
options.include = _.pull([].concat(options.include), 'post_count');
collectionQuery = {
count: function count(collection, options) {
addPostCount(options, collection);
processGQLResult = function processGQLResult(itemCollection, options) {
var joinTables = options.filter.joins,
tagsHasIn = false;
if (joinTables && joinTables.indexOf('tags') > -1) {
// We need to use leftOuterJoin to insure we still include posts which don't have tags in the result
// The where clause should restrict which items are returned
.query('leftOuterJoin', 'posts_tags', 'posts_tags.post_id', '=', 'posts.id')
.query('leftOuterJoin', 'tags', 'posts_tags.tag_id', '=', 'tags.id');
// The order override should ONLY happen if we are doing an "IN" query
// TODO move the order handling to the query building that is currently inside pagination
// TODO make the order handling in pagination handle orderByRaw
// TODO extend this handling to all joins
_.each(options.filter.statements, function (statement) {
if (statement.op === 'IN' && statement.prop.match(/tags/)) {
tagsHasIn = true;
if (tagsHasIn) {
// TODO make this count the number of MATCHING tags, not just the number of tags
itemCollection.query('orderByRaw', 'count(tags.id) DESC');
// We need to add a group by to counter the double left outer join
// TODO improve on th group by handling
options.groups = options.groups || [];
if (joinTables && joinTables.indexOf('author') > -1) {
.query('join', 'users as author', 'author.id', '=', 'posts.author_id');
tagUpdate = {
fetchCurrentPost: function fetchCurrentPost(PostModel, id, options) {
return PostModel.forge({id: id}).fetch(_.extend({}, options, {withRelated: ['tags']}));
fetchMatchingTags: function fetchMatchingTags(TagModel, tagsToMatch, options) {
if (_.isEmpty(tagsToMatch)) {
return false;
return TagModel.forge()
.query('whereIn', 'name', _.pluck(tagsToMatch, 'name')).fetchAll(options);
detachTagFromPost: function detachTagFromPost(post, tag, options) {
return function () {
// See tgriesser/bookshelf#294 for an explanation of _.omit(options, 'query')
return post.tags().detach(tag.id, _.omit(options, 'query'));
attachTagToPost: function attachTagToPost(post, tag, index, options) {
return function () {
// See tgriesser/bookshelf#294 for an explanation of _.omit(options, 'query')
return post.tags().attach({tag_id: tag.id, sort_order: index}, _.omit(options, 'query'));
createTagThenAttachTagToPost: function createTagThenAttachTagToPost(TagModel, post, tag, index, options) {
return function () {
return TagModel.add({name: tag.name}, options).then(function then(createdTag) {
return tagUpdate.attachTagToPost(post, createdTag, index, options)();
updateTagOrderForPost: function updateTagOrderForPost(post, tag, index, options) {
return function () {
return post.tags().updatePivot(
{sort_order: index}, _.extend({}, options, {query: {where: {tag_id: tag.id}}})
// Test if two tags are the same, checking ID first, and falling back to name
tagsAreEqual: function tagsAreEqual(tag1, tag2) {
if (tag1.hasOwnProperty('id') && tag2.hasOwnProperty('id')) {
return parseInt(tag1.id, 10) === parseInt(tag2.id, 10);
return tag1.name.toString() === tag2.name.toString();
tagSetsAreEqual: function tagSetsAreEqual(tags1, tags2) {
// If the lengths are different, they cannot be the same
if (tags1.length !== tags2.length) {
return false;
// Return if no item is not the same (double negative is horrible)
return !_.any(tags1, function (tag1, index) {
return !tagUpdate.tagsAreEqual(tag1, tags2[index]);
module.exports.processGQLResult = processGQLResult;
module.exports.collectionQuery = collectionQuery;
module.exports.addPostCount = addPostCount;
module.exports.tagUpdate = tagUpdate;