mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 23:00:14 -05:00
refs #12055 As part of the work in TryGhost/Members#206 we load the stripeCustomers relation on the member model, and we do not want this to be part of the API response. The changes here include a refactor but the main thing is that the serialized object is explicit and does not include unexpected or unknown fields. * Moved mapMember out of mapper file This cleans up the serializer a bit by keeping it's functionality all in one place, rather than a shared mapper file * Refactored members controller to return models Previously the controller was calling toJSON, which is serialization, this updates the controller to only deal with models, leaving all of the serialization to the serializer! * Refactored members serializer This adds typings to all of the methods/functions in the serializer, as well as making the serializating explicit, rather than returning the result of toJSON, we explicitly set the properties we expect to be on the output object. This protects us against accidental API changes in the future.
813 lines
31 KiB
813 lines
31 KiB
// NOTE: We must not cache references to membersService.api
// as it is a getter and may change during runtime.
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const config = require('../../../shared/config');
const models = require('../../models');
const membersService = require('../../services/members');
const doImport = require('../../services/members/importer');
const memberLabelsImporter = require('../../services/members/importer/labels');
const settingsCache = require('../../services/settings/cache');
const {i18n} = require('../../lib/common');
const logging = require('../../../shared/logging');
const db = require('../../data/db');
const _ = require('lodash');
/** NOTE: this method should not exist at all and needs to be cleaned up
it was created due to a bug in how CSV is currently created for exports
Export bug was fixed in 3.6 but method exists to handle older csv exports with undefined
const cleanupUndefined = (obj) => {
for (let key in obj) {
if (obj[key] === 'undefined') {
delete obj[key];
const sanitizeInput = async (members) => {
const validationErrors = [];
let invalidCount = 0;
const jsonSchema = require('./utils/validators/utils/json-schema');
let invalidValidationCount = 0;
try {
await jsonSchema.validate({
docName: 'members',
method: 'upload'
}, {
data: members
} catch (error) {
if (error.errorDetails && error.errorDetails.length) {
const jsonPointerIndexRegex = /\[(?<index>\d+)\]/;
let invalidRecordIndexes = error.errorDetails.map((errorDetail) => {
if (errorDetail.dataPath) {
const key = errorDetail.dataPath.split('.').pop();
const [, index] = errorDetail.dataPath.match(jsonPointerIndexRegex);
validationErrors.push(new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('notices.data.validation.index.schemaValidationFailed', {
context: `${key} ${errorDetail.message}`,
errorDetails: `${errorDetail.dataPath} with value ${members[index][key]}`
return Number(index);
invalidRecordIndexes = _.uniq(invalidRecordIndexes);
invalidRecordIndexes = invalidRecordIndexes.filter(index => (index !== undefined));
invalidRecordIndexes.forEach((index) => {
members[index] = undefined;
members = members.filter(record => (record !== undefined));
invalidValidationCount += invalidRecordIndexes.length;
invalidCount += invalidValidationCount;
const stripeIsConnected = membersService.config.isStripeConnected();
const hasStripeConnectedMembers = members.find(member => (member.stripe_customer_id || member.comped));
if (!stripeIsConnected && hasStripeConnectedMembers) {
let nonFilteredMembersCount = members.length;
members = members.filter(member => !(member.stripe_customer_id || member.comped));
const stripeConnectedMembers = (nonFilteredMembersCount - members.length);
if (stripeConnectedMembers) {
invalidCount += stripeConnectedMembers;
validationErrors.push(new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.message'),
context: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.context'),
help: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.help')
const customersMap = members.reduce((acc, member) => {
if (member.stripe_customer_id && member.stripe_customer_id !== 'undefined') {
if (acc[member.stripe_customer_id]) {
acc[member.stripe_customer_id] += 1;
} else {
acc[member.stripe_customer_id] = 1;
return acc;
}, {});
const toRemove = [];
for (const key in customersMap) {
if (customersMap[key] > 1) {
let sanitized = members.filter((member) => {
return !(toRemove.includes(member.stripe_customer_id));
const duplicateStripeCustomersCount = (members.length - sanitized.length);
if (duplicateStripeCustomersCount) {
validationErrors.push(new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.members.duplicateStripeCustomerIds.message'),
context: i18n.t('errors.api.members.duplicateStripeCustomerIds.context'),
help: i18n.t('errors.api.members.duplicateStripeCustomerIds.help')
invalidCount += duplicateStripeCustomersCount;
return {
module.exports = {
docName: 'members',
hasActiveStripeSubscriptions: {
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
async query() {
const hasActiveStripeSubscriptions = await membersService.api.hasActiveStripeSubscriptions();
return {
browse: {
options: [
permissions: true,
validation: {},
async query(frame) {
frame.options.withRelated = ['labels', 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer'];
const page = await membersService.api.members.list(frame.options);
return page;
read: {
headers: {},
data: [
validation: {},
permissions: true,
async query(frame) {
frame.options.withRelated = ['labels', 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer'];
let model = await membersService.api.members.get(frame.data, frame.options);
if (!model) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.members.memberNotFound')
return model;
add: {
statusCode: 201,
headers: {},
options: [
validation: {
data: {
email: {required: true}
options: {
email_type: {
values: ['signin', 'signup', 'subscribe']
permissions: true,
async query(frame) {
let member;
frame.options.withRelated = ['stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer'];
try {
member = await membersService.api.members.create(frame.data.members[0], frame.options);
if (frame.data.members[0].stripe_customer_id) {
if (!membersService.config.isStripeConnected()) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.message'),
context: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.context'),
help: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.help')
await membersService.api.members.linkStripeCustomer(frame.data.members[0].stripe_customer_id, member);
if (frame.data.members[0].comped) {
await membersService.api.members.setComplimentarySubscription(member);
if (frame.options.send_email) {
await membersService.api.sendEmailWithMagicLink({email: member.get('email'), requestedType: frame.options.email_type});
return member;
} catch (error) {
if (error.code && error.message.toLowerCase().indexOf('unique') !== -1) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.models.member.memberAlreadyExists.message'),
context: i18n.t('errors.models.member.memberAlreadyExists.context', {
action: 'add'
// NOTE: failed to link Stripe customer/plan/subscription or have thrown custom Stripe connection error.
// It's a bit ugly doing regex matching to detect errors, but it's the easiest way that works without
// introducing additional logic/data format into current error handling
const isStripeLinkingError = error.message && (error.message.match(/customer|plan|subscription/g) || error.context === i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.context'));
if (member && isStripeLinkingError) {
if (error.message.indexOf('customer') && error.code === 'resource_missing') {
error.message = `Member not imported. ${error.message}`;
error.context = i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeCustomerNotFound.context');
error.help = i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeCustomerNotFound.help');
await membersService.api.members.destroy({
id: member.get('id')
}, frame.options);
throw error;
edit: {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {},
options: [
validation: {
options: {
id: {
required: true
permissions: true,
async query(frame) {
try {
frame.options.withRelated = ['stripeSubscriptions'];
const member = await membersService.api.members.update(frame.data.members[0], frame.options);
const hasCompedSubscription = !!member.related('stripeSubscriptions').find(subscription => subscription.get('plan_nickname') === 'Complimentary');
if (typeof frame.data.members[0].comped === 'boolean') {
if (frame.data.members[0].comped && !hasCompedSubscription) {
await membersService.api.members.setComplimentarySubscription(member);
} else if (!(frame.data.members[0].comped) && hasCompedSubscription) {
await membersService.api.members.cancelComplimentarySubscription(member);
await member.load(['stripeSubscriptions']);
await member.load(['stripeSubscriptions.customer']);
return member;
} catch (error) {
if (error.code && error.message.toLowerCase().indexOf('unique') !== -1) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.models.member.memberAlreadyExists.message'),
context: i18n.t('errors.models.member.memberAlreadyExists.context', {
action: 'edit'
throw error;
editSubscription: {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {},
options: [
data: [
validation: {
options: {
id: {
required: true
subscription_id: {
required: true
data: {
cancel_at_period_end: {
required: true
permissions: {
method: 'edit'
async query(frame) {
await membersService.api.members.updateSubscription(frame.options.id, {
subscriptionId: frame.options.subscription_id,
cancelAtPeriodEnd: frame.data.cancel_at_period_end
let model = await membersService.api.members.get({id: frame.options.id}, {
withRelated: ['labels', 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer']
if (!model) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.members.memberNotFound')
return model;
destroy: {
statusCode: 204,
headers: {},
options: [
validation: {
options: {
id: {
required: true
permissions: true,
async query(frame) {
frame.options.require = true;
frame.options.cancelStripeSubscriptions = frame.options.cancel;
await Promise.resolve(membersService.api.members.destroy({
id: frame.options.id
}, frame.options)).catch(models.Member.NotFoundError, () => {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.resource.resourceNotFound', {
resource: 'Member'
return null;
exportCSV: {
options: [
headers: {
disposition: {
type: 'csv',
value() {
const datetime = (new Date()).toJSON().substring(0, 10);
return `members.${datetime}.csv`;
response: {
format: 'plain'
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
validation: {},
async query(frame) {
frame.options.withRelated = ['labels', 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer'];
const page = await membersService.api.members.list(frame.options);
return page;
validateImport: {
permissions: {
method: 'add'
headers: {},
async query(frame) {
const importedMembers = frame.data.members;
await Promise.map(importedMembers, (async (entry) => {
if (entry.stripe_customer_id) {
if (!membersService.config.isStripeConnected()) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.message', {
id: entry.stripe_customer_id
context: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.context'),
help: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.help')
try {
await membersService.api.members.getStripeCustomer(entry.stripe_customer_id);
} catch (error) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: `Member not imported. ${error.message}`,
context: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeCustomerNotFound.context'),
help: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeCustomerNotFound.help')
return null;
importCSV: {
statusCode: 201,
permissions: {
method: 'add'
async query(frame) {
let imported = {
count: 0
let invalid = {
count: 0,
errors: []
let duplicateStripeCustomerIdCount = 0;
let {importSetLabels, importLabel} = await memberLabelsImporter.handleAllLabels(
return Promise.resolve().then(async () => {
const {sanitized, invalidCount, validationErrors, duplicateStripeCustomersCount} = await sanitizeInput(frame.data.members);
invalid.count += invalidCount;
duplicateStripeCustomerIdCount = duplicateStripeCustomersCount;
if (validationErrors.length) {
return Promise.map(sanitized, ((entry) => {
const api = require('./index');
entry.labels = (entry.labels && entry.labels.split(',')) || [];
const entryLabels = memberLabelsImporter.serializeMemberLabels(entry.labels);
const mergedLabels = _.unionBy(entryLabels, importSetLabels, 'name');
let subscribed;
if (_.isUndefined(entry.subscribed_to_emails)) {
subscribed = entry.subscribed_to_emails;
} else {
subscribed = (String(entry.subscribed_to_emails).toLowerCase() !== 'false');
return Promise.resolve(api.members.add.query({
data: {
members: [{
email: entry.email,
name: entry.name,
note: entry.note,
subscribed: subscribed,
stripe_customer_id: entry.stripe_customer_id,
comped: (String(entry.complimentary_plan).toLocaleLowerCase() === 'true'),
labels: mergedLabels,
created_at: entry.created_at === '' ? undefined : entry.created_at
options: {
context: frame.options.context,
options: {send_email: false}
}), {concurrency: 10})
.each((inspection) => {
if (inspection.isFulfilled()) {
imported.count = imported.count + 1;
} else {
const error = inspection.reason();
// NOTE: if the error happens as a result of pure API call it doesn't get logged anywhere
// for this reason we have to make sure any unexpected errors are logged here
if (Array.isArray(error)) {
} else {
invalid.count = invalid.count + 1;
}).then(async () => {
// NOTE: grouping by context because messages can contain unique data like "customer_id"
const groupedErrors = _.groupBy(invalid.errors, 'context');
const uniqueErrors = _.uniqBy(invalid.errors, 'context');
const outputErrors = uniqueErrors.map((error) => {
let errorGroup = groupedErrors[error.context];
let errorCount = errorGroup.length;
if (error.message === i18n.t('errors.api.members.duplicateStripeCustomerIds.message')) {
errorCount = duplicateStripeCustomerIdCount;
// NOTE: filtering only essential error information, so API doesn't leak more error details than it should
return {
message: error.message,
context: error.context,
help: error.help,
count: errorCount
invalid.errors = outputErrors;
if (imported.count === 0 && importLabel && importLabel.generated) {
await models.Label.destroy(Object.assign({}, {id: importLabel.id}, frame.options));
importLabel = null;
return {
meta: {
stats: {
import_label: importLabel
importCSVBatched: {
statusCode: 201,
permissions: {
method: 'add'
async query(frame) {
let imported = {
count: 0
let invalid = {
count: 0,
errors: []
let duplicateStripeCustomerIdCount = 0;
// NOTE: redacted copy from models.Base module
const contextUser = (options) => {
options = options || {};
options.context = options.context || {};
if (options.context.user || models.Base.Model.isExternalUser(options.context.user)) {
return options.context.user;
} else if (options.context.integration) {
return models.Base.Model.internalUser;
const createdBy = contextUser(frame.options);
let {allLabels, importSetLabels, importLabel} = await memberLabelsImporter.handleAllLabels(
return Promise.resolve().then(async () => {
const {sanitized, invalidCount, validationErrors, duplicateStripeCustomersCount} = await sanitizeInput(frame.data.members);
invalid.count += invalidCount;
duplicateStripeCustomerIdCount = duplicateStripeCustomersCount;
if (validationErrors.length) {
return doImport({
members: sanitized,
labels: allLabels,
}).then(async (result) => {
invalid.errors = invalid.errors.concat(result.invalid.errors);
invalid.count += result.invalid.count;
imported.count += result.imported.count;
// NOTE: grouping by context because messages can contain unique data like "customer_id"
const groupedErrors = _.groupBy(invalid.errors, 'context');
const uniqueErrors = _.uniqBy(invalid.errors, 'context');
const outputErrors = uniqueErrors.map((error) => {
let errorGroup = groupedErrors[error.context];
let errorCount = errorGroup.length;
if (error.message === i18n.t('errors.api.members.duplicateStripeCustomerIds.message')) {
errorCount = duplicateStripeCustomerIdCount;
// NOTE: filtering only essential error information, so API doesn't leak more error details than it should
return {
message: error.message,
context: error.context,
help: error.help,
count: errorCount
invalid.errors = outputErrors;
if (imported.count === 0 && importLabel && importLabel.generated) {
await models.Label.destroy(Object.assign({}, {id: importLabel.id}, frame.options));
importLabel = null;
return {
meta: {
stats: {
import_label: importLabel
stats: {
options: [
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
validation: {
options: {
days: {
values: ['30', '90', '365', 'all-time']
async query(frame) {
const dateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss';
const isSQLite = config.get('database:client') === 'sqlite3';
const siteTimezone = settingsCache.get('timezone');
const tzOffsetMins = moment.tz(siteTimezone).utcOffset();
const days = frame.options.days === 'all-time' ? 'all-time' : Number(frame.options.days || 30);
// get total members before other stats because the figure is used multiple times
async function getTotalMembers() {
const result = await db.knex.raw('SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM members');
return isSQLite ? result[0].total : result[0][0].total;
const totalMembers = await getTotalMembers();
async function getTotalMembersInRange() {
if (days === 'all-time') {
return totalMembers;
const startOfRange = moment.tz(siteTimezone).subtract(days - 1, 'days').startOf('day').utc().format(dateFormat);
const result = await db.knex.raw('SELECT COUNT(id) AS total FROM members WHERE created_at >= ?', [startOfRange]);
return isSQLite ? result[0].total : result[0][0].total;
async function getTotalMembersOnDatesInRange() {
const startOfRange = moment.tz(siteTimezone).subtract(days - 1, 'days').startOf('day').utc().format(dateFormat);
let result;
if (isSQLite) {
const dateModifier = `+${tzOffsetMins} minutes`;
result = await db.knex('members')
.select(db.knex.raw('DATE(created_at, ?) AS created_at, COUNT(DATE(created_at, ?)) AS count', [dateModifier, dateModifier]))
.where((builder) => {
if (days !== 'all-time') {
builder.whereRaw('created_at >= ?', [startOfRange]);
}).groupByRaw('DATE(created_at, ?)', [dateModifier]);
} else {
const mins = tzOffsetMins % 60;
const hours = (tzOffsetMins - mins) / 60;
const utcOffset = `${Math.sign(tzOffsetMins) === -1 ? '-' : '+'}${hours}:${mins < 10 ? '0' : ''}${mins}`;
result = await db.knex('members')
.select(db.knex.raw('DATE(CONVERT_TZ(created_at, \'+00:00\', ?)) AS created_at, COUNT(CONVERT_TZ(created_at, \'+00:00\', ?)) AS count', [utcOffset, utcOffset]))
.where((builder) => {
if (days !== 'all-time') {
builder.whereRaw('created_at >= ?', [startOfRange]);
.groupByRaw('DATE(CONVERT_TZ(created_at, \'+00:00\', ?))', [utcOffset]);
// sql doesn't return rows with a 0 count so we build an object
// with sparse results to reference by date rather than performing
// multiple finds across an array
const resultObject = {};
result.forEach((row) => {
resultObject[moment(row.created_at).format('YYYY-MM-DD')] = row.count;
// loop over every date in the range so we can return a contiguous range object
const totalInRange = Object.values(resultObject).reduce((acc, value) => acc + value, 0);
let runningTotal = totalMembers - totalInRange;
let currentRangeDate;
if (days === 'all-time') {
// start from the date of first created member
currentRangeDate = moment(moment(result[0].created_at).format('YYYY-MM-DD')).tz(siteTimezone);
} else {
currentRangeDate = moment.tz(siteTimezone).subtract(days - 1, 'days');
let endDate = moment.tz(siteTimezone).add(1, 'hour');
const output = {};
while (currentRangeDate.isBefore(endDate)) {
let dateStr = currentRangeDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD');
runningTotal += resultObject[dateStr] || 0;
output[dateStr] = runningTotal;
currentRangeDate = currentRangeDate.add(1, 'day');
return output;
async function getNewMembersToday() {
const startOfToday = moment.tz(siteTimezone).startOf('day').utc().format(dateFormat);
const result = await db.knex.raw('SELECT count(id) AS total FROM members WHERE created_at >= ?', [startOfToday]);
return isSQLite ? result[0].total : result[0][0].total;
// perform final calculations in parallel
const results = await Promise.props({
total: totalMembers,
total_in_range: getTotalMembersInRange(),
total_on_date: getTotalMembersOnDatesInRange(),
new_today: getNewMembersToday()
return results;
// NOTE: remove below condition once batched import is production ready,
// remember to swap out current importCSV method when doing so
if (config.get('enableDeveloperExperiments')) {
module.exports.importCSV = module.exports.importCSVBatched;
delete module.exports.importCSVBatched;