Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git synced 2025-02-24 23:48:13 -05:00
Hannah Wolfe d1f57a2569 Merge branch 'ember'
2014-05-07 22:28:29 +01:00

420 lines
15 KiB

var config = require('../config'),
_ = require('lodash'),
path = require('path'),
when = require('when'),
api = require('../api'),
mailer = require('../mail'),
errors = require('../errorHandling'),
storage = require('../storage'),
updateCheck = require('../update-check'),
loginSecurity = [];
adminNavbar = {
content: {
name: 'Content',
navClass: 'content',
key: 'admin.navbar.content',
path: '/'
add: {
name: 'New Post',
navClass: 'editor',
key: 'admin.navbar.editor',
path: '/editor/'
settings: {
name: 'Settings',
navClass: 'settings',
key: 'admin.navbar.settings',
path: '/settings/'
// TODO: make this a util or helper
function setSelected(list, name) {
_.each(list, function (item, key) {
item.selected = key === name;
return list;
adminControllers = {
'index': function (req, res) {
/*jslint unparam:true*/
// Route: index
// Path: /ghost/
// Method: GET
'indexold': function (req, res) {
/*jslint unparam:true*/
function renderIndex() {
res.render('content', {
bodyClass: 'manage',
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'content')
// an error here should just get logged
'content': function (req, res) {
/*jslint unparam:true*/
res.render('content', {
bodyClass: 'manage',
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'content')
// Route: editor
// Path: /ghost/editor(/:id)?(/:action)?/
// Method: GET
'editor': function (req, res) {
if (req.params.id && req.params.action) {
if (req.params.action !== 'view') {
return errors.error404(req, res);
api.posts.read({ id: req.params.id }).then(function (result) {
return config.urlForPost(api.settings, result.posts[0]).then(function (url) {
return res.redirect(url);
}, function () {
return errors.error404(req, res);
} else if (req.params.id !== undefined) {
res.render('editor', {
bodyClass: 'editor',
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'content')
} else {
res.render('editor', {
bodyClass: 'editor',
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'add')
// Route: settings
// path: /ghost/settings/(*/)?
// Method: GET
'settings': function (req, res, next) {
// TODO: Centralise list/enumeration of settings panes, so we don't run into trouble in future.
var allowedSections = ['', 'general', 'user', 'apps'],
section = req.url.replace(/(^\/ghost\/settings[\/]*|\/$)/ig, '');
if (allowedSections.indexOf(section) < 0) {
return next();
res.render('settings', {
bodyClass: 'settings',
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'settings')
// Route: debug
// path: /ghost/debug/
// Method: GET
'debug': {
index: function (req, res) {
/*jslint unparam:true*/
res.render('debug', {
bodyClass: 'settings',
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'settings')
// frontend route for downloading a file
exportContent: function (req, res) {
api.db.exportContent.call({user: req.session.user}).then(function (exportData) {
// send a file to the client
res.set('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="GhostData.json"');
}).otherwise(function (err) {
var notification = {
type: 'error',
message: 'Your export file could not be generated. Error: ' + err.message
errors.logError(err, 'admin.js', "Your export file could not be generated.");
return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () {
res.redirect(config().paths.subdir + '/ghost/debug');
// Route: upload
// Path: /ghost/upload/
// Method: POST
'upload': function (req, res) {
var type = req.files.uploadimage.type,
ext = path.extname(req.files.uploadimage.name).toLowerCase(),
store = storage.get_storage();
if ((type !== 'image/jpeg' && type !== 'image/png' && type !== 'image/gif' && type !== 'image/svg+xml')
|| (ext !== '.jpg' && ext !== '.jpeg' && ext !== '.png' && ext !== '.gif' && ext !== '.svg' && ext !== '.svgz')) {
return res.send(415, 'Unsupported Media Type');
.then(function (url) {
return res.send(url);
.otherwise(function (e) {
return res.send(500, e.message);
// Route: signout
// Path: /ghost/signout/
// Method: GET
'signout': function (req, res) {
var notification = {
type: 'success',
message: 'You were successfully signed out',
status: 'passive'
return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () {
res.redirect(config().paths.subdir + '/ghost/signin/');
// Route: signin
// Path: /ghost/signin/
// Method: GET
'signin': function (req, res) {
/*jslint unparam:true*/
res.render('login', {
bodyClass: 'ghost-login',
hideNavbar: true,
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'login')
// Route: doSignin
// Path: /ghost/signin/
// Method: POST
'doSignin': function (req, res) {
var currentTime = process.hrtime()[0],
remoteAddress = req.connection.remoteAddress,
denied = '';
loginSecurity = _.filter(loginSecurity, function (ipTime) {
return (ipTime.time + 2 > currentTime);
denied = _.find(loginSecurity, function (ipTime) {
return (ipTime.ip === remoteAddress);
if (!denied) {
loginSecurity.push({ip: remoteAddress, time: currentTime});
api.users.check({email: req.body.email, pw: req.body.password}).then(function (user) {
req.session.regenerate(function (err) {
if (!err) {
req.session.user = user.id;
var redirect = config().paths.subdir + '/ghost/';
if (req.body.redirect) {
redirect += decodeURIComponent(req.body.redirect);
// If this IP address successfully logs in we
// can remove it from the array of failed login attempts.
loginSecurity = _.reject(loginSecurity, function (ipTime) {
return ipTime.ip === remoteAddress;
res.json(200, {redirect: redirect});
}, function (error) {
res.json(401, {error: error.message});
} else {
res.json(401, {error: 'Slow down, there are way too many login attempts!'});
// Route: signup
// Path: /ghost/signup/
// Method: GET
'signup': function (req, res) {
/*jslint unparam:true*/
res.render('signup', {
bodyClass: 'ghost-signup',
hideNavbar: true,
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'login')
// Route: doSignup
// Path: /ghost/signup/
// Method: POST
'doSignup': function (req, res) {
var name = req.body.name,
email = req.body.email,
password = req.body.password,
users = [{
name: name,
email: email,
password: password
api.users.register({users: users}).then(function (user) {
api.settings.edit.call({user: 1}, 'email', email).then(function () {
var message = {
to: email,
subject: 'Your New Ghost Blog',
html: '<p><strong>Hello!</strong></p>' +
'<p>Good news! You\'ve successfully created a brand new Ghost blog over on ' + config().url + '</p>' +
'<p>You can log in to your admin account with the following details:</p>' +
'<p> Email Address: ' + email + '<br>' +
'Password: The password you chose when you signed up</p>' +
'<p>Keep this email somewhere safe for future reference, and have fun!</p>' +
'<p>xoxo</p>' +
'<p>Team Ghost<br>' +
'<a href="https://ghost.org">https://ghost.org</a></p>'
mailer.send(message).otherwise(function (error) {
"Unable to send welcome email, your blog will continue to function.",
"Please see http://docs.ghost.org/mail/ for instructions on configuring email."
req.session.regenerate(function (err) {
if (!err) {
if (req.session.user === undefined) {
req.session.user = user.id;
res.json(200, {redirect: config().paths.subdir + '/ghost/'});
}).otherwise(function (error) {
res.json(401, {error: error.message});
// Route: forgotten
// Path: /ghost/forgotten/
// Method: GET
'forgotten': function (req, res) {
/*jslint unparam:true*/
res.render('forgotten', {
bodyClass: 'ghost-forgotten',
hideNavbar: true,
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'login')
// Route: doForgotten
// Path: /ghost/forgotten/
// Method: POST
'doForgotten': function (req, res) {
var email = req.body.email;
api.users.generateResetToken(email).then(function (token) {
var baseUrl = config().forceAdminSSL ? (config().urlSSL || config().url) : config().url,
siteLink = '<a href="' + baseUrl + '">' + baseUrl + '</a>',
resetUrl = baseUrl.replace(/\/$/, '') + '/ghost/reset/' + token + '/',
resetLink = '<a href="' + resetUrl + '">' + resetUrl + '</a>',
message = {
to: email,
subject: 'Reset Password',
html: '<p><strong>Hello!</strong></p>' +
'<p>A request has been made to reset the password on the site ' + siteLink + '.</p>' +
'<p>Please follow the link below to reset your password:<br><br>' + resetLink + '</p>' +
return mailer.send(message);
}).then(function success() {
var notification = {
type: 'success',
message: 'Check your email for further instructions',
status: 'passive'
return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () {
res.json(200, {redirect: config().paths.subdir + '/ghost/signin/'});
}, function failure(error) {
// TODO: This is kind of sketchy, depends on magic string error.message from Bookshelf.
if (error && error.message === 'EmptyResponse') {
error.message = "Invalid email address";
res.json(401, {error: error.message});
// Route: reset
// Path: /ghost/reset/:token
// Method: GET
'reset': function (req, res) {
// Validate the request token
var token = req.params.token;
api.users.validateToken(token).then(function () {
// Render the reset form
res.render('reset', {
bodyClass: 'ghost-reset',
hideNavbar: true,
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'reset')
}).otherwise(function (err) {
// Redirect to forgotten if invalid token
var notification = {
type: 'error',
message: 'Invalid or expired token'
errors.logError(err, 'admin.js', "Please check the provided token for validity and expiration.");
return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () {
res.redirect(config().paths.subdir + '/ghost/forgotten');
// Route: doReset
// Path: /ghost/reset/:token
// Method: POST
'doReset': function (req, res) {
var token = req.params.token,
newPassword = req.param('newpassword'),
ne2Password = req.param('ne2password');
api.users.resetPassword(token, newPassword, ne2Password).then(function () {
var notification = {
type: 'success',
message: 'Password changed successfully.',
status: 'passive'
return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () {
res.json(200, {redirect: config().paths.subdir + '/ghost/signin/'});
}).otherwise(function (err) {
res.json(401, {error: err.message});
// Route: doChangePassword
// Path: /ghost/changepw/
// Method: POST
'doChangePassword': function (req, res) {
return api.users.changePassword({
currentUser: req.session.user,
oldpw: req.body.password,
newpw: req.body.newpassword,
ne2pw: req.body.ne2password
}).then(function () {
res.json(200, {msg: 'Password changed successfully'});
}, function (error) {
res.send(401, {error: error.message});
module.exports = adminControllers;