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synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
Since we now have 2 products by default for all ghost sites, free and default paid, the usage of default product which so far was using first product needs to be updated to use the first paid product. - updates default product usage to use first paid tier - updates tests
510 lines
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510 lines
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const should = require('should');
const BaseModel = require('../../../core/server/models/base');
const {Label} = require('../../../core/server/models/label');
const {Product} = require('../../../core/server/models/product');
const {Member} = require('../../../core/server/models/member');
const {MemberStripeCustomer} = require('../../../core/server/models/member-stripe-customer');
const {StripeCustomerSubscription} = require('../../../core/server/models/stripe-customer-subscription');
const testUtils = require('../../utils');
const {StripeProduct} = require('../../../core/server/models/stripe-product');
const {StripePrice} = require('../../../core/server/models/stripe-price');
describe('Member Model', function run() {
describe('stripeSubscriptions', function () {
it('It is correctly mapped to all a members subscriptions, regardless of customer', async function () {
const context = testUtils.context.admin;
await Member.add({
email: 'test@test.member',
labels: []
}, context);
const member = await Member.findOne({
email: 'test@test.member'
}, context);
should.exist(member, 'Member should have been created');
const product = await Product.add({
name: 'Ghost Product',
slug: 'ghost-product',
type: 'paid'
}, context);
await StripeProduct.add({
product_id: product.get('id'),
stripe_product_id: 'fake_product_id'
}, context);
await StripePrice.add({
stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id',
stripe_product_id: 'fake_product_id',
amount: 5000,
interval: 'monthly',
active: 1,
nickname: 'Monthly',
currency: 'USD',
type: 'recurring'
}, context);
await MemberStripeCustomer.add({
member_id: member.get('id'),
customer_id: 'fake_customer_id1'
}, context);
await MemberStripeCustomer.add({
member_id: member.get('id'),
customer_id: 'fake_customer_id2'
}, context);
await StripeCustomerSubscription.add({
customer_id: 'fake_customer_id1',
subscription_id: 'fake_subscription_id1',
plan_id: 'fake_plan_id',
stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id',
plan_amount: 1337,
plan_nickname: 'e-LEET',
plan_interval: 'year',
plan_currency: 'btc',
status: 'active',
start_date: new Date(),
current_period_end: new Date(),
cancel_at_period_end: false
}, context);
await StripeCustomerSubscription.add({
customer_id: 'fake_customer_id2',
subscription_id: 'fake_subscription_id2',
plan_id: 'fake_plan_id',
stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id',
plan_amount: 1337,
plan_nickname: 'e-LEET',
plan_interval: 'year',
plan_currency: 'btc',
status: 'active',
start_date: new Date(),
current_period_end: new Date(),
cancel_at_period_end: false
}, context);
const memberWithRelations = await Member.findOne({
email: 'test@test.member'
}, Object.assign({
withRelated: [
}, context));
const subscriptions = memberWithRelations.related('stripeSubscriptions').toJSON();
const subscription1 = subscriptions.find(({id}) => id === 'fake_subscription_id1');
const subscription2 = subscriptions.find(({id}) => id === 'fake_subscription_id2');
describe('stripeCustomers', function () {
it('Is correctly mapped to the stripe customers', async function () {
const context = testUtils.context.admin;
await Member.add({
email: 'test@test.member',
stripeCustomers: [{
customer_id: 'fake_customer_id1'
}, context);
const customer1 = await MemberStripeCustomer.findOne({
customer_id: 'fake_customer_id1'
}, context);
should.exist(customer1, 'MemberStripeCustomer should have been created');
await MemberStripeCustomer.add({
member_id: customer1.get('member_id'),
customer_id: 'fake_customer_id2'
}, context);
const member = await Member.findOne({
email: 'test@test.member'
}, Object.assign({}, context, {
withRelated: ['stripeCustomers']
should.exist(member.related('stripeCustomers'), 'Member should have been fetched with stripeCustomers');
const stripeCustomers = member.related('stripeCustomers');
should.equal(stripeCustomers.length, 2, 'Should be two stripeCustomers');
should.equal(stripeCustomers.models[0].get('customer_id'), 'fake_customer_id1');
should.equal(stripeCustomers.models[1].get('customer_id'), 'fake_customer_id2');
describe('destroy', function () {
it('Cascades to members_labels, members_stripe_customers & members_stripe_customers_subscriptions', async function () {
const context = testUtils.context.admin;
await Member.add({
email: 'test@test.member',
labels: [{
name: 'A label',
slug: 'a-unique-slug-for-testing-members-model'
}, context);
const member = await Member.findOne({
email: 'test@test.member'
}, context);
should.exist(member, 'Member should have been created');
const label = await Label.findOne({
slug: 'a-unique-slug-for-testing-members-model'
}, context);
should.exist(label, 'Label should have been created');
const memberLabel = await BaseModel.knex('members_labels').where({
label_id: label.get('id'),
member_id: member.get('id')
should.exist(memberLabel, 'Label should have been attached to member');
await MemberStripeCustomer.add({
member_id: member.get('id'),
customer_id: 'fake_customer_id'
}, context);
const customer = await MemberStripeCustomer.findOne({
member_id: member.get('id')
}, context);
should.exist(customer, 'Customer should have been created');
const product = await Product.add({
name: 'Ghost Product',
slug: 'ghost-product',
type: 'paid'
}, context);
await StripeProduct.add({
product_id: product.get('id'),
stripe_product_id: 'fake_product_id'
}, context);
await StripePrice.add({
stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id',
stripe_product_id: 'fake_product_id',
amount: 5000,
interval: 'monthly',
active: 1,
nickname: 'Monthly',
currency: 'USD',
type: 'recurring'
}, context);
await StripeCustomerSubscription.add({
customer_id: 'fake_customer_id',
subscription_id: 'fake_subscription_id',
plan_id: 'fake_plan_id',
stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id',
plan_amount: 1337,
plan_nickname: 'e-LEET',
plan_interval: 'year',
plan_currency: 'btc',
status: 'active',
start_date: new Date(),
current_period_end: new Date(),
cancel_at_period_end: false
}, context);
const subscription = await StripeCustomerSubscription.findOne({
customer_id: customer.get('customer_id')
}, context);
should.exist(subscription, 'Subscription should have been created');
await Member.destroy(Object.assign({
id: member.get('id')
}, context));
const memberAfterDestroy = await Member.findOne({
email: 'test@test.member'
should.not.exist(memberAfterDestroy, 'Member should have been destroyed');
const memberLabelAfterDestroy = await BaseModel.knex('members_labels').where({
label_id: label.get('id'),
member_id: member.get('id')
should.not.exist(memberLabelAfterDestroy, 'Label should have been removed from member');
const customerAfterDestroy = await MemberStripeCustomer.findOne({
member_id: member.get('id')
should.not.exist(customerAfterDestroy, 'MemberStripeCustomer should have been destroyed');
const subscriptionAfterDestroy = await StripeCustomerSubscription.findOne({
customer_id: customer.get('customer_id')
should.not.exist(subscriptionAfterDestroy, 'StripeCustomerSubscription should have been destroyed');
describe('findAll', function () {
it('can use search query', function (done) {
Member.findAll({search: 'egg'}).then(function (queryResult) {
queryResult.models[0].get('name').should.equal('Mr Egg');
describe('products', function () {
it('Products can be created & added to members by the product array', async function () {
const context = testUtils.context.admin;
const product = await Product.add({
name: 'Product-Add-Test',
type: 'paid'
const member = await Member.add({
email: 'testing-products@test.member',
products: [{
id: product.id
}, {
name: 'Product-Create-Test',
type: 'paid'
}, {
withRelated: ['products']
const createdProduct = await Product.findOne({
name: 'Product-Create-Test'
}, context);
should.exist(createdProduct, 'Product should have been created');
const products = member.related('products').toJSON();
products.find(model => model.name === 'Product-Create-Test')
products.find(model => model.name === 'Product-Add-Test')
describe('Filtering on products', function () {
it('Should allow filtering on products', async function () {
const context = testUtils.context.admin;
await Member.add({
email: 'filter-test@test.member',
products: [{
name: 'VIP',
slug: 'vip',
type: 'paid'
}, context);
const member = await Member.findOne({
email: 'filter-test@test.member'
}, context);
should.exist(member, 'Member should have been created');
const product = await Product.findOne({
slug: 'vip'
}, context);
should.exist(product, 'Product should have been created');
const memberProduct = await BaseModel.knex('members_products').where({
product_id: product.get('id'),
member_id: member.get('id')
should.exist(memberProduct, 'Product should have been attached to member');
const vipProductMembers = await Member.findPage({filter: 'products:vip'});
const foundMemberInVIP = vipProductMembers.data.find(model => model.id === member.id);
should.exist(foundMemberInVIP, 'Member should have been included in products filter');
const podcastProductMembers = await Member.findPage({filter: 'products:podcast'});
const foundMemberInPodcast = podcastProductMembers.data.find(model => model.id === member.id);
should.not.exist(foundMemberInPodcast, 'Member should not have been included in products filter');
describe('Filtering', function () {
it('Should allow filtering on name', async function () {
const context = testUtils.context.admin;
await Member.add({
name: 'Name Filter Test',
email: 'name-filter-test@test.member',
products: [{
name: 'VIP',
slug: 'vip',
type: 'paid'
}, context);
const member = await Member.findOne({
email: 'name-filter-test@test.member'
}, context);
should.exist(member, 'Member should have been created');
const membersByName = await Member.findPage({filter: `name:'Name Filter Test'`});
const foundMember = membersByName.data.find(model => model.id === member.id);
should.exist(foundMember, 'Member should have been included in name filter');
it('Should allow filtering on email', async function () {
const context = testUtils.context.admin;
await Member.add({
email: 'email-filter-test@test.member',
products: [{
name: 'VIP',
slug: 'vip',
type: 'paid'
}, context);
const member = await Member.findOne({
email: 'email-filter-test@test.member'
}, context);
should.exist(member, 'Member should have been created');
const membersByName = await Member.findPage({filter: `email:email-filter-test@test.member`});
const foundMember = membersByName.data.find(model => model.id === member.id);
should.exist(foundMember, 'Member should have been included in name filter');
it('Should allow filtering on subscriptions', async function () {
const context = testUtils.context.admin;
const member = await Member.add({
email: 'test@test.member',
labels: []
}, context);
const product = await Product.add({
name: 'Ghost Product',
slug: 'ghost-product',
type: 'paid'
}, context);
await StripeProduct.add({
product_id: product.get('id'),
stripe_product_id: 'fake_product_id'
}, context);
await StripePrice.add({
stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id',
stripe_product_id: 'fake_product_id',
amount: 5000,
interval: 'monthly',
active: 1,
nickname: 'Monthly',
currency: 'USD',
type: 'recurring'
}, context);
await MemberStripeCustomer.add({
member_id: member.get('id'),
customer_id: 'fake_customer_id1'
}, context);
await MemberStripeCustomer.add({
member_id: member.get('id'),
customer_id: 'fake_customer_id2'
}, context);
const subscription1 = await StripeCustomerSubscription.add({
customer_id: 'fake_customer_id1',
subscription_id: 'fake_subscription_id1',
plan_id: 'fake_plan_id',
stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id',
plan_amount: 1337,
plan_nickname: 'e-LEET',
plan_interval: 'year',
plan_currency: 'btc',
status: 'active',
start_date: new Date(),
current_period_end: new Date(),
cancel_at_period_end: false
}, context);
const subscription2 = await StripeCustomerSubscription.add({
customer_id: 'fake_customer_id2',
subscription_id: 'fake_subscription_id2',
plan_id: 'fake_plan_id',
stripe_price_id: 'fake_plan_id',
plan_amount: 1337,
plan_nickname: 'e-LEET',
plan_interval: 'year',
plan_currency: 'btc',
status: 'canceled',
start_date: new Date(),
current_period_end: new Date(),
cancel_at_period_end: false
}, context);
const members = await Member.findPage({filter: `subscriptions.status:canceled+subscriptions.status:-active`});
should.equal(members.data.length, 0, 'Can search for members with canceled subscription and no active ones');
await StripeCustomerSubscription.edit({
status: 'canceled'
}, {
id: subscription1.id,
const members = await Member.findPage({filter: `subscriptions.status:canceled+subscriptions.status:-active`});
should.equal(members.data.length, 1, 'Can search for members with canceled subscription and no active ones');
const members = await Member.findPage({filter: `subscriptions.plan_interval:year`});
should.equal(members.data.length, 1, 'Can search for members by plan_interval');
await StripeCustomerSubscription.edit({
plan_interval: 'month'
}, {
id: subscription2.id,
const members = await Member.findPage({filter: `subscriptions.plan_interval:month+subscriptions.plan_interval:-year`});
should.equal(members.data.length, 0, 'Can search for members by plan_interval');