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Katharina Irrgang c93f03b87e post update collision detection (#8328) (#8362)
closes #5599

If two users edit the same post, it can happen that they override each others content or post settings. With this change this won't happen anymore.

 Update collision for posts
- add a new bookshelf plugin to detect these changes
- use the `changed` object of bookshelf -> we don't have to create our own diff
- compare client and server updated_at field
- run editing posts in a transaction (see comments in code base)

🙀  update collision for tags
- `updateTags` for adding posts on `onCreated` - happens after the post was inserted
   --> it's "okay" to attach the tags afterwards on insert
   --> there is no need to add collision for inserting data
   --> it's very hard to move the updateTags call to `onCreating`, because the `updateTags` function queries the database to look up the affected post
- `updateTags` while editing posts on `onSaving` - all operations run in a transactions and are rolled back if something get's rejected

- Post model edit: if we push a transaction from outside, take this one

  introduce options.forUpdate
- if two queries happening in a transaction we have to signalise knex/mysql that we select for an update
- otherwise the following case happens:
  >> you fetch posts for an update
  >> a user requests comes in and updates the post (e.g. sets title to "X")
  >> you update the fetched posts, title would get overriden to the old one

use options.forUpdate and protect internal post updates: model listeners
- use a transaction for listener updates
- signalise forUpdate
- write a complex test

use options.forUpdate and protect internal post updates: scheduling
- publish endpoint runs in a transaction
- add complex test
- @TODO: right now scheduling api uses posts api, therefor we had to extend the options for api's
  >> allowed to pass transactions through it
  >> but these are only allowed if defined from outside {opts: [...]}
  >> so i think this is fine and not dirty
  >> will wait for opinions
  >> alternatively we have to re-write the scheduling endpoint to use the models directly
2017-04-19 14:53:23 +01:00

323 lines
11 KiB

// # API Utils
// Shared helpers for working with the API
var Promise = require('bluebird'),
_ = require('lodash'),
path = require('path'),
errors = require('../errors'),
permissions = require('../permissions'),
validation = require('../data/validation'),
i18n = require('../i18n'),
utils = {
// ## Default Options
// Various default options for different types of endpoints
// ### Auto Default Options
// Handled / Added automatically by the validate function
// globalDefaultOptions - valid for every api endpoint
globalDefaultOptions: ['context', 'include'],
// dataDefaultOptions - valid for all endpoints which take object as well as options
dataDefaultOptions: ['data'],
// ### Manual Default Options
// These must be provided by the endpoint
// browseDefaultOptions - valid for all browse api endpoints
browseDefaultOptions: ['page', 'limit', 'fields', 'filter', 'order', 'debug'],
// idDefaultOptions - valid whenever an id is valid
idDefaultOptions: ['id'],
* ## Validate
* Prepare to validate the object and options passed to an endpoint
* @param {String} docName
* @param {Object} extras
* @returns {Function} doValidate
validate: function validate(docName, extras) {
* ### Do Validate
* Validate the object and options passed to an endpoint
* @argument {...*} [arguments] object or object and options hash
return function doValidate() {
var object, options, permittedOptions;
if (arguments.length === 2) {
object = arguments[0];
options = _.clone(arguments[1]) || {};
} else if (arguments.length === 1) {
options = _.clone(arguments[0]) || {};
} else {
options = {};
// Setup permitted options, starting with the global defaults
permittedOptions = utils.globalDefaultOptions;
// Add extra permitted options if any are passed in
if (extras && extras.opts) {
permittedOptions = permittedOptions.concat(extras.opts);
// This request will have a data key added during validation
if ((extras && extras.attrs) || object) {
permittedOptions = permittedOptions.concat(utils.dataDefaultOptions);
// If an 'attrs' object is passed, we use this to pick from options and convert them to data
if (extras && extras.attrs) {
options.data = _.pick(options, extras.attrs);
options = _.omit(options, extras.attrs);
* ### Check Options
* Ensure that the options provided match exactly with what is permitted
* - incorrect option keys are sanitized
* - incorrect option values are validated
* @param {object} options
* @returns {Promise<options>}
function checkOptions(options) {
// @TODO: should we throw an error if there are incorrect options provided?
options = _.pick(options, permittedOptions);
var validationErrors = utils.validateOptions(options);
if (_.isEmpty(validationErrors)) {
return Promise.resolve(options);
// For now, we can only handle showing the first validation error
return Promise.reject(validationErrors[0]);
// If we got an object, check that too
if (object) {
return utils.checkObject(object, docName, options.id).then(function (data) {
options.data = data;
return checkOptions(options);
// Otherwise just check options and return
return checkOptions(options);
validateOptions: function validateOptions(options) {
var globalValidations = {
id: {matches: /^[a-f\d]{24}$|^1$|me/i},
uuid: {isUUID: true},
slug: {isSlug: true},
page: {matches: /^\d+$/},
limit: {matches: /^\d+|all$/},
from: {isDate: true},
to: {isDate: true},
fields: {matches: /^[\w, ]+$/},
order: {matches: /^[a-z0-9_,\. ]+$/i},
name: {}
// these values are sanitised/validated separately
noValidation = ['data', 'context', 'include', 'filter', 'forUpdate', 'transacting'],
errors = [];
_.each(options, function (value, key) {
// data is validated elsewhere
if (noValidation.indexOf(key) === -1) {
if (globalValidations[key]) {
errors = errors.concat(validation.validate(value, key, globalValidations[key]));
} else {
// all other keys should be alpha-numeric with dashes/underscores, like tag, author, status, etc
errors = errors.concat(validation.validate(value, key, globalValidations.slug));
return errors;
* ## Detect Public Context
* Calls parse context to expand the options.context object
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Boolean}
detectPublicContext: function detectPublicContext(options) {
options.context = permissions.parseContext(options.context);
return options.context.public;
* ## Apply Public Permissions
* Update the options object so that the rules reflect what is permitted to be retrieved from a public request
* @param {String} docName
* @param {String} method (read || browse)
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Object} options
applyPublicPermissions: function applyPublicPermissions(docName, method, options) {
return permissions.applyPublicRules(docName, method, options);
* ## Handle Public Permissions
* @param {String} docName
* @param {String} method (read || browse)
* @returns {Function}
handlePublicPermissions: function handlePublicPermissions(docName, method) {
var singular = docName.replace(/s$/, '');
* Check if this is a public request, if so use the public permissions, otherwise use standard canThis
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Object} options
return function doHandlePublicPermissions(options) {
var permsPromise;
if (utils.detectPublicContext(options)) {
permsPromise = utils.applyPublicPermissions(docName, method, options);
} else {
permsPromise = permissions.canThis(options.context)[method][singular](options.data);
return permsPromise.then(function permissionGranted() {
return options;
* ## Handle Permissions
* @param {String} docName
* @param {String} method (browse || read || edit || add || destroy)
* @returns {Function}
handlePermissions: function handlePermissions(docName, method) {
var singular = docName.replace(/s$/, '');
* ### Handle Permissions
* We need to be an authorised user to perform this action
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Object} options
return function doHandlePermissions(options) {
var permsPromise = permissions.canThis(options.context)[method][singular](options.id);
return permsPromise.then(function permissionGranted() {
return options;
}).catch(function handleNoPermissionError(err) {
if (err instanceof errors.NoPermissionError) {
err.message = i18n.t('errors.api.utils.noPermissionToCall', {method: method, docName: docName});
return Promise.reject(err);
return Promise.reject(new errors.GhostError({
err: err
trimAndLowerCase: function trimAndLowerCase(params) {
params = params || '';
if (_.isString(params)) {
params = params.split(',');
return _.map(params, function (item) {
return item.trim().toLowerCase();
prepareInclude: function prepareInclude(include, allowedIncludes) {
return _.intersection(this.trimAndLowerCase(include), allowedIncludes);
prepareFields: function prepareFields(fields) {
return this.trimAndLowerCase(fields);
* ## Convert Options
* @param {Array} allowedIncludes
* @returns {Function} doConversion
convertOptions: function convertOptions(allowedIncludes) {
* Convert our options from API-style to Model-style
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Object} options
return function doConversion(options) {
if (options.include) {
options.include = utils.prepareInclude(options.include, allowedIncludes);
if (options.fields) {
options.columns = utils.prepareFields(options.fields);
delete options.fields;
return options;
* ### Check Object
* Check an object passed to the API is in the correct format
* @param {Object} object
* @param {String} docName
* @returns {Promise(Object)} resolves to the original object if it checks out
checkObject: function (object, docName, editId) {
if (_.isEmpty(object) || _.isEmpty(object[docName]) || _.isEmpty(object[docName][0])) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.BadRequestError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.utils.noRootKeyProvided', {docName: docName})
// convert author property to author_id to match the name in the database
if (docName === 'posts') {
if (object.posts[0].hasOwnProperty('author')) {
object.posts[0].author_id = object.posts[0].author;
delete object.posts[0].author;
// will remove unwanted null values
_.each(object[docName], function (value, index) {
if (!_.isObject(object[docName][index])) {
object[docName][index] = _.omitBy(object[docName][index], _.isNull);
if (editId && object[docName][0].id && editId !== object[docName][0].id) {
return Promise.reject(new errors.BadRequestError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.utils.invalidIdProvided')
return Promise.resolve(object);
checkFileExists: function (fileData) {
return !!(fileData.mimetype && fileData.path);
checkFileIsValid: function (fileData, types, extensions) {
var type = fileData.mimetype,
ext = path.extname(fileData.name).toLowerCase();
if (_.includes(types, type) && _.includes(extensions, ext)) {
return true;
return false;
module.exports = utils;