mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 02:01:58 -05:00
no issue - There is still some flaky behavior with the docker setup that seems to be caused by the container not shutting down or cleaning up properly. Sometimes `yarn dev` just hangs, or sometimes it only runs some of the commands required. This seems to only happen when running `docker compose up` after having previously run it and stopped it. - Passing the `--force-recreate` option to docker compose recreates all the containers, which seems to avoid this problem without incurring a noticeable performance penalty.
139 lines
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139 lines
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"name": "ghost-monorepo",
"version": "0.0.0-private",
"description": "The professional publishing platform",
"private": true,
"repository": "https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost",
"author": "Ghost Foundation",
"license": "MIT",
"workspaces": [
"monorepo": {
"public": false,
"internalPackages": true,
"repo": "https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost",
"scope": "@tryghost"
"eslintIgnore": [
"scripts": {
"archive": "nx run ghost:archive",
"build": "nx run-many -t build",
"build:clean": "nx reset && rimraf -g 'ghost/*/build' && rimraf -g 'ghost/*/tsconfig.tsbuildinfo'",
"clean:hard": "node ./.github/scripts/clean.js",
"dev:debug": "DEBUG_COLORS=true DEBUG=@tryghost*,ghost:* yarn dev",
"dev:admin": "node .github/scripts/dev.js --admin",
"dev:ghost": "node .github/scripts/dev.js --ghost",
"dev": "node .github/scripts/dev.js",
"fix": "yarn cache clean && rimraf -g '**/node_modules' && yarn",
"knex-migrator": "yarn workspace ghost run knex-migrator",
"setup": "yarn && git submodule update --init && nx run-many -t build:ts && NODE_ENV=development node .github/scripts/setup.js",
"reset:data": "cd ghost/core && node index.js generate-data --clear-database --quantities members:100000,posts:500 --seed 123",
"reset:data:empty": "cd ghost/core && node index.js generate-data --clear-database --quantities members:0,posts:0 --seed 123",
"reset:data:xxl": "cd ghost/core && node index.js generate-data --clear-database --quantities members:2000000,posts:0,emails:0,members_stripe_customers:0,members_login_events:0,members_status_events:0 --seed 123",
"docker": "COMPOSE_PROFILES=${COMPOSE_PROFILES:-ghost} docker compose run --rm -it ghost",
"docker:dev": "COMPOSE_PROFILES=${COMPOSE_PROFILES:-ghost} docker compose up --attach=ghost --force-recreate --no-log-prefix",
"docker:build": "COMPOSE_PROFILES=${COMPOSE_PROFILES:-ghost} docker compose build",
"docker:shell": "COMPOSE_PROFILES=${COMPOSE_PROFILES:-ghost} docker compose run --rm -it ghost /bin/bash",
"docker:test:unit": "COMPOSE_PROFILES=${COMPOSE_PROFILES:-ghost} docker compose run --rm --no-deps ghost yarn test:unit",
"docker:test:browser": "COMPOSE_PROFILES=${COMPOSE_PROFILES:-ghost} docker compose run --rm ghost yarn test:browser",
"docker:test:all": "COMPOSE_PROFILES=${COMPOSE_PROFILES:-ghost} docker compose run --rm ghost yarn nx run ghost:test:all",
"docker:reset": "docker compose down -v && docker compose up -d --wait",
"docker:restart": "docker compose down && docker compose up -d --wait",
"docker:down": "docker compose down",
"lint": "nx run-many -t lint",
"test": "nx run-many -t test",
"test:unit": "nx run-many -t test:unit",
"test:browser": "node .github/scripts/dev.js --browser-tests --all",
"main": "yarn main:monorepo && yarn main:submodules",
"main:monorepo": "git checkout main && git pull ${GHOST_UPSTREAM:-origin} main && yarn",
"main:submodules": "git submodule sync && git submodule update && git submodule foreach \"git checkout main && git pull ${GHOST_UPSTREAM:-origin} main\"",
"prepare": "husky install .github/hooks",
"tb": "docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/ghost -w /ghost/ghost/tinybird -it tinybirdco/tinybird-cli-docker",
"tb:update": "docker pull tinybirdco/tinybird-cli-docker"
"resolutions": {
"@tryghost/errors": "1.3.5",
"@tryghost/logging": "2.4.21",
"jackspeak": "2.1.1",
"moment": "2.24.0",
"moment-timezone": "0.5.45"
"renovate": {
"extends": [
"rebaseWhen": "never",
"ignoreDeps": [
"ignorePaths": [
"packageRules": [
"groupName": "ember-basic-dropdown addons",
"packagePatterns": [
"groupName": "ember core",
"packageNames": [
"groupName": "disable css",
"matchFiles": [
"packagePatterns": [
"packageNames": [
"enabled": false
"lint-staged": {
"*.js": "eslint"
"devDependencies": {
"@actions/core": "1.11.1",
"chalk": "4.1.2",
"concurrently": "8.2.2",
"eslint": "8.44.0",
"eslint-plugin-ghost": "3.4.0",
"eslint-plugin-react": "7.33.0",
"husky": "8.0.3",
"inquirer": "8.2.6",
"lint-staged": "15.2.10",
"nx": "19.8.4",
"rimraf": "5.0.10",
"ts-node": "10.9.2",
"typescript": "5.4.5"