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synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
closes #4498 - remove toJSON code which returns only IDs from objects - don't auto-include tags & fields in post responses - don't auto-include roles in user responses - fix #allthethings that made assumptions about the auto-includes, or otherwise were only working because of the auto-include
382 lines
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382 lines
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// # Base Model
// This is the model from which all other Ghost models extend. The model is based on Bookshelf.Model, and provides
// several basic behaviours such as UUIDs, as well as a set of Data methods for accessing information from the database.
// The models are internal to Ghost, only the API and some internal functions such as migration and import/export
// accesses the models directly. All other parts of Ghost, including the blog frontend, admin UI, and apps are only
// allowed to access data via the API.
var _ = require('lodash'),
bookshelf = require('bookshelf'),
config = require('../config'),
errors = require('../errors'),
filters = require('../filters'),
moment = require('moment'),
Promise = require('bluebird'),
sanitize = require('validator').sanitize,
schema = require('../data/schema'),
utils = require('../utils'),
uuid = require('node-uuid'),
validation = require('../data/validation'),
// ### ghostBookshelf
// Initializes a new Bookshelf instance called ghostBookshelf, for reference elsewhere in Ghost.
ghostBookshelf = bookshelf(config.database.knex);
// Load the registry plugin, which helps us avoid circular dependencies
// ### ghostBookshelf.Model
// The Base Model which other Ghost objects will inherit from,
// including some convenience functions as static properties on the model.
ghostBookshelf.Model = ghostBookshelf.Model.extend({
hasTimestamps: true,
// Get permitted attributes from server/data/schema.js, which is where the DB schema is defined
permittedAttributes: function () {
return _.keys(schema.tables[this.tableName]);
defaults: function () {
return {
uuid: uuid.v4()
initialize: function () {
var self = this,
options = arguments[1] || {};
// make options include available for toJSON()
if (options.include) {
this.include = _.clone(options.include);
this.on('creating', this.creating, this);
this.on('saving', function (model, attributes, options) {
return Promise.resolve(self.saving(model, attributes, options)).then(function () {
return self.validate(model, attributes, options);
validate: function () {
return validation.validateSchema(this.tableName, this.toJSON());
creating: function (newObj, attr, options) {
if (!this.get('created_by')) {
this.set('created_by', this.contextUser(options));
saving: function (newObj, attr, options) {
// Remove any properties which don't belong on the model
this.attributes = this.pick(this.permittedAttributes());
// Store the previous attributes so we can tell what was updated later
this._updatedAttributes = newObj.previousAttributes();
this.set('updated_by', this.contextUser(options));
// Base prototype properties will go here
// Fix problems with dates
fixDates: function (attrs) {
var self = this;
_.each(attrs, function (value, key) {
if (value !== null
&& schema.tables[self.tableName].hasOwnProperty(key)
&& schema.tables[self.tableName][key].type === 'dateTime') {
// convert dateTime value into a native javascript Date object
attrs[key] = moment(value).toDate();
return attrs;
// Convert integers to real booleans
fixBools: function (attrs) {
var self = this;
_.each(attrs, function (value, key) {
if (schema.tables[self.tableName].hasOwnProperty(key)
&& schema.tables[self.tableName][key].type === 'bool') {
attrs[key] = value ? true : false;
return attrs;
// Get the user from the options object
contextUser: function (options) {
// Default to context user
if (options.context && options.context.user) {
return options.context.user;
// Other wise use the internal override
} else if (options.context && options.context.internal) {
return 1;
} else {
errors.logAndThrowError(new Error('missing context'));
// format date before writing to DB, bools work
format: function (attrs) {
return this.fixDates(attrs);
// format data and bool when fetching from DB
parse: function (attrs) {
return this.fixBools(this.fixDates(attrs));
toJSON: function (options) {
var attrs = _.extend({}, this.attributes),
self = this;
options = options || {};
if (options && options.shallow) {
return attrs;
if (options && options.include) {
this.include = _.union(this.include, options.include);
_.each(this.relations, function (relation, key) {
if (key.substring(0, 7) !== '_pivot_') {
// if include is set, expand to full object
var fullKey = _.isEmpty(options.name) ? key : options.name + '.' + key;
if (_.contains(self.include, fullKey)) {
attrs[key] = relation.toJSON({name: fullKey, include: self.include});
return attrs;
sanitize: function (attr) {
return sanitize(this.get(attr)).xss();
// Get attributes that have been updated (values before a .save() call)
updatedAttributes: function () {
return this._updatedAttributes || {};
// Get a specific updated attribute value
updated: function (attr) {
return this.updatedAttributes()[attr];
}, {
// ## Data Utility Functions
* Returns an array of keys permitted in every method's `options` hash.
* Can be overridden and added to by a model's `permittedOptions` method.
* @return {Array} Keys allowed in the `options` hash of every model's method.
permittedOptions: function () {
// terms to whitelist for all methods.
return ['context', 'include', 'transacting'];
* Filters potentially unsafe model attributes, so you can pass them to Bookshelf / Knex.
* @param {Object} data Has keys representing the model's attributes/fields in the database.
* @return {Object} The filtered results of the passed in data, containing only what's allowed in the schema.
filterData: function (data) {
var permittedAttributes = this.prototype.permittedAttributes(),
filteredData = _.pick(data, permittedAttributes);
return filteredData;
* Filters potentially unsafe `options` in a model method's arguments, so you can pass them to Bookshelf / Knex.
* @param {Object} options Represents options to filter in order to be passed to the Bookshelf query.
* @param {String} methodName The name of the method to check valid options for.
* @return {Object} The filtered results of `options`.
filterOptions: function (options, methodName) {
var permittedOptions = this.permittedOptions(methodName),
filteredOptions = _.pick(options, permittedOptions);
return filteredOptions;
// ## Model Data Functions
* ### Find All
* Naive find all fetches all the data for a particular model
* @param {Object} options (optional)
* @return {Promise(ghostBookshelf.Collection)} Collection of all Models
findAll: function (options) {
options = this.filterOptions(options, 'findAll');
return ghostBookshelf.Collection.forge([], {model: this}).fetch(options).then(function (result) {
if (options.include) {
_.each(result.models, function (item) {
item.include = options.include;
return result;
* ### Find One
* Naive find one where data determines what to match on
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Object} options (optional)
* @return {Promise(ghostBookshelf.Model)} Single Model
findOne: function (data, options) {
data = this.filterData(data);
options = this.filterOptions(options, 'findOne');
// We pass include to forge so that toJSON has access
return this.forge(data, {include: options.include}).fetch(options);
* ### Edit
* Naive edit
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Object} options (optional)
* @return {Promise(ghostBookshelf.Model)} Edited Model
edit: function (data, options) {
var id = options.id;
data = this.filterData(data);
options = this.filterOptions(options, 'edit');
return this.forge({id: id}).fetch(options).then(function (object) {
if (object) {
return object.save(data, options);
* ### Add
* Naive add
* @param {Object} data
* @param {Object} options (optional)
* @return {Promise(ghostBookshelf.Model)} Newly Added Model
add: function (data, options) {
data = this.filterData(data);
options = this.filterOptions(options, 'add');
var model = this.forge(data);
// We allow you to disable timestamps when importing posts so that the new posts `updated_at` value is the same
// as the import json blob. More details refer to https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/issues/1696
if (options.importing) {
model.hasTimestamps = false;
return model.save(null, options);
* ### Destroy
* Naive destroy
* @param {Object} options (optional)
* @return {Promise(ghostBookshelf.Model)} Empty Model
destroy: function (options) {
var id = options.id;
options = this.filterOptions(options, 'destroy');
return this.forge({id: id}).destroy(options);
* ### Generate Slug
* Create a string to act as the permalink for an object.
* @param {ghostBookshelf.Model} Model Model type to generate a slug for
* @param {String} base The string for which to generate a slug, usually a title or name
* @param {Object} options Options to pass to findOne
* @return {Promise(String)} Resolves to a unique slug string
generateSlug: function (Model, base, options) {
var slug,
slugTryCount = 1,
baseName = Model.prototype.tableName.replace(/s$/, ''),
// Look for a matching slug, append an incrementing number if so
checkIfSlugExists, longSlug;
checkIfSlugExists = function (slugToFind) {
var args = {slug: slugToFind};
// status is needed for posts
if (options && options.status) {
args.status = options.status;
return Model.findOne(args, options).then(function (found) {
var trimSpace;
if (!found) {
return slugToFind;
slugTryCount += 1;
// If we shortened, go back to the full version and try again
if (slugTryCount === 2 && longSlug) {
slugToFind = longSlug;
longSlug = null;
slugTryCount = 1;
return checkIfSlugExists(slugToFind);
// If this is the first time through, add the hyphen
if (slugTryCount === 2) {
slugToFind += '-';
} else {
// Otherwise, trim the number off the end
trimSpace = -(String(slugTryCount - 1).length);
slugToFind = slugToFind.slice(0, trimSpace);
slugToFind += slugTryCount;
return checkIfSlugExists(slugToFind);
slug = utils.safeString(base);
// Remove trailing hyphen
slug = slug.charAt(slug.length - 1) === '-' ? slug.substr(0, slug.length - 1) : slug;
// If it's a user, let's try to cut it down (unless this is a human request)
if (baseName === 'user' && options && options.shortSlug && slugTryCount === 1 && slug !== 'ghost-owner') {
longSlug = slug;
slug = (slug.indexOf('-') > -1) ? slug.substr(0, slug.indexOf('-')) : slug;
// Check the filtered slug doesn't match any of the reserved keywords
return filters.doFilter('slug.reservedSlugs', config.slugs.reserved).then(function (slugList) {
// Some keywords cannot be changed
slugList = _.union(slugList, config.slugs.protected);
return _.contains(slugList, slug) ? slug + '-' + baseName : slug;
}).then(function (slug) {
// if slug is empty after trimming use the model name
if (!slug) {
slug = baseName;
// Test for duplicate slugs.
return checkIfSlugExists(slug);
// Export ghostBookshelf for use elsewhere
module.exports = ghostBookshelf;