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synced 2025-02-24 23:48:13 -05:00
Fixes #798 - Now checks the request URL against a whitelist to determine whether the settings page exists. **Notes** - This works in the short term, but a better solution for enumerating the available settings views or centralising a list of recognised views that are available to client side code, (the router and sidebar, among others) as well as the backend controller will be required.
415 lines
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415 lines
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var Ghost = require('../../ghost'),
dataExport = require('../data/export'),
dataImport = require('../data/import'),
_ = require('underscore'),
fs = require('fs-extra'),
path = require('path'),
when = require('when'),
nodefn = require('when/node/function'),
api = require('../api'),
moment = require('moment'),
errors = require('../errorHandling'),
ghost = new Ghost(),
dataProvider = ghost.dataProvider,
loginSecurity = [];
// TODO: combine path/navClass to single "slug(?)" variable with no prefix
adminNavbar = {
content: {
name: 'Content',
navClass: 'content',
key: 'admin.navbar.content',
path: '/'
add: {
name: 'New Post',
navClass: 'editor',
key: 'admin.navbar.editor',
path: '/editor/'
settings: {
name: 'Settings',
navClass: 'settings',
key: 'admin.navbar.settings',
path: '/settings/'
// TODO: make this a util or helper
function setSelected(list, name) {
_.each(list, function (item, key) {
item.selected = key === name;
return list;
// TODO: this could be a separate module
function getUniqueFileName(dir, name, ext, i, done) {
var filename,
append = '';
if (i) {
append = '-' + i;
filename = path.join(dir, name + append + ext);
fs.exists(filename, function (exists) {
if (exists) {
setImmediate(function () {
i = i + 1;
return getUniqueFileName(dir, name, ext, i, done);
} else {
return done(filename);
adminControllers = {
'uploader': function (req, res) {
var currentDate = moment(),
month = currentDate.format("MMM"),
year = currentDate.format("YYYY"),
tmp_path = req.files.uploadimage.path,
dir = path.join('content/images', year, month),
ext = path.extname(req.files.uploadimage.name).toLowerCase(),
basename = path.basename(req.files.uploadimage.name, ext).replace(/[\W]/gi, '_');
function renameFile(target_path) {
// adds directories recursively
fs.mkdirs(dir, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
fs.copy(tmp_path, target_path, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
// TODO: should delete temp file at tmp_path. Or just move the file instead of copy.
// the src for the image must be in URI format, not a file system path, which in Windows uses \
var src = path.join('/', target_path).replace(new RegExp('\\' + path.sep, 'g'), '/');
// TODO: is it better to use file type eg. image/png?
if (ext === ".jpg" || ext === ".jpeg" || ext === ".png" || ext === ".gif") {
getUniqueFileName(dir, basename, ext, null, function (filename) {
} else {
res.send(404, "Invalid filetype");
'login': function (req, res) {
res.render('login', {
bodyClass: 'ghost-login',
hideNavbar: true,
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'login')
'auth': function (req, res) {
var currentTime = process.hrtime()[0],
denied = '';
loginSecurity = _.filter(loginSecurity, function (ipTime) {
return (ipTime.time + 2 > currentTime);
denied = _.find(loginSecurity, function (ipTime) {
return (ipTime.ip === req.connection.remoteAddress);
if (!denied) {
loginSecurity.push({ip: req.connection.remoteAddress, time: process.hrtime()[0]});
api.users.check({email: req.body.email, pw: req.body.password}).then(function (user) {
req.session.user = user.id;
res.json(200, {redirect: req.body.redirect ? '/ghost/'
+ decodeURIComponent(req.body.redirect) : '/ghost/'});
}, function (error) {
res.json(401, {error: error.message});
} else {
res.json(401, {error: 'Slow down, there are way too many login attempts!'});
changepw: function (req, res) {
currentUser: req.session.user,
oldpw: req.body.password,
newpw: req.body.newpassword,
ne2pw: req.body.ne2password
}).then(function () {
res.json(200, {msg: 'Password changed successfully'});
}, function (error) {
res.send(401, {error: error.message});
'signup': function (req, res) {
res.render('signup', {
bodyClass: 'ghost-signup',
hideNavbar: true,
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'login')
'doRegister': function (req, res) {
var name = req.body.name,
email = req.body.email,
password = req.body.password;
name: name,
email: email,
password: password
}).then(function (user) {
api.settings.edit('email', email).then(function () {
if (req.session.user === undefined) {
req.session.user = user.id;
res.json(200, {redirect: '/ghost/'});
}).otherwise(function (error) {
res.json(401, {error: error.message});
'forgotten': function (req, res) {
res.render('forgotten', {
bodyClass: 'ghost-forgotten',
hideNavbar: true,
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'login')
'resetPassword': function (req, res) {
var email = req.body.email;
api.users.forgottenPassword(email).then(function (user) {
var message = {
to: email,
subject: 'Your new password',
html: "<p><strong>Hello!</strong></p>" +
"<p>You've reset your password. Here's the new one: " + user.newPassword + "</p>" +
"<p>Ghost <br/>" +
'<a href="' + ghost.config().url + '">' +
ghost.config().url + '</a></p>'
return ghost.mail.send(message);
}).then(function success() {
var notification = {
type: 'success',
message: 'Your password was changed successfully. Check your email for details.',
status: 'passive',
id: 'successresetpw'
return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () {
res.json(200, {redirect: '/ghost/signin/'});
}, function failure(error) {
res.json(401, {error: error.message});
'logout': function (req, res) {
delete req.session.user;
var notification = {
type: 'success',
message: 'You were successfully signed out',
status: 'passive',
id: 'successlogout'
return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () {
'index': function (req, res) {
res.render('content', {
bodyClass: 'manage',
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'content')
'editor': function (req, res) {
if (req.params.id !== undefined) {
res.render('editor', {
bodyClass: 'editor',
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'content')
} else {
res.render('editor', {
bodyClass: 'editor',
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'add')
'content': function (req, res) {
res.render('content', {
bodyClass: 'manage',
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'content')
'settings': function (req, res, next) {
// TODO: Centralise list/enumeration of settings panes, so we don't
// run into trouble in future.
var allowedSections = ["", "general", "user"],
section = req.url.replace(/(^\/ghost\/settings[\/]*|\/$)/ig, "");
if (allowedSections.indexOf(section) < 0) {
return next();
res.render('settings', {
bodyClass: 'settings',
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'settings')
'debug': { /* ugly temporary stuff for managing the app before it's properly finished */
index: function (req, res) {
res.render('debug', {
bodyClass: 'settings',
adminNav: setSelected(adminNavbar, 'settings')
'export': function (req, res) {
return dataExport()
.then(function (exportedData) {
// Save the exported data to the file system for download
var fileName = path.resolve(__dirname + '/../../server/data/export/exported-' + (new Date().getTime()) + '.json');
return nodefn.call(fs.writeFile, fileName, JSON.stringify(exportedData)).then(function () {
return when(fileName);
.then(function (exportedFilePath) {
// Send the exported data file
res.download(exportedFilePath, 'GhostData.json');
.otherwise(function (error) {
// Notify of an error if it occurs
var notification = {
type: 'error',
message: error.message || error,
status: 'persistent',
id: 'per-' + (ghost.notifications.length + 1)
return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () {
'import': function (req, res) {
if (!req.files.importfile) {
// Notify of an error if it occurs
var notification = {
type: 'error',
message: "Must select a file to import",
status: 'persistent',
id: 'per-' + (ghost.notifications.length + 1)
return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () {
// Get the current version for importing
api.settings.read({ key: "databaseVersion" })
.then(function (setting) {
return when(setting.value);
}, function () {
return when("001");
.then(function (databaseVersion) {
// Read the file contents
return nodefn.call(fs.readFile, req.files.importfile.path)
.then(function (fileContents) {
var importData;
// Parse the json data
try {
importData = JSON.parse(fileContents);
} catch (e) {
return when.reject(new Error("Failed to parse the import file"));
if (!importData.meta || !importData.meta.version) {
return when.reject(new Error("Import data does not specify version"));
// Import for the current version
return dataImport(databaseVersion, importData);
.then(function importSuccess() {
var notification = {
type: 'success',
message: "Data imported. Log in with the user details you imported",
status: 'persistent',
id: 'per-' + (ghost.notifications.length + 1)
return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () {
delete req.session.user;
}, function importFailure(error) {
// Notify of an error if it occurs
var notification = {
type: 'error',
message: error.message || error,
status: 'persistent',
id: 'per-' + (ghost.notifications.length + 1)
return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () {
'reset': function (req, res) {
// Grab the current version so we can get the migration
.then(function resetSuccess() {
var notification = {
type: 'success',
message: "Database reset. Create a new user",
status: 'persistent',
id: 'per-' + (ghost.notifications.length + 1)
return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () {
delete req.session.user;
}, function resetFailure(error) {
var notification = {
type: 'error',
message: error.message || error,
status: 'persistent',
id: 'per-' + (ghost.notifications.length + 1)
return api.notifications.add(notification).then(function () {
module.exports = adminControllers;