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synced 2025-02-17 23:44:39 -05:00
fixes #2111 - modified Post model to support a tag query param that will filter the desired post collection to only include posts that contain the requested tag - in the updated Post model it includes the Tag model under a nested object called 'aspects' - added tests for updated Post model, updating test utils to add more posts_tags relations - adds two new routes to frontend, one for initial tag page, another to page that tag page - for tag pages the array of posts is exposed to the view similarly to the homepeage - on the tag view page the information for the tag is also accessible for further theme usage - the tag view page supports a hierarchy of views, it'll first attempt to use a tag.hbs file if it exists, otherwise fall back to the default index.hbs file - modified pageUrl and pagination helper to have it be compatible with tag paging - added unit tests for frontend controller - added unit tests for handlebar helper modifications - add functional tests for new tag routes
473 lines
17 KiB
473 lines
17 KiB
var Post,
_ = require('lodash'),
uuid = require('node-uuid'),
when = require('when'),
errors = require('../errorHandling'),
Showdown = require('showdown'),
github = require('../../shared/vendor/showdown/extensions/github'),
converter = new Showdown.converter({extensions: [github]}),
User = require('./user').User,
Tag = require('./tag').Tag,
Tags = require('./tag').Tags,
ghostBookshelf = require('./base');
Post = ghostBookshelf.Model.extend({
tableName: 'posts',
permittedAttributes: [
'id', 'uuid', 'title', 'slug', 'markdown', 'html', 'meta_title', 'meta_description',
'featured', 'image', 'status', 'language', 'author_id', 'created_at', 'created_by', 'updated_at', 'updated_by',
'page', 'published_at', 'published_by'
defaults: function () {
return {
uuid: uuid.v4(),
status: 'draft'
initialize: function () {
this.on('creating', this.creating, this);
this.on('saving', this.updateTags, this);
this.on('saving', this.saving, this);
this.on('saving', this.validate, this);
validate: function () {
ghostBookshelf.validator.check(this.get('title'), "Post title cannot be blank").notEmpty();
ghostBookshelf.validator.check(this.get('title'), 'Post title maximum length is 150 characters.').len(0, 150);
return true;
saving: function (newPage, attr, options) {
/*jslint unparam:true*/
var self = this;
// Remove any properties which don't belong on the post model
this.attributes = this.pick(this.permittedAttributes);
this.set('html', converter.makeHtml(this.get('markdown')));
// disabling sanitization until we can implement a better version
//this.set('title', this.sanitize('title').trim());
this.set('title', this.get('title').trim());
if (this.hasChanged('status') && this.get('status') === 'published') {
if (!this.get('published_at')) {
this.set('published_at', new Date());
// This will need to go elsewhere in the API layer.
this.set('published_by', 1);
} else if (this.get('status') === 'published' && !this.get('published_at')) {
// If somehow this is a published post with no date, fix it... see #2015
this.set('published_at', new Date());
if (this.hasChanged('slug')) {
// Pass the new slug through the generator to strip illegal characters, detect duplicates
return ghostBookshelf.Model.generateSlug(Post, this.get('slug'), {status: 'all', transacting: options.transacting})
.then(function (slug) {
self.set({slug: slug});
creating: function (newPage, attr, options) {
/*jslint unparam:true*/
// set any dynamic default properties
var self = this;
if (!this.get('author_id')) {
this.set('author_id', 1);
// We require a slug be set when creating a new post
// as the database doesn't allow null slug values.
if (!this.get('slug')) {
// Generating a slug requires a db call to look for conflicting slugs
return ghostBookshelf.Model.generateSlug(Post, this.get('title'), {status: 'all', transacting: options.transacting})
.then(function (slug) {
self.set({slug: slug});
updateTags: function (newTags, attr, options) {
/*jslint unparam:true*/
var self = this;
options = options || {};
if (newTags === this) {
newTags = this.get('tags');
if (!newTags || !this.id) {
return Post.forge({id: this.id}).fetch({withRelated: ['tags'], transacting: options.transacting}).then(function (thisPostWithTags) {
var existingTags = thisPostWithTags.related('tags').toJSON(),
tagOperations = [],
tagsToDetach = [],
tagsToAttach = [],
createdTagsToAttach = [];
// First find any tags which have been removed
_.each(existingTags, function (existingTag) {
if (!_.some(newTags, function (newTag) { return newTag.name === existingTag.name; })) {
if (tagsToDetach.length > 0) {
tagOperations.push(self.tags().detach(tagsToDetach, options));
// Next check if new tags are all exactly the same as what is set on the model
_.each(newTags, function (newTag) {
if (!_.some(existingTags, function (existingTag) { return newTag.name === existingTag.name; })) {
// newTag isn't on this post yet
if (!_.isEmpty(tagsToAttach)) {
return Tags.forge().query('whereIn', 'name', _.pluck(tagsToAttach, 'name')).fetch(options).then(function (matchingTags) {
_.each(matchingTags.toJSON(), function (matchingTag) {
tagOperations.push(self.tags().attach(matchingTag.id, options));
tagsToAttach = _.reject(tagsToAttach, function (tagToAttach) {
return tagToAttach.name === matchingTag.name;
// Return if no tags to add
if (tagsToAttach.length === 0) {
// Set method to insert, so each tag gets inserted with the appropriate options
var opt = options.method;
options.method = 'insert';
// Create each tag that doesn't yet exist
_.each(tagsToAttach, function (tagToCreateAndAttach) {
var createAndAttachOperation = Tag.add({name: tagToCreateAndAttach.name}, options).then(function (createdTag) {
// If the tags are all inserted, process them
if (tagsToAttach.length === createdTagsToAttach.length) {
// Set method back to whatever it was, for tag attachment
options.method = opt;
// Attach each newly created tag
_.each(createdTagsToAttach, function (tagToAttach) {
self.tags().attach(tagToAttach.id, tagToAttach.name, options);
// Return when all tags attached
return when.all(tagOperations);
return when.all(tagOperations);
// Relations
user: function () {
return this.belongsTo(User, 'created_by');
author: function () {
return this.belongsTo(User, 'author_id');
tags: function () {
return this.belongsToMany(Tag);
}, {
// #### findAll
// Extends base model findAll to eager-fetch author and user relationships.
findAll: function (options) {
options = options || {};
options.withRelated = [ 'author', 'user', 'tags' ];
return ghostBookshelf.Model.findAll.call(this, options);
// #### findOne
// Extends base model findOne to eager-fetch author and user relationships.
findOne: function (args, options) {
options = options || {};
args = _.extend({
status: 'published'
}, args || {});
if (args.status === 'all') {
delete args.status;
options.withRelated = [ 'author', 'user', 'tags' ];
return ghostBookshelf.Model.findOne.call(this, args, options);
// #### findPage
// Find results by page - returns an object containing the
// information about the request (page, limit), along with the
// info needed for pagination (pages, total).
// **response:**
// {
// posts: [
// {...}, {...}, {...}
// ],
// page: __,
// limit: __,
// pages: __,
// total: __
// }
* @params opts
findPage: function (opts) {
var postCollection = Posts.forge(),
tagInstance = opts.tag !== undefined ? Tag.forge({slug: opts.tag}) : false,
permittedOptions = ['page', 'limit', 'status', 'staticPages'];
// sanitize opts so we are not automatically passing through any and all
// query strings to Bookshelf / Knex. Although the API requires auth, we
// should prevent this until such time as we can design the API properly and safely.
opts = _.pick(opts, permittedOptions);
// Set default settings for options
opts = _.extend({
page: 1, // pagination page
limit: 15,
staticPages: false, // include static pages
status: 'published',
where: {}
}, opts);
if (opts.staticPages !== 'all') {
// convert string true/false to boolean
if (!_.isBoolean(opts.staticPages)) {
opts.staticPages = opts.staticPages === 'true' || opts.staticPages === '1' ? true : false;
opts.where.page = opts.staticPages;
// Unless `all` is passed as an option, filter on
// the status provided.
if (opts.status !== 'all') {
// make sure that status is valid
opts.status = _.indexOf(['published', 'draft'], opts.status) !== -1 ? opts.status : 'published';
opts.where.status = opts.status;
// If there are where conditionals specified, add those
// to the query.
if (opts.where) {
postCollection.query('where', opts.where);
// Fetch related models
opts.withRelated = [ 'author', 'user', 'tags' ];
// If a query param for a tag is attached
// we need to fetch the tag model to find its id
function fetchTagQuery() {
if (tagInstance) {
return tagInstance.fetch();
return false;
return when(fetchTagQuery())
// Set the limit & offset for the query, fetching
// with the opts (to specify any eager relations, etc.)
// Omitting the `page`, `limit`, `where` just to be sure
// aren't used for other purposes.
.then(function () {
// If we have a tag instance we need to modify our query.
// We need to ensure we only select posts that contain
// the tag given in the query param.
if (tagInstance) {
.query('join', 'posts_tags', 'posts_tags.post_id', '=', 'posts.id')
.query('where', 'posts_tags.tag_id', '=', tagInstance.id);
return postCollection
.query('limit', opts.limit)
.query('offset', opts.limit * (opts.page - 1))
.query('orderBy', 'status', 'ASC')
.query('orderBy', 'published_at', 'DESC')
.query('orderBy', 'updated_at', 'DESC')
.fetch(_.omit(opts, 'page', 'limit'));
// Fetch pagination information
.then(function () {
var qb,
tableName = _.result(postCollection, 'tableName'),
idAttribute = _.result(postCollection, 'idAttribute');
// After we're done, we need to figure out what
// the limits are for the pagination values.
qb = ghostBookshelf.knex(tableName);
if (opts.where) {
if (tagInstance) {
qb.join('posts_tags', 'posts_tags.post_id', '=', 'posts.id');
qb.where('posts_tags.tag_id', '=', tagInstance.id);
return qb.count(tableName + '.' + idAttribute + ' as aggregate');
// Format response of data
.then(function (resp) {
var totalPosts = parseInt(resp[0].aggregate, 10),
data = {
posts: postCollection.toJSON(),
page: parseInt(opts.page, 10),
limit: opts.limit,
pages: Math.ceil(totalPosts / opts.limit),
total: totalPosts
if (data.pages > 1) {
if (data.page === 1) {
data.next = data.page + 1;
} else if (data.page === data.pages) {
data.prev = data.page - 1;
} else {
data.next = data.page + 1;
data.prev = data.page - 1;
if (tagInstance) {
data.aspect = {
tag: tagInstance.toJSON()
return data;
permissable: function (postModelOrId, userId, action_type, userPermissions) {
var self = this,
postModel = postModelOrId;
// If we passed in an id instead of a model, get the model
// then check the permissions
if (_.isNumber(postModelOrId) || _.isString(postModelOrId)) {
return this.read({id: postModelOrId}).then(function (foundPostModel) {
return self.permissable(foundPostModel, userId, action_type, userPermissions);
}, errors.logAndThrowError);
// Check if any permissions apply for this user and post.
hasPermission = _.any(userPermissions, function (perm) {
// Check for matching action type and object type
if (perm.get('action_type') !== action_type ||
perm.get('object_type') !== 'post') {
return false;
// If asking whether we can create posts,
// and we have a create posts permission then go ahead and say yes
if (action_type === 'create' && perm.get('action_type') === action_type) {
return true;
// Check for either no object id or a matching one
return !perm.get('object_id') || perm.get('object_id') === postModel.id;
// If this is the author of the post, allow it.
// Moved below the permissions checks because there may not be a postModel
// in the case like canThis(user).create.post()
hasPermission = hasPermission || (postModel && userId === postModel.get('author_id'));
// Resolve if we have appropriate permissions
if (hasPermission) {
return when.resolve();
// Otherwise, you shall not pass.
return when.reject();
add: function (newPostData, options) {
var self = this;
return ghostBookshelf.Model.add.call(this, newPostData, options).then(function (post) {
// associated models can't be created until the post has an ID, so run this after
return when(post.updateTags(newPostData.tags, null, options)).then(function () {
return self.findOne({status: 'all', id: post.id}, options);
edit: function (editedPost, options) {
var self = this;
return ghostBookshelf.Model.edit.call(this, editedPost, options).then(function (editedObj) {
return self.findOne({status: 'all', id: editedObj.id}, options);
destroy: function (_identifier, options) {
options = options || {};
return this.forge({id: _identifier}).fetch({withRelated: ['tags']}).then(function destroyTags(post) {
var tagIds = _.pluck(post.related('tags').toJSON(), 'id');
if (tagIds) {
return post.tags().detach(tagIds).then(function destroyPost() {
return post.destroy(options);
return post.destroy(options);
Posts = ghostBookshelf.Collection.extend({
model: Post
module.exports = {
Post: Post,
Posts: Posts
}; |