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synced 2025-02-10 23:36:14 -05:00
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/775 As we currently do not delete canceled subscriptions and they are exposed via the API, this functionality has been added to the editSubscription controller method under the PUT HTTP method. The cancelSubscription method in @tryghost/members-api was updated to handle deleting by member id
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// NOTE: We must not cache references to membersService.api
// as it is a getter and may change during runtime.
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const errors = require('@tryghost/errors');
const models = require('../../models');
const membersService = require('../../services/members');
const settingsCache = require('../../services/settings/cache');
const i18n = require('../../../shared/i18n');
const _ = require('lodash');
const allowedIncludes = ['email_recipients', 'products'];
module.exports = {
docName: 'members',
hasActiveStripeSubscriptions: {
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
async query() {
const hasActiveStripeSubscriptions = await membersService.api.hasActiveStripeSubscriptions();
return {
browse: {
options: [
permissions: true,
validation: {},
async query(frame) {
frame.options.withRelated = ['labels', 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct'];
const page = await membersService.api.members.list(frame.options);
return page;
read: {
options: [
headers: {},
data: [
validation: {
options: {
include: {
values: allowedIncludes
permissions: true,
async query(frame) {
const defaultWithRelated = ['labels', 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct'];
if (!frame.options.withRelated) {
frame.options.withRelated = defaultWithRelated;
} else {
frame.options.withRelated = frame.options.withRelated.concat(defaultWithRelated);
if (frame.options.withRelated.includes('email_recipients')) {
let model = await membersService.api.members.get(frame.data, frame.options);
if (!model) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.members.memberNotFound')
return model;
add: {
statusCode: 201,
headers: {},
options: [
validation: {
data: {
email: {required: true}
options: {
email_type: {
values: ['signin', 'signup', 'subscribe']
permissions: true,
async query(frame) {
let member;
frame.options.withRelated = ['stripeSubscriptions', 'products', 'labels', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct'];
try {
if (!membersService.config.isStripeConnected()
&& (frame.data.members[0].stripe_customer_id || frame.data.members[0].comped)) {
const property = frame.data.members[0].comped ? 'comped' : 'stripe_customer_id';
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.message'),
context: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.context'),
help: i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeNotConnected.help'),
member = await membersService.api.members.create(frame.data.members[0], frame.options);
if (frame.data.members[0].stripe_customer_id) {
await membersService.api.members.linkStripeCustomer({
customer_id: frame.data.members[0].stripe_customer_id,
member_id: member.id
}, frame.options);
if (frame.data.members[0].comped) {
await membersService.api.members.setComplimentarySubscription(member);
if (frame.options.send_email) {
await membersService.api.sendEmailWithMagicLink({email: member.get('email'), requestedType: frame.options.email_type});
return member;
} catch (error) {
if (error.code && error.message.toLowerCase().indexOf('unique') !== -1) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.models.member.memberAlreadyExists.message'),
context: i18n.t('errors.models.member.memberAlreadyExists.context', {
action: 'add'
// NOTE: failed to link Stripe customer/plan/subscription or have thrown custom Stripe connection error.
// It's a bit ugly doing regex matching to detect errors, but it's the easiest way that works without
// introducing additional logic/data format into current error handling
const isStripeLinkingError = error.message && (error.message.match(/customer|plan|subscription/g));
if (member && isStripeLinkingError) {
if (error.message.indexOf('customer') && error.code === 'resource_missing') {
error.message = `Member not imported. ${error.message}`;
error.context = i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeCustomerNotFound.context');
error.help = i18n.t('errors.api.members.stripeCustomerNotFound.help');
await membersService.api.members.destroy({
id: member.get('id')
}, frame.options);
throw error;
edit: {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {},
options: [
validation: {
options: {
id: {
required: true
permissions: true,
async query(frame) {
try {
frame.options.withRelated = ['stripeSubscriptions', 'products', 'labels', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct'];
const member = await membersService.api.members.update(frame.data.members[0], frame.options);
const hasCompedSubscription = !!member.related('stripeSubscriptions').find(sub => sub.get('plan_nickname') === 'Complimentary' && sub.get('status') === 'active');
if (typeof frame.data.members[0].comped === 'boolean') {
if (frame.data.members[0].comped && !hasCompedSubscription) {
await membersService.api.members.setComplimentarySubscription(member);
} else if (!(frame.data.members[0].comped) && hasCompedSubscription) {
await membersService.api.members.cancelComplimentarySubscription(member);
await member.load(['stripeSubscriptions', 'products', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct']);
await member.load(['stripeSubscriptions.customer', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct']);
return member;
} catch (error) {
if (error.code && error.message.toLowerCase().indexOf('unique') !== -1) {
throw new errors.ValidationError({
message: i18n.t('errors.models.member.memberAlreadyExists.message'),
context: i18n.t('errors.models.member.memberAlreadyExists.context', {
action: 'edit'
throw error;
editSubscription: {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {},
options: [
data: [
validation: {
options: {
id: {
required: true
subscription_id: {
required: true
data: {
cancel_at_period_end: {
required: true
status: {
values: ['canceled']
permissions: {
method: 'edit'
async query(frame) {
if (frame.data.status === 'canceled') {
await membersService.api.members.cancelSubscription({
id: frame.options.id,
subscription: {
subscription_id: frame.options.subscription_id
} else {
await membersService.api.members.updateSubscription({
id: frame.options.id,
subscription: {
subscription_id: frame.options.subscription_id,
cancel_at_period_end: frame.data.cancel_at_period_end
let model = await membersService.api.members.get({id: frame.options.id}, {
withRelated: ['labels', 'products', 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct']
if (!model) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.members.memberNotFound')
return model;
createSubscription: {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {},
options: [
data: [
validation: {
options: {
id: {
required: true
data: {
stripe_price_id: {
required: true
permissions: {
method: 'edit'
async query(frame) {
await membersService.api.members.createSubscription({
id: frame.options.id,
subscription: {
stripe_price_id: frame.data.stripe_price_id
let model = await membersService.api.members.get({id: frame.options.id}, {
withRelated: ['labels', 'products', 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice', 'stripeSubscriptions.stripePrice.stripeProduct']
if (!model) {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.members.memberNotFound')
return model;
destroy: {
statusCode: 204,
headers: {},
options: [
validation: {
options: {
id: {
required: true
permissions: true,
async query(frame) {
frame.options.require = true;
frame.options.cancelStripeSubscriptions = frame.options.cancel;
await Promise.resolve(membersService.api.members.destroy({
id: frame.options.id
}, frame.options)).catch(models.Member.NotFoundError, () => {
throw new errors.NotFoundError({
message: i18n.t('errors.api.resource.resourceNotFound', {
resource: 'Member'
return null;
bulkDestroy: {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {},
options: [
permissions: {
method: 'destroy'
async query(frame) {
const {all, filter, search} = frame.options;
if (!filter && !search && (!all || all !== true)) {
throw new errors.IncorrectUsageError({
message: 'DELETE /members/ must be used with a filter or ?all=true'
const knexOptions = _.pick(frame.options, ['transacting']);
const filterOptions = Object.assign({}, knexOptions);
if (all !== true) {
if (filter) {
filterOptions.filter = filter;
if (search) {
filterOptions.search = search;
// fetch ids of all matching members
const memberRows = await models.Member
const memberIds = memberRows.map(row => row.id);
const bulkDestroyResult = await models.Member.bulkDestroy(memberIds);
// shaped to match the importer response
return {
meta: {
stats: {
successful: bulkDestroyResult.successful,
unsuccessful: bulkDestroyResult.unsuccessful
unsuccessfulIds: bulkDestroyResult.unsuccessfulIds,
errors: bulkDestroyResult.errors
exportCSV: {
options: [
headers: {
disposition: {
type: 'csv',
value() {
const datetime = (new Date()).toJSON().substring(0, 10);
return `members.${datetime}.csv`;
response: {
format: 'plain'
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
validation: {},
async query(frame) {
frame.options.withRelated = ['labels', 'stripeSubscriptions', 'stripeSubscriptions.customer'];
const page = await membersService.api.members.list(frame.options);
return page;
importCSV: {
statusCode(result) {
if (result && result.meta && result.meta.stats && result.meta.stats.imported !== null) {
return 201;
} else {
return 202;
permissions: {
method: 'add'
async query(frame) {
const siteTimezone = settingsCache.get('timezone');
const importLabel = {
name: `Import ${moment().tz(siteTimezone).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm')}`
const globalLabels = [importLabel].concat(frame.data.labels);
const pathToCSV = frame.file.path;
const headerMapping = frame.data.mapping;
return membersService.importer.process({
LabelModel: models.Label,
user: {
email: frame.user.get('email')
memberStats: {
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
async query() {
const memberStats = await membersService.api.events.getStatuses();
let totalMembers = _.last(memberStats) ? (_.last(memberStats).paid + _.last(memberStats).free + _.last(memberStats).comped) : 0;
return {
resource: 'members',
total: totalMembers,
data: memberStats.map((d) => {
const {paid, free, comped} = d;
return {
date: moment(d.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
paid, free, comped
mrrStats: {
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
async query() {
const mrrData = await membersService.api.events.getMRR();
const mrrStats = Object.keys(mrrData).map((curr) => {
return {
currency: curr,
data: mrrData[curr].map((d) => {
return Object.assign({}, {
date: moment(d.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
value: d.mrr
return {
resource: 'mrr',
data: mrrStats
subscriberStats: {
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
async query() {
const statsData = await membersService.api.events.getSubscriptions();
const totalSubscriptions = (_.last(statsData) && _.last(statsData).subscribed) || 0;
statsData.forEach((d) => {
d.date = moment(d.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD');
return {
resource: 'subscribers',
total: totalSubscriptions,
data: statsData.map((d) => {
return Object.assign({}, {
date: moment(d.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
value: d.subscribed
grossVolumeStats: {
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
async query() {
const volumeData = await membersService.api.events.getVolume();
const volumeStats = Object.keys(volumeData).map((curr) => {
return {
currency: curr,
data: volumeData[curr].map((d) => {
return Object.assign({}, {
date: moment(d.date).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),
value: d.volume
return {
resource: 'gross-volume',
data: volumeStats
activityFeed: {
options: [
permissions: {
method: 'browse'
async query(frame) {
const events = await membersService.api.events.getEventTimeline(frame.options);
return {