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import SlugGenerator from 'ghost/models/slug-generator';
var SettingsUserController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
user: Ember.computed.alias('model'),
email: Ember.computed.readOnly('user.email'),
slugValue: Ember.computed.oneWay('user.slug'),
lastPromise: null,
coverDefault: Ember.computed('ghostPaths', function () {
return this.get('ghostPaths.url').asset('/shared/img/user-cover.png');
userDefault: Ember.computed('ghostPaths', function () {
return this.get('ghostPaths.url').asset('/shared/img/user-image.png');
cover: Ember.computed('user.cover', 'coverDefault', function () {
var cover = this.get('user.cover');
if (Ember.isBlank(cover)) {
cover = this.get('coverDefault');
return cover;
coverTitle: Ember.computed('user.name', function () {
return this.get('user.name') + '\'s Cover Image';
image: Ember.computed('imageUrl', function () {
return 'background-image: url(' + this.get('imageUrl') + ')';
imageUrl: Ember.computed('user.image', function () {
return this.get('user.image') || this.get('userDefault');
last_login: Ember.computed('user.last_login', function () {
var lastLogin = this.get('user.last_login');
return lastLogin ? lastLogin.fromNow() : '';
created_at: Ember.computed('user.created_at', function () {
var createdAt = this.get('user.created_at');
return createdAt ? createdAt.fromNow() : '';
//Lazy load the slug generator for slugPlaceholder
slugGenerator: Ember.computed(function () {
return SlugGenerator.create({
ghostPaths: this.get('ghostPaths'),
slugType: 'user'
actions: {
changeRole: function (newRole) {
this.set('model.role', newRole);
revoke: function () {
var self = this,
model = this.get('model'),
email = this.get('email');
//reload the model to get the most up-to-date user information
model.reload().then(function () {
if (self.get('invited')) {
model.destroyRecord().then(function () {
var notificationText = 'Invitation revoked. (' + email + ')';
self.notifications.showSuccess(notificationText, false);
}).catch(function (error) {
} else {
//if the user is no longer marked as "invited", then show a warning and reload the route
self.notifications.showError('This user has already accepted the invitation.', {delayed: 500});
resend: function () {
var self = this;
this.get('model').resendInvite().then(function (result) {
var notificationText = 'Invitation resent! (' + self.get('email') + ')';
// If sending the invitation email fails, the API will still return a status of 201
// but the user's status in the response object will be 'invited-pending'.
if (result.users[0].status === 'invited-pending') {
self.notifications.showWarn('Invitation email was not sent. Please try resending.');
} else {
self.get('model').set('status', result.users[0].status);
}).catch(function (error) {
save: function () {
var user = this.get('user'),
slugValue = this.get('slugValue'),
afterUpdateSlug = this.get('lastPromise'),
self = this;
if (user.get('slug') !== slugValue) {
slugChanged = true;
user.set('slug', slugValue);
promise = Ember.RSVP.resolve(afterUpdateSlug).then(function () {
return user.save({ format: false });
}).then(function (model) {
var currentPath,
self.notifications.showSuccess('Settings successfully saved.');
// If the user's slug has changed, change the URL and replace
// the history so refresh and back button still work
if (slugChanged) {
currentPath = window.history.state.path;
newPath = currentPath.split('/');
newPath[newPath.length - 2] = model.get('slug');
newPath = newPath.join('/');
window.history.replaceState({ path: newPath }, '', newPath);
return model;
}).catch(function (errors) {
this.set('lastPromise', promise);
password: function () {
var user = this.get('user'),
self = this;
if (user.get('isPasswordValid')) {
user.saveNewPassword().then(function (model) {
// Clear properties from view
'password': '',
'newPassword': '',
'ne2Password': ''
self.notifications.showSuccess('Password updated.');
return model;
}).catch(function (errors) {
} else {
updateSlug: function (newSlug) {
var self = this,
afterSave = this.get('lastPromise'),
promise = Ember.RSVP.resolve(afterSave).then(function () {
var slug = self.get('slug');
newSlug = newSlug || slug;
newSlug = newSlug.trim();
// Ignore unchanged slugs or candidate slugs that are empty
if (!newSlug || slug === newSlug) {
self.set('slugValue', slug);
return self.get('slugGenerator').generateSlug(newSlug).then(function (serverSlug) {
// If after getting the sanitized and unique slug back from the API
// we end up with a slug that matches the existing slug, abort the change
if (serverSlug === slug) {
// Because the server transforms the candidate slug by stripping
// certain characters and appending a number onto the end of slugs
// to enforce uniqueness, there are cases where we can get back a
// candidate slug that is a duplicate of the original except for
// the trailing incrementor (e.g., this-is-a-slug and this-is-a-slug-2)
// get the last token out of the slug candidate and see if it's a number
var slugTokens = serverSlug.split('-'),
check = Number(slugTokens.pop());
// if the candidate slug is the same as the existing slug except
// for the incrementor then the existing slug should be used
if (_.isNumber(check) && check > 0) {
if (slug === slugTokens.join('-') && serverSlug !== newSlug) {
self.set('slugValue', slug);
self.set('slugValue', serverSlug);
this.set('lastPromise', promise);
export default SettingsUserController;