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synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
issue #5409 & #5336 - update settings/general - update signin - update signup - update edit user - update reset password - update setup/three - remove `formatErrors` function from validationEngine mixin (it's no longer needed as inline validations should handle this instead)
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// # Settings Test
// Test the various tabs on the settings page
/*globals CasperTest, casper */
// These classes relate to elements which only appear when a given tab is loaded.
// These are used to check that a switch to a tab is complete, or that we are on the right tab.
var generalTabDetector = '.gh-nav-settings-general.active';
CasperTest.begin('Settings screen is correct', 5, function suite(test) {
casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('settings.general', function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle('Settings - General - Test Blog', 'Ghost admin has incorrect title');
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/settings\/general\/$/, 'Landed on the correct URL');
casper.then(function testViews() {
test.assertExists('.gh-main .gh-view', 'Settings content view is present');
test.assertExists(generalTabDetector, 'Form is present');
test.assertSelectorHasText('.view-title', 'General', 'Title is "General"');
// ## General settings tests
CasperTest.begin('General settings pane is correct', 4, function suite(test) {
casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('settings.general', function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/settings\/general\/$/, 'Landed on the correct URL');
function assertImageUploaderModalThenClose() {
test.assertSelectorHasText('.description', 'Add image', '.description has the correct text');
casper.click('.modal-container .js-button-accept');
// Ensure image upload modals display correctly
// Test Blog Logo Upload Button
casper.waitForSelector('.js-modal-logo', function () {
casper.waitForSelector('.modal-container .modal-content .js-drop-zone .description',
assertImageUploaderModalThenClose, casper.failOnTimeout(test, 'No upload logo modal container appeared'));
// Test Blog Cover Upload Button
casper.waitForSelector('.js-modal-cover', function () {
casper.waitForSelector('.modal-container .modal-content .js-drop-zone .description',
assertImageUploaderModalThenClose, casper.failOnTimeout(test, 'No upload cover modal container appeared'));
function handleSettingsRequest(requestData) {
// make sure we only get requests from the user pane
if (requestData.url.indexOf('users/') !== -1) {
test.fail('Saving a settings pane triggered the user pane to save');
casper.then(function listenForRequests() {
casper.on('resource.requested', handleSettingsRequest);
// Ensure can save
casper.waitForSelector('header .btn-blue').then(function () {
casper.thenClick('header .btn-blue');
casper.waitForResource('settings/', function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'Settings were saved');
}, function doneWaiting() {
test.fail('Settings were not saved');
casper.then(function stopListeningForRequests() {
casper.removeListener('resource.requested', handleSettingsRequest);
// ## General settings validations tests
CasperTest.begin('General settings validation is correct', 7, function suite(test) {
casper.thenOpenAndWaitForPageLoad('settings.general', function testTitleAndUrl() {
test.assertTitle('Settings - General - Test Blog', 'Ghost admin has incorrect title');
test.assertUrlMatch(/ghost\/settings\/general\/$/, 'Landed on the correct URL');
// Ensure general blog title field length validation
casper.fillAndSave('form#settings-general', {
'general[title]': new Array(152).join('a')
casper.waitForText('Title is too long', function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'Blog title length error was shown');
}, casper.failOnTimeout(test, 'Blog title length error did not appear'));
// Ensure general blog description field length validation
casper.fillAndSave('form#settings-general', {
'general[description]': new Array(202).join('a')
casper.waitForText('Description is too long', function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'Blog description length error was shown');
}, casper.failOnTimeout(test, 'Blog description length error did not appear'));
// TODO move these to ember tests, note: async issues - field will be often be null without a casper.wait
// Check postsPerPage autocorrect
casper.fillAndSave('form#settings-general', {
'general[postsPerPage]': 'notaninteger'
casper.then(function checkSlugInputValue() {
test.assertField('general[postsPerPage]', '5', 'posts per page is set correctly');
casper.fillAndSave('form#settings-general', {
'general[postsPerPage]': '1001'
casper.then(function checkSlugInputValue() {
test.assertField('general[postsPerPage]', '5', 'posts per page is set correctly');
// Ensure private blog password validation
casper.fillAndSave('form#settings-general', {
'general[isPrivate]': '1',
'general[password]': ''
casper.waitForText('Password must be supplied', function onSuccess() {
test.assert(true, 'Password required error was shown');
}, casper.failOnTimeout(test, 'Password required error did not appear'));