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synced 2025-02-24 23:48:13 -05:00
ref https://www.notion.so/AdminX-testing-plan-99b2dab27e794fc893767ccd01c84a63?d=26612fc2b9d84e65bbb269fa3bc5079e&pvs=4#f0089cd4d9f24e93bd7f8e2868987bf6 This pull request renames the end-to-end tests to acceptance tests in the `apps/admin-x-settings` folder. It updates the `ci.yml` file, the `package.json` file, the `playwright.config.ts` file, and the test files to reflect the new naming convention. This change aims to better reflect the purpose and scope of the tests.
91 lines
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91 lines
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import {expect, test} from '@playwright/test';
import {globalDataRequests, mockApi, responseFixtures, updatedSettingsResponse} from '../../utils/acceptance';
test.describe('Stripe settings', async () => {
test('Supports the Stripe Connect flow', async ({page}) => {
const {lastApiRequests} = await mockApi({page, requests: {
editSettings: {method: 'PUT', path: '/settings/', response: updatedSettingsResponse([
{key: 'stripe_connect_account_name', value: 'Dummy'},
{key: 'stripe_connect_livemode', value: false},
{key: 'stripe_connect_account_id', value: 'acct_123'},
{key: 'stripe_connect_publishable_key', value: 'pk_test_123'},
{key: 'stripe_connect_secret_key', value: 'sk_test_123'}
await page.goto('/');
const section = page.getByTestId('tiers');
await section.getByRole('button', {name: 'Connect with Stripe'}).click();
const modal = page.getByTestId('stripe-modal');
await modal.getByRole('button', {name: /I have a Stripe account/}).click();
await expect(modal.locator('a', {hasText: 'Connect with Stripe'})).toHaveAttribute('href', '/ghost/api/admin/members/stripe_connect?mode=live');
await modal.getByLabel('Test mode').check();
await expect(modal.locator('a', {hasText: 'Connect with Stripe'})).toHaveAttribute('href', '/ghost/api/admin/members/stripe_connect?mode=test');
await modal.getByPlaceholder('Paste your secure key here').fill('token_test');
await modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Stripe settings'}).click();
await expect(modal.getByText('You are connected with Stripe!')).toHaveCount(1);
await modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Close'}).click();
await expect(modal).toHaveCount(0);
// There's a mobile version of the same button in the DOM
await expect(section.getByText('Connected to Stripe')).toHaveCount(2);
// We actually do two settings update requests here, this just checks the last one
settings: [{
key: 'portal_plans',
value: '["free","monthly","yearly"]'
test('Supports updating Stripe Direct settings', async ({page}) => {
const {lastApiRequests} = await mockApi({page, requests: {
browseConfig: {method: 'GET', path: '/config/', response: {
config: {
stripeDirect: true
editSettings: {method: 'PUT', path: '/settings/', response: updatedSettingsResponse([
{key: 'stripe_publishable_key', value: 'pk_test_123'},
{key: 'stripe_secret_key', value: 'sk_test_123'}
await page.goto('/');
const section = page.getByTestId('tiers');
await section.getByRole('button', {name: 'Connect with Stripe'}).click();
const modal = page.getByTestId('stripe-modal');
await modal.getByLabel('Publishable key').fill('pk_test_123');
await modal.getByLabel('Secure key').fill('sk_test_123');
await modal.getByRole('button', {name: 'Save Stripe settings'}).click();
await expect(modal).toHaveCount(0);
// There's a mobile version of the same button in the DOM
await expect(section.getByText('Connected to Stripe')).toHaveCount(2);
settings: [{
key: 'stripe_secret_key',
value: 'sk_test_123'
}, {
key: 'stripe_publishable_key',
value: 'pk_test_123'