Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost.git synced 2025-03-11 02:12:21 -05:00
Rishabh Garg 420697291b
Added newsletter info to email unsubscribe url (#14693)
refs https://github.com/TryGhost/Team/issues/1495

For single newsletters, the unsubscribe link on emails auto unsubscribed member from the newsletter. In case of multiple newsletters, we were missing the newsletter information on unsubscribe URL that will allow us to auto unsubscribe member from that specific newsletter as they intended, while allowing them option to manage other newsletter preferences via Portal UI. This change -

- adds relevant newsletter UUID on the unsubscribe url in emails
- allows portal to auto unsubscribe members from desired newsletter
2022-05-05 11:00:24 +05:30

350 lines
13 KiB

const _ = require('lodash');
const template = require('./template');
const settingsCache = require('../../../shared/settings-cache');
const urlUtils = require('../../../shared/url-utils');
const moment = require('moment-timezone');
const api = require('../../api').endpoints;
const apiShared = require('../../api').shared;
const {URL} = require('url');
const mobiledocLib = require('../../lib/mobiledoc');
const htmlToText = require('html-to-text');
const {isUnsplashImage, isLocalContentImage} = require('@tryghost/kg-default-cards/lib/utils');
const {textColorForBackgroundColor, darkenToContrastThreshold} = require('@tryghost/color-utils');
const logging = require('@tryghost/logging');
const ALLOWED_REPLACEMENTS = ['first_name'];
// Format a full html document ready for email by inlining CSS, adjusting links,
// and performing any client-specific fixes
const formatHtmlForEmail = function formatHtmlForEmail(html) {
const juiceOptions = {inlinePseudoElements: true};
const juice = require('juice');
let juicedHtml = juice(html, juiceOptions);
// convert juiced HTML to a DOM-like interface for further manipulation
// happens after inlining of CSS so we can change element types without worrying about styling
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const _cheerio = cheerio.load(juicedHtml);
// force all links to open in new tab
_cheerio('a').attr('target', '_blank');
// convert figure and figcaption to div so that Outlook applies margins
_cheerio('figure, figcaption').each((i, elem) => !!(elem.tagName = 'div'));
juicedHtml = _cheerio.html();
// Fix any unsupported chars in Outlook
juicedHtml = juicedHtml.replace(/'/g, ''');
return juicedHtml;
const getSite = () => {
const publicSettings = settingsCache.getPublic();
return Object.assign({}, publicSettings, {
url: urlUtils.urlFor('home', true),
iconUrl: publicSettings.icon ? urlUtils.urlFor('image', {image: publicSettings.icon}, true) : null
const htmlToPlaintext = (html) => {
// same options as used in Post model for generating plaintext but without `wordwrap: 80`
// to avoid replacement strings being split across lines and for mail clients to handle
// word wrapping based on user preferences
return htmlToText.fromString(html, {
wordwrap: false,
ignoreImage: true,
hideLinkHrefIfSameAsText: true,
preserveNewlines: true,
returnDomByDefault: true,
uppercaseHeadings: false
* createUnsubscribeUrl
* Takes a member and newsletter uuid. Returns the url that should be used to unsubscribe
* In case of no member uuid, generates the preview unsubscribe url - `?preview=1`
* @param {string} uuid post uuid
* @param {string} newsletterUuid newsletter uuid
const createUnsubscribeUrl = (uuid, newsletterUuid) => {
const siteUrl = urlUtils.getSiteUrl();
const unsubscribeUrl = new URL(siteUrl);
unsubscribeUrl.pathname = `${unsubscribeUrl.pathname}/unsubscribe/`.replace('//', '/');
if (uuid) {
unsubscribeUrl.searchParams.set('uuid', uuid);
} else {
unsubscribeUrl.searchParams.set('preview', '1');
if (newsletterUuid) {
unsubscribeUrl.searchParams.set('newsletter', newsletterUuid);
return unsubscribeUrl.href;
// NOTE: serialization is needed to make sure we do post transformations such as image URL transformation from relative to absolute
const serializePostModel = async (model) => {
// fetch mobiledoc rather than html and plaintext so we can render email-specific contents
const frame = {options: {context: {user: true}, formats: 'mobiledoc'}};
const docName = 'posts';
await apiShared
.output(model, {docName: docName, method: 'read'}, api.serializers.output, frame);
return frame.response[docName][0];
// removes %% wrappers from unknown replacement strings in email content
const normalizeReplacementStrings = (email) => {
// we don't want to modify the email object in-place
const emailContent = _.pick(email, ['html', 'plaintext']);
const EMAIL_REPLACEMENT_REGEX = /%%(\{.*?\})%%/g;
const REPLACEMENT_STRING_REGEX = /\{(?<recipientProperty>\w*?)(?:,? *(?:"|&quot;)(?<fallback>.*?)(?:"|&quot;))?\}/;
['html', 'plaintext'].forEach((format) => {
emailContent[format] = emailContent[format].replace(EMAIL_REPLACEMENT_REGEX, (replacementMatch, replacementStr) => {
const match = replacementStr.match(REPLACEMENT_STRING_REGEX);
if (match) {
const {recipientProperty} = match.groups;
if (ALLOWED_REPLACEMENTS.includes(recipientProperty)) {
// keeps wrapping %% for later replacement with real data
return replacementMatch;
// removes %% so output matches user supplied content
return replacementStr;
return emailContent;
* Parses email content and extracts an array of replacements with desired fallbacks
* @param {Object} email
* @param {string} email.html
* @param {string} email.plaintext
* @returns {Object[]} replacements
const parseReplacements = (email) => {
const EMAIL_REPLACEMENT_REGEX = /%%(\{.*?\})%%/g;
const REPLACEMENT_STRING_REGEX = /\{(?<recipientProperty>\w*?)(?:,? *(?:"|&quot;)(?<fallback>.*?)(?:"|&quot;))?\}/;
const replacements = [];
['html', 'plaintext'].forEach((format) => {
let result;
while ((result = EMAIL_REPLACEMENT_REGEX.exec(email[format])) !== null) {
const [replacementMatch, replacementStr] = result;
const match = replacementStr.match(REPLACEMENT_STRING_REGEX);
if (match) {
const {recipientProperty, fallback} = match.groups;
if (ALLOWED_REPLACEMENTS.includes(recipientProperty)) {
const id = `replacement_${replacements.length + 1}`;
match: replacementMatch,
recipientProperty: `member_${recipientProperty}`,
return replacements;
const getTemplateSettings = async (newsletter) => {
const accentColor = settingsCache.get('accent_color');
const adjustedAccentColor = accentColor && darkenToContrastThreshold(accentColor, '#ffffff', 2).hex();
const adjustedAccentContrastColor = accentColor && textColorForBackgroundColor(adjustedAccentColor).hex();
const templateSettings = {
headerImage: newsletter.get('header_image'),
showHeaderIcon: newsletter.get('show_header_icon') && settingsCache.get('icon'),
showHeaderTitle: newsletter.get('show_header_title'),
showFeatureImage: newsletter.get('show_feature_image'),
titleFontCategory: newsletter.get('title_font_category'),
titleAlignment: newsletter.get('title_alignment'),
bodyFontCategory: newsletter.get('body_font_category'),
showBadge: newsletter.get('show_badge'),
footerContent: newsletter.get('footer_content'),
showHeaderName: newsletter.get('show_header_name'),
if (templateSettings.headerImage) {
if (isUnsplashImage(templateSettings.headerImage)) {
// Unsplash images have a minimum size so assuming 1200px is safe
const unsplashUrl = new URL(templateSettings.headerImage);
unsplashUrl.searchParams.set('w', '1200');
templateSettings.headerImage = unsplashUrl.href;
templateSettings.headerImageWidth = 600;
} else {
const {imageSize} = require('../../lib/image');
try {
const size = await imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(templateSettings.headerImage);
if (size.width >= 600) {
// keep original image, just set a fixed width
templateSettings.headerImageWidth = 600;
if (isLocalContentImage(templateSettings.headerImage, urlUtils.getSiteUrl())) {
// we can safely request a 1200px image - Ghost will serve the original if it's smaller
templateSettings.headerImage = templateSettings.headerImage.replace(/\/content\/images\//, '/content/images/size/w1200/');
} catch (err) {
// log and proceed. Using original header image without fixed width isn't fatal.
return templateSettings;
const serialize = async (postModel, newsletter, options = {isBrowserPreview: false}) => {
const post = await serializePostModel(postModel);
const timezone = settingsCache.get('timezone');
const momentDate = post.published_at ? moment(post.published_at) : moment();
post.published_at = momentDate.tz(timezone).format('DD MMM YYYY');
post.authors = post.authors && post.authors.map(author => author.name).join(', ');
if (post.posts_meta) {
post.email_subject = post.posts_meta.email_subject;
// we use post.excerpt as a hidden piece of text that is picked up by some email
// clients as a "preview" when listing emails. Our current plaintext/excerpt
// generation outputs links as "Link [https://url/]" which isn't desired in the preview
if (!post.custom_excerpt && post.excerpt) {
post.excerpt = post.excerpt.replace(/\s\[http(.*?)\]/g, '');
post.html = mobiledocLib.mobiledocHtmlRenderer.render(
JSON.parse(post.mobiledoc), {target: 'email', postUrl: post.url}
// perform any email specific adjustments to the mobiledoc->HTML render output
// body wrapper is required so we can get proper top-level selections
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
let _cheerio = cheerio.load(`<body>${post.html}</body>`);
// remove leading/trailing HRs
body > hr:first-child,
body > hr:last-child,
body > div:first-child > hr:first-child,
body > div:last-child > hr:last-child
post.html = _cheerio('body').html();
post.plaintext = htmlToPlaintext(post.html);
// Outlook will render feature images at full-size breaking the layout.
// Content images fix this by rendering max 600px images - do the same for feature image here
if (post.feature_image) {
if (isUnsplashImage(post.feature_image)) {
// Unsplash images have a minimum size so assuming 1200px is safe
const unsplashUrl = new URL(post.feature_image);
unsplashUrl.searchParams.set('w', '1200');
post.feature_image = unsplashUrl.href;
post.feature_image_width = 600;
} else {
const {imageSize} = require('../../lib/image');
try {
const size = await imageSize.getImageSizeFromUrl(post.feature_image);
if (size.width >= 600) {
// keep original image, just set a fixed width
post.feature_image_width = 600;
if (isLocalContentImage(post.feature_image, urlUtils.getSiteUrl())) {
// we can safely request a 1200px image - Ghost will serve the original if it's smaller
post.feature_image = post.feature_image.replace(/\/content\/images\//, '/content/images/size/w1200/');
} catch (err) {
// log and proceed. Using original feature_image without fixed width isn't fatal.
const templateSettings = await getTemplateSettings(newsletter);
const render = template;
let htmlTemplate = render({post, site: getSite(), templateSettings, newsletter: newsletter.toJSON()});
if (options.isBrowserPreview) {
const previewUnsubscribeUrl = createUnsubscribeUrl(null);
htmlTemplate = htmlTemplate.replace('%recipient.unsubscribe_url%', previewUnsubscribeUrl);
// Clean up any unknown replacements strings to get our final content
const {html, plaintext} = normalizeReplacementStrings({
html: formatHtmlForEmail(htmlTemplate),
plaintext: post.plaintext
return {
subject: post.email_subject || post.title,
function renderEmailForSegment(email, memberSegment) {
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const result = {...email};
const $ = cheerio.load(result.html);
$('[data-gh-segment]').get().forEach((node) => {
if (node.attribs['data-gh-segment'] !== memberSegment) { //TODO: replace with NQL interpretation
} else {
// Getting rid of the attribute for a cleaner html output
result.html = formatHtmlForEmail($.html());
result.plaintext = htmlToPlaintext(result.html);
return result;
module.exports = {
// Export for tests
_getTemplateSettings: getTemplateSettings