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synced 2025-02-10 23:36:14 -05:00
no issue - ensure that each validator instance gets it's own `errors` and `hasValidated` objects - updates some uses of `ValidationEngine` that were relying on side-effects of the unintended reference sharing - fixes issue with add subscriber modal displaying an error state after opening if it previously had errors when closing
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286 lines
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import Ember from 'ember';
import isNumber from 'ghost/utils/isNumber';
import boundOneWay from 'ghost/utils/bound-one-way';
const {
inject: {service},
} = Ember;
const {alias, and, not, or, readOnly} = computed;
export default Controller.extend({
submitting: false,
lastPromise: null,
showDeleteUserModal: false,
showTransferOwnerModal: false,
showUploadCoverModal: false,
showUplaodImageModal: false,
ajax: service(),
dropdown: service(),
ghostPaths: service(),
notifications: service(),
session: service(),
slugGenerator: service(),
user: alias('model'),
currentUser: alias('session.user'),
email: readOnly('model.email'),
slugValue: boundOneWay('model.slug'),
isNotOwnersProfile: not('user.isOwner'),
isAdminUserOnOwnerProfile: and('currentUser.isAdmin', 'user.isOwner'),
canAssignRoles: or('currentUser.isAdmin', 'currentUser.isOwner'),
canMakeOwner: and('currentUser.isOwner', 'isNotOwnProfile', 'user.isAdmin'),
rolesDropdownIsVisible: and('isNotOwnProfile', 'canAssignRoles', 'isNotOwnersProfile'),
userActionsAreVisible: or('deleteUserActionIsVisible', 'canMakeOwner'),
isNotOwnProfile: computed('user.id', 'currentUser.id', function () {
return this.get('user.id') !== this.get('currentUser.id');
deleteUserActionIsVisible: computed('currentUser', 'canAssignRoles', 'user', function () {
if ((this.get('canAssignRoles') && this.get('isNotOwnProfile') && !this.get('user.isOwner')) ||
(this.get('currentUser.isEditor') && (this.get('isNotOwnProfile') ||
this.get('user.isAuthor')))) {
return true;
// duplicated in gh-user-active -- find a better home and consolidate?
userDefault: computed('ghostPaths', function () {
return `${this.get('ghostPaths.subdir')}/ghost/img/user-image.png`;
userImageBackground: computed('user.image', 'userDefault', function () {
let url = this.get('user.image') || this.get('userDefault');
return Ember.String.htmlSafe(`background-image: url(${url})`);
// end duplicated
coverDefault: computed('ghostPaths', function () {
return `${this.get('ghostPaths.subdir')}/ghost/img/user-cover.png`;
coverImageBackground: computed('user.cover', 'coverDefault', function () {
let url = this.get('user.cover') || this.get('coverDefault');
return Ember.String.htmlSafe(`background-image: url(${url})`);
coverTitle: computed('user.name', function () {
return `${this.get('user.name')}'s Cover Image`;
roles: computed(function () {
return this.store.query('role', {permissions: 'assign'});
_deleteUser() {
if (this.get('deleteUserActionIsVisible')) {
let user = this.get('user');
return user.destroyRecord();
_deleteUserSuccess() {
_deleteUserFailure() {
this.get('notifications').showAlert('The user could not be deleted. Please try again.', {type: 'error', key: 'user.delete.failed'});
actions: {
changeRole(newRole) {
this.set('model.role', newRole);
save() {
let user = this.get('user');
let slugValue = this.get('slugValue');
let afterUpdateSlug = this.get('lastPromise');
let promise,
if (user.get('slug') !== slugValue) {
slugChanged = true;
user.set('slug', slugValue);
promise = RSVP.resolve(afterUpdateSlug).then(() => {
return user.save({format: false});
}).then((model) => {
let currentPath,
// If the user's slug has changed, change the URL and replace
// the history so refresh and back button still work
if (slugChanged) {
currentPath = window.history.state.path;
newPath = currentPath.split('/');
newPath[newPath.length - 2] = model.get('slug');
newPath = newPath.join('/');
window.history.replaceState({path: newPath}, '', newPath);
return model;
}).catch((errors) => {
if (errors) {
this.get('notifications').showErrors(errors, {key: 'user.update'});
this.set('lastPromise', promise);
deleteUser() {
return this._deleteUser().then(() => {
}, () => {
toggleDeleteUserModal() {
if (this.get('deleteUserActionIsVisible')) {
password() {
let user = this.get('user');
if (user.get('isPasswordValid')) {
user.saveNewPassword().then((model) => {
// Clear properties from view
password: '',
newPassword: '',
ne2Password: ''
this.get('notifications').showAlert('Password updated.', {type: 'success', key: 'user.change-password.success'});
return model;
}).catch((errors) => {
this.get('notifications').showAPIError(errors, {key: 'user.change-password'});
} else {
// TODO: switch to in-line validation
this.get('notifications').showErrors(user.get('passwordValidationErrors'), {key: 'user.change-password'});
updateSlug(newSlug) {
let afterSave = this.get('lastPromise');
let promise;
promise = RSVP.resolve(afterSave).then(() => {
let slug = this.get('model.slug');
newSlug = newSlug || slug;
newSlug = newSlug.trim();
// Ignore unchanged slugs or candidate slugs that are empty
if (!newSlug || slug === newSlug) {
this.set('slugValue', slug);
return this.get('slugGenerator').generateSlug('user', newSlug).then((serverSlug) => {
// If after getting the sanitized and unique slug back from the API
// we end up with a slug that matches the existing slug, abort the change
if (serverSlug === slug) {
// Because the server transforms the candidate slug by stripping
// certain characters and appending a number onto the end of slugs
// to enforce uniqueness, there are cases where we can get back a
// candidate slug that is a duplicate of the original except for
// the trailing incrementor (e.g., this-is-a-slug and this-is-a-slug-2)
// get the last token out of the slug candidate and see if it's a number
let slugTokens = serverSlug.split('-');
let check = Number(slugTokens.pop());
// if the candidate slug is the same as the existing slug except
// for the incrementor then the existing slug should be used
if (isNumber(check) && check > 0) {
if (slug === slugTokens.join('-') && serverSlug !== newSlug) {
this.set('slugValue', slug);
this.set('slugValue', serverSlug);
this.set('lastPromise', promise);
transferOwnership() {
let user = this.get('user');
let url = this.get('ghostPaths.url').api('users', 'owner');
return this.get('ajax').put(url, {
data: {
owner: [{
id: user.get('id')
}).then((response) => {
// manually update the roles for the users that just changed roles
// because store.pushPayload is not working with embedded relations
if (response && isArray(response.users)) {
response.users.forEach((userJSON) => {
let user = this.store.peekRecord('user', userJSON.id);
let role = this.store.peekRecord('role', userJSON.roles[0].id);
user.set('role', role);
this.get('notifications').showAlert(`Ownership successfully transferred to ${user.get('name')}`, {type: 'success', key: 'owner.transfer.success'});
}).catch((error) => {
this.get('notifications').showAPIError(error, {key: 'owner.transfer'});
toggleTransferOwnerModal() {
if (this.get('canMakeOwner')) {
toggleUploadCoverModal() {
toggleUploadImageModal() {